Come Holy Spirit. Fill our hearts.

May 24, 2015
Church of the Most
Holy Trinity
1460 Ridge Road Webster, New York 14580
(585)265-1616 Fax 265-1627
Love. Any act that places the wellbeing of the loved one
before oneself. “Love does not seek its own”. 1 Cor. 13.
Come Holy Spirit.
Fill our hearts.
Joy. That deep happiness that comes, when in spite of
hardships, you’ve “done the right thing”.
One of my favorite lines from sacred scripture comes to
us in the Acts of the Apostles (17:28). “For in Him, we
live and move and have our being.” St. Paul is quoting
from one of the ancient Greek poets about the God from
whom we come but cannot see. He uses the words, “grope
for”, in describing man’s efforts to know the “Unknown
What Paul is struggling to describe is the subtle way God
reveals Himself to us. The image is almost like a fish in
water. Like that water, God is all around us. He holds us
up. Wherever we go, he is there. We breathe him in. We
live in him and he lives in us.
But, how do we see God or feel him if he is all around us
like water or air? This is where we need help. We need
the Holy Spirit to open our eyes of faith. We need the Holy Spirit to open our hearts to the quickening of love
(“Everyone who loves is begotten by God and knows
God.” 1 John 4:7)
St. John in his first letter tells us, “No one has ever seen
God.” So, then how will we come to know him by the
Holy Spirit? Lacking physical evidence we turn to “Signs
of the presence of God”. Scripture again points us in the
right direction by giving us signs to look for. They are
called the Gifts and Fruits of the Spirit.
The Gifts are generally intellectual and spiritual abilities
helping us apply the teachings of Christ to everyday life.
The Fruits are generally observable states of goodness
that have as their source the presence of God.
They are: love, joy, peace, patience, kindness, generosity,
faith, gentleness and chastity.
To each of these I’ll highlight some human moment that
gives us a sign of the Holy Spirit.
Peace. When someone has devoted themselves to reconciling with someone who is estranged. Conversely, to be
won over by the loving concern of a “Peacemaker”.
Patience. Your child/spouse/friend disappoints you for
the hundredth time. You smile and assure them things
will be right someday.
Kindness. So simple; pure goodness for its own sake.
Speaks for itself.
Generosity. Giving more than is necessary . . . because
you want their happiness.
Faith. Knowing God loves all of us, and as a result, “All
will be well.”
Gentleness. A largeness of spirit that can afford a kind
word in the face of harshness. Large like God is large.
Chastity. Honoring another person in their body. Requiring sexual desire to serve its Godly purpose (the gift
of children and the bond of love) because that is what true
love demands.
Here’s hoping you’ve caught a glimpse of the Holy Spirit
in your life!!
A blessed Pentecost.
Fr. Tim
“Let’s Talk Again”
Please join us Saturday night, May 30, at 6 pm. in the
Gathering Space for “Let’s Talk Again”. There will be a
dish to pass. Friendly conversation will follow about the
Catholic Faith. Fr. John will talk about changes in the
Church over his 50 years as a priest. Fr. Tim will point us
to the Synod of Bishops on the Family to be held this October in Rome. Come with your questions and observations. It’s going to be informative and fun!
All ar e war mly invited. Call the Par ish Office to r egister by May 28th. Bring a dish to pass!!! Thank You!
Our Mission
We are a Catholic faith community blessed with the joy of God’s love. Together we share this love with all
who hunger for God’s presence in their lives. We follow Christ who taught us to find God by giving our lives
in service to others and gathering to celebrate a Eucharist that welcomes everyone. Join us on this journey!
Page Two
Holy Trinity Church, Webster, New York
SUNDAY MASS TIMES: Satur day (vigil) 5:00 pm., Sunday
8:30, and 10:30 am.
SACRAMENT OF BAPTISM: Call Mar y Haas, Dir ector of
Faith Formation at 265-4750.
SACRAMENT OF PENANCE: Satur days fr om 4:00 to 4:45
pm. or by appointment with a priest.
SACRAMENT OF MARRIAGE: Ar r angements for mar riage for registered parishioners must be made at least 6 months
in advance through the Parish Office. Engaged Encounter or
Pre-Cana sessions are required, along with FOCCUS inventory.
SACRAMENT OF THE SICK: The Euchar ist and Sacr amental Anointing are available to the homebound and those in
need. Please contact the Parish Office to make arrangements.
HOSPITAL VISITS: Please call the Par ish Office in advance, if possible.
EUCHARISTIC ADORATION: Thur sday 7:00 - 8:00 pm.
NEW MEMBERS: We welcome new member s! Please introduce yourself after Mass to the Pastor and stop by the Parish
Office to register. Members moving to another parish, changing address or phone numbers, please notify the Parish Office
Children’s Liturgy of the Word: Sunday mor ning dur ing
the 10:30 am. Mass. (September-June)
Religious Education Classes
Sundays 9:30 - 10:20 am. for Grades 1 - 5 or
Summer Program for Gr ades K - 8 - Last 2 weeks
of July.
R.C.I.A. (Rite of Chr istian Initiation of Adults)
Grades 9-12 Youth Group
Sunday 11:30 am. - 1:30 pm.
Middle School: Tuesday, Living My Faith - 6:30-8:00 pm.
Please see the website for meeting dates for each group
and other upcoming events.
When we hear the word loss we usually think of the loss of a
loved one. But, in life loss can happen in a variety of ways
and in varying degrees. And, no matter how we experience it,
loss is usually accompanied by some sort of emotional pain.
 Being faced with a serious health issue for yourself, a
family member or a friend
 Dealing with a separation or a divorce
 Caring for a parent transitioning from home to a nursing
 Transitioning to a nursing home yourself
 Suffering the loss of a job and/or experiencing significant
financial setback
 And, loss of a loved one
All are loss; loss to a life as we knew it. It is never easy. Asking for support may even be harder. But, many in our community that have received a Stephen Minister have told us that
their Stephen Minister was such a wonderful resource for them
as they slowly adjusted to a new life experience, one they
weren’t sure would happen.
Stephen Ministers have received specialized training on how
to listen, to support, to encourage, and to pray with another
person going through these and many other types of life’s difficulties. Could you or someone benefit from this supportive
ministry? (Please ask them for their permission before you
call us). For more information call our confidential number at
586-0674 x130. All discussions are always totally confidential.
May 24, 2015
Life Long Faith Formation
First Communion
Please keep in your prayers the following children who
have received their First Holy Communion at Holy Trinity this spring.
May 2nd
Liam Seamus Burns
Ethan David Snyder
May 3rd
Rafael Ortiz
May 9th
Stephen Richard Barone
Valentina Rosa Basile
Parker Liam Brown
Nina Cloe Dossier
Kristina Lynn Fisher
Cameron Patrick Guffey
Thomas John O’Brien
Emily Clare Schroeder
Lilyan Mae Short
Cole Anthony Stark
Ryan Desmond Supinski
Ilianna Surowiec
Mackenzie Alexa Vacca
Alessandra Carmela Basile
Emelia Violet Bovee
Jacob Ciro Colletta
Ardyn Victoria Ebling
Nicholas Giovanni Gallina
Brett David Mersdorf
Carmine Patrick Dominic Pangallo
Isabella Angelina Serapilio
Kendall Kay Smith
Olivia Rose Stornello
Blade Surowiec
Anthony Rocco Vacca
Leah Marie VanArsdale
May 10
Sarah Sharpe
May 16
Jacob Tyler DiCicco
Myia Eskander
Jack Donovan Falzoi
Elizabeth Rose Frick
Jonathan Nicholas Frick Grace Mattingly Gallaher
Paige Elizabeth Henry
Rachael Shea Henry
Nathan Robert Jones
Levi James Kulik
Victoria Marie LoMonaco Bella Matthews
Erin Kelsey McCaffery Caroline Hope Montemaro
Logan G. Munding
Eliana Nicole Pothos
Charles Alfonse Sciortino Madelyn Josephine Siwik
Jamie Tallie
Cody Aiden Wade
Bailey Faith Weigel
Hunter Scott Weigel
May 17
Brook Lyn Hoffer
Call the Faith Formation Office @ 265-4750 or e-mail to register for any programs or information about upcoming dates for 2015.
Page Three
Holy Trinity Church, Webster, New York
Scripture Readings for the
Pentecost Sunday
First Reading: Acts of the Apostles 2:1-11
Responsorial Psalm: Psalm 104:1, 24, 29-31, 34
Second Reading: 1 Corinthians 12:3b-7, 12-13
Gospel: John 20:19-23
Please Remember in Prayer
Our Beloved Dead
Frank M. Massaro, father of Frank Massaro; Jed Hanna, brother
of Tom Hanna; Gina Schmitt-Reger, cousin of Jim LaMonica;
and those who mourn for them.
Altar Candles will burn this week for the following special
The Sanctuary Lamp will burn in loving memory of Debbie
Sexton; req. Bill & Chrissy Freundschuh.
Our Blessed Mother’s Altar Candle will bur n for the special
intentions of Mary Erb, req. Jean Wolf.
St. Joseph’s Altar Candle will bur n for the special intentions of Matt Haas, req. Chuck and Carol Mertz.
If you would like a candle in memory of a loved one or for
special intentions, please call the parish office.
A REMINDER: If you need a devotional candle lit immediately for a loved one, a special occasion, or special intentions, you are invited to light the small votives that are on
the side altars of the Blessed Mother and St. Joseph. They
will burn for about 4-5 hours.
Flag Retirement
The Knights of Columbus, Fourth Degree, will be holding
a Flag Retirement Ceremony. It will take place behind
the Council home at 70 Barrett Drive (by the Post Office)
in Webster. This will be on Sunday, June 7th at noon,
weather permitting.
We invite any interested persons to attend.
Anyone who has a flag that they would like to
properly dispose of, is welcome to bring it to
the ceremony. For those unable to attend,
flags for disposal may also be brought to the
collection bin at the council home. The building is open
Tuesday evenings during Bingo.
A flag collection box will also be available here at Holy
Trinity in the Gathering Space. After 8:30 am. Mass on
June 7th, the flags will be taken to the Knights of Columbus. For more information, please contact Dave Stein
May 24, 2015
With Gratitude
Fr. Tim and the Staff of Holy Trinity would like to thank
all the folks who helped with the Staff Appreciation
Luncheon on May 13. We are extremely grateful to
Sandy Mitch, Pat Obbie, Joan Warren, Patty Warters,
Jeanneann and Judy LaMonica, and especially all those
who donated food and monies for this beautiful event.
Bereavement Support Group
We are meeting on Thursday, June 11,
@7:00 pm. in the Wing Room. Please join
us for prayer and comfort as we grieve the
losses of those we love. For more information, please contact Mary Ann Penlon @265-9395. All
are welcome.
Summer Office Hours
Summer Office Hours: May 29 - September 4
- Monday - Thursday, 9:00 am - Noon and 1:00
- 4:00 pm. Friday, 9:00 am - 12:00. Office will
be closed Friday afternoons. Have a safe
and happy summer.
The Faith of our Children
Have your adult children walked away from the church or lost
their faith? Do you find it difficult to talk about? Is it a strain
on your relationship? Learn some ways to deal with this issue
with others in the same situation. Please join us for an evening
of learning and fellowship at Holy Spirit Church at 7 pm. on
Wednesday, May 27 in the Fellowship Hall. The Webster Parishes adult faith discussion group meets on the fourth Wednesday of each month to help us learn about and live our faith.
Our format is a brief presentation of Catholic teaching on a
topic that one of us has researched followed by a facilitated
discussion. Father Tim Horan will be in attendance. Personal
experiences, questions and opinions are welcome! We are free
to express views that are not aligned with Catholic teaching.
We may disagree, but do not judge one another. Join us and
bring a friend!
Parish Income
Last Week
Offertory Envelopes
Loose Collection
Children’s Envelopes
Thank you for your continued support!
Tithing: Stewardship in Motion
It is easy to make your financial contribution to Holy
Trinity Church by automatic withdrawal directly from
your bank account with no charge to you using our electronic Intentional Giving Program.
Holy Trinity Parish Staff
Rev. Timothy E. Horan, Pastor………..………..265-1616x303
Rev. John Mulligan, (In Residence)…..………...265-1616x314
Anthony Klosterman, Pastoral Associate……….265-1616x337
Kasey Baker, Bookkeeper/Finance..…...……….265-1616x304
Mary Haas, Faith Formation Coordinator……………265-4750
Pat Bell, Faith Formation Assistant………..……… 265-4750
Pam Schultz, Parish Secretary………...………...265-1616x302
Joanne Mix, Receptionist……………...………..265-1616x301
Clare Schreiber, Music Ministry……………………..265-1616
Joan Sullivan, Multi-Parish Finance Director………..265-1616
Margery Morgan, Director of HOPE Ministry………265-6694
HOPE Ministry, Webster Outreach ………………….265-6694
1450 Ridge Road
Monday 6-8 pm.
Wednesday 3-5 pm.
Tuesday 10-12 Noon
Thursday 7-8:30 pm.
Legion of Mary: Monday 10:00 am. Mar ian Room. Prayer
Chain: Legion of Mary - J im Alessi………………..615-7913
or Traci Garippa…………………………………….. 265-0578
Corpus Christi: (Holy Communion to the Homebound)
Jean Wolf……………………………………...1-315-524-8940
Dove Ministry: Provides rides to appointments
Carol Ortis……………………………………………265-9409
Men’s Group Coordinator: Will Trout…………..315-333-1098
Meets the 4th Saturday of each month 9:00 - 10:30 am.
Parish Council - Judy Cass - Co-Chair
Mary Kramer - Co-Chair
Office Hours
Monday - Friday: 9:00 am to Noon, and 1:00 - 4:00 pm
Summer Office Hours: Monday - Thursday, 9:00 am to Noon,
and 1:00 - 4:30 pm, and
Friday, 9:00 am to 12:00 Noon
Mass Times: 5:00 Vigil (Sat.)
8:30 and 10:30 am. Sunday
Confessions: 4:00-4:45 pm on Sat.
If you wish to listen to the Sunday Homily, please visit
If you find that you are unable to attend daily Mass, you
may listen to 1460 AM on WHIC at 8:00 am.
Station of the Cross
Holy Trinity Church is now on FACEBOOK. You can
check out our page by typing
holytrinitywebster” into your internet
web browser. Already a FACEBOOK user? You can search
“Holy Trinity Church, Webster, NY” on FACEBOOK to find
us as well.
Victims Assistance Coordinator:
call Deborah Housel at 1-800-388-7177 ext: 1555
Mass Intentions: 2015
Week of May 25 - May 31
Monday - Weekday - Memorial Day
9:00 Debbie Sexton, 4th Anniversary, req. Charles & Sons
Tuesday - Saint Philip Neri, Priest
6:30 Bruce Connolly, req. Pat and Family
9:00 Morning Prayer/With Communion
Wednesday - Weekday (St. Augustine of Canterbury)
6:30 Morning Prayer/With Communion
9:00 Louise Gligora-Centola, req. nephew A. Chas. Ange
Thursday - Weekday
6:30 Ronald Thomann, req. Neighbors at AHEPA
9:00 Morning Prayer/With Communion
Friday - Weekday
6:30 Morning Prayer/With Communion
9:00 Edmund Saetta
4:00 WEDDING: Joshua Bloom and Meghan Hanna
Saturday 5:00 (VIGIL) Deacon Stan Zawacki, req. Wife and Family
8:30 Joseph Cimino, req. Connie Cimino and Family
10:30 For the People of Holy Trinity, Living and Deceased
This Week At Holy Trinity
Monday, May 25 - Memorial Day - Holiday
Tuesday, May 26
6:00 - 8:00 - Cub Scouts - Parish Hall
2:00 - pm. C.A.S.E. Training - Gathering Space
Wednesday, May 27
6:00 - 7:30 pm. Brownies - Peace/Unity Room
6:30 - 7:30 pm. Daisy Scouts - Wing Room
7:00 - 9:00 - Choir - Marian Room
Thursday, May 28
7:00 - 8:00 pm Adoration - Church
Friday, May 29
8:35 am - Rosary - Church
Saturday, May 30
“Let’s Talk Again” 6:00 pm. Gathering Space
Parish Office Closed
The Parish Office will be closed on Monday, May
25 in observance of Memorial Day. May you all
have a safe and fun weekend.
We welcome our newest members of
Holy Trinity.
Virginia Lee Corey
Josiah Amaury Carreras
Broccolo and Kira Ann Shukoff
Holy Trinity Church
Webster, New York
Pam Schultz