Academics Come First Residential Academic Advising Dive

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Volume 2 | Issue 41 | May 29, 2015
In This Issue
Academics Come First
Qu ick L in ks
Leadership Council
Residential Academic
Residential Academic
RHAT Program Updates
Academics Come First
Residential Academic
Dive-In Movie: Insurgent
Moving Out of the
Residence Halls
Quick Links
Academic Dates and
Important Housing Dates
ASD Lost and Found
Aggie Reader Archive
Student Housing News
Campus Department
Open Courses
Sorority and Fraternity Life
Student Housing Calendar
Advising Hours
Monday - Thursday | 10 AM - 8 PM
Friday | 10 AM - 4 PM (Segundo and Tercero)
Friday | 10 AM - 2 PM (Cuarto)
Academic Advising for Spring Quarter will end on
June 4, the last day of instruction.
Just in Case App
Tutoring Hours
Segundo and Tercero: Monday - Thursday | 5 - 9 PM
Cuarto: Monday - Thursday | 6 - 9 PM
Social Survival Guide: Skills
for College Life
There will be an alternate tutoring schedule during
finals week. Details will be announced in next
week's Aggie Reader.
Schedule Builder Tool
Aggie Guardian App
TAPS Guide to Getting
Academic Dates and
June 4: Instruction Ends
Please visit your AAC or for more
June 5: Fall Pass 1 open
registration ends
Dive-In Movie: Insurgent
June 6, 8-11: Final Exams
Important Housing
Leadership Council
Jo in t Meetin g
Join the Segundo, Tercero
and Cuarto Leadership
Councils for a joint meeting
on Monday, June 1 from 7
- 8 PM on the Segundo
Quad. For more information
please contact your area's
leadership coordinator. Residential
June 11
Thursday, June 4 | Rec Pool | 8 PM Doors
Open | 8:30 PM Movie Begins Come on out for an evening of fun before finals get
underway! We'll be hosting a FREE showing of
Insurgent at the REC Pool in a special Dive-In Movie!
There will be FREE snacks, prizes and more! The
Residence halls
Tercero/Cuarto DCs
close after lunch
Segundo DC close
after dinner service
Area Service Desk
Lost and Found
Residential Academic
Workshops have concluded
for the quarter. If you
would like to schedule an
individual appointment
please email an Academic
RHAT Program
RHAT p ro g rams h ave
co n clu d ed fo r th is
acad emic year
Thanks to everyone who
attended, and we hope you
found them beneficial. If
you have any questions
about summer school or
planning for your
sophomore year, please
stop by an AAC to see a
peer adviser.
pool will be open for swimming while the movie is
playing! For more information join the Facebook
Moving Out of the Residence Halls
Move-out is quickly approaching! You
must completely move out of the residence halls
within 24 hours of your last final but no later than 7pm
on Thursday, June 11, 2015, whichever comes first.
Should you have extenuating circumstances you may
apply for an exception to the move-out deadline of
June 11, 2015 at 7pm.
If you have an extenuating circumstance or hardship
(such as a family emergency) that requires you stay
beyond 11pm, please complete Checkout Deadline
Exception form found on the Moving Out of the
Residence Halls web page. Checkout Deadline
Exception forms are due by 5pm on Monday, June 1,
L o st So meth in g ?
Visit your Area Service Desk
and inquire over any items
you may have lost. We have
clothing, electronics, keys,
water bottles, backpacks and
Visit Segundo ASD, Tercero
ASD and Cuarto ASD for
more information.
Aggie Reader Archive
Past Issu es
Did you miss the last issue of
the Aggie Reader? Click
here to access past issues.
For additional information please visit the Moving Out
of the Residence Halls web page.
Student Housing News
Cuarto's 2015 Breakfast Under the Stars and Awards Night
Wednesday, June 3, 2015 | 8:30pm - 11:30pm
Hello Cuarto!
As the end of the quarter very quickly approaches, we want to make you aware of one of
our most exciting annual events, the "Cuarto Academic and Leadership Awards" event
on Wednesday, June 3 (8:30 pm-11:30 pm). But this isn't just some awards night; this
is paired with a very special late night meal event entitled "Breakfast Under the Stars." We will take over the
entire Oxford Circle parking lot and service student a completely unique menu prepared by the Cuarto DC
staff. The theme for this year: Custom Crepes. We'll have savory, sweet, a variety of breakfast foods and
we'll top it all off with a crazy ice cream sundae bar (this has been a favorite addition for years). And music?
Yup, we have that covered. You don't want to miss this event! So how do you participate? It's very easy.
REQUIRED: RSVP for Breakfast Under the Stars (CLICK HERE)
NOTE: You do not have to participate in or nominate anyone for the awards to attend this event. Treat
it just like late-night meal...with a twist.
Also, we are looking for a student DJ. We will provide all of the PA equipment (amplifier and PA system); all
we need you to provide is the music source and your abilities. Email Nathan at if this
is something you would seriously consider doing. Event meal will be FREE for you, and we will publically
recognize you at the event!
Healthy in the Halls
Academic Advising
Center Survey
Sustainability Work
Monday, June 1 | 8 PM
Tercero Main Lounge
We want to hear from you! If you
recently met with a peer adviser in
an academic advising center,
please check your email for a
Survey Monkey link to share your
experiences and for your chance
to win a prize from our weekly
random drawing.
Volunteer with the Student
Housing Sustainability Work
Group and help make Student
Housing more sustainable.
Free health and wellness series
Check out the Facebook event
for more information.
Questions? Christopher
Pangelina at
Next Meeting:
Wednesday, June 3
2 - 3 PM | Segundo Services
Center, Room 3110
Questions? Email
or call Jenni Porter at 530-7522759
Visit our website at
Last chance to redeem spots will
be at Farm-To-College on June
For more information visit the UC
Davis Student Housing
Sustainability website.
Be mindful, we're in a
Spring Cleaning Donation
Drive is almost here!
California is experiencing a
severe drought. During this time
UC Davis is striving to reduce
water use by 25%. Please do
your part and help conserve
One week left before the Student
Housing "Goodwill Not Landfill"
donation drive. Take advantage of
this time to start bagging up any
items you have to donate. Bags
are available upon request at the
Area Service Desk in each
housing area and collection bins
for reusable items and nonperishable foods will be set-up in
every res hall on Monday, June
For more information visit the UC
Davis Student Housing
Sustainability water website.
For details visit the UC Davis
Student Housing Spring Cleaning
Questions or comments? Email
or call Jenni Porter at 530-7524265.
9th Annual Spring Farm to College
Thursday, June 4 | 4:30 - 7:30 PM | Segundo Quad
Join UC Davis Dining Services for the 9th Annual Spring Farm to College! Farm to College is a celebration of
local and sustainable food. Join the UC Davis campus community for a picnic on the lawn featuring fresh,
local, sustainable food options, arts and crafts, live music, and more!
Share pictures of Farm to College night with all your family and friends. Just be sure to tag #FarmtoCollege on
Twitter and Instagram.
Resident Garden
Now that you've been in Davis for almost one full
school year, it's no secret that this town is
surrounded by farmland. So who are all these local
farmers and what are the chefs on campus creating
with the fresh, local products we have access to?
As Spring Quarter comes to a close please join UC
Davis Dining Services for our End of the Year
Culinary Celebration: Farm to College, Next
Thursday, June 4th from 4:30 - 7:30 PM on the
Segundo Lawn. This event exemplifies all the
sustainability that the Dining Commons strives for
with entrees, desserts, beverages, activities, and
entertainment. You don't want to miss this!
If you are reading this, you may still be in time to
make our special end-of-the-year garden party,
Friday morning May 29th at 10 AM! If not, that's
okay because you can also find us at the Farm to
College celebration coming up next week! Look for
us or all of the people with the herb crowns, they will
know what's up. And as always, check us out at our
garden hours:
Mondays - Thursdays from 3 - 4 PM
Swipe Out Hunger
Now - the end of the academic year | Donate at Crossroads, Junction, Trudy's or any Dining Commons
At the end of the academic year you will have the option to donate any remaining swipes.
2nd Year Housing | Important Dates
The deadline to request to cancel your housing application and receive a full refund of the
$500 reservation fee was April 30, 2015.
Please be aware that if you are no longer a student anytime during Spring Quarter 2015
(withdrawal, PELP, dismissed, etc.), you will no longer be eligible to return to the Student
Housing Apartments for Fall 2015.
There is a change to the dates for the self-selection process. Previewing the apartments for Returning
Residents will be available on June 15-19 and the self-selection process will take place from June 22 - 26.
Any students that do not self-select a room will be randomly assigned to vacant spaces. The housing
assignments will be released in late August through your UC Davis email account. Please contact Student Housing at or 530-752-2033 if you have any questions
or need additional information.
Campus Department Announcements
University Honors Program Research Conference
Saturday, May 30 | 9 AM - 12:30 PM | Giedt Hall
The University Honors Program (UHP) Research Conference is an opportunity for UHP students in all
academic disciplines to orally present their research and projects from the last year. Broken into three different
sessions, the presentations will cover a wide range of topics, such as Huntington's Disease, student
financials, the New York Times' representation of Armenian-Americans, and much more. For more information
visit the Facebook event.
UC Davis Stores | Textbook Buyback & Rental Returns
Return your textbook rentals or sell your books for cash at any of these locations! Check the real-time value
of your books at
ARC Lobby
Friday, June 5: 8:30am - 6pm | Saturday, June 6: 8:30am - 5pm
Monday, June 8 through Thursday, June 11: 8:30am - 6pm | Friday, June 12: 8:30am - 5pm
Life Sciences Lecture Hall, Cuarto Emerson, Tercero (Wall 155), Segundo DC
Monday, June 8 through Thursday, June 11: 10am - 3pm
UC Davis Campus Planning | Living on Campus Survey
At UC Davis we have many dedicated people contributing towards a better campus for tomorrow. In
collaboration with students, faculty, and staff, we aim to steward the campus of today into a more sustainable
future, advance our academic excellence, and foster a healthy and vibrant community for generations to
As we envision these futures, we want to learn more about your experience of campus. Please take a
moment to participate in the Living on Campus Survey. It takes minutes and it's fun!
Complete the survey and be entered to win a $25 UC Davis Stores gift card. Twenty students will be
randomly selected.
Planning for Tomorrow
UC Davis will initiate a planning process to update the Long Range Development Plan (LRDP) in the fall of
2015. The LRDP update will respond to the Chancellor's 2020 Initiative, as well as, the Carbon Neutrality
Initiative from President Napolitano. Learn more about the LRDP from the Campus Planning website. UC Davis Farmers Market
UC Davis Medical Center | Acne Study
Wednesdays | 11 AM - 1:30 PM | North Quad
Do you have acne? You may qualify for a study of a
Use your Aggie Cash at the UC Davis Farmers
Market on the Quad! Every Wednesday of spring
quarter, the farmers market will be located on the
North Quad of the UC Davis campus, right outside
the Coffee House.
Come by for lunch, groceries, and a friendly
atmosphere. Your local farmers provide fresh organic
fruits, vegetables, honey, juice, and more! The UC
Davis Farmers Market is the place to be this spring.
Be sure to sign up for our newsletter and stay
updated on the farmers market
topical investigational medicated gel at University of
California Davis Dermatology. You may receive
study related care and study medication and be
compensated for time and travel.
If you have acne, please call UC Davis Dermatology
at 916-734-1509 or visit the UC Davis Medical
Center Topical Acne Medication website to learn
ARMY ROTC | Get Involved
Army ROTC is the perfect opportunity to help you succeed. Through elective classes, labs and field training
exercises, you will receive firsthand experience on what it takes to lead and motivate others, and how to
conduct missions as an Officer in the Army, Army Reserve or Army National Guard. The program provides
the skills and experience that will help empower success in any competitive environment. Upon graduation
and completion of Army ROTC, you will earn the title of Second Lieutenant and equipped with a set of
leadership and decision-making skills that ultimately will make you a valuable commodity in any professional
industry. Scholarships are available and are awarded based on students' merit and grades. Additional allowances will
help pay for books and fees. Army ROTC even offers a stipend of up to $5,000 a year. To learn more about
the requirements and other information, please contact Mr. Gary Suen at RM 127 at Hickey Gym or at
UC Davis Theatre and Dance
Real Women Have Curves | ITDP by Sara Moncado
June 5 - 7, 2015 | 6 PM Transportation and Parking Services Rideshare and Save!
If you're hitting the road for a weekend or just need
to get away, post a trip on Zimride to match up and
Open Courses
ECM 1: The Design of Coffee
This very popular course offers you a chance to learn how to
transform raw coffee beans to an icy and refreshing cup of Joe.
Rejuvenation in a cup!
GE Credit: 3 units of Science and Engineering; Visual Literacy and
Scientific Literacy
Learn more at:
Frequently Asked Questions
Will I really get to roast and brew coffee in this class?
Yes! The core component of this class is a weekly 2-hour lab session, where you will do experiments
involving coffee. Examples include taking apart a Mr. Coffee brewer to analyze how it works, measuring the
pH of coffee versus brew time, and examining the energy usage of different roasting profiles. In every lab
session you will get to taste the resulting coffee, working with your group to ultimately make your unique
design for the best-tasting cup of coffee.
I don't drink coffee. Does this class require me to drink it anyway?
No, you can take the entire course without tasting any of the coffee, and doing only visual and olfactory
(smelling) sensory analyses. However, one of the things you will learn in this class is that properly prepared,
fresh roasted coffee can taste nothing like the bitter stuff you might have tasted before. Some coffees even
taste sweet without adding sugar. Moreover, a fun part of the class is the blind taste test at the end of the
quarter, where you get to complete with your classmates Iron Chef style.
I only drink decaffeinated coffee. Is decaf available?
Yes. For students who cannot or choose not to consume caffeine, decaffeinated green coffee beans are
available for both roasting and brewing.
I've heard engineering courses are difficult. Is this class going to destroy my GPA?
No! This class is designed as a general education course for students who are not majoring in engineering. All
grades will be based on a curve using standards appropriate for a non-quantitative, freshmen level class.
Will I get GE credit for this course?
Yes, this class counts as 3 units of Science and Engineering credit for GE. The course also satisfies 3 units
of both Scientific Literacy and Visual Literacy.
Why is this class in the department of chemical engineering? Are we going to be adding weird
chemicals to the coffee?
Absolutely not! During the entire course we will use only green coffee beans and water. As we will discuss in
the class, chemical engineers apply quantitative reasoning to a tremendously wide variety of industrial
applications. Quite a lot of our graduates are actually hired by the food and beverage industries. But the main
goal here is to introduce students to how chemical engineers analyze things, using coffee as a fun (and
delicious!) example.
Native American Experience (NAS 10)
Monday-Thursday | 10 AM - 11:40 AM | Summer Session One (June 22-July 31, 2015)
Professor Steven Crum (Western Shoshone), Department of Native American Studies (NAS), UC Davis
Interested in taking an Exciting 2015 UC Davis Summer School Course? Take Native American Experience
(NAS 10)!
This course provide an overview of the significant histories, life-ways, and issues ithat revolve around the
past and contemporary Indigenous cultures of the Americas. The course will look at a number of important
topics, including cultural, economic, and political resurgence of Native American peoples of the United States.
Gaming and Casinos is an example of economic resurgence.
Because NAS follows a Western Hemispheric approach to the study of Indigenous peoples, lectures will
cover important events that have taken place in those Latin American nation-states that have sizable
Indigenous populations. This includes Bolivia, Ecuador, Guatemala, Mexico, and Peru. Some of the topics will
be the Chiapas Rebellion of 1994 and how and why Evo Morales became the first Indigenous president of
recent times to be elected to the Office of the Presidency of Bolivia in 2005.
Moreover, NAS 10 will give some coverage to Indigenous peoples living in three Asian nation-states that
recognize the status of Indigenous peoples: Japan, the Philippines, and Taiwan. The course will give attention
to how the issues of Indigenous peoples of Latin America and Asia compare and contrast with those of Native
American people in the U.S.
NAS 10 fulfills a number of GE categories.
Required Textbooks
+ Eisler, Kim, Revenge of the Pequot: How a Small Native American Tribe Created the World's Most
Profitable Casino (2001).
+ Wilkinson, Charles, Blood Struggle: The Rise of Modern Indian Nations (2005).
Sorority and Fraternity Life Updates
Upcoming Events
Here is a list of a few upcoming events including philanthropy events being
hosted by our campus' sororities and fraternities! For more information about
individual events or chapters apart of our community, contact the chapter
leadership or visit our website. Good luck with the upcoming quarter and feel free to contact us with any
questions or concerns!
As always, you can check out the Rush and Recruitment Calendar on our website for more information about
upcoming recruitment events.
Kappa Karnival
Saturday, May 30 | Noon - 2 PM | Russell Field
Come out to Kappa Kappa Gamma's second annual
Kappa Karnival! There will be games and activities
such as an inflatable slip-n-slide, dunk tank, face
painting, pie the prez and more! Also, lunch will be
provided by The Hotdogger with a variety of
delicious hot dogs including but not limited to beef,
veggie and polish. Don't forget to save some room
for our cotton candy machine for dessert! During the
Karnival, you can watch your favorite fraternities
battle it out in a series of competitions such as tugof-war, relay races, and eating contests! All
proceeds go to our National Philanthropies-- Reading
is Fundamental and Kappa Kappa Gamma
Foundation. Tickets are $8 at the door.
Delta Sigma Phi Recycling Competition
Let the brothers of Delta Sigma Phi help your
chapter recycle- for a good cause! Delta Sigma Phi
will be facilitating a quarter long competition among
IFC fraternities to see which house can recycle the
most cans and bottles over the course of the quarter.
Delta Sigs will collect and recycle the waste for you,
and all of the funds will be donated to the Cancer
Research Institute. The chapter that collects the
most recyclables will receive $100 to a philanthropy
of their choice. If you are interested in participating, contact Cooper
at for more information.
Chapters Currently Not Registered
Registered Student Organizations, students, and campus departments are advised to not participate in any
events or activities held by these organizations as they receive no oversight, or liability coverage, and are not
held accountable at the local, regional or national level. Students, organizations, and departments who interact
or seek affiliation with any of the organizations listed below do so at their own risk.
Phi Alpha Phi Fraternity | Lambda Phi Epsilon Fraternity | Alpha Delta Chi Sorority | Kappa Alpha Psi
Fraternity Inc.
Copyright © UC Davis Student Housing 2015. All Rights Reserved.
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CA | 95616