THIRD SUNDAY OF EASTER 19th April, 2015 Peace be with you Our chief guide through the Easter Season is the Gospel writer John. But first we pause to hear Luke’s sequel to his story of the two disciples recognising Jesus in the breaking of the bread. Jesus comes into the room of gathered disciples and gives them his Easter gift: “Peace be with you”. What is this Peace that Jesus gives? A warm fuzzy feeling? No upsets in my life? No worries, anxiety, fear? That would not be living in the real world. Jesus knew anxiety, frustration, fear. But he also knew the overwhelming Love of the Father. It was his rock, his core, the essence of his life. How can I know the Peace of Jesus in my life? We know him still in the Breaking of the Bread; in his Word in the Scriptures; in his Presence in ourselves, the community and the world. To that world we must witness, as Pope Frances says - “Not as disciples and missionaries, but as missionary disciples’ Delia. Please note a change of venue for this important day! Holy Trinity Parish will celebrate Anzac Day as a part of our 8 Sunday Masses starting Saturday evening. The Catholic War Veteran’s Association are encouraging us to be a part of this one important Mass & celebration in our local area. I fully encourage and support this initiative and invite all interested to be a part of this special Mass at Our Lady’s in Cheltenham. ANZAC DAY – Saturday 25th April, 9.00am - Catholic War Veterans' Association Mass Our Lady of the Assumption Catholic Church, entry from Wilson Street, 9 Centre Dandenong Road, Cheltenham, Breakfast will follow in Exodus Hall—cost $7.50 (Children half price). Bookings essential for catering purposes. Contact Ted Donovan on 9583 5683 or or Cheltenham Parish on 9583 6161 or The City of Glen Eira ANZAC COMMEMORATION SERVICE this Sunday 2.30pm at the Cenotaph (north-west side, near Hawthorn Rd) in Caulfield Park We thank Peter Canavan (Vietnam vet) who has offered to place a wreath on behalf of Holy Trinity Parish. Trinity Parish Vanuatu Caritas Appeal Many thanks to everyone who came along and made this an enjoyable afternoon. Special thanks to Felix Lonel and his band of ‘distant cousins’ who provided lots of fun and great music to dance to. So far we have raised approx $1,200 which we will direct to Vanuatu Caritas. Did you know?……… You can now view the Parish Bulletin online at ‘’ If you wish to receive the Parish Bulletin, emailed direct to your computer, go to the website; on the right hand side you will see ‘Parish Bulletin Subscription’; enter your name and email address in the boxes provided; and click on ‘Subscribe’. This is a free service. We support the endeavours of the Royal Commission to bring healing to the victims of abuse. Church's website: OUR MASS TIMETABLE OUR PEOPLE & OUR CONTACT DETAILS (Subject to change) DAY TIME SERVICE COMMUNITY WEEK COMMENCING 20th April , 2015 9:15am Communion St. Paul’s Mass St. Peter’s Mass St. Paul’s 9:15am Communion St. Paul’s 10:00am Communion St Peter’s 10:00am Mass St Catherine’s Thurs 10:00am Mass St Paul’s Fri 10:00am Mass St Peter’s 8.30am Mass St. Catherine’s 8:00am Communion St. Peter’s 9:30-10am Reconciliation for children only St. Paul’s 6.00pm Mass St. Paul’s Pastoral Associates: Matilde Chia 6.30pm Mass St. Peter’s Secretary: Libby Thomas Mass St. Peter’s 8.30am Mass St. Catherine’s Mass St. Paul’s Mass St. Peter’s Mass St. Catherine’s Mass St Peter’s Mon HOLY TRINITY PARISH WEB PAGE: EMAIL: Priests: Michael Sierakowski, Paul Gurry, Clem Cafarella, Cyril Blake Pastoral Associates: Matilde Chia, Margaret Pinzone, Carmel Dyt, Delia Donahoe (OLSH), June Kellar, Liz Liston Catherine Green (Arrowsmith Program) Parish Manager: Libby Thomas St. Peter’s East Bentleigh OFFICE HOURS (Mon - Fri) 9am - 3pm St. Paul’s Bentleigh OFFICE HOURS (Mon - Fri) 9am - 3pm 844 Centre Road, East Bentleigh 3165 Ph: 9579 4255 Fax: 9570 4288 122 Jasper Road, Bentleigh 3204 Ph: 9557 1165 Fax: 9503 4575 Pastoral Associates: Carmel Dyt, Delia Donahoe, June Kellar Liz Liston Secretaries: Marion Quinn Trish Richards Sacramental Teachers Lidia Boschini Betty DeMarco Stewardship Program: Keith Gonsalvez Adult Faith Education: Chris Pearson Primary School Ann Cooper – Principal Margaret Smith - REC 9557 7130 10:00am 10:00am Tues Wed Sat 9.30am Sun 10.30am St. Catherine’s Moorabbin 5:30pm 2 Buchan Street, Moorabbin 3189 Ph: 9555 4242 Community Pastoral Associate: Margaret Pinzone Primary School Michael Juliff - Principal Secretary: Judi Fisher 9575 0909 Primary School Mrs Maria Angliss– Principal Ms Carmel Donlon - REC 9555 7200 Project Commpassion (so far) St. Peter’s $4,086.40 St. Paul’s $3,352.55 St. Catherine’s - TOTAL RECONCILIATION: 1/2 hr before each mass Emergency: Please call St. Peter’s and leave a message as we regularly attend this phone—03 9579 4255 $7,438.95 so far Collections: Last weekend 11th & 12th April 2015 Community Stewardship Presbytery St. Peter’s $5,374 $1,186 St. Paul’s $811 $630.30 St. Catherine’s $967 $525 ST. PAUL’S NOTICES FAMILY MASS: Thank you to our Year 6 children and their families who supported our Family Mass. We are also very grateful to our Youth/School choir for their music and singing. Thank you. SACRAMENTAL PROGRAM 2015: First Reconciliation Over 50 children of the Parish community will have their First Reconciliation on the following dates: 18th April, 2nd May, 9th May, 16 May & 23rd May. Please pray for these children as they prepare to experience God’s forgiveness and healing. We ask our Parishioners who wish to receive Reconciliation to wait until after all the children have been seen. CONFIRMATION 2015: The sacrament of Confirmation is a marvellous gift received by those grade 6 students preparing for it. The following diary dates for Confirmation 2015. You are required to attend: 21st May – Thursday – Confirmation Rehearsal TBA at the Family Faith Night. 22nd May – Confirmation Reflection Day TBA at the Family Faith Night. 29th May - Confirmation Celebration at 7pm. Other school children of the community may contact Matilde Chia (9557 1165) through the Parish office. Preparation Classes on a Wednesday at 4pm commencing on 22nd April 2015. FIRST EUCHARIST: Details will be available before end of Second Term for Grade 4 Students. KAIROS: A new issue No. 5 is available. Please place $2. in the St. Vincent De Paul box. ADORATION: Wednesday 3.00 — 4.00pm Friday 8.15 — 9.15am INFORMATION AVAILABLE ON NOTICE BOARDS • Jesus Youth Australia: Hours of Grace 2014 • • • • St. Peters Church 258 Clayton Rd, Clayton 20/04/14 (9am) to 27/04/14 (3pm) Bayside Life Vote Film Fundraiser: Boy Choir. Sunday 26 April 2015 at 4pm. Palace Dendy Brighton. RSVP: 23 April 2015. Youth Ball, 4/5/14, Thomas Moore Centre, St. Kevin’s: St. Patricks Cathedral Choral Scholarships for boys entering Yr 5 in 2015 Auditions 24/5/14 Applications close 16/5/14 Walk for the right to be Born 2014, 23rd-25th May. In the Boxes at the doors: • St. Paul’s School Newsletter ST. CATHERINE’S NOTICES BAPTISM We congratulate Emily Jarvinen who was baptised at the Easter Vigil. Today we celebrate the baptism of Jimmy Bailey, son of Laura & Jarrod. Please welcome this family and remember them in your prayers as they commence their journey of faith with their little one. CRAFTY LADIES The Craft Group will meet tomorrow at 1.00pm in the Sweeney Centre. New members and ideas always welcome. ST. VINCENT DE PAUL Next meeting on April 27th at 7pm, in the Sweeney Centre at St Catherine’s. All welcome. Sacramental Program. Parent initiated, School supported, Parish based, Reconciliation Year 3 2015 A number of children in our Parish Community will make their First Reconciliation on the following dates: 9th May, 16th May & 23rd May. Please kindly pray for these children as they prepare to experience God's love through forgiveness & healing. VOCATION VIEW What could convince someone to turn to God? That God became man and is the sacrifice that takes our sins away. Let us pray - Lord Jesus, make Your word plain to us and set our hearts on fire with love when You speak. Enable us to respond to the call to be witnesses of Your love. ADULT FAITH EDUCATION Spirituality in the Pub—SIP: ‘The Form and Functioning of families in Australia today’ Wed. 22nd April, 7:30 - Dr. Ruth Weston PSM Sandringham Hotel, Cnr Beach Rd & Melrose St. (Mel. 76 G9) Meals from 6pm Pls Book for meal 9598 7255 St. Teresa of Avila: The Contemplative in Action. Lecture by Prof. Bernard McGinn, (University of Chicago) One of the world’s leading scholars on Spiritualty and Mysticism, Wed. 29th April, 7-9pm, Catholic Leadership Centre , East Melbourne. Bookings: Campion Retreats in April and May You are very welcome to book on line a retreat or ongoing spiritual direction at Campion. Contact Campion Centre of Ignatian Spirituality. ST. PETER’S NOTICES St. Peter’s Prayer Group— MEETINGS/FUNCTIONS THIS WEEK Mon. 20th April 7:30pm St V de P Conference Meeting—Green Room. 8:00pm Charismatic Group—Anchor Wed 22nd April 4:00pm Sacramental Program— Thurs. 23rd April 7:30pm Green Room & Lounge Room Liturgy Team Meeting-Green Room Sacrament This Weekend We welcome the following children Joshua Gesterkamp, April Canham & Matthew De Giorgio into our community through Baptism Sacramental Programme 2015 For children NOT attending St. Peter’s Primary School Confirmation Classes Sundays 10-11am, McKenna Centre. (Confirmation,St. Patrick’s Cathedral 29th May, 1st Reconciliation Classes continue on Wednesdays. 4-5pm, St. Peter’s Church Green Rm. Pls ring Parish Office: 9579 4255. Lidia & Betty Thank You Anne Carr and family would like to thank the Parish Team and parishioners for their prayers and loving support throughout Peter’s illness, and in the preparation for and celebration of his Funeral Mass. Birthday Greetings to Joan Fennelly on her 93rd Birthday & Mary Spillman on her 96th birthday ” This Promise is for You” 6 Monday sessions, 13th April to 18th May, in the Anchor, All welcome. Lidia 9578 1962 ‘Called to Discipleship’ Thank you to those who signed up as Eucharist Ministers/Lectors. We are offering training for new and old Eucharist Ministers after each mass this weekend April 18th/19th and Lectors new and old after each mass May 2nd and 3rd. St Peter’s School is 150 years old this year. Yes the first little wooden school house was erected in 1865 on Centre Road near the site of the current hospital. We are looking for photographs (and memorabilia) pertaining to the history of the School that we could borrow for the 150th Anniversary. If anyone has any please contact the School Office on 9575 0909. Mass and tour of school will be held on Sunday, 21st June, more details soon Thanking you in anticipation Michael Juliff For Rent 1. Furnished room with private facilities, No Bond or bills, Non smoker, $170 per week. Pls ph 9551 4392 2. Residential 2 bedroom unit, Malane St. East Bentleigh, McKinnon school zone, available May 2015, $1,500 per month,Call Michael 0430 535 619 Congratulations & Best Wishes to Maria & Giacomo Donazzon on their 50th Wedding Anniversary GENERAL NOTICES Trinity Parish Youth Group Year 7, 8 & 9 Bowling Night, Sat. 2nd May, 5-7pm Moorabbin Bowl, Nepean Highway. Cost: $20pp—includes 2 games + light snacks. BYO drink bottle or extra money if you want to buy a drink. Please let us know if you are coming so we can organise how many lanes to book, this needs to be done the week before!! Hope to see you there. Dom & Ellen 0408 381 604 Musical Evening with Fr. Paul— East Malvern RSL, Mel. 285,M18, Mon. 20th April, Meal optional, 6:30pm, Show $10. Bookings Marg Barthelson 9579 5380. TRINITY BOOK CLUB Trinity Book Club is reading ‘Nora Webster’ by Colm Toibin for the May 7 meeting. Do join us. Mercy Connect Melbourne. Volunteer Opportunity Assisting Refugee and Asylum Seeker students in schools Half a day per week for 4 school terms Retired, casual and part time teachers encouraged to apply. Contact Sr. Mary Lewis RSM 9326 1895 or email somml@bigpond .com OLSH COLLEGE REUNIONS—2015 Sat. 16 May – 40th Reunion for the Class of 1975 At the College from 2-5pm. Email Anne (Geehman) Oxlade check Facebook events page OLSH College Class of 75 Reunion. Sat. 23 May – 30th Reunion for the Class of 1985: Email and check Facebook OLSH Bentleigh Class of 1985. Sat. 23 May – 10th Reunion for the Class of 2005: At the College 2- 5pm. Contact Catherine (Patterson) Millwood on Facebook OLSH Class of 2005. Sun. 13 Sept. – 20th Reunion for the Class of 1995:U Time 3pm onwards, venue TBA. Email with your updated details. Tanya (Robbins) Sawtell and Liz (Telfer) Tregoning. ST. PETER’S ROSTER PARISHIONERS DATE LECTORS 6.30pm—Joan Kenny, Dani Forward 8.30am—Peter Carolan, Ronnie Vickers 10.30am—Jackie Francis, Noel Thomas 5.30pm—Sheryl Collins, Sue O’Mahoney 25th & 26th April PRESBYTERY COUNTERS GRP 1: Barry Linton, Liz Coyne, Brian McKernan, Tina Virgona Sun 26th April THANKSGIVING COUNTERS GRP 3: Allan Tierney, Cyril Johnstone, Kate Robert, Margaret Brennan Sun 26th April SACRISTAN GRP 1: Maree Slater, Helen Ward, Jaqui Cant, Maria Mernone Sat 25th April FATIMA STATUE Morcom Family—Blamey Street Sun 19th April Ainsworth Family—Axford Crescent Sun 26th April Pri Fernando (Sun) Michael Hill (Sun) 19th April Marj Brady (Wed) Lorna Melder (Wed) 22nd 29th April 6th & 13th May MOORABBIN HOSPITAL VISIT ST. PAUL’S ROSTER 26th April & 3rd May PARISHIONERS DATE Sun 12th April COUNTERS Sun 19th April VOCATIONS / CHALICE Maureen Knight (Sat) Maureen Burrows (Sat) 11th & 18th April 11th & 12th April Lisa Perez Teresa Meyer (L) (L) Kate Rabel Liz Vinning (R) (R) (Sat) (Sun) Family Mass Kerry Burns (L) Margaret McGowan (R) (Sun) LECTORS COMPUTER OPERATORS: GIFTS EUCHARISTIC MINISTERS: 18th & 19th April De Losa Family (Sat) Arrighi Family (Sun) 11th & 12th April De Losa Family (Sat) Peter Whitelaw (Sun) 18th & 19th April Madhusudan Family (Sat) Murphy Family (Sun) 11th & 12th April Family Mass (Sat) Wright-Smith Family (Sun) 18th & 19th April Station 1: Station 2: Station 3: Saturday April Station 1: Station 2: Station 3: Sunday No Sunday Cuppa: School Holidays 12th April Margaret Mercer and Lillian Vella 19th April 1: Rosemary Green 12th April MORNING TEA (HALL) COMMUNION TO THE SICK ST. CATHERINE’S ROSTER 2: Herbert Saldanha 3: Maria Pellizzer PARISHIONERS DATE COUNTERS Judi & Kevin Fisher Mon 27th Apr ALTAR SOCIETY Daniela Pitrone Sat 25th April LECTORS 8.30am: Patricia Buchanan 10.30am: Matt Lovegrove Sun 26th April EUCHARISTIC MINISTERS 8.30am: Pina Infanti 10.30am: Sue Dea Sun 26th April COMPUTER OPERATORS 8.30am: Anthony Wrzesinski 10.30am: Garry Clynes Sun 26th April FATIMA STATUE Molloy Family Mon 27th April THIRD SUNDAY OF EASTER GOSPEL: Luke 24:35-48 The disciples told their story of what had happened on the road and how they had recognised Jesus at the breaking of bread. They were still talking about all this when Jesus himself stood among them and said to them, ‘Peace be with you!’ In a state of alarm and fright, they thought they were seeing a ghost. But he said, ‘Why are you so agitated, and why are these doubts rising in your hearts? Look at my hands and feet; yes, it is I indeed. Touch me and see for yourselves; a ghost has no flesh and bones as you can see I have.’ And as he said this he showed them his hands and feet. Their joy was so great that they could not believe it, and they stood dumbfounded; so he said to them, ‘Have you anything here to eat?’ And they offered him a piece of grilled fish, which he took and ate before their eyes. Then he told them, ‘This is what I meant when I said, while I was still with you, that everything written about me in the Law of Moses, in the Prophets and in the Psalms, has to be fulfilled.’ He then opened their minds to understand the scriptures, and he said to them, ‘So you see how it is written that the Christ would suffer and on the third day rise from the dead, and that, in his name, repentance for the forgiveness of sins would be preached to all the nations, beginning from Jerusalem. You are witnesses to this.’ Lord, we commend to you people in need: Those who are sick: St Peter’s: John Dineen (Delia’s relative), Maree Prior, Paul Nielsen, Pat Callanan, Stanley Wright, Jane Wheelahan, Solange Ibriham, Bruce Armstrong, Fr. Lauri Leonard, Doug Willans, Moira Bugg, Simon Trinh, Doreen Brown, Anna Marteon, Peter & Marie Bergin, Sheryl Martin, Aurora Cubero, Pat Huggins, Michael Griffin, Christina Andersen, Sarah, Elisa D’Elia, John Madden, Paul Houston, Rachael Hailstone, Roland Fernandez, Ann Dodd, Merle Milner, Cresencia Elchico, John Jackson, June Jackson, MariaElena De Sa, Valmai Rogers, Matt Milanovic, Joan Clarke, Dorotea Moniz, Alfio Pappalardo, Claude Darga, Stephanie & Amelie Francois, Maria Kyunghee Chu, Duncan McMillan, Melissa Jovanovic, Bill Tilley, Dorothy Nolan, Cathy Davies, Guiseppe Mase, Cathy Hogan, Nigel Harbach, Kathleen Murphy, Abby, Jacqui Slattery, Daniel Pintado, Recently Deceased: St. Peter’s: Giacomo Turcarelli St Paul’s: Emily Yagmoor, Siobhan Dodds (daughter of Rosemary & Geoff Green) 1 Month Remembrance: St Paul’s: Carlota Grijalba St Catherine’s: Marion Hickey 1st Anniversary Remembrance: St. Peter’s: Fr. Lou Heriot, Nancy Laragy, Pat Monigatti St Paul’s: David Casella, Anniversaries occurring at this time: St Peter’s: Richard Melder (8yrs), Lucchese family members, Donozzon family members, Ted (11yrs) & Ann (10yrs) Coyne (Liz’s parents), Elaine Henry (19yrs), St Paul’s: Anne Taylor, Elizabeth Wort, Camile Riley, Judith Westcott, Sharon Boyd, Elisa D’Elia, Harry Malatsis, St Paul’s: Tony Ziino, Anne Brennan, Bertram Geileskey, Veronica O’Donnell Tanya Wall, St Catherine’s: Sue Saddler, Jean Sutton, Paul McKay, Paul Madden, Joan Clarke, Joanne Barry, Robert Boileau, Paul Dwyer, Tony Infanti, Minna Beer, Trenna Scanlon St Catherine’s: Joyce McGaw (2yrs), Con Gasparini, George Jones, Harry Thomsen, Janet Fleming, Jack Clarke, Leo Falconieri, Mick Reed, Gabriella Fasolino, Peter Briggs, Peter Sidaway BULLETIN NOTICES DEADLINES St. Peter’s Trish Richards & Marion Quinn, 9579 4255, Thursday St. Paul’s Libby Thomas, 9557 1165, Thursday 9am St. Catherine’s Judi Fisher - or in letterbox at Presbytery Thursday 9am
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