View the May 2015 Issue

Houghton News
This month’s editor - Rosie Cardoe
The All Saints Church of Houghton once again held its annual trail run and cycle on Sunday 19th
April. 352 people entered on this beautiful sunny day and all the proceeds from the entry fees,
refreshments and raffle raised a net £3,492.55. This is the twelfth year running this event has
been held and it never ceases to bring in the family fun runners and bikers as well as the keen
racers from all over the country and our wining lady in the 11K, Erica Shin was visiting from
Chicago! However, well done also to all our own competitors from the village and a special
congratulations goes to Nicholas Burt who not only won the 5K cycle route but broke the record
too!! A full set of the results and photographs can be found at
The Houghton Trail team thanks everyone who participated in all the various ways possible to
make this year’s event so successful and enjoyable. More news on the Trail Run in the June
A series of annual meetings have taken place this month—the reports of which are within the
magazine covering the Parochial Church Council (p4), the Village Hall Committee (p5) and Parish
Council (p10).
The Boot Inn, Houghton Village Hall and All Saints Church are delighted to announce
a street party to celebrate the 70th Anniversary of VE Day on Saturday 9th May.
There will be a short memorial service at 12 noon and then plenty of live music and children’s
entertainment through the rest of the day. You are invited to reserve a ' pitch' on Church Lane and
take along your own tables and chairs (or hire from the VH). Bring along your own food and drink
or purchase from The Boot. Tables on the front terrace of the Boot can be reserved for those
wishing to buy food and drink from The Boot.
Please let Clare Stephens know ASAP if you would like to reserve a 10ft x 10ft Pitch.
Deadline for articles and ads: 18 May 2015
Village Website
Church News
Dear Friends
After a few weeks of electioneering excitement, it’s nearly all over. As the votes are counted on May 7th,
hopes and dreams will be replaced by the reality of the new situation. Some will experience the euphoria
of election success whilst others may face disappointment – of coming to terms with what might have
been. Whatever the outcome, we know that nothing will be quite the same again – as we exercise our
choices, it is inevitable that things will be different.
Life is all about choices and faith is much the same. We are very fortunate in this country to have the
liberty to be able to freely exercise our choices and to make our selections.
People will base their choices on many things – some will focus solely on themselves and their needs and
their desires, their families, their career etc., and the list could go on. Others may exercise a degree of
altruistic care for the common good, for the community, for the environment or for overseas needs. Many,
many different factors may influence our choices and how we control them.
As a person of faith, I have chosen to exercise my choices in a certain way – in a way which is focused on
listening to God, following his direction and, as a result of abounding in the outworking of his love in my
life, loving and caring for his people and his creation. This sounds challenging and, as in all things,
sometimes I get it wrong! But happily, help is at hand and I don’t have to do it all on my own!
After Jesus completed his earthly life, God’s gift of the Holy Spirit was sent at Pentecost (which we
celebrate this month on 24th May) to equip Christ’s followers – us the Church, with the gifts that we need
to help us to live our lives as followers of Christ, to guide us as we make our choices and to help us to
bear witness to God’s transforming love.
Whether you are a person of faith or none, every blessing as you exercise your choices this coming
The Library at Downside Abbey
We are delighted that Dr Simon Johnson, Keeper of the Library at Downside Abbey, is
coming to speak about the collection and will be bringing some of these very rare and
precious books to show us in Romsey. Some in the Library date as far back as 880AD!
This will be a very special evening.
Thursday 21st May at 7.30pm
in the Church Rooms behind Romsey Abbey
Parish Register
Joyce Allum
22 March 2015
Tribute to Jon Trowsdale
Jon was born, educated and brought up in Aberdeen. He moved to Hampshire
approximately 20 years ago, firstly to Nether Wallop and then to Houghton.
Jon worked in broadcasting all his life, starting as a sound engineer and ending as
Deputy Adjudicator for Ofcom. He was a very well-read and intelligent man.
His main passion was music and was hired as a DJ regularly for weddings and
Birthdays - his promise was, there would never be an empty dance floor when he
was in charge of the music! He loved Amateur Radio and contacting people in
far-flung places like Alaska, using morse code. Jon was a very generous man
and well-loved in the community. He will be sorely missed.
Anthea Coulson
Tribute to Rona Cant
My dear sister Rona passed away on Sunday 22nd March 2015.
All her family were with her and miss her terribly.
Rona was a very loving and kind lady. She loved living in Houghton and as a family we all have
wonderful memories with her. Her two nieces and their children when they were younger, loved
going down to the river and playing pooh sticks on the bridge. As they got older they would go
swimming in the river.
Rona loved her horses and all five of her nieces and nephews would go horse-riding in her meadow.
Cheriese, the eldest who had the same passion for horses as Rona, would spend many hours having
lessons while Rona enjoyed watching on. This led to them taking on their very own ponies.
Rona met so many lovely people and they all became her close friends - she was so easy to get on
with and really will be so sadly missed. If you were lucky enough to have met her you will always
have lovely memories of her in your heart. How lucky are we!
God bless!
Her heartbroken sister Mollie, husband Bob and her family.
Broughton Bright Hour
Thursdays at 2.30 pm in the Meeting Room
St. Mary’s Church, Broughton.
Speakers for May
7th Revd Christopher Walker.
14th Members Meeting.
21st Revd Marina Brain (Chaplain at Winchester Prison).
28th Mrs. Sally Ratcliffe (Boaz Project).
Everyone welcome
Please come and
join us.
For more information, contact
Barbara Perry,
Booking Secretary
01794 301466
All Saints Church—Annual Parochial Church
The Annual Parochial Church Meeting of Parishioners took place
on 26 March in the Village Hall.
Reports to the meeting were presented by Ron Corne, the
Rector; Richard Burnett-Hall on behalf of the Churchwardens and
James Allport as Treasurer. Sandra Harper reported from the
Romsey Deanery Synod and a report was submitted by Marilyn James about work of
the Romsey Deanery Overseas Mission.
It is planned to post all these reports on the village website shortly, so that those unable
to attend the meeting will be able to read about the work of the church over the past
The following were re-confirmed to the Parochial Church Council (PCC): Sandra Harper,
Marilyn James, James Allport, Bob Gosse. Following the resignations of Richard and
Judy Burnett-Hall (as they are moving away from the village), Sue Marshall and Tom
Cartwright were elected to the PCC.
Gill Nobes continues as Curate and Gina Livermore as Reader.
Richard Burnett Hall has also served as a Church Warden and his place will be taken by
Michael Woodhall. Richard James continues to serve as the second Church Warden.
The Electoral Roll Officer for All Saints Church Electoral Roll is now Bob Marshall,
following the resignation of Jeanne Featherstone.
The Sidespeople are Richard Priestly, Anna Allport and Bob Marshall.
The Auditor for the PCC accounts continues to be David Bryant.
The Rector expressed his thanks and appreciation for all the work that both Richard and
Judy Burnett-Hall have contributed to All Saints, especially the work Richard has carried
out for the various initiatives and actions under the Church Renewal scheme.
Thanks were given to the organisers of the annual Houghton Trail, which is an important
fund raising event for All Saints. The PCC accepted that Bob and Lucy Gosse will be
standing down following the 2015 event and it will be seeking replacements to ensure
this successful event continues. Ron thanked the Editors of Houghton News - Fiona,
Rosie and Lucy – for their work in producing the parish magazine.
The date of the next annual church meeting was set for Thursday 7 April 2016.
3 Zara Aitcheson
10 Jackie Diaper
17 Sally Salz
24 Marilyn James
31 Philippa Williams
Sue Marshall
Rosie Cardoe
Gina Livermore
Christine Hough
Carolyn Bowen
Village Hall News
There have been many small improvements and repairs
to the Village Hall this year.
Outside the fence has been mended and there is an addition of a 5-bar gate at the back of
the field. Also, a new sign on the front fence, troughs of flowers and climbers. The
guttering has had repairs and been repainted and a sensor light fixed by the front door to
make it easier to see when leaving during the dark. Inside, we have a new kitchen floor
and cooker. The main hall floor has been re-sanded and a new lick of paint applied to
most areas.
New black curtains have been made courtesy of Julie Molden which look very smart
A defibrillator has been generously donated by Community Responders in Stockbridge.
This has been fitted to the outside wall of the VH, on the car park side. Training took place
in the church on Friday 17th April. It is comforting to know that it is there but we hope we
wont have to use it!
Various events for the VH including 60’s disco and drinks party on Valentines Day have
helped with the bank balance.
There have been major changes to the committee over the last year. Graham Handy has
resigned, James Allport (as treasurer) and caretakers, Gloria and Trevor are leaving the
village. We thank them for all their hard work over the years. We welcome Lucy Gosse as
Secretary, Ingrid Burt as Treasurer and Mark Lister to the new 2015 Committee.
We now have new caretaker and booking arrangements: Maureen Stephens will be
taking bookings, Paul Geary (our ex-postman) will be the general caretaker and odd-job
man, and we have a new cleaner, Lorraine.
We have reviewed the fees as there hasn't been any change for a while. However, the
charge to the WI and All Saints PCC will continue for the foreseeable future. Please see
the table below which will be effective from 1 June 2015.
Regarding future plans, we would like to see an improvement in week-to week income,
other than our own organized village events. We will be looking into the viability of major
renovations at the Village Hall to make it into a more attractive and commercial entity.
Full Day – single booking
Session Period
8 am – 1 pm
1 pm – 6 pm
6 pm – 11 pm
8 am – 11 pm
Up to 11 pm
After 11 pm
Cost per session/
or part session/
The Village Hall
Committee 2015
Rosie Cardoe (Chairman)
Ingrid Burt (Treasurer)
Lucy Gosse (Secretary)
Clare Stephens
Tara Scougall
Mark Lister
James Allport
Nick Harding
John Hurley
Jackie Diaper
Village Coffee Morning
Lucy and Clare look forward to seeing you on
Saturday 16 May - 10.30 am - Noon
at the monthly Village Coffee Morning
Thank you to those who kindly donated to the Andover Food Bank box at the April coffee
morning. The Village Coffee Morning is a regular collection point for much appreciated donations of
non-perishable food (with a future ‘use by’ date!).
If you can’t make a Coffee Morning but would like to donate, please contact Lucy (01794 388617) or
leave your donation by her back door. Thank you.
Lucy and Clare are always open to new ideas for
village coffee mornings…. do let us know your
The Village Coffee Mornings donate profits either to the Village Hall (and/or another local or national charity.
If you or someone you know would like to have a Table Top Sale to raise money for their own charity,
please let Lucy or Clare know so that it can be booked into a Coffee Morning; there is no charge.
Businesses who bring their stall make a donation/percentage of sales.
Singing for Fun
If you’d like to join, we’d love to have you and would appreciate some more voices—so please
don’t be shy about coming along!
We are expertly and sympathetically led by Helen King and our summer term, continue
through May, June and July
Most Thursdays - 7.45 pm to 8.45 pm in the church.
May - 7, 14, 21; June - 4, 18; July - 2, 16
You don’t have to be able to read music - you don’t have to have sung before or for a very
long time - you might just want to ‘have a go’ and see how you feel about singing!
If you would like more information please let one of us know.
Iona Priestley
Lucy Gosse
Helen King
01794 388015
01794 388617
07917 161585
Houghton WI
A smaller group than usual met on 20th April to listen to a talk given by Patricia Law.
The subject was 'A light hearted look at Astrology', which proved to be fascinating. We
even looked at the Astrological charts for the main political leaders in the forthcoming
election and are now even more confused about who to vote for!
On May 18th we hold our AGM, and on June 15th Richard Harwood will be giving us a
demonstration of Stick Making.
If you would like to come to any of our meetings do please contact Julie Harwood on
01264 810314.
Houghton WI provided the refreshments for
the Houghton Fun Run on April 19th. We
would like to extend a very big thank you to
all the wonderful donations of cakes and
traybakes from not only WI members, but the
marvellous bakers of Houghton.
Sue Marshall
Saturday 4th July 2015 at 6.30pm
Snail Creep, Church Lane, Houghton
With kind permission of Mr & Mrs Royden Roche
In aid of The Friends of All Saints’ Church, Houghton
Tickets: £10.00 Wine and Canapés
Apply to: Julie Moldon 01794 388204 - Sue Marshall 01794 388538
Letter from Mollie
Colour pic of
Hello Everybody
Well, I do hope you like the new photo, actually Mum is still
working on it to get it the right size or something, but we had
an awful time getting it done, I don’t like having my picture
taken, Mum never gets ‘my best side’ and I think I look
awful, so when she gets the camera out I usually go to bed and put my paw over my nose!
This time however, she produced a packet of treats, so I did stay out in the garden, but
avoiding the camera, grabbing the treat and rushing off up the garden! So Mum says she
is not sure whether the editor will be able to use the picture she says she finally had to be
satisfied with!
Today we have been to Salisbury for Mum to have her hair done. Mum parks in the
Cathedral Close car park and we walk up through the close, and today she met a friend in
the centre of Salisbury and we all sat outside for a coffee, well they had a coffee, all I had
was, “Mollie do keep still” Mollie sit down” etc., and finally “Mollie, leave the pigeons
alone!” that last command was a bit hard to take, there were the silly birds strutting all
around, I could have cleared the area in seconds, but was not allowed to! So it was all a bit
humiliating, having to sit there and ignore them, and they were getting more and more
cheeky when they realised I was not going to be able to do anything about it! Do you
know, Mum and her friend both had scones with butter and jam, and never gave me as
much as a measley bit! Mum said “you are lucky to be with us Mollie, lots of doggies
would have been left in the car so their owners could have a pit of peace!” I thought lots
of doggies would have been, at that moment, running through lovely wooded paths,
rounding up sheep like wot a doggie is supposed to do, but I didn’t say anything, no point
when Mums in that mood!
I went to the physiotherapist again last Friday, honestly these people don’t care where
they put their hands, I can see why Billy bit her! She used a nasty beeping machine on
my poorly leg and said she was sure it is getting better, then, as Mum said, yesterday I
undid all the good work by chasing a hare! Mum was sure there wouldn’t be any wildlife
on the last bit of the path back to the car, and let me off the lead…..within seconds a hare
thumped the ground and took off, with me in hot pursuit! In a few minutes I was three
fields away, then I lost the darn thing, I went round in circles for a bit trying to pick up the
scent, and I could hear Mum’s voice in the distance saying “come” but I was having far
too good a time to take any notice! Eventually of course I had to return to Mum, who
made a fuss of me and said I was a good dog to come back to her, little did she know that
had I not lost the hare…….well we’d better not go there! Mum was further impressed to
see that I still had the ball in my mouth! I was puffed out for the rest of the evening!
Love Mollie.
New! Film Review
Cinderella (2015) Directed by Kenneth Branagh
We all know how it ends, which is why yet another reimagining of the classic tale was always going to be a
challenge. Disney played this one poker straight; no in-jokes, no celebrity cameos and no clever trailer
disguising what it really was (here's a tip: 'Into The Woods' is a Sondheim musical, not a Meryl Streep drama).
And, surprisingly, it really works. Or maybe it's not that surprising, because steering this million-dollar ship
away from the sharp rocks of mistaken Disney live action ventures (see 'John Carter') is our very own
Kenneth Branagh. If there's one thing Ken knows about, it's bloomin good acting (and, how to bring about a
2012 stove-pipe hat revival). For this he called upon many a stage-experienced friend, Oscar winner Cate
Blanchett and half the cast of Downton. The result is a wonderfully told classic with interesting characters
you really care about. Cinderella is introduced through her loving parents and although the script is sweeter
than a spoonful of Stevia, the delivery makes it heartfelt and more-ish. Costumes are wonderful and the
special effects make the fairy tale landscapes jump out of the screen (but fear not, no 3D glasses needed).
Cinders herself (Lily James) is a joy to watch but, at times, veers into irritating over-saccharin waters. This
only serves to underline Blanchett (the real star of the show) as a brilliant, menacing 'wicked stepmother' a
million miles from the traditional pantomime villain, her naturalistic performance even allows the audience to
empathise at key moments in the story.
Children, ugly sisters and adults with imagination will enjoy this feel-good classic with a happy ending (sorry
to give it away) and a simple but important moral message.
By Beth James
Weddings at Houghton Lodge
18 July
25 July
1 August
8 August
22 August
5 Sept
Come and Sing Handel
Handel's Four Coronation Anthems
Directed by Oliver Tarney and Assisted by Jamal
Sutton. Registration 10.00am. Rehearsal 10.30 am.
Bring a picnic lunch. Performance 2.30pm.
Score Hire (OUP Clifford Bartlet) £1 (pay on the day)
Tickets: Singers £15.00 Audience: £7.50
Winchester College Music School, Culver Street, Winchester, SO23 9NA
Informal notes from Houghton Parish Council’s
Annual Assembly - April 2015
Chairman Philip Page thanked all the Parish Councillors
and Bev Barker for her work and support as Clerk. The
Council expressed regret that she has decided to step down
from this role. He summarised the main areas of work by
the Parish Council (PC) over the past year:
 Planning: two big planning issues have been handled:
the revised application for a Solar Farm, not supported by
Houghton PC or TVBC; the applicant’s Appeal is on 21
April; and the Settlement Boundary for the parish, the
result of which will be known by late to mid summer.
 Philip confirmed that the PC will continue to express
concerns to TVBC on behalf of the parish about future
proposed developments. The PC commented on a range
of other parish planning applications during the year.
 Housing: the level of need for affordable housing in the
village will continue to be explored by the PC
 Highways: a programme of maintenance work (potholes,
drainage, etc.,) continues to be progressed.
 The Lengthsman’s work continues and the PC is open to
suggestions from villagers for work that can be carried
out with this on-going annual funding from Hampshire
County Council (HCC).
 Grass-cutting: a new contractor has been appointed
 Bus Shelters: broken roof tiles have been repaired
 Trees: on the playing field have been inspected for safety
and appropriate tree surgery carried out.
 Tax: The PC has kept the parish ‘precept’ unchanged.
The Safer Neighbourhood Team report was presented by
PCSO Catherine Bonter who reported that there had been an
increase in the number of crimes recorded in the local area,
largely related to sighting of suspicious vehicles. It is
always helpful to the Police if a vehicle registration can be
given in such circumstances. Catherine confirmed that 101
is the number to call for all queries, reporting, etc., unless it
is an emergency, in which case ring 999.
Hampshire County Councillor Andrew Gibson’s
reported on HCC budgets (which have been cut by £320m
over the past 4 years but largely in overheads; Council Tax
is unchanged. On bus services, Andrew recognises the
problem and he is aiming to create a ’hybrid’ taxi/bus
service involving better utilisation of HCC-owned
community vehicles. Further work will be done on flood
prevention/mitigation; there are 3 ‘social isolation’ pilot
projects—one in Stockbridge—which will include using
modern technology—eg, people being given easy to use
tablet computers to book the support they need. Andrew
reminded the PC that he has a budget for small community
Test Valley Borough Councillor Peter Boulton
highlighted the parking initiative in Stockbridge to free up
80 spaces for short-term parking; Test Valley Council Tax
is the 2nd lowest in Hampshire. TVBC , with HCC will be
working on flood mitigation/prevention; there have been
two large planning application potentially affecting
Houghton (Solar Farm and the Roman Road development)
both refused by TVBC; he reminded the PC to make use of
funding available for small projects in villages and
highlighted some of the schemes that have benefited from
such funding.
The Village Hall report, presented by Rosie Cardoe
highlighted some of the improvements to the hall, including
a new kitchen floor, being laid imminently. There have been
successful fundraising events such as Valentine’s Drinks. A
new part-time Caretaker has been appointed (Paul Geary)
and a part-time cleaner (Lorraine). For the full report and
details of the new committee, following the Village Hall
AGM on 15 April, please see ‘Village Hall News’ on p5 of
this magazine.
David Livermore and Michael Woodhall reported on the
various initiatives taken by All Saints church to help it
better enrich village life. Money raised has been allocated
for vital roof repairs and, by way of a generous donation by
Capt Martin Busk, new bells are being cast. Further plans
include bringing the church into the modern world with
installation of AV equipment, LED lighting, a meeting
room, kitchen and loo. About £208,000 is needed and a
professional Fund Raising package is being developed for
launch later this year. Michael highlighted the ‘truly
marvellous community project’ of the on-going churchyard
working party and thanked in particular Clare Stephens and
Iona Priestly for stimulating such interest and support form
so many in the village. The PC agreed to allocate £1,000
available from its current ‘Lengthsman’ fund towards the
cost of necessary tree surgery in the churchyard.
Public Open Spaces projects: Ingrid Burt highlighted the
PC’s ‘wish list’ of community projects and encouraged
villagers to submit ideas and suggestions, so as to make best
use of funding from the Community Infrastructure Levy, as
and when it becomes available .
Next Parish Council meeting
Annual General Meeting
11 May 2015 at 7.30 pm
Come along and find out what the Parish
Council is doing for the village - and have
your say about matters that are important to
you in the village!
The Glory of Baroque
Lovers of baroque music are in for a treat this summer as the period orchestra Linden Baroque
joins forces with local chamber choir The Harmonium Singers at St Mary’s Church, Andover on
20 June. The main item on the programme is the ever-popular Vivaldi ‘Gloria’ which will occupy
the second half. The first half consists of a delightful selection of shorter choral items, all
baroque masterpieces in their own right. JS Bach, Handel, Telemann and Zelenka will all be
represented, and the orchestra will also play a couple of items on their own.
St Mary’s, Andover is a fitting venue for the concert with its soaring gothic arches and
spacious acoustics. This iconic building is at the very heart of Andover and is the subject of a
major appeal to enable important repair, restoration and remodelling work. The orchestra is
funded in part by a Test Valley Borough Councillors Community Grant, supported by Winton
ward councillors Chris Lynn and Jan Budzynski.
The Harmonium Singers have earned a strong local reputation for polished performances of
smaller-scale choral music, often singing unaccompanied but enjoying occasional concerts
with instrumental groups or small orchestras. Most concerts raise money for local charities –
this one being no exception with much of the ticket money going to the St Mary’s Appeal.
Strong demand is expected for tickets, which are available in advance at £10 from the Lights,
Newbury Building Society and from choir members, or £12 at the door. Under-14s will be
admitted free. The concert begins at 7.30pm on Saturday 20 June.
Further information:
Veronica Bacon
Tel. 01264 771285 or 07855 905519
13th and 14th June 2015
from 1.30pm – 5.30pm
New to Hampshire’s list of Open Gardens Events, is the one to be
held in June at Longstock, Nr Stockbridge where 9 gardens will be
made available for viewing, most of which have never previously
been seen by the general public. The Village Allotments Association
also hopes to put on a fine display.
Some of the gardens are maintained by retired professionals
(formerly of Hilliers and Longstock Park Nurseries) and we are also
privileged to include on the list, a prestigious garden which enjoys
National Gardens Scheme status.
Many of the gardens are on sloping sites with poor chalky soil so why not come and see how these problems
have been overcome. Several gardens enjoy fantastic views over the famous Test Valley.
Programmes (giving entry to all gardens) will be on sale at the Village Hall (Post Code SO20 6DP for those
with Sat Nav) and at other designated Car Parks from 1 pm onwards. Entry prices to all gardens are £6 for
Adults and £2 for Children aged 5 – 16.
A limited amount of free mini bus transport will be available to take visitors up and down the village and, if
you are lucky, you might just be in time for a ride on a Pony and Trap.
Afternoon Teas will be on sale at the Village Hall from 1.30pm where there will also be a Plant Stall
Unfortunately dogs will not be allowed into any of the gardens..
All proceeds are in aid of St Mary’s Church, Longstock.
April 2015
I am trying to increase awareness of our neighbourhood watch scheme which has been in place for many
years and to keep parishioners informed of possible scams, crimes, etc.
I act as one of the village co-ordinators, along with Peter Kennesion, and receive regular email alerts/
updates from both Hampshire Police and the Hampshire & Isle of Wight Neighbourhood Watch team. I
will be submitting alerts/notices for the village website on a regular basis; will also submit them for
inclusion in the Parish Magazine. The first issue I would like to mention is:
The system is a quick and effective way of circulating potential problems around the village. The system
works as follows:
If you see someone acting suspiciously you should initially ring 101, then ring the persons before and
after you on the list.
(If no response it is good to leave a message but you should also ring the next person on the list until
you make contact with someone.)
When you receive a call ring the next person on the list.
Note: 101 is for non emergency police calls.
If anyone would like to join the scheme (or to find out more about it) then please email me and I can add
you to the list, update and distribute it.
If you are already on the list and require a copy then please let me know and I will email it to you.
Llyn Adams
The following alerts were received by Hampshire Alert/ Hampshire & Isle of
Wight Neighbourhood Watch/Trading Standards:
Recently rural areas have been targeted in a number of shed and garage break-ins. Please make sure your sheds and
equipment are secure.
Many people take a great deal of trouble in securing their home and property while at the same time leaving valuable
gardening tools and cycles in a sheds are not secure.
This can also open invitation for thieves to use garden implements to break into you house or car.
High burglary rates from sheds indicate that they are not only easy to break into but there is a large market for the stolen
contents such as chain saws, leaf blowers, hedge cutters etc. With this in mind consider if the property left inside would be
better stored elsewhere.
Garden crime is now becoming more and more common. Tools such as lawn mowers, strimmers, hedge cutters, power tools
and likes are expensive items to replace and may incur in extra insurance premiums.
Operation Falcon is Hampshire Constabulary's campaign to make rural areas a hostile environment for criminals.
As we enter the time of year when the weather is warmer, we often see a rise in theft from motor vehicles in rural areas,
particularly around beauty spot car parks.
Commenting on the launch of Operation Falcon, Simon Hayes, Police and Crime Commissioner for Hampshire said: “I am
delighted to see the launch of Operation Falcon which will see regular targeted patrols in rural areas across Hampshire and Isle
of Wight. Operation Falcon has been initiated following my challenge to the Chief Constable to improve policing for rural
communities and deliver against the rural policing strategy, by adopting a more targeted approach to dealing with rural issues
and crime”.
Hampshire County Council Trading Standards Service would like to alert residents to reports of suspicious unsolicited
telephone calls from individuals claiming to be from Hampshire County Council.
The callers ask if the recipient has had an accident in the workplace or in the car.
Trading Standards suspect these calls to be ‘phishing’ attempts to gain personal information and are concerned that money
may be asked for. Advice is to never give out personal information and never to pay any money over the telephone to
unknown persons.
Hampshire County Council will not cold call to ask for money over the telephone.
Hampshire County Council Trading Standards Service,
Montgomery House, Monarch Way,
Winchester, Hampshire. SO22 5PW Tel: 01962 833620
Fax: 01962 833698
Pension scams will be operating due to the change in
Pension Fund rights. Be aware that there may be people
contacting you out of the blue or adverts claiming to
offer free pension reviews or no-obligation consultations
and even investment opportunities. Don’t be afraid to
say no or put the phone down!
Watch out for email and postal scams too.
Spot the local resident puttering down
Stockbridge High Street at the Daffodil Run!
Is AA about God?
A misconception about Alcoholics Anonymous is that it’s a religious organisation.
Since A.A. groups often rent space in churches, attending A.A. meeting in church
halls can reinforce that impression, and the possibility of hearing a prayer at the
end of a meeting can further cement the idea for some.
Yet the pioneering members of AA realised from the beginning that their sole
purpose was to help people gain sobriety, and they went to great lengths to ensure
the broadest membership among all who suffer from alcoholism. A.A. is a
Fellowship, a community of like-minded sufferers who have found a way out of a
hopeless condition.
We came to AA out of desperation to stop drinking, or reeling from the
consequences of our actions while drunk. A.A.’s sense of community and
partnership is strong because of our shared suffering and our shared solutions. In
our meetings people from all walks of life come together with a common purpose.
Some members return to their religious roots, others find different spiritual paths.
Some may find this “God of their understanding”, yet never become involved with
organised religion. Still others make the A.A. group itself their higher power.
In fact there are a growing number of ‘live and let live’ meetings that appeal to the
non-religious people in recovery who might variously describe themselves as
agnostics, atheists, humanists or freethinkers; as one member stated “AA starts at
its core with honesty, how can you be honest in recovery if you’re not honest about
your beliefs”.
“Newcomers are approaching A.A. at a rate of tens of thousands yearly. They
represent almost every belief and attitude imaginable. We have atheists and
agnostics. We have people of nearly every race, culture and religion. In A.A. we are
supposed to be bound together in the kinship of a common suffering.
Consequently, the full individual liberty to practice any creed or principle or therapy
whatever should be a first consideration for us all. Let us not, therefore, pressure
anyone with our individual or even collective views. Let us instead accord each
other the respect and love that is due to every human being at he tries to make his
way toward the light. Let us always try to be inclusive rather than exclusive; let us
remember that each alcoholic among us is a member of A.A., so long as he or she
so declares.”
– Bill W. (Co-Founder of AA, July 1965)
AA Helpline: 0845 769 7555 UK Website:
Local Meetings:
Is A.A. for you?
Summer of fun at
the Hawk Conservancy Trust
This summer is the 50th Anniversary of the Hawk Conservancy Trust, and there are a whole
host of activities throughout the year to help celebrate. Here are just some of the events
coming up in the next couple of months, for more information visit the events page on
Plant Sale Saturday 6 & Sunday 7 June, 10am-4pm
This offers our green-fingered supporters the change to restock their gardens before summer.
Hillier Nurseries will be donating a huge range of plants to help raise funds for the Trust.
Held in Trust’s second car park.
Hilly Hawks Golden Anniversary Bike Ride Sunday 21 June from 9am
Come and join the “Hilly Hawks” Golden Anniversary Ride. This is an inaugural cycle sportive
that is hoped will be become an annual event. The aim of the ride is to help raise funds for
the Trust’s conservation projects with endangered species of raptors, both in UK and
This challenging ride, with some killer hills, will take riders along quiet roads in the beautiful
countryside to the north of the Trust. The ride itself is a single distance, single fee event. With
the amount of climbing involved, the ride is intended for fit and experienced cyclists. There
are plenty of Strava segments on the route and all the major climbs will be marked with
gradient and distance advice.
Entry fee £25 per person
Outdoor Theatre Production: Wind in the Willows 25/26/27 June, 7pm (doors open 6pm)
In association with Andover Community Theatre, we are delighted to present Kenneth
Grahame’s classic tale of Mole, Ratty, Badger and Toad. Guests who have attended the
theatre group's previous productions at the Trust will know they offer a wonderful evening of
Come early and bring a picnic or enjoy a meal or drinks in Feathers Restaurant.
Tickets: Adults £20. Seniors/Students £15 Child £10 Family ticket (2a/2c) £55.
For more information on any of the events, please contact Tracey Smith on 01264 773850 or email
On Success
What is success ?...
..............Is it having enough to live on, plus a bit more for extra activities ? Is it leading a
reasonably contented life with stable relationships, and at the same time being honest and
truthful ?
There are those who hit the big time for success - the football stars, the mega-actors and
actresses, the famous and the very rich. Yet I think there are many who live quietly
successful lives at a much more modest level, leading lives that don't hit the headlines. Who
is to say which lifestyle is the more successful ? There's a lot to be said for having a measure
of calm in life, and a relatively peaceful and relaxed way of doing things.
A certain amount of money is one requirement for living - and those who make a lot of money
for one reason or another, or who just happen to win the lottery, can do a lot of good and
contribute a great deal with all that cash. However, the frenzied lifestyle that goes with much
media living, always in the public eye, is not something that many can cope with.
Raising a family of healthy children is one kind of success, and raising a child who is
handicapped is another kind. Providing a home that is reasonably calm, stable and relaxed is
another form of success. I hesitate to use that phrase "an oasis of calm" because it is so
overworked at the moment. Home can be a centre for civilised values, and keeping those
values going has to be something worth aiming for in life.
As for those who have been damaged by the misuse and abuse of power by people
ostensibly in authority for the benefit of this country, I think that such individuals may be
succeeding very well indeed if they manage to survive and to keep going, without themselves
being corrupted.
There have always been problems, and there always will be problems. I don't think that
descending to a level of criminal activity and deceit - just because there are many who do
employ such methods - represents success of any kind. I'd like to say that crime doesn't pay.
However, crime often does seem to pay very well in this country. Success may consist in not
treading the same path.
We have just completed over fifty years of marriage - which is a reason to take stock and to
reflect. I don't regret any of the decisions that I have made in life. I do very much regret what
other people have done to us. When you grow older, you can develop more confidence in
your own values. Certainly I think that kindness and a certain amount of tolerance are of
immense importance in life - and I see very little evidence of this in today's society. The
British, by and large, used to be rather a nice people. A continual emphasis on money and
materialistic values today has the effect of driving out qualities that we used to take pride in.
I came across a quotation in my diary from the Chinese philosopher Confucius (c. 550 - c.478
B.C.): "The superior man understands what is right: the inferior man understands what will
sell". No one now dares to think in terms of superior or inferior in such a context.
Nonetheless, Confucius had a point, and it still holds good today. There has to be some
balance. When we feel that we have achieved something worthwhile in life, then maybe that
is success.
To advertise in this magazine...
Telephone Fiona Evans - 01794 389237
Annual rates (10 editions) with effect from January 2014:
Annual (10 editions) One-off insertion
Half page
Quarter page
Home Visits available
01794 389 251
07966 927 439
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Do you suffer from any of the following?
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(the natural alternative to Botox)
01794 389251
Moorcourt, Palace Close, Kings Somborne, Stockbridge. SO20 6PS
Please note: Views expressed in contributors’ articles published in this magazine are not
necessarily the views of the Editorial Team.
Romsey Abbey stewards come from all walks of life. They are
not guides, but are there to welcome all visitors to the Abbey,
whether for a wedding or a funeral, as a tourist from the UK or
overseas, for a service or a lunchtime concert or a rehearsal, to
light a candle, or have a quiet time. Stewards also answer
questions where they can, and point visitors in the direction of
further information. They are there every day, and play a vital
role in creating an open and welcoming atmosphere for all those
visiting the Abbey.
We need over forty stewards every week. Most attend for two hours every week or fortnight, others
are prepared to step in for absences. There are currently gaps in the rota, and always a need for
more stewards to fill those gaps and to stand in for absences. Full training and support is given,
stewards normally work as a team of two, and it can be a thoroughly enjoyable, stimulating
Most stewarding vacancies occur at weekends, Saturday afternoons between 12.30pm and 4.30pm
particularly, and Sunday between 1pm and 5pm. During the week, Wednesday 11am – 1pm and
Friday 10.30am to 2.30pm are presently vacant.
Stewards welcomed over 41,500 day time visitors to the Abbey during 2014 (7500 more than in 2013)
including over 5000 during the 2 weeks of Romsey Festival.
If you would like to talk over the possibility of joining them, please contact Sheila Latimer by phone or
email - Romsey Abbey Stewards, 01794 523120,
Free Range Pork - Preserves
Home Grown Produce - Cakes & Eggs
Plants - Crafts
Every Thursday 10:00 – 11:45
Stockbridge Town Hall
Village Hall
TABLE small
TABLE large
20p each
20p each
20p each
20p each
50p for 10 pieces
20p each
If you would like to use any
of the hall facilities and/or
equipment please contact
Maureen Stephens on
01794 389696
Glass hire now available!
£1 for 10 glasses (48hr
period) - and conveniently stored in crates!
Breakages : £1/glass.
£10m Public Liability.
01794 341939 • 0794 3366 573
Our local care team has been providing award
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A family run company we offer you a
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dignity by assisting with: personal care,
companionships, errands and housekeeping.
So if you are looking for an alternative to
residential care or as a short term
answer whilst recovering from illness or
operation—then we’re here to help.
Fully Qualified Arboricultural Contractors
based in Old Sarum
tel: 01722 321183
Tree Surgery
Hedge Cutting
Site Clearance
Stump Removal
Free Quotes & Advice
mob: 07947 380819 email:
Visit Feathers Restaurant for a
refreshment stop, to meet up with friends
for coffee, or for a leisurely meal as part
of your day visit
Breakfast  Lunch  Afternoon Tea  Evening Events
special menus * meal deals * children’s birthday
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Fully licensed restaurant using locally produced, locally
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Open every day 9.00 am—5.30 pm (except Christmas and Boxing Day)
Breakfast Special – Full English Breakfast for £5.50
Served with tea, filter coffee or orange juice
Available every day from 9.00am-11.00am
Fish Friday
Freshly battered fish served with chips and mush peas
Available Fridays from 12.00pm-3.00pm
Two courses for £7.50 (starter and main or main and dessert)
Available Mon - Thurs from 12.00pm-2.30pm
Toasted Teacake and Tea or Coffee - £2.50
Available every day from 3.00pm - 4.30pm
(Above offers not available during weekends of school holidays).
Free Wi-Fi to patrons.
Ample parking.
To take advantage of
these special offers
simply bring this advert
with you when you visit
Sarson Lane, Weyhill, Andover Hampshire, SP11 8DY
t: 01264 773 850 e:
Special offer to Houghton News readers!
Bring this cutting to admit TWO adults for
the price of ONE to the Garden
Normal price £6.50
Please put you name, address and date on
the back of this cutting
Hatha Yoga
with Ruth
Michael Saunders
Houghton Village Hall
Beginners & Improvers
Wednesdays 10.00 - 11.30
Tel: 01722 349830
Pianos tuned, repaired and
24 Stevens Drove
Hampshire SO20 6LP
Tel: 01794 389 585 / 07789 382057
Cut back on
oil and gas!
For friendly, professional advice
please call and make an appointment
to see our showroom.
Frenchmoor, West Tytherley: 01794 340246
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Osteopathy and
Cranial Osteopathy
A gentle hands on approach for
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Injury prevention, relaxation and
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Homeopathy can be used to complement
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A natural therapy that uses nutrition and
advises on lifestyle, to stimulate the
healing process.
01264 810028
Private and commercial
Specialists in all aspects of the trade
Quality interior and exterior decorating service
References available from satisfied customers
Mark Davis
Tel: 01264 393674
Mobile: 07773 221561
Does your piano need attention?
Happy to offer help and advice when buying new pianos.
 Simple repairs carried out on site.
Mobile 07905 451131
Land 02381 843927
web site
rates to all
A local family run business covering all
aspects of building work
Call Lewis or Paul now for a free ‘no obligation’ quote
07799 664 308 / 07798 566 424
Lower Brook · Kings Somborne · Stockbridge · Hampshire
Appliance repair
All leading makes
Hotpoint/Creda Specialist
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C. Cairns
Oakleigh Drive
Wiltshire SP5 1AT
7 years professional experience | NVQ Level 2 & 3
J Pascoe t/a Chilbolton
Chair Company
Makers & Upholsterers of fine quality furniture
Local, reliable & friendly
Cut and blowdry
Gents cut
Half head highlights
Full head highlights
T-section highlights
Root colour
Full head colour
M 07775 636647
Unit 12B, Stonefield Park, Chilbolton
Stockbridge, Hants, SO20 6BL
Tel: 01264 861117 : Mobile 07582 850810
We offer a wide range of services:
 Bespoke hand made furniture
 Complete re-upholstery of antique or modern
 Supply of a wide range of fabrics
 Curtains, blinds, soft furnishings
 Stock items available for sale
Please call, email or visit us at our workshop
Yoga ~ Pilates ~ Meditation ~
Daytime, evening and weekend classes
for all abilities
Private tuition available
Beginners welcome
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Pilates for Seniors
Children’s holiday classes
Tel: 01264 811158, Mob: 07764 949317
Tiebridge Farm, North Houghton, Stockbridge
SO20 6LQ
A local, independent Company delivering fuel to homes and
businesses across Hampshire
Small enough to care, big enough to cope
Please call 01264 860263
or visit our website
Thirt Way, Martins Lane, Chilbolton, Stockbridge, Hants SO20 6BL
Broughton Joinery & Fitted
 Handmade Bespoke Kitchens
 Built-in Cupboards,
 Handmade Bespoke Kitchens
 Bookshelves & Wardrobes
 Built-in Cupboards,
 Individual pieces of Furniture
 Bookshelves & Wardrobes
 Replacement Windows and Doors
Grandad’s Farm
 Individual pieces of Furniture
Salisbury Road
 Replacement Windows and Doors
Broughton, Stockbridge, Hampshire,
SO20 Farm
Salisbury Road
Howard Fletcher—01794 301517
Broughton, Stockbridge, Hampshire, SO20 8BX
Howard Fletcher—01794 301517
We are ‘Outstanding’...
Ofsted 2012
Providing education through play. Offering
flexible childcare sessions from 2 years of age
We provide high quality childcare and education within our purpose built ’Home
Lodge’ style building where children have the opportunity to participate in a wide
range of interesting activities which promote all areas of learning.
There is free flow access to our outside space which has a covered area for all
weather use.
Our dedicated staff team are very experienced, well qualified and provide a high
adult:child ratio.
Funding for 15 hours free is available for all children from the term following their
3rd birthday and for eligible children following their 2nd birthday
We offer flexible hours Monday to Friday with 5 start & 4 finish times available.
Healthy lifestyles are actively promoted and hot lunches are available.
For further information or to arrange a visit please contact us:
01794 301286
Conker Lodge, School Lane, Broughton, Stockbridge, Hampshire, SO20 8AN
Carpentry Specialist & Building/Garden Maintenance
Free Quotations/No Call Out Charge
No Job Too Small
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Fully Insured with References Available
No 2 Manor Farm Cottage, North Houghton
Stockbridge, Hants, SO20 6LF
01264 810311 or 07900 621842
Attentive service
Free collection & delivery from
Home or Work
Free Retests
All makes welcome and courtesy
vehicle available
Terms and conditions apply
02380 733944
OPEN: 8.30—6.00 MONDAY—FRIDAY 9.00—1.00 SATURDAY
Funeral Directors
Independent Family Owned Funeral Directors
Serving Romsey and district for over 100 years,
and through three generations of the Peace family
122 The Hundred, Romsey
Tel: 01794 513393
Personal attention from
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Private Chapel of Rest
24 Hour Service
Monumental Masonry Service
Pre-payment plans available
Introduction to Music for the Under 5’s
Also available as an Accompanist
All ages and abilities welcome!
Helen King
Professionally Registered Member of
Tel: (01794) 388685
Mob: 07917 161585
Chapel Close, Houghton
Nr. Stockbridge SO20 6LT
OFFICE: 01264 400074
MOBILE: 07887 556 559
17th Edition Electrician
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Practice Licence 11760
T: 07852 634685 E:
Alexandra Heating Services Ltd
Your local heating specialist
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Domestic & commercial central heating systems, installed & repaired.
We also offer emergency breakdown cover, repairs, servicing, plumbing,
under-floor heating & system design.
Call us on 01722 417873 or email us at
to book your appointment today!
It’s cool to stay warm for less money...reduce your heating oil costs!
If you order via Houghton Oil Syndicate your can increase your ‘buying
power’ with local oil companies; together, we can achieve savings of up to
10p/litre - it’s a ‘no brainer’!
How it works
Join the Oil Syndicate (it’s free!) by contacting Bob Gosse or call 01794 388617.
When you need oil, email Bob who then e-mails all the Syndicate Members,
seeking more orders. Almost every month, Bob sources the best deal from
local oil companies and orders your oil requirements. You pay the oil company direct, usually after
delivery, on invoice.
There are currently 54 households in the syndicate: the more members there are
the potentially cheaper the oil!.
Are you part of the Houghton Village e-mail Group?
There are now 120 subscribers!
The Village email group helps us all keep up-to-date with what’s on in the village –
apart from reading Houghton News, of course!
You can hear about things going on in the village more frequently than once a month!
It’s so easy to join….just email and ask to join!
If you don’t have email, you could ask a friend in the village who does,
to send a message on your behalf!
Getting to a doctor’s, hospital, dental, optician or other medical appointment need not be a
0845 094 3713
and a friendly voice will come to your aid and organise transport for you to and from your appointment,
courtesy of one of the Volunteer Drivers
There is no charge if you are over 60 or have a Bus Pass.
If you don't have a Bus Pass but you qualify for one, ring TVBC (01264 368000) to order one.
Good Neighbour volunteers can also help with non-medical appointments - eg visiting someone in
hospital, help with day-to-day errands such as collecting prescriptions, small shopping commissions,
dog walking, so it’s always worth asking if you need help with anything.
Do make a note of the number….it could be very useful one day!
There are 4 volunteers from Houghton: we support Stockbridge and Stockbridge supports Houghton.
Public Transport Services for Houghton: wef January 2015
Service 15:
Mon/Sat only
Service 16: Salisbury to Winchester via Stockbridge and Kings Somborne - Mon/Sat only
NB: if you wish to travel to Houghton or Broughton on the 13.20 service from Winchester: make sure you request
the driver when you get on; otherwise the bus will terminate at Stockbridge.
Public bus services contracted by:
Houghton Parish Council
Parish Council meetings are held every other month,
usually the first Monday,
in Houghton Village Hall at 7.30 pm.
The Chairman is Philip Page
These are public meetings to which all are welcome.
Please come along and hear what the Parish Council is doing for you and
have your say!
Future Parish Council meetings
AGM - Monday 11 May
7.30 pm
at which dates for the forthcoming year will be set
Broughton & Mottisfont Village Bus
Services and Fares as at April 2013
Concessionary Bus Passes can be used on this service
All services depart from and return to Broughton (*)
pickup *)
(subject to alteration)
Under 5s Free
(opposite Marks &
9.30 am
12.30 pm
Age 16 and over
Age 6–15
1st in the month
(John Lewis)
9.15 am
2.30 pm
Age 16 and over
Age 6–15
(Bus Station)
1.00 pm
3.45 pm
Age 16 and over
Age 6–15
9.40 am
12.15 pm
Age 16 and over
Age 6–15
9.30 am
12 noon
Age 16 and over
Age 6–15
1.00 pm
3.30 pm
Age 16 and over
Age 6–15
2nd in the
in the month
(Bus Station)
(Bus Station, via
(Bus Station, via
(*) Stops: The Hollow, South Road, Village Hall, The Square, Chapel Lane, North End,
School Lane, The Pound
Houghton Groups & Activities
If you would like to add/amend information to this list, please contact the Editors at
If you are a neighbour of a newcomer it maybe worthwhile lending this magazine to highlight
some of the things available in our village.
All Saints Church, Houghton: Monthly
services in the Benefice and other church news
is published in Houghton News. See Village
Directory for contacts for further information.
Houghton News: our monthly parish
magazine provides information on village
events, church services and other local area
news plus a wide range of local advertisers. If
you would like to receive a copy (10 editions
annually, for £7), please contact Maureen
Stephens (see Village Directory).. .Profits go to
All Saints PCC.
Houghton Parish Council: public
meetings held every other month, usually on
the 1st Monday of the month in the Village
Hall. Councillors are listed in the Village
Directory; future meeting dates (p10) and
informal notes of meetings are usually included
in this magazine.. Formal Minutes are
circulated via the e-mail group and on the
village noticeboard.
HAHA - Houghton Allotment Holders
Association:: there are 10 allotments in the
village, currently one is free to ‘let’. Please
contact either Philip Page (HAHA Chair) or
Lucy Gosse (Secretary) for more information.
Good Neighbours: Houghton is part of the
Stockbridge Good Neighbours scheme,
offering free transport to doctor/hospital and
other important appointments to those unable
to drive. See p35 of this magazine for details .
Oil Syndicate: members of this village
syndicate, run by Bob Gosse, use their bulk
purchasing power to get the lowest price per
litre. Details on p35 of this magazine or
contact Bob
Postal Deliveries: Steve is our regular
Postie and his ‘relief’ is Nick. There are 3
post boxes: by Village Hall, almost opposite
Bossington Estate offices & on the road into
Stockbridge, just beyond Dairy Barn.
Singing for Fun: a small, informal singing
group, for which no previous singing
experience is required. It meets about 6
times a term on Thursday evenings, using
the church for sessions. It is led
by Helen King a professional music teacher..
Contact Lucy Gosse for more details:
Village Coffee Mornings: run by Lucy
and Clare, usually on the 3rd Saturday of the
month from 10.30 to 12 noon, in the Village
Hall . A relaxed and friendly way to meet up
and catch up over a coffee and cake or
bacon buttie! Details sent out via village
email group and in Houghton News each
Village Directory: a list of useful names,
phone numbers, email, for organisations
relevant to Houghton; published each month
on the last but one page of Houghton News.
Village e-mail group: a quick ,simple
way to send messages and reminders to
others in the village about events or if you
are looking for an item/household service,
etc., Contact to
have your email added to the group
Village Hall: Lots of village events
happen here! Available to hire (p5) of this
magazine) and more contacts in the Village
WI: meets monthly in the Village Hall; see
contacts in Village Directory for more
information .
Village Directory
Parochial Church Secretary
Cleaning Rota
Flower Rota
Friends of All
Hampshire County Councillor
Test Valley District Councillor
Houghton Parish
Vice Chairman
All Saints Church
Rev. Ron Corne
Gina Livermore
Gill Nobes
Richard James
Michael Woodhall
Dawn Williams
Dawn Williams
James Allport
Anna Allport
Jill Harding
Mike Moldon
Julie Moldon
Julie Moldon
Andrew Gibson
01794 301287
01794 388433
01794 341010
01794 388534
01264 810500
01264 810724
01264 810724
01794 388328
01794 388328
01794 388325
01794 388204
01794 388204
01794 388204
01264 861138
01264 861087
01794 388389
01794 301212
01794 512132
01794 388512
01794 389131
01794 388070
01794 388831
01794 388305
01794 301013
01264 811618
01794 388612
01264 810928
Daniel Busk
Peter Boulton
Caroline Nokes MP
Philip Page
Bev Barker
Ingrid Burt
Geoff Butler
Claudia Bradby
Peter Kennesion
Tara Scougall
Alan Young
Mrs JaneAnderton
Village Hall
Mrs Julie Harwood
Mrs Julie Moldon
Maureen Stephens
01264 810314
01794 388204
01794 389696
Rosie Cardoe
Lucy Gosse
01794 388771
01794 388617
Ingrid Burt
01794 388070
Peter Kennesion
Llyn Adams
01794 301013
01794 389690
Neighbourhood Watch
Doctor’s Surgery
Parish Magazine
01264 810524 Non-urgent 101
0845 094 3713 0800 0280880 01264 365534 -
Stockbridge Neighbour Care
Hampshire County Council
Citizens Advice Bureau
Salisbury-Winchester buses
Broughton/Mottisfont Village Bus
Lucy Gosse
Fiona Evans
Rosie Cardoe
Fiona Evans
01722 336855
01794 301045
01794 388617
01794 389237
01794 388771
01794 389237
01794 389696
Maureen Stephens
Church Services - May 2015
3rd MAY
10th MAY
17th MAY
24th MAY
31st MAY
Holy Communion
Family Service
Communion CW
Communion CW
& Sunday Club
For the
Holy Communion
Family Service
For the
Outdoor service
Wednesdays 9.30 am St. Mary’s Church, Broughton Holy Communion BCP
Except Wednesday May 13th. It will be held on Thursday May 14th
ASCENSION DAY at 9.30 am.
ASCENSION DAY Hymn Singing from St Mary’s Tower at 6.00 pm
CW = Common Worship.
BCP = Book of Common Prayer
Would you share your thoughts about the village with us…...or your memories of times
gone by…..?
If you would prefer us to come and talk to you to collect your thoughts, we’d be very happy to do
The editors of Houghton News would love to hear from anyone about their life in the village—
either now or about past memories of the village.
We’re very grateful to those who already contribute items to the magazine, either words or
Please don’t wait to be asked!