SECOND SUNDAY OF EASTER 12th April, 2015 Reflection: In today’s gospel there are three scenes. In the first scene the disciples are hiding behind closed doors in fear of reprisals from those who executed Jesus. In their closed room Jesus appears among them, offering a greeting of peace and tells them that he has been sent by God to give them the gift of the Holy Spirit. Jesus commissions his disciples in turn to bring God’s peace and forgiveness to others through the power of the Holy Spirit. In the second and third scenes the focus is on Thomas who was not the trusting type and harboured doubts. Christians today harbour doubts like Thomas and we need Jesus’ words to him ‘Peace be with you’ to reach out to our generations of Christians for whom John was writing: doubt can be overcome by faith and the Risen Lord can be recognised. In today’s world, there are atrocities being done to people that causes fear, loss of hope and doubt in humanity. To move us beyond our own fears and to embrace the pain of our wider world we need the example and care of others who believe in the Risen Lord. To be in touch with the wounds of our world in a peaceful and healing way enables us to find God. Let us listen to Pope Francis who reminded Christians in his Easter homily of the strength which comes from Christ’s death and resurrection, calling them to be witnesses of peace and justice, especially for those suffering today in regions of extreme violence and persecution. Drusilla Gonsalvez Trinity Parish Vanuatu Caritas Appeal Fundraiser/Social This Sunday, 12th April, 2-5pm, St. Paul’s Hall, Bentleigh Music, Live Band, bring your own drinks and nibbles, tea/coffee provided. Sign up sheets at Easter. Entry: $10 pp to go to Appeal. ALL WELCOME (They need our help!) Second Conversation in Faith — with Bishop Mark Edwards newly consecrated auxiliary bishop for Melbourne, Thurs. April 16th at 7.30 pm in the McKenna Centre. Born in Indonesia; educated at Mazenod College; graduated Bachelor of Science from Monash University; then entered the Missionary Oblates of Mary Immaculate (Oblates) in 1980. He made his final profession as an Oblate in 1984 and was ordained in 1986. He continued his studies at Monash obtaining Bachelor of Letters and a Doctorate in Philosophy. He has been a teacher, a Novice Master, a Lecturer at CTU and various other formation posts within his order, until he was consecrated a bishop in Dec 2014 We wish to welcome Bishop Mark to our community; invite him to share something of his faith journey; and to allow us to respond in a conversation with him. THANK YOU - Our Holy Week Liturgies across all three communities were fantastic and the large number of people who attended these sacred days reflected a wonderful energy. A number of collections were taken up during these ceremonies and I offer you their details on page 2. A special thank you for your generosity over these days. Our largest collection during Lent is Project Compassion and we will continue to collect and update you on this final amount. Many thanks for your support. Michael We support the endeavours of the Royal Commission to bring healing to the victims of abuse. Church's website: DAY OUR PEOPLE & OUR CONTACT DETAILS TIME SERVICE WEEK COMMENCING 13th April , 2015 9:15am Communion St. Paul’s 10:00am Funeral Mass Giovanni Taranto St. Peter’s Funeral Mass Antonio Boccari St. Peter’s 10:00am Mass St. Paul’s 10:00am Funeral Mass Peter Carr St Peter’s 9:15am Communion St. Paul’s 10:00am Communion St Peter’s 10:00am Mass St Catherine’s Thurs 10:00am Mass St Paul’s Fri 10:00am Mass St Peter’s 8.30am Mass St. Catherine’s 8:00am Communion St. Peter’s 9:30-10am Reconciliation St. Paul’s 6.00pm Mass St. Paul’s 6.30pm Mass St. Peter’s Mass St. Peter’s Mass St. Catherine’s Mass St. Paul’s Mass St. Peter’s Mass St. Catherine’s Mass St Peter’s Mon 1:00pm HOLY TRINITY PARISH WEB PAGE: EMAIL: Tues Priests: Michael Sierakowski, Paul Gurry, Clem Cafarella, Cyril Blake Pastoral Associates: Matilde Chia, Margaret Pinzone, Carmel Dyt, Delia Donahoe (OLSH), June Kellar, Liz Liston Catherine Green (Arrowsmith Program) Parish Manager: Libby Thomas St. Peter’s East Bentleigh OFFICE HOURS (Mon - Fri) 9am - 3pm St. Paul’s Bentleigh OFFICE HOURS (Mon - Fri) 9am - 3pm 844 Centre Road, East Bentleigh 3165 Ph: 9579 4255 Fax: 9570 4288 122 Jasper Road, Bentleigh 3204 Ph: 9557 1165 Fax: 9503 4575 Pastoral Associates: Carmel Dyt, Delia Donahoe, June Kellar Liz Liston Secretaries: Marion Quinn Trish Richards Sacramental Teachers Lidia Boschini Betty DeMarco Stewardship Program: Keith Gonsalvez Adult Faith Education: Chris Pearson COMMUNITY Wed Sat Pastoral Associates: Matilde Chia Secretary: Libby Thomas Primary School Ann Cooper – Principal Margaret Smith - REC 9557 7130 8.30am 9.30am Sun 10.30am St. Catherine’s Moorabbin 2 Buchan Street, Moorabbin 3189 Ph: 9555 4242 5:30pm Collections: Last weekend 4th & 5th April 2015 Good Friday Holy Places Project Commpassion (so far) Easter Offerings St. Peter’s $2,475 $3,804 $1,000 St. Paul’s $ 973 $3,114 $ 540 St. Catherine’s $ 430 - $ 470 $3,878 $6,918 so far 2,010 Community Pastoral Associate: Margaret Pinzone Primary School Michael Juliff - Principal Secretary: Judi Fisher 9575 0909 Primary School Mrs Maria Angliss– Principal Ms Carmel Donlon - REC 9555 7200 RECONCILIATION: 1/2 hr before each mass Emergency: Please call St. Peter’s and leave a message as we regularly attend this phone—03 9579 4255 TOTAL Community Stewardship Presbytery St. Peter’s $5,257 $4,524 St. Paul’s $1,361 $1,722.85 $827 $613 St. Catherine’s ST. PAUL’S NOTICES SACRAMENTAL PROGRAM 2015: First Reconciliation Over 50 children of the Parish community will have their First Reconciliation on the following dates: 18th April, 2nd May, 9th May, 16 May & 23rd May. Please pray for these children as they prepare to experience God’s forgiveness and healing. CONFIRMATION 2015: The sacrament of Confirmation is the next step in the sacrament of initiation and at the same time confirms our baptismal promises made for us by our parents. It is a marvellous gift received by those grade 6 students preparing for it. Children must have received the sacraments of First Reconciliation and First Eucharist prior to Confirmation. The following diary dates for Confirmation 2015. You are required to attend: 15th April – Family Faith & Enrolment Night 6.45pm – 8pm . 18/19 April (18th April at 6pm, a family Mass and presentation of candidates weekend) details will be available at the Family Faith Night. 21st May – Thursday – Confirmation Rehearsal TBA at the Family Faith Night. 22nd May – Confirmation Reflection Day TBA at the Family Faith Night. 29th May - Confirmation Celebration at 7pm. Other school children of the community may contact Matilde Chia (9557 1165) through the Parish office. Preparation Classes on a Wednesday at 4pm commencing on 22nd April 2015. FIRST EUCHARIST: Details will be available before end of Second Term for Grade 4 Students. BAPTISMS: We congratulate Tahlia Lyons daughter of Mitchell and Samantha, Nash Quinn son of Anthony & Rochelle, Finn Last son of George and Camille, Charlie and Jack Skinner sons of Ben and Helen who will be baptised this Sunday. We thank their families for bringing these children to Baptism and support them as they commence their journey of faith. CATHOLIC WAR VETERANS ANZAC DAY MASS: The annual Anzac Commemoration Mass for the Catholic War Veterans will be hosted by St. Catherine’s this year. Mass Saturday, 25th April at 10.00am. Everyone is welcome to come along and remember those who fought for our country. Morning tea will be served at the conclusion of the Mass. INFORMATION AVAILABLE ON NOTICE BOARDS • Jesus Youth Australia: Hours of Grace 2014 • • • • St. Peters Church 258 Clayton Rd, Clayton 20/04/14 (9am) to 27/04/14 (3pm) Bayside Life Vote Film Fundraiser: Boy Choir. Sunday 26 April 2015 at 4pm. Palace Dendy Brighton. RSVP: 23 April 2015. Youth Ball, 4/5/14, Thomas Moore Centre, St. Kevin’s: St. Patricks Cathedral Choral Scholarships for boys entering Yr 5 in 2015 Auditions 24/5/14 Applications close 16/5/14 Walk for the right to be Born 2014, 23rd-25th May. PROJECT COMPASSION BOXES: Thankyou to all who have returned their boxes. If you still have a box to return please place it in the container in front of Our Lady’s Altar. Thank you for your generous support of Caritas. KAIROS: A new issue No. 5 is available. Please place $2. in the St. Vincent De Paul box. ADORATION: Wednesday 3.00 — 4.00pm Friday 8.15 — 9.15am FAMILY MASS: Will be celebrated with Grade 6 students on Saturday 18th April 2015 at 6pm. Our school/youth choir will lead us in prayer and song. They will rehearse from 5:30pm-6.30pm in the church on Friday the 17th April. Anyone wanting to be part of the choir please contact Vina Pinto on or phone/text 0411 516 837. Thank you. ST. CATHERINE’S NOTICES CRAFTY LADIES The Craft Group will NOT meet tomorrow. ST. VINCENT DE PAUL Next meeting on April 13th at 7pm, in the Sweeney Centre at St Catherine’s. All welcome. VOCATION VIEW Easter: resurrection and new life; to be begotten by God. A new life, achieved from a conquered tomb. Meaning for life for people for thousands of years. Nothing more secure, nothing more lasting. "As the Father sent me, so I am sending you...". EXULTET (One of the most ancient hymns of Easter Proclamation in Western Christian Liturgy) Exult, let them exult, the hosts of heaven exult Let Angel Ministers of God exult Let the trumpet of salvation sound aloud our mighty King’s triumph ! Be glad, let earth be glad, as glory floods her, ablaze with light from her eternal King. Let all corners of the earth be glad, knowing an end to gloom and darkness – Rejoice. Let Mother Church also rejoice, arrayed with the lightening of his glory Let this holy building shake with joy, filled with the mighty voices of the peoples. This is the night that even now, throughout the world, sets Christian believers apart from worldly vices and the gloom of sin, leading them to grace and joining them with his holy ones. This is the night when Christ broke the prison bars of death and rose victorious from the underworld. Our birth would have been no gain had we not been redeemed. O wonder of your humble care for us ! O love, O charity beyond all telling; to ransom a slave, you gave away your Son ! O truly necessary sin of Adam, destroyed completely by the death of Christ ! O happy fault that earned so glorious a Redeemer ! O truly blessed night, worthy alone to know the time and hour when Christ rose from the underworld! This is the night of which it is written: the night shall be as bright as day, dazzling is the night for me, and full of gladness. The sanctifying power of this night dispels wickedness, restores innocence to the fallen, and joy to mourners; drives out hatred, fosters concord and brings down the mighty. [[ On this night of grace O holy Father, accept this candle, a solemn offering, the work of bees and of your servants’ hands, an evening sacrifice of praise, this gift from your holy Church. But now we know the praises of this pillar, which glowing fire ignites for God’s honour, a fire into many flames divided, yet never dimmed by sharing of its light, for it is fed by melting wax, drawn out by mother bees to build a torch so precious. O truly blessed night when things of heaven are wed to those of earth, and divine to the human. Therefore, O Lord, we pray you that this candle, hallowed to the honour of you name, may persevere undimmed, to overcome the darkness of this night. Receive it as a pleasing fragrance, and let it mingle with the light of heaven. May this flame be found still burning by the Morning Star; the one Morning Star who never sets, Christ your Son, who, coming back from death’s domain, has shed his peaceful light on humanity, and lives and reigns for ever and ever. Amen ST. PETER’S NOTICES St. Peter’s Prayer Group— MEETINGS/FUNCTIONS THIS WEEK Mon. 13th April 7:30pm St V de P Conference Meeting—Green Room. 8:00pm Charismatic Group—Anchor Wed 15th April 4:00pm Sacramental Program— Green Room & Lounge Room Sacrament This Weekend We welcome the following children Theodore Swaine, Alessia Di Paolo, Max & Archie Unger, Archie & Zoe Zoppos into our community through Baptism Children’s Liturgy of the Word for pre-school and primary school children. First 2 Sundays of the month. 10:30am Mass, Sunday, 12th April Come and share the Gospel and get to know other children at St. Peter’s Sacramental Programme 2015 For children NOT attending St. Peter’s Primary School Confirmation Classes Sundays 10-11am, McKenna Centre. (Confirmation at St. Patrick’s Cathedral on 29th May, 2015) 1st Reconciliation Classes continue on Wednesdays. 4-5pm, St. Peter’s Church Green Rm. Pls ring Parish Office: 9579 4255. Lidia & Betty ” This Promise is for You” 6 Monday sessions, 13th April to 18th May, in the Anchor, All welcome. Lidia 9578 1962 ‘Called to Discipleship’ Thank you to those who signed up as Eucharist Ministers/Lectors. We are offering training for new and old Eucharist Ministers after each mass April 18th/19th and Lectors new and old after each mass May 2nd and 3rd. St Peter’s School is 150 years old this year. Yes the first little wooden school house was erected in 1865 on Centre Road near the site of the current hospital. We are looking for photographs (and memorabilia) pertaining to the history of the School that we could borrow for the 150th Anniversary. If anyone has any please contact the School Office on 9575 0909. Thanking you in anticipation Michael Juliff Thank you: I would like to thank St. Peter’s Community for their prayers and support during my illness. Peter Brady. 1. 2. For Rent Furnished room with private facilities, No Bond or bills, Non smoker, $170 per week. Pls ph 9551 4392 Residential 2 bedroom unit, Malane St. East Bentleigh, McKinnon school zone, available May 2015, $1,500 per month,Call Michael 0430 535 619 ADULT FAITH EDUCATION Spirituality in the Pub—SIP: ‘The Form and Functioning of families in Australia today’ Wed. 22nd April, 7:30 - Dr. Ruth Weston PSM Sandringham Hotel, Cnr Beach Rd & Melrose St. (Mel. 76 G9) Meals from 6pm Pls Book for meal 9598 7255 GENERAL NOTICES The MONTHLY WALK BY THE BAY is this THURSDAY April 9th. We leave Martin St. Gardenvale Foreshore at 9.15am walk to St. Kilda pier for coffee, then back. ALL WELCOME. Next dates:; May 14th; June 11th. Enq. 9578 7374 OLSH COLLEGE REUNIONS—2015 Sat. 16 May – 40th Reunion for the Class of 1975 At the College from 2-5pm. Email Anne (Geehman) Oxlade check Facebook events page OLSH College Class of 75 Reunion. Sat. 23 May – 30th Reunion for the Class of 1985: Email and check Facebook OLSH Bentleigh Class of 1985. Sat. 23 May – 10th Reunion for the Class of 2005: At the College 2- 5pm. Contact Catherine (Patterson) Millwood on Facebook OLSH Class of 2005. Sun. 13 Sept. – 20th Reunion for the Class of 1995:U Time 3pm onwards, venue TBA. Email with your updated details. Tanya (Robbins) Sawtell and Liz (Telfer) Tregoning. PROJECT COMPASSION BOXES are due back now ANZAC DAY – Saturday 25th April: Catholic War Veterans' Association Mass The Catholic War Veterans invite all ex-personnel, spouses, relatives and Parish friends to celebrate Anzac Day with Mass and a flag raising ceremony followed by breakfast at Our Lady of the Assumption Catholic Church, 9 Centre Dandenong Road, Cheltenham, entry from Wilson Street, Mass commences at 9.00am. Breakfast will follow in Exodus Hall—cost $15 (Children half price) Bookings essential for catering purposes. Contact Ted Donovan on 9583 5683 or or Cheltenham Parish on 9583 6161 or Musical Evenings with Fr. Paul S.O.C. Victor Rod , Bentleigh East, Tues, 14th April, 6:30pm Meal $20, show $10 2. East Malvern RSL, Mel. 285,M18, Mon. 20th April, Meal optional, 6:30pm, Show $10. Bookings Marg Barthelson 9579 5380. 1. ST. PETER’S ROSTER PARISHIONERS DATE LECTORS 6.30pm—Trisha D’Lima, Sr. Delia Donahoe 8.30am—Suzanne Will, Margaret Bellesini 10.30am—Anne & John Lo Schiavo 5.30pm—Cynthia White & Kerry Bratby 18th & 19th April PRESBYTERY COUNTERS GRP 4: Mary’Anne Phillips, Paul & Maria Thursky Sun 19th April THANKSGIVING COUNTERS GRP 2: Bill Dooley, Martin Cleary, Carmel Recupero, Merv Hancock Sun 19th April SACRISTAN GRP 12: Jenny Honey, Colleen Nielsen, Denise Egan, Alice Sullivan Sat 18th April FATIMA STATUE Rocha Family– Centre Road Sun 12th April Morcom Family—Blamey Street Sun 19th April Pri Fernando (Sun) Michael Hill (Sun) 12th & 19th April Liz Liston (Wed) Marj Brady (Wed) 15th April 22nd 29th April MOORABBIN HOSPITAL VISIT ST. PAUL’S ROSTER 26th April & 3rd May PARISHIONERS DATE Sun 12th April COUNTERS Sun 19th April VOCATIONS / CHALICE Maureen Knight (Sat) Maureen Burrows (Sat) 11th & 18th April 11th & 12th April Lisa Perez Teresa Meyer (L) (L) Kate Rabel Liz Vinning (R) (R) (Sat) (Sun) Family Mass Kerry Burns (L) Margaret McGowan (R) (Sun) LECTORS COMPUTER OPERATORS: GIFTS EUCHARISTIC MINISTERS: 18th & 19th April De Losa Family (Sat) Arrighi Family (Sun) 11th & 12th April De Losa Family (Sat) Peter Whitelaw (Sun) 18th & 19th April Madhusudan Family (Sat) Murphy Family (Sun) 11th & 12th April Family Mass (Sat) Wright-Smith Family (Sun) 18th & 19th April Station 1: Station 2: Station 3: Saturday April Station 1: Station 2: Station 3: Sunday No Sunday Cuppa: School Holidays 12th April Margaret Mercer and Lillian Vella 19th April 1: Rosemary Green 12th April MORNING TEA (HALL) COMMUNION TO THE SICK ST. CATHERINE’S ROSTER 2: Herbert Saldanha 3: Maria Pellizzer PARISHIONERS DATE COUNTERS Ana Inchausti, Geno Pinzone Mon 20th Apr ALTAR SOCIETY Angela Caltabiano Sat 18th April LECTORS 8.30am: Stephen Caltabiano 10.30am: Margaret Commons Sun 19th April EUCHARISTIC MINISTERS 8.30am: Krystyna Wrzesinski 10.30am: Bernard Gill Sun 19th April COMPUTER OPERATORS 8.30am: Stephen Caltabiano 10.30am: Pauline Phelan Sun 19th April FATIMA STATUE Sillikens Family Mon 20th April SECOND SUNDAY OF EASTER GOSPEL John 20: 19-31 After eight days, Jesus came in and stood among them. In the evening of that same day, the first day of the week, the doors were closed in the room where the disciples were, for fear of the Jews. Jesus came and stood among them. He said to them, ‘Peace be with you,’ and showed them his hands and his side. The disciples were filled with joy when they saw the Lord, and he said to them again, ‘Peace be with you.’ ‘As the Father sent me, so am I sending you.’ After saying this he breathed on them and said: ‘Receive the Holy Spirit. For those whose sins you forgive, they are forgiven; for those whose sins you retain, they are retained.’ Thomas, called the Twin, who was one of the Twelve, was not with them when Jesus came. When the disciples said, ‘We have seen the Lord’, he answered, ‘Unless I see the holes that the nails made in his hands and can put my finger into the holes they made, and unless I can put my hand into his side, I refuse to believe.’ Eight days later the disciples were in the house again and Thomas was with them. The doors were closed, but Jesus came in and stood among them. ‘Peace be with you’ he said. Then he spoke to Thomas, ‘Put your finger here; look, here are my hands. Give me your hand; put it into my side. Doubt no longer but believe.’ Thomas replied, ‘My Lord and my God!’ Jesus said to him: ‘You believe because you can see me. Happy are those who have not seen and yet believe.’ There were many other signs that Jesus worked and the disciples saw, but they are not recorded in this book. These are recorded so that you may believe that Jesus is the Christ, the Son of God, and that believing this you may have life through his name. Lord, we commend to you people in need: Those who are sick: St Peter’s: Maree Prior, Paul Nielsen, Pat Callanan, Stanley Wright, Jane Wheelahan, Solange Ibriham, Bruce Armstrong, Fr. Lauri Leonard, Doug Willans, Moira Bugg, Simon Trinh, Doreen Brown, Anna Marteon, Peter & Marie Bergin, Sheryl Martin, Aurora Cubero, Pat Huggins, Michael Griffin, Christina Andersen, Sarah, Elisa D’Elia, John Madden, Paul Houston, Rachael Hailstone, Roland Fernandez, Ann Dodd, Merle Milner, Cresencia Elchico, John Jackson, June Jackson, Maria-Elena De Sa, Valmai Rogers, Matt Milanovic, Joan Clarke, Dorotea Moniz, Alfio Pappalardo, Claude Darga, Stephanie & Amelie Francois, Maria Kyunghee Chu, Duncan McMillan, Melissa Jovanovic, Bill Tilley, Dorothy Nolan, Cathy Davies, Guiseppe Mase, Cathy Hogan, Nigel Harbach, Kathleen Murphy, Abby, Jacqui Slattery, Daniel Pintado, Recently Deceased: St. Peter’s: Peter Carr, Giovanni Taranto, Antonio Boccari, Eric Kilbride, St Paul’s: Abby Lamanna St Catherine’s: Bill Wilkingson, Josephine Attard 1 Month Remembrance: St. Peter’s: Joseph D’Cunha, Joseph Famularo 1st Anniversary Remembrance: St. Peter’s: Winifred Allen, Connie Bazzani St Paul’s: Mena Child Anniversaries occurring at this time: St Paul’s: Anne Taylor, Elizabeth Wort, Camile Riley, Judith Westcott, Sharon Boyd, Elisa D’Elia, Harry Malatsis, St Peter’s: Mirella Dodd (10yrs), Alice Brady (16yrs), Brian O’Connor Tanya Wall, St Paul’s: Kevin Burnett, Frank Kennelly, St Catherine’s: Sue Saddler, Jean Sutton, Paul McKay, Paul Madden, Joan Clarke, Joanne Barry, Robert Boileau, PaulineCooney, Doreen Clarke, Nicholas Martin, Paul Dwyer, Tony Infanti, Minna Beer, Trenna Scanlon St Catherine’s: Christina Crothers, Amiel Morrison, Marie Younes, Giselle Busittil BULLETIN NOTICES DEADLINES St. Peter’s Trish Richards & Marion Quinn, 9579 4255, Thursday St. Paul’s Libby Thomas, 9557 1165, Thursday 9am St. Catherine’s Judi Fisher - or in letterbox at Presbytery Thursday 9am
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