HOPE LUTHERAN CHURCH Anchored in Christ…to Build and Grow Faith Hope Happenings April 2015 Volume 38 ● No. 04 Inside this issue: Council News 3 Building Hope for Future 4 Prime Timers 5 Hope’s Preschool 6 Children’s News 7 Spring Ring 10 Youth News 11 Hope Has ARRIVED !! (at our temporary Redhawk location, that is ...) With God's help and the support of our WHOLE congregation, Hope has settled into our new Redhawk campus for the next 18 months!! Join us SUNDAYS for 8 and 10:15 am worship 32819 Temecula Parkway, Ste. B (between Vail Storage and Best Buy) Holy Week at Hope Palm/Passion Sunday, Sunday, March 29 8 & 10:15 am worship Experience a dramatic and moving experience of Jesus’ last days moving from “Hosanna” to “Crucify Him” Maundy (Holy) Thursday, April 2 Noon AND 7 pm worship includes Holy Communion and First Communion for some of our children Good Friday April 3 Noon AND 7 pm worship with special readings and music by our Chancel Choir Easter Sunday, April 5 8 am Festival Worship at Redhawk With special music by Bells of Hope & our Easter Choir at Ronald Reagan Park (Rancho Vista and Margarita Rd) -- bring a lawn chair -- 9:15 am Easter Breakfast Fruit, rolls, coffee, hard boiled eggs hosted by PowerZone 10:15 am Outdoor Easter Worship with communion 11:30 am Easter Egg Hunt for Kids Page 2 Hope Happenings Pastor’s Message Volume 38 ● Number 04 On the Move, Yet Anchored in Christ At Easter we celebrate God's love made known in Jesus' life, death and resurrection. Easter is the ultimate celebration of HOPE! In Christ' death and resurrection, God shows us the depths of God's love for us. In Christ, death is overcome, and we receive God's promise that out of the ashes of our lives, God brings new life, new beginnings, resurrection. It is, indeed, Good News! For wherever we go, we are children of God, loved and beloved, always being made new! This past month we officially began a new chapter in the life of this community of faith. After months of prayerful discernment, frequent meetings to talk through details and to be sure everyone was informed, our congregation shared its last worship service at the Vallejo campus and joined in a blessing and dedication of our Redhawk location -- our temporary home for the next 18 months. Like the earliest Christians, we are following where God leads . . . joyfully, prayerfully, together. . . united in faith in our God who loves us and calls us to put God's purposes ahead of everything else. The presence of the Holy Spirit permeated our worship and our gathering at both places as we celebrated that the church is NOT a building or collection of 'stuff'. Instead, the church is the Body of Christ . . . a people of different gifts and abilities, knit together by faith in God and anchored in Christ to build and grow faith. As we embark on this new adventure, I share with you some of prayers shared at our dedication of the Redhawk campus. It was adapted from our ELW Occasional Services resource. May this prayer continue to flow from our lips and our hearts. Together with you, in God's Gracious Grip, Pastor Sandy We give you thanks, O God, creator of the universe, for your abundant gifts. By your holy wisdom all things have been made to reflect your glory. Send your blessing upon us and upon this new campus, which we set apart today to your praise and honor. Give us joy in all your works, and grant that our new home at Redhawk may always be a place where your will is done and your name is glorified. May it be a lively place for sound learning and new discovery; and grant that those who teach and those who learn may find you to be the source of all truth. May warmth and welcome fill this place. May it be a home for the community and a haven for the stranger; a safe place for laughter, for tears, and for wonder; and a center for acts of service and deeds of love. May this be a place where we learn to cherish the earth and live in harmony with your good creation. May this be a place where spirits and bodies are restored, in healing solitude and prayer, in joyful activity and community. Strengthen all who serve in this place: encourage them in their ministry as we serve you and reach out to the community around us, refresh them when weary, console them in grief, hearten them in discouragement, so that they may be instruments of your healing and peace; We give you thanks, O God, creator of the universe, for your abundant gifts. Your days are without number; a thousand years in your sight are like yesterday when it is past. You are the Lord of the past, the present, and the future; you hold eternity in the palm of your hand. We remember with thanksgiving all the saints and witnesses to your goodness who have gone before us, those who have made sacrifices that allowed this community of faith to be born and to grow, who by their lives have testified to the love of God. Give us grace to follow them in faith as your beloved children. Inspire us to put your purposes first, that together, we may grow into the likeness of your Son, our Lord Jesus Christ, We re-dedicate ourselves to the mission you have given us: Anchored in Christ . . . to build and grow faith. We will TRUST GOD in the midst of what makes us anxious CHOOSE FAITH instead of fear, SERVE MISSION instead of our own comfort. As you raised up your Son, our Lord Jesus Christ, so also by your Spirit make us to be partakers of that new life which you have promised to those who believe; through Jesus Christ, our Savior and Lord, who lives and reigns with you and the Holy Spirit, one God, now and forever. Amen. Pastor Sandy Hope Happenings Volume 38 ● Number 04 From Hope’s Council Dear Friends in Christ, In this newsletter you will find many expressions of GRATITUDE. Gratitude awakens our hearts. I remember a line from poet E.E. Cummings who said, “The eyes of my eyes were opened.” During the month of March our eyes were opened to what is possible when everyone is united and we work with God’s Spirit – not wishing for what we may lack, but grateful for the abundance that we have. At our March council meeting we talked at length about how grateful we were for so much help and amazed at how much was accomplished in a short time. The fact that we already had our first Sunday Worship Service on March 22nd at our temporary Redhawk headquarters (with all operations running smoothly and joyful members greeting each other and laughing as we are all closer to each other) is a miracle possible through God’s Spirit and the hard work of so many members. A special word of appreciation goes to the office staff, Laura, Jeckie, Pastor Sandy, Shirley and Constance, who have been packing, moving, schlepping, setting up and taking care of myriads of necessary details. Thank you, Hope Staff! If we give our very best, the very best will come back to us. In June 2014, when we were not able to meet our mission commitment to ELCA , we voted to suspend the budgeted $2,000 monthly payments until the Vallejo property was sold. With escrow closing this week, we voted unanimously to honor this commitment, live what we believe, and send ELCA a check for $20,000. Hallelujah! Another important aspect of the new facility is communication and advertising that we are here! Our new phones and IT system will better serve the needs of both our church and preschool. We voted to install HOPE signage on the marquee, get a banner for special events and A-Frames that will be placed along Temecula Parkway and Wolf Store Page 3 Rd. We want to make our presence here known! Please pray with us that we do not feel anxious, but grateful for what God has provided. We are on a journey and blessed with members who care deeply about each other and our community. With the close of escrow and our move completed, we gratefully focus on the work of the Steering Committee who gave an update on March 15. In the future, we hope to post updates on the Hope Web site. (Watch for a NEW Hope web site coming on-line in April.) The committee shared initial design plans, plans to present the plans to the City by the end of March and updated us on meeting with the HOA. Rodney King introduced the “Building Hope for the Future” capital campaign, suggested by the Steering Committee and voted on by council. The goal is a $500,000 capital campaign over the next two years. The allocation of building funds will come from the proceeds from the Vallejo property, the Capital Campaign, a loan for the remaining balance and subsequent campaign to pay down debt. Please join us in prayer as we look for an experienced leadership team to guide our campaign. Please pray for open eyes, hearts and minds, wisdom and faith as council prepares for their annual retreat on April 18. It is a time to come together in prayer, take time to know each other better, prayerfully consider requests that have been made at congregational meetings, reflect on where we are as a congregation and consider how we will continue to grow strong in faith, mission and outreach. We thank God for his faithfulness and promise to be gracious to us. Blessings to All, Hope Church Council/Renate Jefferson 2015 Hope Council Rodney King Renate Jefferson Chuck Coe Cheryle Fritsch Jim Allmon Diane Anderson Marta Bills John Hanson Sherry Ito Pr. Sandy Bentz President Vice President Secretary Treasurer Member - at - Large Member - at - Large Member - at - Large Member - at - Large Member - at - Large rking60@verizon.net renategary@verizon.net temchuck@earthlink.net cheryle.fritsch@cardinalhealth.com jimallmon@yahoo.com ndjanderson@verizon.net tbills4@verizon.net huskerhanson@yahoo.com sherry@idsprintwise.com 951-723-0261 951-699-4895 951-676-7408 951-600-0488 951-676-1597 951-834-3191 951-699-9939 951-741-5743 951-303-9879 sbentz@hopetemecula.org 951-676-6262 ext 205 Page 4 Hope Happenings Steering Committee Volume 38 ● Number 04 March. This involves the renderings shown to the congregation on March 8 and also more visuals with possible landscaping. With an initial approval, we go into the next phase of our application for a CUP (conditional use permit) and work on the finer details of the building plans. Building Hope for the Future is forging ahead with a couple of key milestones behind us and several more on the short-term horizon. At press time, escrow was scheduled to close within days on the sale of our Vallejo property to Julian Charter School. After months of work with the City of Temecula, we've settled on a site plan (where the building and parking go on the vacant lot) and a general external plan (elevation of the building, appearance, materials and rough design). If you haven't seen the renderings, you can see them at the church office. Several members of the Steering Committee and our engineer hope to make a presentation to the city planning department around the end of With that approval, we'll also be ready to show our plans to the Los Ranchitos HOA and the adjacent neighbors, who will be key to our gathering support for an HOA vote. We must secure a bylaw amendment with the HOA in order to use the vacant lot for anything but a $43,600 as of March 22 residential or agricultural use. This is similar to the bylaw amendment needed for Julian to use our previous campus as a charter school. We also have hired a company to manage our utilities hookup - Edison runs 4-6 months behind on hookups for new properties, so Edison works with this company to ensure requests are dealt with on a more timely basis. We also have benefitted from our engineer's experience and local knowledge, which may allow us to bypass a seismic/earthquake test unless a soil compaction tests dictates it. Our engineer worked on our vacant lot back when it was originally owned by Rancho Community Church. Please keep these efforts in your prayers, and please look for opportunities to get involved as we Build Hope for the Future. To give a gift to help with Building Hope for the Future... A separate account has been established for Building Hope for the Future donations. Gifts to this fund will be used only for expenses directly related to Phase 1 development (surveys, permits, grading and site work) and other building-related expenses in developing Hope's 3 acre parcel. If you would like to give a gift for this purpose, simply write a check to Hope Lutheran Church with “Building Hope for the Future” in the memo line. “Like” us on Facebook Hope Lutheran Church, Hope Children’s Center and Hope’s Youth Facebook page links https://www.facebook.com/hopetemecula https://www.facebook.com/pages/Hope-Lutheran-Church-Temecula/136506083069553 https://www.facebook.com/pages/Hope-Childrens-Center/584167134945049?hc_location=timeline https://www.facebook.com/h0pe4y0uth?fref=ts Hope Happenings Volume 38 ● Number 04 Page 5 Hope Staffing Change in Music Ministry With sadness, we have accepted Tyler’s resignation (see below) and we are beginning the search for a new contemporary music director for Hope. Tyler’s last Sunday with us will be May 17 or sooner if a new director is found. To Hope Lutheran Church: After much prayer, I have decided that it's time for me to step down from my position as Contemporary Worship Leader at Hope. Although I have enjoyed my time in ministry, I feel God has been leading me to put roots down in Moreno Valley. I have appreciated all of your kind words and willingness to let me be your worship leader, and I will miss you all! Tyler Bettge Watch for a new position description and more information on our search in early April. If you know of someone who might be interested or who may have the experience or gifts we need, please email the church office at staff@hopetemecula.org Men’s Breakfast Saturday April 11 8 - 9 am Journey’s End Restaurant at Pechanga Golf Course Men Breakfast will meet this month at Pechanga Golf Course Journey’s End Restaurant We’ll meet to share breakfast, fellowship and end with a short time of Bible study. All men, young or old-er, are welcome!!! Questions? Howard Cunningham 951-907-9626 or Jim Allmon 951-676-1597 Coming Soon - Play Date in the Park for kids 5 & under and their parents • • • Do you have a child - or two - under 5 yrs old? Is it hard to get to “church” Sunday mornings? Would you like your kids to have some faith activities/ playtime designed for them? Consider a play date in the park with other families. What better way to get to know others and God than playing, crafting and praying together in God’s creation?! Date, time and park to be determined. Listen for a call from Shirley Lee to explore this further! Questions? Want to help plan? Call Shirley Lee 951-676-6262, email slee@hopetemecula.org Prime Timers April Luncheon and Program Thursday April 9 11:30 am – l pm ** NEW LOCATION** Assistance League Meeting Room 28720 Via Montezuma (West of Jefferson just south of overland) Guest: Margo Doski, Assistance League Prime Timers luncheons will be held at Assistance League Temecula Valley Meeting Room. 28720 Via Montezuma, Temecula. Going north on Jefferson turn left on Montezuma, first driveway to the right. Our program will be presented by Margo Doski, Assistance League Representative. Margo will share the programs that Assistance League do and will guide a tour of their facility and operation. Please sign up on the easel in Hope’s entryway either of the two Sundays prior to this event so we know how many are coming. Please don’t forget to sign it, and please remember we must pay the caterer $9 for every name on the list. We urge all you 50+ people to attend. The program, the food and the fellowship will make for a most enjoyable outing. At this time I don’t have menu but I promise a delicious lunch. Hope to see you there. Page 6 Hope Happenings Hunger Ministry Hope’s Hunger Ministry asks you to be part of our Offering of Letters April 26, as we write letters to urge lawmakers to protect nutrition funding for children across the country, funding that has been supported by our country since 1946. More than one in five children in the US currently live at risk of hunger. Children need access to the healthy food to learn and grow. Join us after each service on April 26th to add your voice to this Bread for the World effort to protect public school nutrition programs from cuts and harmful policy changes—and improve children’s access to these programs. More information will be shared at worship April 19. You may prefer to write your letter ahead of time and drop it off on April 26. We’ve included a sample below that you can use as a model. We urge you to handwrite your letter, as legislators give more weight to personal letters that come to them. Dear Senator ____ (or Rep. _____), As you consider renewing child nutrition programs this year, I urge you to make sure children at risk of hunger can get the healthy meals they Volume 38 ● Number 04 need to learn and grow. Specifically, I urge you to protect child nutrition programs from cuts and harmful policy changes and improve children’s access to these programs while not cutting other safety-net programs. Child nutrition programs serve as a lifeline for America’s vulnerable children and their families. As your constituent, I urge you to protect and improve child nutrition programs. Sincerely, Your Name Your Address We also ask you to pray for the hungry and impoverished in the world. Ask God to support and comfort our brothers and sisters who live with hunger, poverty, and disease. Pray that God will help the nation’s leaders to make wise and compassionate decisions, and guide people of faith and conscience on their journey to do justice and love mercy. Bread for the World is a collective Christian voice urging our nation’s decision makers to end hunger at home and abroad. Hope has participated in the annual Campaign of Letters for many years. We look forward to your participation in 2015! Hunger Ministry Team Hope Children’s Center Preschool — a ministry of Hope Lutheran Church Classes are offered Monday thru Friday for children ages 3 to 5. To tour the preschool or for more information, contact Director Jane Osuna at 951-694-3607 or hopechildrensctr@hotmail.com NOTE: Our preschool remains at the Vallejo campus - 29141 Vallejo Ave while the church is at our temporary Redhawk campus! Jesus has always been in the business of change…change is good! After 15 years of the most loyal and dedicated service to our school, it is with a bittersweet heart that we announce the retirement of Ms. Vikey from HCC (and the Brown Bears!) to follow Jesus on a brand new adventure! Miss Vikey We are excited to add that the very woman who gave the Brown Bears class its name will be returning as lead teacher in the fall. Welcome home Ms. Debbi! God’s timing continues to be perfect as always!! Our hearts overflow with precious memories of all the hearts and lives, both children and parents, which Ms. Vikey has touched as a result of her obedient heart pouring out God’s love on us all. We will be forever changed and eternally grateful for knowing her. On a happier note… Hope Children's Center was the recipient of a practically new refrigerator, a very nice set of metal shelves, and lots of other very useful items thanks to the church's temporary move to Redhawk! The children and staff thank you very much!! Hope Children's Center has now opened enrollment for the 2015-2016 school year to the public! If you have friends or family who might be interested in enrolling their child for the fall, please have them call or come by the office. No appointment necessary, we love showing off the preschool!! Limited space is available in some classrooms for this school year. Hope Happenings Volume 38 ● Number 04 Page 7 From Palm Sunday to Easter Baskets 9:15 - 10 am Palm Sunday, March 29 No Faith Explorers - April 5 - Easter Sunday 8 am - Worship at Redhawk 10:15 Worship at Ronald Reagan Sports Park 9:15-10:15 Easter Breakfast --- 11:30 Egg Hunt For kids’ 3 yrs -5th grade Beginning April 12 Faith Explorers will meet DURING 10:15 am worship (Children will begin in Worship_ April 12 - Second Sunday of Easter Doubting Thomas (John 20:19-31) Memory Verse: Jesus said to them again, “Peace be with you. As the Father has sent me, so I send you. John 20:21 April 19 - Third Sunday of Easter The Great Commission (Luke 24:36-53) Memory Verse: Repentance and forgiveness of sins is to be proclaimed in his name to all nations. Luke 24:47 April 26 - Fourth Sunday of Easter The Good Shepherd (John 10:11-18) Memory Verse: I am the Good shepherd. I know my own • • Service & FUN Event for ALL ages Make a Difference! On the first Palm Sunday adults and children greeted Jesus with Hosannas as he approached Jerusalem. As we mark the beginning of Holy Week and think about the sacrifice of Jesus and hope he brought to others. At and through this event we will: • Find out where the Easter bunny came from, and why he delivers Easter eggs? • Focus on Holy Week and meaning behind the decorations for Easter • Make palm crosses and • Make Easter baskets for shut-ins • We will sing Hosanna • Bring a touch of Hope to our members and others who cannot make it to services. This is a Thrivent Action Team Event. We thank our hostess, Mary Ann Mericle, our Action Team Leader, for this event! All participants receive a Live Generously t-shirt. For kids 5th grade and under Bring a basket, bucket or bag to collect your eggs Questions about anything on this page? Want to get involved with something above? Contact Shirley Lee 951-676-6262 ext. 203 or slee@hopetemecula.org. Page 8 & 9 Hope Happenings Sunday Monday Tuesday Volume 38 ● Number 04 Wednesday 5:00 PM 1st Comm Bread Baking 6:30 PM Chapel Choir - HCC 5 At Redhawk 8 AM Festival Easter Worship 6 7 Church Office Closed At Ronald Reagan Park (Rancho Vista and Margarita Road) 9:15 AM Easter Breakfast hosted by PowerZone 10:15 AM Outdoor Easter Worship w/ communion 11:30 AM Easter Egg Hunt for Kids thru 5th grade 6:30 PM Bell Rehearsal-Promise Lutheran, Murrieta 4:30 PM Puppets Friday 1 Maundy Thursday 2 10:00 AM Staff Meeting Easter Thursday Saturday Good Friday 3 4 Church Office Closed Noon AND 7 pm Good Friday Worship Noon AND 7 pm Worship w/ First Communion Project T.O.U.C.H Dinner 8 9 10 10:00 AM Staff Meeting 11:30 AM Prime Timers Church Office Closed 6:02 PM PowerZone 6:30 PM Chapel Choir - HCC 6:30 PM Dave Bradley Rehearsal 5:00 PM Hope Happenings Deadline 11 8:00 AM Men’s Breakfast at Journey’s End Restaurant Pechanga Golf Course NO Transformers 12 13 8 & 10:15 AM Worship Faith Explorers (3 yr - 5th gr) during 10:15 am worship 11:30 AM Music Rehearsal 5:00 PM Transformers 5:15 PM HCC Board Mtg 6:30 PM Bell Rehearsal-Promise Lutheran, Murrieta 19 8 & 10:15 AM Worship Faith Explorers (3 yr - 5th gr) during 10:15 am worship 11:30 AM Music Rehearsal 2:00 PM Transformers leave for CCLM (San Bernardino Mission) 26 20 15 16 4:30 PM Puppets 6:02 PM PowerZone 6:30 PM Chapel Choir - HCC 21 22 9:30 AM HCC Chapel (Pr. Sandy)-Vallejo 9:30 AM HCC Chapel (Pr. Sandy)-Vallejo 10:00 AM Staff Meeting 5:30 PM Council Meeting 28 10:00 AM Newsletter Assembly 6:30 PM Bell Rehearsal-Promise Lutheran, Murrieta 29 10:00 AM Staff Meeting 6:02 PM PowerZone 6:30 PM Chapel Choir - HCC 18 9:00 AM Council Retreat-OC Project T.O.U.C.H Dinner 23 24 Church Office Closed 6:02 PM PowerZone 6:30 PM Chapel Choir - HCC 27 17 Church Office Closed 9:30 AM HCC Chapel (Shirley)Vallejo 10:00 AM Staff Meeting 6:30 PM Bell Rehearsal-Promise Lutheran, Murrieta 8 & 10:15 AM Worship Faith Explorers (3 yr - 5th gr) during 10:15 am worship Offering of Letters 11:30 AM Music Rehearsal 5:00 PM Transformers 14 9:30 AM HCC Chapel (Shirley)-Vallejo 30 25 4:00 PM SoCal Spring Ring Bell Concert at Promise Lutheran, Murrieta Page 10 Hope Happenings Volume 38 ● Number 04 So Cal Spring Ring Concert -- 4 pm -- April 25 Bells of Hope will be participating in the annual So Cal Spring Ring sponsored by the Handbell Musicians of America Area 12, this year to be held at Promise Lutheran Church 25664 Madison Ave, Murrieta, CA 92562 Please come enjoy a great concert of handbell music and support our ministry as they reach out both to share and learn more about handbell ringing. Synod - wide LRCC Work Day at Luther Glen Camp in Yucaipa Saturday, May 16, 9 am - 5 pm Open to all ages, young kids to senior citizens, and skill levels In April of 2014 the LRCC Board of Directors voted to change the name Yolijwa to Luther Glen and to begin developing a sustainable farm and living community. The plan is to have sustainable food production on site (produce and eggs) which will both feed those visiting LG and provide an opportunity for visitors to get their hands dirty, learn about food production, and our connection to the earth. This will tie in with many of Jesus' parables about farming, sowing, and harvesting. Eventually, the hope is that all extra food will go to Central City Lutheran Mission, San Bernardino. Pacifica Synod middle-school students have already begun by helping put up fence posts, building raised garden beds, cleaning rain barrels and removing some asphalt and now we can all join in the fun! Saturday, May 16 churches of the Pacifica Synods will come together to spend time in the space and with each other, to complete a bunch more work. Do you have some time to do any of the following? • • • • • • • Sew seeds Dig Clean Build Weed Paint and Remove asphalt Everyone is asked to bring gloves and well marked garden tools. Other tools may also be helpful if you have them. (All help will be appreciated, but special skills and abilities, along with the correct tools and machines will be especially appreciated) You are welcome to come Friday eve, but if so, plan to bring sleeping bags so you can sleep in the cabins. If interested, please contact Shirley Lee, 951.676.6262, ext. 203 or slee@hopetemecula.org by May 6. Hope Happenings Volume 38 ● Number 04 Youth News PowerZone/Confirmation (6th-8th grade) Wednesdays: 6 - 7:45 pm **dinner, study, and games!!!** April 1: NO Class - Holy Week Come to worship Holy Thursday and Good Friday !! April 8: Sacrament of Baptism April 15 : Sacrament of Communion April 22: Take & Eat April 29: End of the year potluck! --------------8th grade calendar April 17: Email faith statements to Constance April 20-21: Confirmation Interviews 3:30 - 7pm April 22: Taping of Faith Statements May 10: Confirmation at 10:15am worship Mark Your Calendars! Confirmation Camp at Luther Glen June 21-26 $150 deposit due Wednesday, April 1 Page 11 transformers (9-12th grades) Friends are ALWAYS welcome! April 5 No evening gathering (Happy Easter!) Sundays, April 12 5 - 7pm April 19 We’re headed to CCLM 2:30 - 8pm April 26 5 - 7pm Join us Sunday evenings 5 - 7 pm for dinner, devo and FUN! Next Detroit Parent & Youth Meeting Sunday, March 29 at 9:15 am **Please bring your calendars and thinking caps so we can finish out our fundraising! ** ********************************** At 4 pm March 29 ALL youth going to Detroit need to be at church! We will be covering the Bible Study the ELCA sends out to those attending the National Youth Gathering! Parents of the Class of 2015 Tying nights for Senior Quilts will be Tuesday, May 5 and Monday, May 11. Both will be held from 5-7 pm Quilt Sunday will be June 7. Next payment for Detroit is due April 1 $200 & June 1 $175 For details on any event, questions or ways to get involved with Hope’s Youth Ministry, please contact Constance Mithelman, Youth Ministry Leader 951-676-6262 ext. 202 or cmithelman@hopetemecula.org Page 12 Hope Happenings Volume 38 ● Number 04 The first Sunday of each month we celebrate baptismal anniversaries at the beginning of worship. If your baptismal anniversary is not listed below, please call the church office and make sure we have the date. 1) Harriet Anderson Kevin Charrier Christina Ferrara Eric Holm Vince Hursh Renate Jefferson Pat Le Gro Bruce Mitzel Richard Moffet Neil Nevills Pauline Scholes Sherry Sehnert Dorene Strom Janet Yorke 2) Dean Glahn Catelyn Hanson Madelyn Hanson Jessica Kreissig 3) Kenneth Cady 3) Nancy Coe 4) Rachel Poulton 6) Perry Albertson Roger Hayward Sophie Hursh Vinnie Hursh Heather Lumsden Hadley Weber Brennen Weber 7) Rodney King Karin Krause Sean McCrann 8) Lauren Casey 9) Julie Baggest Danielle Mayer Nicole Mayer Michelle Yelton 10) Michelle Wesel Megan Wesel Prayers For health and healing Rodger Stroud Pearl Lundgren Dan Pearson Art/Janet Yorke baby Stella Lyndey Katie Jennifer Travis Michele Taylor Martin Layton Stephanie & baby Helen Layton Mary Munger Diane Anderson Danelle Giacchetti Helen Marx Gary Lucas Richard Kathy Grace Patti Gary Emily DeBord Karen Chapman baby James For financial, work, family 10) Marina Wesel Mackenzie Wesel 11) Greg Ahola Ashleigh Hauer Miranda Marble 13) Sandy Lukens 15) Amelia Marble 16) Lynn Petroff Rob Petroff 17) Katelyn Kavanagh Barbara Meinke Andres Varisco 18) Leslie Ruiz Grace Ruiz Joyce Schmidt Kelsey Miller 19) Justin Kreissig Reilly Gardine 20) Kamyar Akhbari 20) Amy Mobley Lauren Mobley Jessica Mobley Dotty Petersen 21) Kathleen Cary Nancy Frommling 22) Philip Hansen 23) Brandon Cahill Donella Wetherbee Blayne Williams Robby Williams 24) Jennifer Doty Bob Petersen 25) Bruce Chisholm 28) Mary Ann Ahola Barbara Eagle 30) Pamela Marks Bernice Moffet Help Us Put Out the Welcome Mat Coffee is now available in the back of our Worship Center throughout the Sunday morning and you can help yourself. Would you be part of a team to start the coffee Sunday at 6:45 am? Help clean up after the 10:15 am worship? Would you like to bring a treat to share? Worship Servants are needed at BOTH Services: Jeremy • Ushers/Greeters will be a shared task to welcome/ share bulletins at BOTH doors For those unable to regularly worship with us, including • Altar Care Set Up/Take Down teams (2 people once or more a month) Brandon Pearl Lundgren Dale Johnson Bob/Dotty Peterson Jim/Leslie Riley For death, grief Donna Hedges & family For other Those struggling with cold, flooding and drought. Thanksgiving for all who helped with our move. At both services we’ll also need 3 Communion Servers 1 Prayer Leader AND 1 Bible Lesson Reader Questions? Call Laura at 951-676-6262 x 201 Email the church office staff@hopetemecula.org or sign up on the Yellow Sheet Hope Happenings 1) Justin Moreno-18 Jessica Myers Steve Prystash 2) Tristan Bowls-18 Logan Dekker-14 Christina Ferrara Karen Lankford 3) Dianna Enochs-Johnston Randi Fritsch Chris Hamill Owen Scalf-9 4) Jennifer Doty Allison O'Rourke Jordan Charrier-14 Volume 38 ● Number 04 Page 13 17) Michele Myers Murial Solberg Taylor Zinna-17 19) Chloe Hamill-13 Cynthia Salazar James Seguin Bethany Bradwell-11 20) Dan O'Rourke 21) Colby Ayres-10 22) Lloyd Bittner Brooke Ito Preston James-7 23) Amanda Holm-13 24) Jennifer Edwards Cal Frantz Kevin McKenzie 25) Doug Cicciarelli Rhonda Pethoud Ed Prieboy Joseph Prystash Blayne Williams 27) Jenda Webster 28) Paula Fenton 29) Brandon Hopkins-16 Glen Nielsen 30) Isabelle McKelvey-13 Elisa Niederecker Reneé Stein 5) Holly Hartman Kerri Jensen 6) Andrew Davis Sharon Poole 7) McKensi Bond-18 Joel Lacey Neil Nevills 9) Chris Lindberg 10) Mary Ann Ahola Danny Cady-10 11) Dave Koltvet Mike Pyle 12) Adam Fenton 13) Bill Cary Katelyn Kavanagh Pat Torres 14) Darryl Adams Aaron Baggest-17 Bernice Moffet Debra Moore Donna White 16) Leslie Ruiz Holly Veron 17) Jeckie Alcaraz Nicole Bond-14 Barry Hurd Renate Jefferson Pamela Marks THANK YOU, HOPE! Thank you to all who remember to come to church hungry for 4th Sunday Homemade Cinnamon Rolls! We’ll continue to fill your tummies every 4th Sunday through July 2015! Come hungry again on April 26! Women of Hope 2) Gary & Harriet Anderson-49 3) Don & Dixie Howser-60 4) Mike & Darla Hill-17 Pete & Ella Loschky-45 11) Joel & Annie Lacey-28 14) Bob & Dotty Petersen-65 17) Steve & Beth Pripps-22 18) Tom & Liz Yuzer-51 25) Jess & Sally Mendez, Jr.-34 27) Les & Ingrid Jones-19 Steve & Grace Krstich-33 Dan & Julie O'Rourke-15 28) David & Brenda Olson-15 29) Jeff & Pamela Marks-20 REMINDER OF REGULAR EVENTS WELCA has two monthly women’s circles and a weekly Bible study group, all providing women’s fellowship and Bible study. • • • The Joy Circle meets at 2 pm, the third Wednesday, in one of the member’s homes. For more information call Sally Glahn at 951698-8236. The Martha Circle meets at 10 am, the third Thursday, in one of the member’s homes. For more information call Mary Munger at 951-677-8848. A weekly Bible study meets in Temecula (42149 Camino Romo) Mondays 1-2:30 pm. For more information call or email Joan Neidig 951-676-2928 or jpmneidig@outlook.com To start a new group, please call Ella Loschky at 951-894-2372 for information and ideas. Page 14 Hope Happenings Adult Small Group Bible Study Volume 38 ● Number 04 New Small Group Studies Starting It seems impossible, but the small group study of the book of Daniel is almost over. We have over 50 people in seven different groups. In the next two weeks participants will evaluate their group according to their covenant, decide if they will remain, switch, or multiply their groups, and select a new study, if they continue. So, this is the time for those who have not already joined a group to become a part of this growing ministry. Soon, there will be a new posting for groups and the topic of their study. Checkout the exciting options, and notice that most likely every group will not be having the same bible study. Here are the options that continuing or new groups will consider. -------------------------------------------------Abraham Study - 6 weeks with a relatively new training guide (2010 Walk Thru the Bible small group series.) Exodus Study - This is the same format as our current study of Daniel (Book of Faith series). We have selected Exodus, another Old Testament book with 6 study sessions. A.D. Study in coordination with an NBC TV series This THIRD Option is different, runs for 12 weeks, and is only for the time period of April 5 to the week of June 21. (The other two studies can be selected now or later; THIS study will coordinate with the TV show thru 6/21) Each week the participants will have the opportunity to watch the series on Sunday evening OR record it to watch at their convenience. The Bible study follows the TV show and covers some of Matthew and then the book of Acts during 12 weeks. -------------------------------------------------If you would like to join a group, watch for the sign-up area. Or, you may want to begin a new group. If so, please contact me for startup information. Facilitator’s training is planned for new facilitators, as well. This small group study is like no other we have done, and it is good! Let’s multiply our groups and our involvement to draw us closer to our God who loves us and wants a personal relationship with each one of us. Any questions or ideas, please call or send an email. Pamela Nevills, Small Group Bible Study, 951-314-9220, or panevills@earthlink.net Hope Helpers “For just as the body is one and has many members, and all the members of the body, though many, are one body, so it is with Christ.” 1 Corinthians 12:12 It takes ALL of us to be Christ’s Body here at Hope. While it is impossible to thank everyone individually for all their acts of discipleship, each month we try to highlight a few folks who have been “especially supportive!” To suggest someone to be included in our “Backbone of Hope” list, please contact the office who will forward those names to council. • • THANK YOU to: • Dean and Sally Glahn for opening church and setting up coffee at Vallejo location for many years. • Thank you to all who have participated and supported the Project Touch Shelter Dinners on 1st/3rd Saturdays Jane Osuna and Hope Children’s Center for sharing their entryway area with the Chapel Choir for Wednesday evening rehearsal Key leaders with move to Redhawk: Tony Chavez, Dave Koltvet, Diane/Craig Cotten, Jim/Linda Allmon, Rich/Bernice Moffet, Sherry/Bryan Ito, Lynn Petroff, Wes/Donna White, Wesel family, Masters family, Orrell family, Jan Bolinger, LaDonna Klaus, • • • Karen Hansen, Nels Jensen, Marigold Velasco-Dong, Shirley Lee, Laura Stevens, Rodney King, Chuck Coe, Constance Mithelman, Barbara Meinke, Hannah/Dustin Dixon, Neil Nevills, Jack/Jan Ritt, Virginia/Ted Olander, Mary Shaima, Bob/Shirley Fuller, Jim Miller, Vern/Myrna Swearingen, Guylean Morgan, Mariluz Sommer, Cheryl Medin, Joan Neidig, Jim/Paula Fenton, Jeanne Cole and countless others who may have "helped behind the scenes" Pete/Ella Loschky and Diane Anderson – special gift for adding projector, speakers and connecting sound/multi-media system at Redhawk campus Hannah Dixon/Dustin Parker working with team installing sound/multi-media Jim/Terry Wood, Craig/Diane Cotten, Shirley Lee, Joan Neidig, Bill/Molly Nelson, Linda Foresta, Linda/Jim Allmon, Karen Lankford, Sherry Ito, Mike/Sue Wall, Lynn Petroff, Jim/ Paula Fenton, Barbara Meinke and many others storing Hope items at their homes/ businesses Well done good and faithful servants! Hope Happenings Volume 38 ● Number 04 Thrivent Choice Dollars Thank you to the following Thrivent Members who have designated their Choice Dollars to Hope this month! Darryl & Pat Adams Nick & Diane Anderson Marv & Marge Anderson Jim & Paula Fenton Roger & Rosalie Hayward Pete & Ella Loschky Kevin & Lorrie McKenzie Tracy & Barbara Meinke Guylean Morgan Chuck & Ann Reese Nancy Roberts Kenneth & Yuki Wertz Year-to-date, we’ve received $2,063 from Choice Dollars in 2015!! New Phone System New Extensions New Emergency Number Please note that staff extensions at our Redhawk campus have changed. See list to the right. After Hour Emergencies If you have a pastoral care emergency that cannot wait for office hours (M-Th 8:30 - 4 pm), you can now leave a message on Hope’s emergency line. After office hours, call Hope’s main number (951-676-6262) and follow the directions to dial ‘4’. A message will be sent to someone on call. Page 15 Hope Lutheran Church A n E LC A C o ng r e ga t i o n M inis ter s : Pe op le of Hop e Pa s tor : Sa n d y B en t z , ext . 2 05 sb en t z@h op et emec u l a .org M inis ter of F a mil y L i fe: Sh i rl ey J . Lee , AI M , e xt . 20 3 sl ee@h op et emec ul a .org Y outh M in is tr y L ea d er : C on st a n c e M i t h el ma n , ext . 202 c mi t h el ma n @h op et emec ul a .org M inis ter s of M us ic : Tyl e r B et t ge, 909- 2 62 - 6154 t b ett gemusi c @g ma i l .c om B a rb a ra M ei n k e, 95 1- 674- 744 7 t b .mei n k e5 @veri zon .n et B ri a n Nel s on b ri a n sk 8c a l @y a h o o .c om Sound Te ch: H a n n a h D i xon , 9 51- 7 75- 0091 h a n n a h di xon .c a t sc ra dl e@gma i l .c o m C hur ch O f fic e C hur ch S ecr e ta r y: La u ra St even s , e xt . 2 01 st a ff@h op et emec ul a .org Fina nce M inis ter : Jec k i e Al c a ra z , ext . 204 ja l c a ra z@h op et emec ul a .o rg C hur ch O f fic e Ho ur s M on da y - Th ursda y : 8:30 a m - 4 :0 0 p m C los ed Fr id a y Ch urc h Ph on e : 951- 676- 626 2 E ma i l : st a ff @h op et e mec ul a .org w ww .h op et emec ul a .org H o p e C h il d r en ’ s C e n t er Ja n e O sun a , Pr esc h o ol D i rec t or Ph on e : 951- 6 94- 36 07 H ou rs : M on da y- Fri da y : 9:00 a m- 2 :00 p m E ma i l : hope chil dre nsct r@hot m ail .com Hope Lutheran Church NON-PROFIT ORG. U S Postage An ELCA congregation 32819 Temecula Parkway, Suite B Temecula, CA 92592-9676 PAID Permit No. 16 Temecula, CA Phone: 951-676-6262 staff@hopetemecula.org www.hopetemecula.org Dated material - do not delay Change service requested Help us “GO GREEN”. To start receiving Hope’s newsletter by email only (and stop receiving it by USPS) please call the church office at 951-6766262 OR email staff@hopetemecula.org Our Sunday schedule is WORSHIP: 8:00 am (traditional) 10:15 am (blended) Holy Communion is served weekly at both services Coffee and Fellowship NOTE: 9:10 - 10 am Beginning Sunday, April 12, Faith Explorers (3 yrs - 5th grade) will meet DURING 10:15 am worship instead of between services. Our Mission: Anchored in Christ… to Build and Grow Faith Our Vision: We will trust God in the midst of what makes us anxious, choose faith instead of fear and serve mission instead of our own comfort. Our Guiding Principles: We are servants of God and members of the Body of Christ. We value each other. We practice open and honest communication. We make decisions that we believe are in the best interest of the whole congregation and will bring glory to God.
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