Houck Middle School Choir Syllabus 20132014 Instructor: Ms. Mary Brandenstein Phone: (503) 3993446 ext. 275 Classroom # 127 email: brandenstein_mary@salkeiz.k12.or.us Course Objectives While in chorus, we will: ● Learn, memorize and perform a variety of choral styles ● Develop basic vocal/choral skills such as: appropriate singing posture, vowel and consonant placements, diction, breath support, choral tone and resonance. ● Perform simple to complex rhythmic, melodic and harmonic patterns through sightsinging and performance literature. ● Learn and apply musical elements and theory to choral literature. ● Perform in a variety of concerts and develop appropriate concert etiquette. ● Create a positive learning environment by working as a group towards a common goal. Classroom Expectations In order to create great music, there are classroom routines and expectations in place to help us be organized and purposeful every day. Each day will go as follows: 1. Enter classroom, quickly get choir folder, and sit down in assigned seat. 2. Immediately begin Bellwork silently. The bell doesn’t start choir, YOU do. 3. Once Bellwork is complete and attendance has been taken, we will begin our daily vocal warmups, sightreading, and repertoire. 4. Everyone participates in everything we do. It’s that simple. Choir is like a team sport, therefore, we must work together to be successful. 5. You are expected to take notes in your music with a pencil. 6. Water bottles are allowed but food will not be tolerated. 7. Concerts for a musician are like the olympics for an athleteIt is the opportunity to perform the skills we’ve been learning and practicing for months. Therefore, choir concerts are a very important part of your grade. It is essential to attend all scheduled concerts. 8. Have fun! Be brave, be yourself, make friends, take risks, and LOVE MUSIC! Grading During this class, you will be evaluated and graded on three elementsparticipation, performance, and reflection. Below are the different expectations and assignments that will make up each percentage. 1. Participation50% 5 points per day = 100% participation grade In order to receive full credit, you must: ● Have a pencil and music scores/music folder ● Actively participate by singing/following along with music, answering questions, and writing notes ● Stand and sit with good singing posture ● Eye contact 2. Performance30% ● Attendance to all choir concerts is absolutely required. If there is an emergency situation and you cannot make it to the concert, lengthy makeup work will be assigned. ● In addition to the concerts, there will be vocal assessments throughout the year to evaluate the great progress that you are making as a musician. 3. Reflection20% This last element makes up mostly written work where you will reflect on your personal participation and progress each week. It’s very important to be able to reflect on how we are doing and how we are growing as students and singers. Every Friday, you will do a selfassessment where you will be expected to honestly grade yourself on your participation for the week. Also, there will be assignments such as listening activities that will factor into this grade. Concert Uniform Concerts are our chance to show off all that we have accomplished to our friends and family, therefore, it is important that we dress to impress. If you are able to get the uniform, great! If you cannot, don’t worry, I understand. Please come talk to me as soon as possible and I will help you. Boys & Girls Choir: White collared button down Black pants or skirt (must be knee length) Black dress shoes Black socks, or black tights with skirt Concert Choir: Choir Robes Black pants Black dress shoes Black socks Student and Parent Choir Contract Student Name_______________________________ Class___________________________ Parents’ Names_____________________________________________________________________ Address_____________________________________________________________________ _______ ___________________________________________________________________________ _________ Phone Numbers: ___________________________________________________________________ home Cell Work Email Adresses:___________________________________________________________________ __ Both student and parent agree to: (Initial Below) ____ Read through syllabus together ____Collect proper concert attire ____Arrange transportation for all extracurricular events, including concerts and after school rehearsals ____Follow all classroom expectations ____Commit to being a dedicated choir member for the year Student Signature__________________________________ Parent Signature___________________________________ ****Parents, if you are available and interested in helping with any of the following duties, please indicate your preferences**** ____Chaperone for field trips ____Assist at concerts (supervision, setup, etc) ____Organziation (uniforms, materials, etc) Times Available: (please circle) Mornings Afternoons Evenings Weekends
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