…Jojl:yt cfjf;nfO{ k|f]T;fxg ug]{ cleofg’ Home Land Real Estate Award-2071 Nomination Form Which category are you entering? (Please indicate your choice by putting a ‘’ or ‘Y’ against the category) Award Category Other Recognition Award Category Best Individual Housing complex Green Building Project Best Apartment complex Best Designer- Individual Best Land Development Project Adoptive and Reuse of Historical Best Commercial Complex Building- Individual Best Individual Housing Complex outside Kathmandu valley Best Land Development Project outside Kathmandu valley ` Project name: Full postal address of project: Company name: Company address Contact person / Nominee Email: Tel: Designation: Mobile No. Fax: DECLARATION I hereby declare that the information contained in this nomination f o r m is true and correct. I also declare that I have read and understood the nomination guidelines, and agree ful l y to the terms and conditions of the Homeland Real Estate Awards 2071. _________________ Signature _________________ Name: Note: signature is not mandatory for electronic submissions. _________________ Date: Application Pack I. Project facts and details Total site / land area (square ft Total built up area (Sq ft) Carpet area (Sq ft) Total no. of units (for residential projects) Total parking spaces/area (Sq ft) (open and/or sheltered) No. of phases of the project No of phases completed and included in this submission Development period (in years ) Date(s) of commencement (MM/YY) Date of planned completion (MM/YY) Date of actual completion (MM/YY) Average cost per square feet or average rent per square feet Designer- Individual or Form Page 2 of 9 Applied category of award: 1. Housing Complex Please present brief justification to qualify for the Homeland Real Estate Award in the said Category in terms of Amenities and facilities Compliance of planning and building permit Cost effectiveness Environment friendly Safety and security provisions Status of completion Timely completion as per planning permit Energy efficiency Status of handover to the customer Corporate Social Responsibility activity incorporated Management committee formed and its status of operation Financing modality Note: Each point to be elaborated not exceeding 200 words Please submit documents that justify your statements 2. Apartment complex Please present brief justification to qualify for the Homeland Real Estate Award in the said Category in terms of Amenities and facilities Compliance of planning and building permit Cost effectiveness Environment friendly Safety and security provisions Status of completion and handover Timely completion as per planning permit Energy efficient Status of Completion Activities, if any, under Corporate Social Responsibility Management committee formed and its operation Financing modality Each points to be elaborated not exceeding 200 wordsPlease submit documents that justify your statements Note: Page 3 of 9 3. Multiplex/Commercial complex (Commercial complex having shopping facilities, auditorium, entertainment outlets, restaurant/food court etc.) Please present brief justification to qualify for the Homeland Real Estate Award in the said Category in terms of Amenities and facilities Compliance of planning and building permit Safety and security provisions Consumer’s satisfaction Adequacy of parking Environment friendly Energy efficiency Completion certificate Corporate Social Responsibility activity incorporated Note: Each point to be elaborated not exceeding 200 words Please submit documents that justify your statements 4. Land Development Please present brief justification to qualify for the Homeland Real Estate Award in the said Category in terms of Compliance of planning permit Common facilities provided Provision of additional utilities Plots sold in terms of percentage of total plots Timely completion as per planning permits Corporate Social Responsibility activity incorporated Note: Each point to be elaborated not exceeding 200 words Please submit documents that justify your statements Page 4 of 9 5. Green Building Please present brief justification to qualify for the Homeland Real Estate Award in the said Category in terms of Compliance of planning and building permit Provision of components of green building such as Waste water treatment Rain water harvesting and recharge Alternative energy Use of green materials Roof top garden Any additional green element Note: Each point to be elaborated not exceeding 200 words Please submit documents that justify your statements 6. Best Adoptive and Reuse of Traditional Building Please present brief justification to Qualify for the Homeland Real Estate Award in the said Category in terms of Compliance of building permit Use of traditional technology and materials Maintaining traditional character Adoptive reuse Compliance to conservation norms Economic return of the building Note: Each point to be elaborated not exceeding 200 words Please submit documents that justify your statements Page 5 of 9 7. Housing Complex Outside Kathmandu Valley Please present brief justification to qualify for the Homeland Real Estate Award in the said Category in terms of Amenities and facilities Compliance of planning and building permit Cost effectiveness Environment friendly Safety and security provisions Status of completion Timely completion as per planning permit Energy efficient Status of Completion and handover to customer Activities if any under Corporate Social Responsibility Management committee formed and its operation Financing modality Note: Each points to be elaborated not exceeding 200 words Please submit documents that justify your statements 8. Land Development Project Outside Kathmandu Valley Please present brief justification to qualify for the Homeland Real Estate Award in the said Category in terms of Compliance of planning permit Common facilities provided Provision of additional utilities Plots sold in terms of percentage of total plots Timely completion as per planning permits Activities, if any, under Corporate Social Responsibility Note: Each point to be elaborated not exceeding 200 words Please submit documents that justify your statements Page 6 of 9 9. Best Architect/ Designer Individual or Form Please present brief justification to qualify for the Homeland Real Estate Award in the said Category in terms of Amenities and facilities Compliance of planning and building permit Cost effectiveness Environment friendly Safety and security provisions Timely completion as per planning permit Energy efficiency Aesthetics of Building Page 7 of 9 IMPORTANT INSTRUCTIONS Deadline of submission Applicants wishing to participate in the Homeland Real Estate Awards 2015 should send their application pack latest by 5 May, 2015 Conditions for entry 1. Ensure that project in the most appropriate category is nominated. 2. Same project can be entered into more than one category, However separate entry form and presentation pack for each category need to be submitted separately. 3. The person submitting the project must be the owner, developer or person with overall executive responsibility for the project, or alternatively a duly authorised professional acting on his/her behalf (architect, Public Relations Company, etc.). Completion and submission of this entry form indicates the applicant’s understanding and acceptance of this rule. How to submit Please submit one (1) set of completed entry form and application pack (for each category) by mailing at : homelandmagazine@gmail.com OR Sending them by courier to – Asian Paints Home Land Real Estate Award Homeland Media Pvt. Ltd. Sanepa, Lalitpur. Phone : 01-5551002 www.homelad.com.np Page 8 of 9 Terms and conditions The entry fee for the nomination in each of the award category will be NRP 25000 (In words, Nepalese rupees Twenty Five thousand in cash or cheque or bank voucher in favour of Homeland Media Pvt.ltd Evaluation of entries in each category will be done against the justifications provided by the participants Materials and photographs sent to Homeland Real Estate Awards will not be returned. The jury may exclude submissions which do not furnish adequate details on a particular evaluation parameter. The jury reserves the right not to confer an award in any given category if, in their opinion, no project submitted in that category fulfils the criteria for the award . The homeland media Pvt. Ltd reserves the right to withdraw and/or alter any of the award categories and terms & conditions at any point in time, without prior notice. The Homeland Media Pvt. Ltd reserves the right to verify the information provided in each submission (if required) or request for additional information on nominated projects. The Homeland Media Pvt. Ltd reserves the right to use the photos and extracts from the submissions of projects for the Home Land Real Estate Awards for related publicity and promotional purposes. In the event of any dispute or issue concerning the winners; the decision made by the jury shall be deemed final. The organisers will not be obliged to justify their decisions or enter into any communication Press releases announcing the award winners will be distributed by Homeland Media Pvt. Ltd..through to local and national media. Page 9 of 9
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