The Yoga Academy Auckland, New Zealand Teaching Pregnancy Yoga Training Prospectus and Investment Information 2013 Page | 1 Teaching Pregnancy Yoga Training and Investment Prospectus | 2013 Index page INDEX PAGE .................................................................................................................................2 1. INTRODUCTION ........................................................................................................................3 1.1 PREREQUISITE ................................................................................................................................... 3 2. DATES ......................................................................................................................................4 3. TEACHING PREGNANCY YOGA PROGRAM OUTLINE...................................................................4 3.1 PREGNANCY IN YOGA THEORY.............................................................................................................. 4 3.2 PREGNANCY YOGA PRACTICAL ............................................................................................................. 4 3.3 THE PRACTICUM ................................................................................................................................ 4 3.4 SELF-DIRECTED STUDY COMMITMENT ................................................................................................... 5 3.5 THE LEARNING ENVIRONMENT ............................................................................................................. 5 3.6 ATTENDANCE .................................................................................................................................... 5 3.7 ASSESSMENT PROCEDURES AND CERTIFICATE .......................................................................................... 5 4. SCHEDULE OF COSTS ................................................................................................................6 4.1 ADDITIONAL COSTS ............................................................................................................................ 6 4.2 PAYMENT PROCEDURES ...................................................................................................................... 6 5. ENROLMENT ............................................................................................................................7 Auckland Yoga Academy | + 64 9 3570750 | | 190 Federal St, Auckland CBD, New Zealand 2 Teaching Pregnancy Yoga Training and Investment Prospectus | 2013 1. Introduction Giving birth can be a daunting experience for both new and experienced mothers. Giving the gift of yoga to expecting mums is a privilege, as professional yoga teachers not only assist in a stress free birthing experience for the parents but allow a new entity to enter this world in a more relaxed and happy environment. In the Pregnancy Classes at the Yoga Academy we aim to: • • • • Assist women to better approach child birth with calm and confidence so that they are empowered to participate actively in the birth Help women to experience a more comfortable and healthier pregnancy in which there would be minimum discomfort and maximum vital energy. Teach the pregnant women how to get their muscles in good tone as well as how to control them Make sure that women understand how to develop breath control and to relax themselves at will. We do this in our classes by teaching a selection of easily adaptable asana and breathing techniques which women can use as conditioning throughout pregnancy. The Teaching Pregnancy Yoga Course is designed for qualified Yoga teachers practicing any style of yoga. The modules are a combination of practical and theoretical training with a focus on gaining hands-on experience by assisting and leading pregnancy classes with confidence at the Academy; providing further training opportunities for teachers who are committed to ongoing professional development and who wish to keep pregnant women safe in their yoga classes. 1.1 Prerequisite To gain the full benefit of this module we recommend that you are either: • • • • A YA200 trained Yoga teacher An experienced yoga teacher of 3 years with references An experienced yoga practitioner, with advanced knowledge of anatomy or qualifications in other areas (naturopath, nursing etc) To gain the most benefit from these courses it is suggested that participants have a consistent and well-developed asana practice of 5 -10 hrs a week Auckland Yoga Academy | + 64 9 3570750 | | 190 Federal St, Auckland CBD, New Zealand 3 Teaching Pregnancy Yoga Training and Investment Prospectus | 2013 2. Dates Saturday 5 and Sunday 6 October 2 to 6pm Saturday 19 and Sunday 20 October 2013 2 to 6pm. The 4 Practicum classes will be from Sunday 6 October over the full month of October 2013. 3. Teaching Pregnancy Yoga Program Outline All modules are facilitated by a trained Yoga teacher with the intention of applying the learning directly to the practice of Hatha yoga. For each module targeted, study material is backed by onsite classroom time that includes: • • • • Multimedia presentations on the topics covered Reference to skeletal models (where appropriate) Rich discussion based on student participation Practical investigation on the “yoga mat” This is a part time training program comprised of: 3.1 Pregnancy in Yoga Theory This module explores the benefits of Yoga during pregnancy, issues specific to the pregnant body including body mechanics and has a key focus on keeping mother and baby safe. 3.2 Pregnancy Yoga Practical This module provides the trainee teacher with the knowledge to present two one hour teaching programmes specifically focused on the needs of the pregnant woman. 3.3 The practicum (i.e. demonstration of skills learned) A sub-set of the practical component of the teaching pregnancy professional development module. The practicum is where the trainee attends 5 one hour pregnancy classes taught by a Yoga Academy tutor. The trainee will: • • • • Observe in class one Adjust and guide class participants in classes two and three. Teach two poses (as well as adjust and guide) in classes four and five. These 4 Practicum Classes can be done either once or twice a week - depending on the trainees own schedule. Auckland Yoga Academy | + 64 9 3570750 | | 190 Federal St, Auckland CBD, New Zealand 4 Teaching Pregnancy Yoga Training and Investment Prospectus | 2013 Note: total expected time commitment = 40 hours (plus self-directed study see below). 3.4 Self-Directed Study Commitment Between attending weekend one and weekend two, the trainee is expected to practice teaching the three Pregnancy Class Programs (it is suggested that the trainees buddy up, meet for two hours once a week, and practice teaching the programs to each other). Students will also benefit from a committed yoga practice that enables exploration of the module content “on the mat”. 3.5 The Learning Environment All classes are taught at the Yoga Academy. All learning modules are conducted by a trained yoga teacher who both teaches and acts as the group facilitator. A maximum class size for these modules is set at 20 per teacher to ensure that each student receives individual attention. 3.6 Attendance Requirement to pass the course is 80% attendance at the on-site pregnancy module theory and practicum sessions. 3.7 Assessment Procedures and Certificate The student will be assessed for competency in specific skills, knowledge and attitude as demonstrated via written and verbal assignments, practical exercises, group discussion, presentations to peer group and tutor case studies etc. While work is not graded, all work needs to be handed in on the due date and completed to a satisfactory standard. To pass the course all the work set by the tutor for the students must be completed. During the Practicum the trainees receive specific feedback and detailed assessment based on specific levels of competence that they are expected to achieve. A certificate of completion and competency will be awarded to those who successfully complete the module. This will include a Course Transcript (i.e. an outline of classes attended, course content, hours involved and a personal note of the students’ effort and attainment). The definition of completion is that, the student complete all assignments and readings to a satisfactory level and has an 80% attendance record. Auckland Yoga Academy | + 64 9 3570750 | | 190 Federal St, Auckland CBD, New Zealand 5 Teaching Pregnancy Yoga Training and Investment Prospectus | 2013 4. Schedule of Costs Teaching Pregnancy Training Course Total Cost NZ $ 880 4.1 Additional Costs In addition to the above table the following costs apply: • Non-refundable registration fee $200.00 • Payment for attending classes at the Yoga Academy (these may be paid by yearly membership (currently $1099.00 annually), casually, or by discount cards. 4.2 Payment Procedures Payment of the non refundable registration fee is payable at time of enrolment. There are then two separate payments: 1. Payment for Yoga Academy asana classes This is paid to the Yoga Academy, either as a yearly membership or casually, or by discount cards, etc. 2. Payment for Yoga Academy Teacher Training The full amount for the course is payable one week before the course starts. Cheques should be made out to "Yoga Academy Training", or can be deposited to our on line account (contact Jude Hynes for details: Auckland Yoga Academy | + 64 9 3570750 | | 190 Federal St, Auckland CBD, New Zealand 6 Teaching Pregnancy Yoga Training and Investment Prospectus | 2013 5. Enrolment If you are interested in this course then email Jude ( providing the following information: Name: Age: Address: Email address: History of yoga: i.e. how long have you been practicing yoga, what style of yoga have you been practicing, how often do you practice on a weekly basis, is meditation included in your practice of yoga, what schools or teachers have you studied at/with. Where possible it is advisable to arrange to attend a class in which your asana practice can be assessed. If you are accepted you will be advised – enrolment is completed by the payment of the non-refundable registration fee. Jude welcomes all enquiries face to face, by e-mail or phone 021-0245-1983 Auckland Yoga Academy | + 64 9 3570750 | | 190 Federal St, Auckland CBD, New Zealand 7
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