Hope’s Newsletter “To Know Christ and to Make Him Known” A Message From Pastor May, 2015 Volume 41 Issue 5 Signs, signs, everywhere there are signs. As I drive around the area, I notice all the new electronic signs. Especially I notice the church signs. Are the electronic messages readable as I drive by? What news do they share? Eventually (as I write in mid-April), our new sign will be finished and operating. The new sign will announce to our neighbors that the funny looking building here is a church; especially it will say that it is a Lutheran Church. The electronic part of the sign will share worship and education times. It will announce special events. It will be our voice as people drive by. It may be tempting to believe that we don’t need to use some traditional communication methods any more. But that’s not true. The sign is only one way in which we will get the message of Hope to others. We will still want to make and place flyers in local stores and to our friends. We will continue to benefit from the little “Burma Shave” signs. Above all, we will need to continue to share the events of Hope with our friends and neighbors face to face as we have always done. And we will still need to let everyone know how much God loves and forgives them, face to face, as we have always done. In HOPE Pastor Lynn + Address: 9425 N. Citrus Springs Blvd Citrus Springs Florida 34434 Mailing Address: P.O. Box 2070 Dunnellon Florida 34430 Phone: 352-489-5511 Fax: 352-489-5222 Church Email: Hopeevangelical@bellsouth.net Web Page Address: www.hopelutheranelca.co m Sunday Sermons www.hopewards.blogspot. com Staff: Pastor Lynn Fonfara Lmfonfara@bellsouth.net Church Secretary Barbara Decker Music Director/Organist Susan Collins Custodian Kerry Reed Inside this issue: Martha Circle 3 Quotable Quotes 5 Critic’s Corner 6 New Wisdom Seekers 8 Dollars and Sense 10 THANK YOU Thanks from Pastor Lynn to: I don’t always see everyone who participates in a given project, so please include yourself in the “and others” if you are not named here. Accept my thanks for your hard work! Renate and others for working in the memorial garden for Easter Carole and others for the behind-the-scenes set-ups for the Seder meal, Good Friday worship, and Easter Breakfast Deacon John and Aida for the Easter Egg hunt Deacon Diane and others for the meal for the Seder Dick and Victor and others for the Easter Breakfast Harold and Victor for pushing the contractors to get the new sign installed Council Officers & Members Thank You! from Carol Warden Thank you, Victor for making coffee every Sunday morning and for taking charge of the Easter breakfast. It was enjoyed by many! And a thank you for all of the jobs that get done by Vic that are unknown to most of us. Vic is a man of many talents from replacing light bulbs to yard work and more. Thank you Pastor Lynn, for all of your extra work thru Lent and the Easter Season. Thank you Barb, for going the extra mile and helping with announcements and “paperwork”. Thanks to Aida and Deacon John for the annual Egg Hunt at Hope. President Kim Williams Evangelism/Stewardship Vice President Harold Skidmore Endowment Secretary Renate Wilms-Rovin Acolytes Family Activities Greeters & Guest Greeter Readers Treasurer Deacon Diane Kahler Family Activities Finance, Personnel Financial Secretary Michel Northsea Larry Casper Deacon John Chiappetta Citrus County Blessings Worship & Music Committee Aida Diaz Casey Gaylardo Serving Our Savior Food Pantry Victor Kahler Sandra Meslow Memorial Gardens Richard Regan Property Committee Hans Witter Youth Representative, Appointed Anthony Diaz Page 2 Hope’s Newsletter Martha Circle News Our ladies met on April 1st and finished the adorable favors given away at the Easter breakfast. Cards were mailed to homebound and shut-in members. Small Easter baskets made by Carole were given to the ladies attending the meeting. Plans were made to start a “Secret Prayer Pal” for the rest of the year and those participating will draw a name at the May meeting. Ideas were discussed for Mother’s Day and Father’s Day celebrations. Our Yard Sale is set for Saturday, July 11 from 8:00AM to 12:00PM and our next gathering will be May 6. Please join us! MARTHA CIRCLE - May 6 LUTHER HALL, Classroom 3 AT 1:00PM Operation Christmas Child We are collecting the 5 essentials for April and May. Please bring your donations to the box in Luther Hall or to Carole Warden. Items needed are: WASHCLOTHS, MILD SOAP, TOOTHBRUSHES AND TOOTHPASTE, COMBS AND/ OR BRUSHES. Carole Warden April Council Highlights Confirmation of our four youth: Dominic and Emilio Del Valle, Kelly Haines, and Miranda Strong will take place on Sunday May 24, 2015 at the 10 am Service. Miranda will be baptized on the same day. Members for the VBS committee are being sought. Please, lend your time and talent. Sign-up sheet in narthex. Permission was granted for Susan Collins to conduct music lessons at HOPE. The Shredder truck will be at HOPE on May 2nd from 10-11am followed by a speaker about identity theft from 11am to 12pm. Kim Williams and Casey Gaylardo will be HOPE'S voting members to attend Synod Assembly June 18 - 20 in Kissimmee. Volume 41 Issue 5 Page 3 Council Minutes from March 18, 2015 Hope Evangelical Church Church Council March 18, 2015 – 7:50 p.m. (after Lenten Service) Minutes Call to order/remarks- Kim Williams, President Roll Call – President Kim Williams (present) Vice President Harold Skidmore (present) Secretary Renate Wilms-Rovin (present) Treasurer Deacon Diane Kahler (present) Council Member Larry Casper (present) Council Member Deacon John Chiappetta (present) Council Member Aida Diaz (present) Council Member Casey Gaylardo (present) Council Member Victor Kahler (present) Council Member Sandra Meslow (present) Council Member Dick Regan (present) Council Member Kim Williams (present) Council Member Hans Witter (present) Junior Council Member Anthony Diaz (present) Pastor Lynn Fonfara (present) Pastor Lynn offered opening prayer. 4. Visitors: Joe Elliot, boy scout and his grandmother. Joe presented plans for his Eagle project. He is proposing to construct a place of relaxation with mulched path, stone patio, and benches just past the tree line. He still has to get approval from the boy scout board. After numerous questions and some discussion, Larry moved to have Joe give another, more concrete presentation to the property committee which then will come back to council with their recommendation. Diane seconded, approved unanimously. 5. Devotion - Sunday's gospel 6. Adoption of the March 18, Agenda Additions/Corrections Additions to New Business B. Accepted as amended; M- Renate, S- John, passed unanimously 7. Secretary Report Report of February 18, 2015 Council Meeting A. Additions/Corrections Approved as corrected; M- Hans, S- Sandra, passed unanimou 8. Report of the Treasurer A. Questions/Concerns Discussion ensued re Young Adult ministry. Fund does not separate incoming dollars for youth activities in general and donations/fund raisers earmarked for youth going to Detroit. Several members supported Aida in her request to make some changes. B. Accepted; M-Larry, S- Casey, passed unanimously 10. Reports of Church Committees by Council Liaisons Liaisons to the various committees were appointed; Evangelism/Stewardship - Renate Family Activities - Diane Education - Larry Worship/Music - John Property - Hans Long Range - Hans Finance - Larry Volume 41 Issue 5 Personnel - Diane Memorial - Sandra Endowment - Harold A. Christian Service Evangelism/Stewardship Met March 11. Four members present. Committee recommends to council that taskforces are set up for a. workdays to continue clearing the woods and b. to redesign/improve the memorial garden with the $4,000 donated for that purpose. Memorial taskforce members are Judy Thomason, Michel Northsea, Kim Williams, Aida Diaz, Renate Wilms-Rovin. Russ Telfer, as chair of Memorial committee will be consulted. Family Activities Lenten soup suppers are continuing. A Seder is planned again prior to Maundy Thursday Service. It will be individual table settings with one leader for each table. Easter Egg hunt will take place. Time changed to 10 AM because other churches in Citrus Springs have it earlier, B. Christian Education Education - ongoing Youth Ministry – ongoing Adult Ministry- ongoing C. Christian Worship Worship and Music Property (see attached report) A very successful workday took place on March 7, 2015 and a substantial section of the woods was cleared. Lights at entrance to property were broken again. More street light is needed to prevent vandalism. Maybe some sort of caging of the lights. Long Range Planning will convene shortly. Finance Personnel. Memorial Endowment 11. Old Business A. Sign: Waiting for the posts to be installed. B. Pineland Conference to take place at HOPE at 9:30 on April 25. Refreshments and coffee will be paid for by Family Activity. Diane and Michel in charge of set-up. C. The council retreat for members of Hope's council will take place May 16 from 9 am to noon. Pastor Lynn is planning the program. D. VBS. Kim has received sample curriculum; Theme: World Hunger. Need to see how many people sign up before making concrete plans. 12. New Business A. Request by Susan Collins to give music lessons at HOPE was discussed. Larry moved that further discussion and recommendation be left to the executive committee. B. Long Range Planning Committee was established. Members: John Chiappetta, Michel Northsea, Kim Williams, George Meslow, Larry Casper, Aida Diaz, Casey Gaylardo and Hans Witter. C. Appointments of Council Liaisons: see under item 10. Page 4 Council minutes (cont.) D. Appointments of 2 voting members to the Synod Assembly June 18-20 in Kissimmee. Theme: Global and local mission. Kim Williams and Casey Gaylardo volunteered but it will be opened to the congregation first. Suggestion: Put item on the Congregational Agenda in January in 2016. E. Insurance. Diane reported that Charity First is canceling all our insurances except for Workman's Comp. effective June 15, 2015. In search of a new insurance company, she is working with Gallagher (Co.?) in Miami who is affiliated with the synod. F. Luther Springs. Mission Possible (fund appeal name) is requesting a 20 minute time slot for a presentation about camping ministry and fund raising. To be placed on May's agenda. M -Vic, S- Casey, passed unanimously. 13. Consent Agenda 1. Request by Citrus Springs Crime Watch for use of Luther Hall on November 4, 2015 from 10 am - 1 pm. M-Vic, S-Renate, passed unanimously. 14. Current Meeting Highlights for Newsletter and Bulletin Council Highlights March 2015 Workdays to continue clearing the woods are planned. Taskforce formed to explore enlarging and beautifying the Memorial Garden. - 1:00 pm formed. Mother’s Day Luncheon There will be a Mother’s Day luncheon to celebrate mothers and all women who have had an impact on our lives. The menu isn’t ready yet so be sure to read you weekly bulletin. QUOTABLE QUOTES “A healthy family life requires frequent use of three phrases: ‘May I?, Thank you, and I’m sorry’”-Pope Francis “If men could foresee the future, they would still behave as they do now.”-Russian proverb. Pinelands Conference meets at HOPE April 25, 9:30 am VBS material has been chosen. A committee needs to be A Long Range Planning Committee has been appointed. Members: Larry Casper, John Chiappetta, Aida Diaz, Casey Gaylardo, George Meslow, Kim Williams, Hans Witter. Seeking 2 voting members to attend Synod Assembly June 18 - 20 in Kissimmee. 15. Adjournment at 9:45 PM and Prayer. M- Dick, SCasey, passed unanimously Respectfully submitted, Renate Wilms-Rovin “It’s spring fever. That is what the name of it is. And when you’ve got it, you want-oh you don’t quite know what it is you do want, but it just fairly makes your heart ache, you want it so!”-Mark Twain “Verba movent, exempla trahunt”(Words move people, examples compel them.)-Latin proverb. “Spring won’t let me stay in this house any longer! I must get out and breathe the air deeply again.”-Gustav Mahler Volume 41 Issue 5 Page 5 Martyr Moments ERIK, KING OF SWEDEN MAY 17, 1160 Eric 1X Jedvardsson was a ruler of much of Sweden from 1150-1160. He was the head of a Christian kingdom with nearby pagan kingdoms, all sharing an old tradition of fighting. Around 1155 he headed an expedition into Finland, then loosely under Swedish rule, to consolidate Swedish authority there and to establish a protected Christian mission, headed by Henry of Uppsala, now considered the founder of the Church in Finland. Erik is also known for undertaking to provide Sweden with fair laws and fair courts, and for measures designed to assist the poor and the infirm. As he was in church on May 18, 1160, the day after Ascension Day, he was told that a pagan Danish army was approaching to kill him. As he was leaving the church the pagans rushed upon him and killed him. Within 30 years of his death his name appeared on the Swedish calendar and he is accounted the principal patron of Sweden. The silver casket with his remains still rests in the cathedral at Uppsala. Our faith is built upon those that have gone before us. Praise be to the Lord! Volume 41 Issue 5 Critic’s Corner Killing Patton by Bill O’Reilly and Martin Dugard After seeing the title I realized that I knew very little or next to nothing about General George Patton. The book told me that he died under mysterious circumstances in the months following the end of World War II. For almost 70 years, there has been suspicions that his death was not an accident-and may very well have been an act of assassination. This book considers the myriad parties that benefited from his untimely death, from Joseph Stalin to an American spy looking to remain cozy with the Soviet Union to Rommel being forced to commit suicide on direct orders from Adolph Hitler. I found this book readable and very interesting with facts that explain and hint at political circumstances of present day. Critic: Diane Kahler The congregation is encouraged to participate in the Critic’s Corner with books and movies. Page 6 Hope’s Prayer List PRAYER REQUESTS Please pray for: Ann Stevenson, daughter-in-law of Manley Benmark, who has cancer. Richard Kiefer, friend of Vic Kahler, who will be undergoing bladder cancer treatment. Linda Becker who has undergone surgery recently. The family of Bob Krokker as they mourn his death. Susan Eytel, sister of Diane Kahler, with serious eye problems. Julie Butler, Bill and Sylvia Hoffmeier’s niece, who has stage 2 throat cancer. June Towner who is recovering from hip surgery. Pray for Matthew, friend of Casey Gaylardo, who has complications from M.S. Peggy and Bob Schade’s neighbor, Frances Eddy for healing from lung cancer. Barbara Beardsley, friend of Edith Regan, who is fighting lung cancer. Nancy Miller’s friend Sandy who has just been diagnosed with pancreatic cancer. Casey Gaylardo for her kidney issues. Linda Becker’s friend Felica who has MS & broke her leg, for healing of body and spirit. Kris Brock for her fibromyalgia, overcoming negativity, for upliftment, and peace. Chas Collins for healing. Carol D’Auria and family as they mourn the death of her husband, Sebastian. Joyce Davis for continued healing following a heart attack. Dee Forsyth’s friend Lauren and her daughter Jamie who are going through tough times. Pastor Lynn’s daughter-in-law Sarah for healing and wholeness. Ruth Moheit, for healing. Edith Regan’s great nephew, Austin Walters for healing. Lou and Aida Diaz’s cousin, Kevin Centeno, who has been diagnosed with MS. Casey Gaylardo’s sister, Dorothy, who has severe health issues. An unborn child recently diagnosed with Spina Bifida. Prayers for Luis Diaz’s mother, Juanita Otero, who is nearing death. George Meslow for healing. Casey Gaylardo’s brother, David, who had a partial foot amputation. Dianne Carlson, for a recent kidney transplant. For Hans Witter’s neighbor, Sharon, who was diagnosed with cancer. Lay your healing hands on her. Page 7 Hope’s Newsletter New Wisdom Seekers Course New Wisdom Seekers course: Explaining All The Scary Stuff In REvELaTION Four Wednesdays in May at 10am in Classroom 2. The course will feature a video presentation and discussion about the video. Facilitated by Pastor Lynn REvELaTION Explaining All The Scary Stuff In REvELaTION featuring The Rev. Ken Klaus, Speaker of The Lutheran Hour In 96 A.D. a miraculous thing happened on a rocky, desolate, six-by-ten-mile island in the Aegean. The apostle John was walking alongside the ocean when the majestic voice of God spoke from heaven bringing a message of cheer to believers who had been struggling with the harsh burden of persecution from the Roman Emperor Domitian. The old disciple looked heavenward to see the clouds part and God revealing an amazing vision of His plan for the Church through the ages. This is not a verse by verse study, but one with a specific purpose, to invite us to consider the good news found in Revelation. The four lessons include: 1) Revelation 6, The Four Horsemen of the Apocalypse; 2) Revelation 17, The Great Prostitute; 3) Revelation 19, The Rider on the Unfortunately through the years White Horse; and 4) Revelation 21, A Revelation has come to be seen as a New Heaven and a New Earth. scary book filled with confusing and even terrifying things. So join us as we If you haven’t joined us before, talk about that scary stuff, and learn consider participating in this short that God didn’t give us Revelation to study of the book of Revelation terrify us- but to reassure us. produced by Lutheran Hour speaker As you study Revelation, you will Rev. Ken Klaus, and part of The Lutheran Hour Ministry Men’s discover the following things: • God has a plan for and is in control of Network. His creation. • He knows His people will suffer. • He encourages us to focus on Jesus. • He assures us of a final victory over evil. • He says the faithful already share victory in Jesus. • He says death in Jesus is not disgrace, but victory. Page 8 Hope’s Newsletter Jacob’s Journey Jacob’s Journey will finish up with our classes by the beginning of May. We plan to resume in the fall with the final leg of our wonderful long journey through the Bible with the last book, the study of Revelation. All the different threads of the Bible come together at the end, that is why this book promises a blessing to all who read and study it; therefore, we invite all in our church family to come and learn with us some of the secrets which are revealed on the pages of this ancient message. We expect to resume classes in the fall and we look forward to that promised blessing that is ours as we read and study this fascinating book. Enjoy a blessed summer and keep on studying the Word. Maranatha! Anita O’Donnell Known Birthdays and Anniversaries for May Birthdays 5 Richard Warden 10 Stan Miller Hazel Rienstra 11 Aida Diaz 12 Ann Becwar Marlene Collins 13 David Becwar 30 Francesca Serrano Volume 41 Issue 5 Anniversaries 2 David & Alice Doyle (62) Harold & Kay Schaller (18) 5 Harold & Jane Skidmore (36) Richard & Carole Warden (45) 7 Ted & Lynn Polack(22) 8 Jim & Sue Hovis (50) 23 Brian & Dee Forsyth (28) Page 9 From the Quilters Corner We would like to thank Joyce Davis for all of her hard work that she did with the Quilting Group during the last several months! Last month we published a list of people who are working with the quilts currently and inadvertently left her off that list. Thank you again to Joyce and all of the members of the Quilting Group who do such a great job. Linda Becker and Pat Kessel Pillowcase Dresses We are asking for the following items to make pillowcase dresses: Wide rick-rack or lace Pillowcases (any size) Half-inch, double-fold bias tape Following some simple steps, any size new or gently used pillowcase can be quickly turned into a prized possession for a grateful little girl in Africa. These dresses are then packed into the shoeboxes for the Operation Christmas Child drive. Please see Pat Kessel if you have any of the above items to donate for this project. Members who are homebound or residing in Care Facilities Joan Layton—Home Dorothy Scianna—Crystal Gem Manor, Crystal River Karen Summers—Home Ruby Wagner– Brentwood Dollars and Sense from the Treasurer’s Desk From the Treasurer’s Desk: Regular Offering 3/1 $3459 3/8 $2081 3/15 $2513 3/22 $1732 3/29 $1237 Total inflow $13,425.00 Total outflow $11,778.00 Page 10 Communion 72 58 68 54 73 Hope’s Newsletter Music Instruction Susan Collins is accepting a limited number of students for music instruction in piano, voice, and organ. Half-hour lessons at $25.00 and hour lessons at $40.00 are available. Call 325-201-6307 for further information. YARD SALE Don’t forget when doing your spring cleaning to save some items for our yard sale to be held on Saturday, July 11 from 8:00AM to 12:00PM. Funds raised at the yard sale will pay for the shipping of our shoeboxes again this year. We will also use a portion of the proceeds to help send Hope’s Youth to Detroit. Don’t throw out those extra tools, garden pots, household items, dishes, and things you no longer use or need– bring them to Luther Hall or to Carole Warden. But please remember: NO CLOTHING DONATIONS– we are not going to sell any clothes. Thank you! Carole Warden Property Report I would like to thank Renate Wilms-Rovin, Hans Witter, Harold Skidmore, Dick Regan, Barbara Decker, Kerry Reed, Diane Kahler, Jim Earl, Aida and Luis Diaz, and Bill Kessel. We recorded 70 hours since our last report. Some of the tasks completed in April were: Mowed when necessary The sign at the entrance to Luther Hall was cleaned and re-installed by Hans Witter Repaired the Memorial Garden light Worked on the irrigation system in the Memorial Garden Removed nuisance palms and weeds and mulched the Memorial Garden Victor Kahler, Property Chairman Volume 41 Issue 5 Page 11 Did You Ever Wonder…? Did you ever wonder where the Doxology came from? Before Charles Wesley or Isaac Watts, there was Thomas Ken who has been called “England’s first hymnist”. He was born in 1637 in Little Berkhampstead on the fringes of greater London. When his parent died, he was raised by his half-sister and her husband who enrolled him in Winchester College, an historic boys’ school. Thomas was later ordained to the ministry and returned to Winchester as a chaplain. To encourage the devotional habits of the boys, Thomas wrote three hymns in 1674. This was revolutionary because English hymns had not yet appeared. Only the Psalms were sung in public worship. Ken suggested the boys use the hymns privately in their rooms. One hymn was to be sung upon waking, another at bedtime and a third at midnight if sleep did come. His morning hymn had 13 stanzas, beginning with: Awake my soul, and with the sun thy daily stage of duty run; Shake off dull sloth and joyful rise, to pay thy morning sacrifice. His evening hymn, equally meaningful, included this verse: All praise to Thee, my God, this night, for all the blessing of the light! Keep me, O keep me, King of kings, beneath Thine own almighty wings. All three hymns ended with a common stanza, which has since become the most widely-sung verse in the world. Praise God, from Whom all blessing flow;/Praise Him, all creatures here below;/ Praise Him above, ye heavenly host;/Praise Father, Son, and Holy Ghost. In 1680, Thomas was appointed chaplain to England’s King Charles II. It was a thankless job, as Charles kept a variety of mistresses. During the reign of the next king, James II, Thomas, by now a bishop, was sent to the Tower of London for his Protestant convictions. After his release, Thomas retired to the home of a wealthy friend where he died on March 11, 1711. He was buried at sunrise, and the Doxology was sung at his funeral. Those Who Will Assist in Worship for May at 10 am Communion Assistants and Acolytes 3– Deacon John Chiappetta/Dominic Del Valle 10– Emilio Del Valle/Kelly Haines 17– Dee Forsyth/Kris Brock 24– Renate Wilms-Rovin/Judy Howe 31– Deacon John Chiappetta/Jackie Dean Assisting Ministers 3- Nettie Haines 10– Anthony Diaz 17– Renate Wilms-Rovin 24– Emilio Del Valle 31– Steve Northsea Guest Greeter Altar Guild Margarita Chiappetta Margaret DeWalt Casey Gaylardo Diane Kahler Vivian Matthews Nursery Please see an usher for assistance Lay Readers 3– Emilio Del Valle 10– Judy Thomason 17– Bob Shade 24– Renate Wilms-Rovin 31– Peggy Shade Pat Kessel Greeters Joan Klotz Kay Schaller Ushers for the Month Luis Diaz Russ Telfer Holy Trinity Communion 8:00a Spoken Worship 9:00a Sunday School CR2 10:00a Worship 11:15a Fellowship 31 Pentecost/ Confirmation Communion 8:00a Spoken Worship 9:00a Sunday School 10:00a Worship 11:15a Fellowship 24 Ascension Communion 8:00a Spoken Worship 9:00a Sunday School CR2 10:00a Worship 11:15a Fellowship 17 OFFICE CLOSED Memorial Day 25 6:30p Boy Scouts 7:30p NO Confirmation Class 18 6:30p Boy Scouts 7:30p Confirmation Class CR2 11 10 Communion 8:00a Spoken Worship 9:00a Sunday School CR2 10:00a Worship 11:15a Mother’s Day Luncheon 4:30p Long Range Planning Committee meeting 6:30p Boy Scouts 7:30p Confirmation Class CR2 4 Mon Communion 8:00a Spoken Worship 9:00a Sunday School CR2 10:00a Worship 11:15a Fellowship 3 Sun Wed 7:00p Sunday’s Coming parlor 26 7:00p Sunday’s Coming parlor 19 7:00p Sunday’s Coming parlor 7:30p Stewardship Evangelism Committee Meeting 12 9:30a Quilting Group Luther Hall 7:00p Sunday’s Coming-parlor 5 10:00a Wisdom Seekers CR2 27 10:00a Wisdom Seekers CR2 7:00p Council Meeting 20 9:00A Citrus County Blessings CR5 10:00a Wisdom Seekers CR2 7:00p Finance Committee Meeting 13 10:00a Wisdom Seekers CR2 1:00p Martha Circle CR3 6 MAY 2015 Tue EVENTS 6-9:00p Stephen Ministry parlor 6:30p Cub Scouts 7:00p Choir Reh. 28 6-9:00p Stephen Ministry parlor 6:30p Cub Scouts 7:00p Choir Reh. 21 6-9:00p Stephen Ministry parlor 6:30p Cub Scouts 7:00p Choir Reh. 14 9:30a-12:30p National Day of Prayer at Dunnellon Library 6-9:00p Stephen Ministry parlor 6:30p Cub Scouts 7:00p Choir Reh. 7 Thu SUBJECT 29 22 15 6:30p Youth Group meeting 8 1 Fri TO CHANGE 30 23 9:00a Council Retreat 16 8:00a–1:00p District 28 AA Training Workshop Luther Hall 9 10:00a Shred Event 11:00a Identity Theft Seminar with light lunch Luther Hall 2 Sat
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