Holy Trinity Catholic Church 2012 3rd Avenue, Trail, B.C. Website: www.holytrinityparish.vpweb.ca MARCH 15th Pastors Message: PARISH OFFICE Tuesday - Friday: 9:30 am - 3:30 pm Closed for lunch 12:30 pm - 1:00 pm Phone: 250-368-6677; Fax: 250-368-3811 Forgiveness is the greatest gift two people can share with one another, but it requires a lot more work than most people are willing to do. For true forgiveness is not just a matter of saying “I’m sorry,” in order to re-establish some form of peace in the relationship but it is a work of love that is open to growth and a desire for intimacy. STAFF: Pastor – Fr. Bart van Roijen htppastor@shaw.ca Secretary – Marianne Hubbard holytrinitytrail@shaw.ca Office of Catechesis--Elizabeth Stephens holytrinityrel.ed@shaw.ca Custodian – Johanna Greenwood EXPOSITION: Every Thursday following morning Mass. CONFESSION: Thursday’s during Exposition of the Blessed Sacrament from 9:30am-10:15 am. Saturday’s, 4-5pm. Readings for the 5th Sunday of Lent March 22, 2015 First Reading: Jeremiah 31.31-34 ++ Responsorial Psalm: “Create in me a clean heart, O God.” Second Reading: Hebrews 5.7-9 Gospel: John 12.20-33 WEEKDAY & SUNDAY MASS SCHEDULE March 16th - March 22nd , 2015 Monday March 16 9:00 am Rebecca, Stan & INT Hannah Stark March 17 9:00 pm Italia DiPasquale Tuesday Wednesday March 18 12:00 pm General Intercessions Thursday March 19 9:00 am Aldo Binotto Friday March 20 9:00 am Bonnie Gruden Saturday March 21 7:00 pm Saverio Perri Sunday March 22 8:30 am For the Parishioners 10:30 am Maria Cupello Mass: Wednesday MASS AT CARE FACILITIES March 18 Thursday March 19 Saturday March 21 Rosewood Village Ada Delbone Columbia View Lodge Poplar Ridge 10:30 am † 11:00 am 10:30 am SUNDAY March 8, 2015 Pastors’ Message: $ 3,472.75 † † † † † The gift of forgiveness always begins in a spirit of prayer and self-examination. By opening ourselves up to the liberating power of God’s Word that challenges us in our sinfulness, we grow in our awareness of the love we are called to live. Time and time again, as we reflect on the love of God in Christ we are struck by its life-giving power and how it draws us to respond in kind. Drawn by prayer and the power of God’s Word our hearts are softened, our vision is restored and our wills take on a new resolve. Now is the time for faith, not only in God, but in the person with whom we had a falling out. For to seek true forgiveness we must be willing to become vulnerable towards them. We must be willing to open up to them, express the reasons for our sorrow and to ask that their hearts might be softened towards us. True forgiveness requires that we lay ourselves open before the other. Only then can true healing take place. A failure to trust, sometimes for good reasons, can impede this process. So too, the pride we so often hang onto that is unwilling to suffer the cost. But for those who are able to trust in the goodness of the other, and are able to share their inner struggles with them, the path of forgiveness can help to re-invigorate heart-to-heart communication and can serve as the means towards greater intimacy. If we can entrust our fears, insecurities and struggles with another and call forth the support of the other, our weaknesses can be the means by which we open up to them and our sins can be the very means by which God’s Grace can be felt anew. Fraternally in Christ, Fr. Bart van Roijen The Season of Lent PARISH POTLUCK DINNER AND REFLECTION will be held on Sunday March 22nd. Fr. Bart will do a short Lenten Reflection at 4:45 pm – 5:15 pm, supper to begin at 5:30 pm. This will be followed by fellowship and fun. Bring your favourite potluck dish to share and your place settings. SOUP & BUN LUNCHEON following the noon Mass each Wednesday during Lent at Holy Trinity. This week it will be sponsored by the Annable Ladies. Proceeds will go towards Development & Peace. Cost is by donation. Last week $ 202.20 was raised for D & P. A big thank you to the Holy Trinity CWL. STATIONS OF THE CROSS will be each Friday at Holy Trinity Parish following the morning mass. PALM SUNDAY BAKE SALE - March 28th/29 after all masses: Holy Trinity CWL appreciates Parish support of this fundraiser for the Nelson Diocesan Convention which we are hosting April 30th – May 2nd. CWL members, please drop off baking at Church Friday March 27th, between 8:30am - 12:30pm or 1:00pm – 3:30pm. LENTEN LUNCHTIME TALKS AT THE UNITED CHURCH: Each Christian denomination will offer a reflection on this year’s topic: “Almsgiving, Charity & Social Change” from their particular perspective. Please bring a bagged lunch and your questions. Michael O’Hare from the United Church will be the speaker on Thursday March 19th beginning at noon. Please join us. at CHRISM MASS on Monday March 30 7pm in Nelson. The Bishop would like to honour married couples with significant years of marriage. If you are celebrating 25, 30, 35, 40, 45, 50 or more years and would like to attend the Chrism Mass and Dinner, please let the Parish Office know as soon as possible. WHAT IS THE CHRISM MASS? It is a special Mass held during Holy Week in every Catholic diocese right before Easter. During this mass, the priests, deacons and representatives of the entire diocesan community gather around their Bishop, who blesses the Holy Oils for use in the coming year. These are: Oil of the Sick; Oil of Catechumens; Sacred Chrism Whenever the Holy Oils are used in a diocese, the ministry of the Bishop who consecrated them is symbolically present. The Chrism Mass reminds us of our oneness in Christ through Baptism and its holy anointing. The Chrism mass is also a key moment in which the unity of the Bishop with his priests is manifested and renewed. During the liturgy, the entire assembly is called to renew its baptismal promises; deacons and priests also renew their vow of obedience to the local Bishop and their commitment to serve God’s people. At the end of the Chrism Mass, the Holy Oils are brought back to parishes of the diocese for use in the coming year. We encourage all of our parishioners, especially those who have never been, to attend the Chrism Mass in Nelson at the Cathedral of th Mary Immaculate on Monday March 30 at 7pm. Share Lent Campaign The Share Lent collection for DEVELOPMENT AND PEACE is next Sunday – Solidarity Sunday! Money must serve, not rule! The Pope loves everyone, rich and poor alike, but he is obliged in the name of Christ to remind all that the rich must help, respect, and promote the poor. I exhort you to generous solidarity and to the return of economics and finance to an ethical approach which favours human beings. – Pope Francis, The Joy of the Gospel, 58. Next Sunday, March 22nd, is the Fifth Sunday of Lent, Solidarity Sunday when the annual Share Lent collection for DEVELOPMENT AND PEACE will be held. Your generous solidarity is vital to the mission of DEVELOPMENT AND PEACE and our ability to help, respect, and promote the poor. Please be sure to bring your Share Lent envelope for your gift. To find out how you can make a difference, be sure to read our Share Lent materials, which you’ll find at the back of the church. Thank you for your support! devp.org In Our Parish In Our Diocese MINISTERIAL SCHEDULES are out and available in the Gathering Room after Mass. Please make sure to check out the sign-up sheet for Ministries needed during Palm Sunday and the Triduum. Thank you. ATTENTION PARISHIONERS: Volunteers needed to help at funeral receptions. Anyone willing to take an occasional turn please contact Grace DeBiasio at 250-364-1426 or Bunny Dallas at 250-364-1573. CHURCH CLEANING: We are looking for Men and Women willing to help clean and beautify our Church for the Easter Season. Please join us on Saturday March 21st beginning at 9:00am at Holy Trinity. Bring your rags, buckets and brooms. Sign-up sheet is on the bulletin board in the Gathering Room. 2014/2015 SUNDAY MISSALS FOR YEAR B are on sale for $5. each. Put money in the bowl provided. There will be no Sunday missals placed in the church pews. Parishioners who use a Sunday Missal will need to purchase their own and bring it to Mass FLOWERS FOR EASTER: There is a box at the back of the church marked “Easter Flowers”. Please help to beautify our Church for Easter. FOOD FOR THE POOR will be collected on Holy Thursday and brought up with the gifts. Please have the food here before Mass or it can be dropped off at the Parish Office during the week. EASTER BREAD will be blessed after the Mass on Holy Saturday at Holy Trinity Church. Please bring your bread to the Church prior to Saturday or on Saturday evening. If you drop your bread off early, please leave it in the kitchen and mark it, “Easter Bread for Blessing.” FERRARO FOODS BUNNY BUCKS are being handed out now when you purchase groceries at Ferraro’s. If you don’t have a need for them, we are collecting them for the needy in our area and we will gladly accept them at the Parish Office. RELIGIOUS EDUCATION: Classes will resume after Spring Break on April 1st at 3:45-5:00pm. HOSPICE SWIM-A-THON: Holy Trinity CWL would like to thank Chris McEwan for completing 120 laps!! Thank you to all parishioners who donated or pledged. The approximate amount raised was $1,200.00. Thank You! T ORDINATION TO THE DIACONATE: Sylvester Ibekwe’s ordination to the Diaconate will take place on Tuesday, April 14th at 7pm at Immaculate Conception Parish in Kelowna. All are invited to attend. Travel with friends! VOCATIONS FOR ALL: Do you have a vocation?...Yes….. we all have a vocation or a call to serve God in a particular way. Women and men are invited to a Vocation Discernment Retreat scheduled at Seton House of Prayer Friday, March 20th to Sunday, March 22nd, 2015. This special weekend to continue your discernment of your particular vocation - be it married, single, religious (sister, brother, or priest) or diocesan priest. Br. Stephen Van Massenhoven OFM Cap will be the presentor. For further information or to register please email: setonhp@telus.net or contact Donna: 250-764-4333. Deadline for registrations is Friday, March 13th. DUTCH HARBOUR CATHOLIC YOUTH CAMP 2015: ♪♪ DEAREST FADDAH, DARLING MADDAH! “We want to go to Camp Dutch Harbah! This camp is so fun rockin’! And everyday at God’s door we all are knockin.” ♪♪ The Dutch Harbour Catholic Camp will take place August 10th to 14th for youth aged 12 to 18. The camp is located on the shore of Kootenay Lake, ten minutes north of the community of Riondel. Activities include spiritual growth and prayer, games, swimming, canoeing, hiking, campfire songs, crafts, and more! Our activities are led by a team of very exuberant and faith-filled youth leaders, and our camp culminates with a beautiful sunset mass on the beach. Youth sleep in cabins, and there is a large communal lodge for meals and activities. Contact Dawn Rodman at 250-229-4943 or at rccamp4youth@gmail.com. WORLD YOUTH DAY 2016 IN KRAKOW, POLAND : Anyone interested in attending World Youth Day, and joining with the Nelson Diocesan group, must register by JUNE 30, 2015. The group will be on pilgrimage from July 18-Aug. 5, 2016. Pilgrims must be between the ages of 18 and 35, and must be 18 on the day of departure. Partial payment for the trip must be handed in with your registration form. For more information, please contact Christine at 250-768-0284. LENTEN RECONCILIATION SERVICES IN OUR DEANERY: St. Rita’s - Castlegar - Wednesday March 25th -- 7pm. Thursday’s at Holy Trinity following morning Mass until 10:15am or Saturdays’ from 4pm – 5pm. Other News ST. MICHAEL’S SCHOOL OFFICE Emails: School: stmichaelsschool@smces.ca Julia Mason-Principal: smprincipal@smces.ca Hours: Monday – Friday: 8:00am - 4:00pm Closed for lunch 12:00 – 1:00pm Phone: 250-368-6151 Fax 250-368-9962 KINDERGARTEN REGISTRATION: St Michael’s Catholic Elementary in Trail offers children in Grades K – 7 a strong faith-based education which follows Catholic teaching & principles. St Michael’s is now accepting registrations for the 2015-2016 school year. Please stop by the school at any time; our doors are always open! Call in advance to give Mrs. Mason, the Principal, the opportunity to set aside time for a tour. Visit our website www.smces.ca for info about our school & a registration package. Do not hesitate to call the school with any questions you may have at 250-368 6151. Bursaries BC & Yukon Council, CWL Bursaries 1. Molly Boucher Bursary - $500 -for CWL members 2. Life Members Arts & Culture Bursary $500 - for daughters/granddaughters or sons/ grandsons of CWL members. For more information http://www.bcyukoncwl.com/ Deadline: March 31st, 2015 MINISTRY SCHEDULE 5th Sunday of Lent is coming to the CWL Convention on Saturday May 2nd from 8:00am - 4:00pm at St. Michael’s School. There will be gifts suitable for Confirmation and First Communion as well as books, rings, Unity Candles etc. If you are looking for something specific, order ahead by calling Paulette at 1-800-663-4840. This will be open to everyone not just those attending the convention. TRAIL/WARFIELD CITIZEN OF THE YEAR nomination forms and guidelines are available at the Church Office or on the table in the Gathering Room. If you know of someone in our Trail area that has gone above and beyond, please consider nominating them. This is open to any Trail or Warfield Area citizen and they do not have to be Catholic. Nominations must be received by 12:00 Noon on Friday, April 2, 2015 to: Citizen of the Year Committee—Attention Brian Volpatti c/o of Kootenay Savings Credit Union -1199 Cedar Avenue, Trail, B.C. V1R 4B8. EWTN (Eternal Word Television Network). Please tune in to watch programs for children, men, and women. Life on the Rock, Tuesday @ 6am & Saturday at 7pm. Childrens’ Programs weekdays from 1-1:30pm and Saturdays from 6am – 7am. Shaw channel 137 or google EWTN on your computer. THE NATIONAL CATHOLIC MISSION 2015 “Beware the Holy Spirit!” will be broadcast on VISIONTV on Monday, March 30 (Pt 1) and Tuesday, March 31 (Pt 2) at 3:00pm and repeated at 7pm. It will be hosted by Fr. Pat Fitzpatrick and will feature Spiritan Fr. Anthony Gittins. Saturday March 21st 2015, 7pm Sacristan: Elizabeth Stephens Eucharistic Minister: 1. Rita Morrison Reader: 1. Bunny Dallas 2. Elizabeth Stephens Sunday March 22nd 2015, 8:30am Sacristan: Raffaella D’Andrea Eucharistic Minister: 1. Eileen Gallamore Readers: 1. Marilyn Taylor 2. Julie Hockley Sunday March 22nd 10:30am Sacristan: Nancy Golding Eucharistic Minister: 1. John Friedrich Readers: 1. Elizabeth Stephens 2. Denis Plamondon Rossland–May 9th at 5 pm Trail--May 24th at 10:30 am Fruitvale--June 21st at 11:00 am
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