Ice Breakers and Conundrums for Number Partner Sessions Target Number Come up with a 3-digit target number. Select 4 numbers between 1-100 and equation that gets as close to the target number as possible. You can use addition, subtraction, multiplication and division for the equations. Roll four dice. Use any calculation to create a new number, and mark it on the hundred square. First person to have a vertical or horizontal line of three wins. Mental Maths Games Number Bond ping pong to 10 – ‘I say 4 you say...’ (6), I say 8, you say... (2) Number bond ping pong to 20 - ‘I say 14 you say...’ (6), I say 11, you say... (9) I like Maths – twist on Fizz Buzz. Take it in turns to count in sequence from 1. However, if your number is a multiple of 3 say ‘I’, a multiple of 5 say ‘like’, and say ‘maths’ for multiples of 7. Try with different times tables Think of a Number - give facts about your number until the other player can guess it, e.g. it is a prime number, it is thought to be ‘unlucky’, it is half of 26. What Number Am I? – ask questions such as; o o o o o o o Can you think of two numbers that add together to make an ‘unlucky’ number? (6+7 / 3+10 etc.) How many minutes are there in 3 hours? (180) If I double myself, then add 1, I am 19. (9) Add the number of months in a year to the number of days in the week. (19) I am the biggest number you can make from the digits 4, 6, and 9. (964) Take the number of players on a football team, and add the number of days in the week, then take away a dozen (6) I am the number of hours in a day, added to the number of grams in a kilogram. (1024) Paper and Pen Games Fractions o Draw three pies where one has been half (1/2) eaten, one has been threequarters (3/4) eaten, and the last one one-third (1/3) eaten. Draw the Mouse o Take turns to roll a dice. For each number rolled, draw the part of mouse listed below. The first person to draw a whole mouse first, wins! o 6=body / 5=nose / 4=whisker / 3=eyes / 2=ears / 1= tail o Rules: The body must be drawn before any other body parts are added to it, so players must roll a 6 to start drawing. Other parts of the mouse can be added in any order. A finished mouse must have 4 whiskers! Arrange the numbers 1 – 9 in the circles so that each side of the square adds up to 12. Name Games Name Scrabble Tongue Twisters Give your partner post-it notes or paper squares, and ask them to write one letter of their first name on each one. Ask them to jumble the letters to make as many words as possible. Do the same for your name, and when they have exhausted all possibilities, combine the letters from both names, and see which words they can make now. Read your partner some tongue twisters and have them make their own using their name. Is Ruth’s tooth loose? Brenda blew big blue bubbles Trudy chewed two chewy cherries Nat’s knapsack strap snapped Belinda baked bread at the bakery because her brother begged her After a few minutes see if you can separate the letters and spell each other’s names correctly! Clapping our Names Alliteration Ask your partner to think of a word that describes them that also starts with the same letter of their name. Alternatively you could think of an animal. Using the total number of syllables in their first and last names, children clap a rhythm to accompany their names. Make a rhythm for your name too, and once you have practised, join up with another volunteer and their child and teach each other your name claps. Bossy Bob, Abdul Antelope, Mel Monkey, Silly Sadique Group Games Always, Sometimes, Never Here are some mathematical statements. See if you and your partner can come up with some examples to prove that they are true. o o o o o o All prime numbers are odd. If the digits of any number add up to a multiple of 3, then the number is divisible by 3. Multiplying by any number always makes the result larger. Adding something to a number always makes it larger. Subtracting something from a number always makes it smaller. Dividing a number by something always makes it smaller. The Time Challenge Write out the following statements on post its or paper squares. Challenge your pupil to put them in size order—there isn’t always a right or wrong so this can generate some good debates! A minute Time needed to soft boil an egg A million seconds A year Number of years since the Victorians were around The number of years since the Romans came to Britain Time for an oak tree to get to 30m high Time for the earth to go round the sun The time the shutter is open on a camera when you take a photo in daylight. Time for light to come from the moon A hundred months Length of time since the last ice age. Number of months since you were born An hour A thousand days A month A fortnight Number of years since my granny was born A day Time from sowing tomato seed to eating the first tomato Length of time to have a good shower The time for a game of football without any extra time Time needed for you to read all the Harry Potter books Time for the moon to go once round the earth Time to tidy your bedroom Time to fly from London to New York Amount of time in a year spent in my maths lessons. Shopping Trip Save up some receipts from your lunch or recent trips to the shops. Analyse them with your partner. o o o o o o How much money have you spent in total? Give yourself a budget for next week. What would your partner prioritise buying if you couldn’t buy everything you bought this week? What was the most expensive item? How could you reduce your spending next week? Your bank is offering to donate 10% of what you spend to charity—how much would this be? How much did you spend on your card and how much cash did you use?
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