March 22, 2015 - Church of the Most Holy Trinity

March 22, 2015
Church of the Most
Holy Trinity
1460 Ridge Road Webster, New York 14580
(585)265-1616 Fax 265-1627
As we celebrate the 5 Sunday of Lent this weekend,
I’m imagining a couple things may have happened to
you in these last weeks.
Some of us have entered vigorously into this season
of penance. On Ash Wednesday, with the dirt on
your forehead, you were resolved to really make this
a season of prayer, fasting and almsgiving. By now
you have begun to feel the spiritual effects of such
efforts--- a felt desire for God in your life, an eagerness to do good things for the Lord, perhaps a happiness or peace in the midst of day to day difficulties.
If so. . . . thank God. This is a great grace you have
Others of us have not been so diligent in our observance of the discipline of Lent. Maybe like New
Years resolutions, we just got started and then
dropped the whole project. Or, perhaps we tried to
sacrifice or do something extra in prayer, but saw our
efforts slowly go down hill. Maybe you are just now
considering this holy season and thinking, “What the
heck, it’s more than half over- - - I’ll just wait for
Easter and do it up right.
May I offer a suggestion? First off, perhaps the failure to follow through on our Lenten efforts is part of
God’s plan for you. In the opening prayer for the 3rd
Sunday of Lent (half-way) the Church prays, “Lord,
when we are discouraged by our weakness, give us
confidence in your love.” Maybe God wanted you to
learn how weak you are! Maybe now you know how
much you need God to help you do even the slightest
sacrifice. Perhaps in our failures we are beginning to
learn the mysterious lessons of humility.
Whatever this Lent has been for you so far really
doesn’t matter----- it’s today that should concern us.
Why not let this Monday be a new beginning? Let’s
call it Ash Monday.
Ask God for the grace that would give you a plan for
these next two weeks leading up to Easter Sunday.
Such a plan might include:
going to confession.
attending Mass one other time during the week.
sitting everyday for three minutes (or more, if
God so moves you) to consider how you might
better spend the fleeting days of your life.
journey with the people of Holy Trinity by being
a part of the Holy Triduum (Holy Thursday,
Good Friday, Easter Vigil/Easter Sunday).
acts of kindness for those with whom you live
and work.
some special act of selflessness offered for peace
in the Middle East.
So, come along now. Up we go!! We are companions on this journey.
Bless you, Fr. Tim
Our Mission
We are a Catholic faith community blessed with the joy of God’s love. Together we share this love with all
who hunger for God’s presence in their lives. We follow Christ who taught us to find God by giving our lives
in service to others and gathering to celebrate a Eucharist that welcomes everyone. Join us on this journey!
Page Two
Holy Trinity Church, Webster, New York
SUNDAY MASS TIMES: Satur day (vigil) 5:00 pm., Sunday
8:30, and 10:30 am.
SACRAMENT OF BAPTISM: Call Mar y Haas, Dir ector of
Faith Formation at 265-4750.
SACRAMENT OF PENANCE: Satur days fr om 4:00 to 4:45
pm. or by appointment with a priest.
SACRAMENT OF MARRIAGE: Ar r angements for mar riage for registered parishioners must be made at least 6 months
in advance through the Parish Office. Engaged Encounter or
Pre-Cana sessions are required, along with FOCCUS inventory.
SACRAMENT OF THE SICK: The Euchar ist and Sacr amental Anointing are available to the homebound and those in
need. Please contact the Parish Office to make arrangements.
HOSPITAL VISITS: Please call the Par ish Office in advance, if possible.
EUCHARISTIC ADORATION: Thur sday 7:00 - 8:00 pm.
NEW MEMBERS: We welcome new member s! Please introduce yourself after Mass to the Pastor and stop by the Parish
Office to register. Members moving to another parish, changing address or phone numbers, please notify the Parish Office
St. Joseph Table
On Sunday, March 15,over 130 folks came to join in the
celebration of the Feast of St. Joseph in Murphy Hall.
We had delicious food and a wonderful time visiting with
friends. Our gratitude to everyone who donated food and
money for the St. Joseph’s Table.
The amount that was donated to the St. Joseph House of
Hospitality was $200.00. Special thanks to our set-up
and take–down crews. God Bless you all!
Bavarian Verein Alpengrum
On April 11th the Bavarian Verein Alpengrum will
sponsor a Bavarian Night at Holy Trinity. This nonprofit group began in Rochester to enable
immigrants to retain their culture in a new
country and continues to this day.
The doors of Murphy Hall will open at 6:00
pm. And the Almdudler Trio will begin playing at 7:00 pm. Bavarian Folk Dancers will provide the
entertainment and Swans’ Meat Market will be the caterer. Tickets are $8.00 for adults, $5.00 for students and
children under 13 are free.
March Book Club
Wednesday, March 25 @7:00 pm.
in the Gathering Space
The Book Thief, by Markus Zusak is a story about Death,
a narrator of this lengthy, powerful story of
a town in Nazi Germany. He is a kindly
and caring Death, overwhelmed by the
souls he has to collect from people in the
gas chambers, from soldiers on the battlefields, and from civilians killed in bombings. Death focuses on a young orphan, Liesl, her loving
foster parents, the Jewish fugitive they are hiding, and a
wild but gentle teen neighbor, Rudy, who defies the Hitler Youth and convinces Liesl to steal for fun.
March 22, 2015
Life Long Faith Formation
“LIVING OUR FAITH” Middle School Program
(Grades 6-8) Tuesday evenings, 6:45 – 8:15. 8th Graders in the First Year of Confirmation preparation meet in
this group.
Senior High Youth Ministry (Grades 9-12) Sundays,
11:30 am. - 1:30 pm. in the Youth Room. High school
students in Confirmation preparation meet at this time.
Upcoming Youth Events:
March 27, 7:00 pm.
Abbey of the Genesee Sun., April 19, all day. Take a
road trip! Join other students who want to grow closer to
God in a beautiful location. You will get to hear the
monks sing! Contact Anthony Klosterman for details
All questions regarding Youth Ministry or Confirmation
Preparation should be directed to Anthony Klosterman @
265-1616x311 or
Office of the Bishop: Letter of Gratitude
Dear Father Horan,
I write to acknowledge your very kind contribution, in the
amount of one-thousand dollars, representing the contribution of Holy Trinity Church to the Parish Building
Fund Appeal.
It is understood that the above referenced donation is
made upon Parish Finance Council. Kindly express my
sincere gratitude to the parishioners for their generosity,
which is most appreciated.
Please be assured of my prayers and I ask a continued
remembrance in your good prayers.
With cordial regards, I remain
Sincerely yours in Christ,
The Most Reverend Salvatore R. Matano
Bishop of Rochester
Sermon in a Sentence
From St. Francis de Sales book of quotes
If we walk steadily and faithfully…, God will lift us up
to great things. (I2 136)
Page Three
Holy Trinity Church, Webster, New York
Scripture Readings for the
Sixth Sunday of Lent
First Reading: Ezekiel 37:12-14
Responsorial Psalm: Psalm 130:1-2, 3-4, 5-6, 7-8
Second Reading: Romans 8:8-11
Gospel: John 11:1-45
Please Remember in Prayer
Our Beloved Dead
David Knorr; Neil Mahoney; Richard Brewerton and those who
mourn for them.
Altar Candles will burn this week for the following special
The Sanctuary Lamp will burn in loving memory of Michael
Gaglio, req. Pat and Jimmy.
Our Blessed Mother’s Altar Candle will bur n in loving
memory of Betty Hoffend.
St. Joseph’s Altar Candle will bur n for special intentions.
Req. Sandy M.
If you would like a candle in memory of a loved one or for
special intentions, please call the parish office.
A REMINDER: If you need a devotional candle lit immediately for a loved one, a special occasion, or special intentions, you are invited to light the small votives that are on
the side altars of the Blessed Mother and St. Joseph. They
will burn for about 4-5 hours.
Taped Rosary
On March 6 Fr. Tim led the Rosary along with many of our
parishioners. It was taped for TV viewing and will be aired at
10:00 am. Monday thru Friday on Webster Cable channel 12
or 98.4, depending on which cable service you have. Special
thanks to Patty Seiler who helped with this ministry.
We welcome our newest members of Holy
Grace Elizabeth Rossi and Gavin Christopher Carey
Men’s Spirituality and Enrichment
Come to the men's group this month and enjoy a discussion on
how the Holy Spirit is present and in our midst in the Catholic
Church. We will be looking at the differences between the Seven Sanctifying Gifts of the Holy Spirit and the common Charisms and our role in building up the Church through them. We
meet in the Wing Room on Sat., March 28th from 9 am. until
10:30. As usual, refreshments are provided. We've had some
really great discussions lately. Don't miss this one. You may
want to bring a friend to it.
March 22, 2015
The Legion of Mary
The Legion of Mary has been continuously active in Holy Trinity Parish for about a half century and is still going strong with
about a dozen members. We currently visit the sick and homebound Catholic residents of nursing homes and assisted living
facilities and any other work requested by Father Tim, our spiritual director. We meet at Holy Trinity Parish, 1460 Ridge
Road in Webster in the Marian Room at 10 am. on Mondays.
Visitors are welcome anytime.
In order to enable people that work days to become active in
our apostolate, we are considering starting a brand new Praesidium (group) on a weekend or evening, separate from the Monday morning Praesidium already in place. Any Catholic at least
18 years of age that would like to grow closer to God and serve
the church more fully through membership in this beautiful,
prayer filled ministry is encouraged to call/email Tracy Garippa
at 265-0578 , Jim Alessi at 6157913 or Father Tim Horan at 2651616x303 to indicate your interest. If we receive sufficient interest, we will have a meeting sometime after
Easter to discuss moving forward with our plan of starting a
new Praesidium. Please prayerfully consider this opportunity to
both grow in grace and serve Jesus more fully by uniting your
efforts with those of Mary, His Mother.
CRS Rice Bowl
CRS Rice Bowl brings our Lenten journey back to Africa this
week to the Democratic Republic of Congo.
We join our fasting in solidarity with people
who go hungry, and we remember in prayer
the importance of building a community that
is willing to support those most in need.
Remember, if your Rice Bowls are full, you can start bringing
them in and putting them in the offertory basket Thank you for
all you do this Lenten Season.
Flowers for Easter
If you wish to make a donation to our Easter Flower Fund, you
may do so by either calling the Parish Office or placing the
name or the intention in an envelope and dropping it in the collection basket.
Parish Income
Last Week
Offertory Envelopes
Loose Collection
Children’s Envelopes
Thank you for your continued support!
Tithing: Stewardship in Motion
It is easy to make your financial contribution to Holy
Trinity Church by automatic withdrawal directly from
your bank account with no charge to you using our electronic Intentional Giving Program.
Holy Trinity Parish Staff
Rev. Timothy E. Horan, Pastor………..………..265-1616x303
Rev. John Mulligan, (In Residence)…..………...265-1616x314
Linda Remis, Office Manager…...……...............265-1616x337
Anthony Klosterman, Pastoral Associate……….265-1616x311
Kasey Baker, Bookkeeper/Finance..…...……….265-1616x304
Mary Haas, Faith Formation Coordinator……………265-4750
Pat Bell, Faith Formation Assistant………..……… 265-4750
Pam Schultz, Parish Secretary………...………...265-1616x302
Joanne Mix, Receptionist……………...………..265-1616x301
Clare Schreiber, Music Ministry……………………..265-1616
Joan Sullivan, Multi-Parish Finance Director………..265-1616
Margery Morgan, Director of HOPE Ministry………265-6694
HOPE Ministry, Webster Outreach ………………….265-6694
1450 Ridge Road
Monday 6-8 pm.
Wednesday 3-5 pm.
Tuesday 10-12 Noon
Thursday 7-8:30 pm.
Legion of Mary: Monday 10:00 am. Mar ian Room. Prayer
Chain: Legion of Mary - J im Alessi………………..615-7913
or Traci Garippa…………………………………….. 265-0578
Corpus Christi: (Holy Communion to the Homebound)
Jean Wolf……………………………………...1-315-524-8940
Dove Ministry: Provides rides to appointments
Carol Ortis……………………………………………265-9409
Men’s Group Coordinator: Will Trout…………..315-333-1098
Meets the 4th Saturday of each month 9:00 - 10:30 am.
Parish Council - Judy Cass - Co-Chair
Mary Kramer - Co-Chair
Office Hours
Monday - Friday: 9:00 am to Noon, and 1:00 - 4:00 pm
Summer Office Hours: Monday - Thursday, 9:00 am to Noon,
and 1:00 - 4:30 pm, and
Friday, 9:00 am to 12:00 Noon
Mass Times: 5:00 Vigil (Sat.)
8:30 and 10:30 am. Sunday
Confessions: 4:00-4:45 pm on Sat.
If you wish to listen to the Sunday Homily, please visit
If you find that you are unable to attend daily Mass, you
may listen to 1460 AM on WHIC at 8:00 am.
Station of the Cross
Holy Trinity Church is now on FACEBOOK. You can
check out our page by typing
holytrinitywebster” into your internet
web browser. Already a FACEBOOK user? You can search
“Holy Trinity Church, Webster, NY” on FACEBOOK to find
us as well.
Victims Assistance Coordinator:
call Deborah Housel at 1-800-388-7177 ext: 1555
Mass Intentions: 2015
Week of March 23 - March 29
Monday - Lenten Weekday (Saint Turibius of Mogrovejo,
6:30 Morning Prayer/With Communion
9:00 Michael Gaglio, req. Florence Gaglio
Tuesday - Lenten Weekday
6:30 Constance Ligozio, req. Russell Chimera
9:00 Morning Prayer/With Communion
6:30 Morning Prayer/With Communion
9:00 Marguerite Killian, req. Patty Seiler
Thursday - Lenten Weekday
6:30 Angela Catocchia, req. Madeline Blando
9:00 Morning Prayer/With Communion
Friday - Lenten Weekday (Abstinence)
6:30 Morning Prayer/With Communion
9:00 Matthew Leonardo, req. Mom and Dad
7:00 Living Stations of the Cross
Saturday 5:00 (VIGIL) William and Edna McClellan, req. Family
8:30 Walt McBurney, req. Mother
10:30 Florence, Ray and Connie Welch, req. Family
This Week At Holy Trinity
Monday, March 23
10:00 - 11:00 am Legion of Mary - Marian Room
6:00 - 8:00 pm. Cub Scouts
7:00 - 9:00 pm. Scouts - Peace/Unity Room
Tuesday, March 24
12:30 am - 7:30 pm. Diocesan Day of Penance - Church
6:00 - 8:00 pm. Cub Scouts - Parish Hall
6:30 - 8:30 pm. Faith Formation - Peace/Unity Room
Wednesday, March 25
9:30 - 11:00 am. -Women’s Faith Sharing Grp-Gathering Space
7:00 - 9:00 pm. - Choir - Marian Room
6:00 - 7:30 pm. - Brownies - Peace/Unity Room
6:30 - 7:30 pm. - Daisy Scouts - Wing Room
7:00 - 8:00 pm. - Book Club - Gathering Space
Thursday, March 26
7:00 - 8:00 pm. Adoration - Church
Friday, March 27
8:35 am - Rosary - Church
9:30 am - 6:15 pm. - Eucharistic Adoration - Church
7:00 pm - 8:45 pm. - Stations of the Cross (Living)
Saturday, March 28
9:30 - 11:00 am. Men’s Group - Wing Room
3:00 - 5:00 pm. Girl Scouts - Wing Room
Sunday, March 29
9:30 - 10:30 am. Religious Instructions - All Rooms
With Gratitude
A huge thank you to all who have helped in creating our prayer
squares that will be distributed by members of our St. Camillus
(hospital) and Corpus Christi Groups (homebound). Each
square, accompanied with a prayer card, will be given to those
in these special ministries. Bless you for your time and talent.
Holy Trinity Church
Webster, New York
Pam Schultz