Having trouble viewing this email?Click here Volume 1 | Issue 16 | April 17, 2015 IN THIS ISSUE... Academic Dates and Deadlines Past Aggie Readers SHA Facebook Group SHA Events Campus Department Announcements ASUCD News On‐Campus Job Opportunities Open Courses Sorority and Fraternity Life Updates Registered UC Davis Student Groups housing.ucdavis.edu Student Housing Calendar myucdavis Schedule Builder Tool ucdavis.edu Just in Case App TAPS Guide to Getting Home Social Survival Guide: Skills for College Life Academic Dates and Deadlines April 24: 20 day drop deadline SHA Events Ice Cream Social | Sunday, April 19 | 4 PM | Arlington Farm Study Lounge Come grab a little treat to celebrate almost being done with spring quarter! Join me and some of your fellow SHA residents for some ice cream sundaes! Hope to see you there! Contact CA Arlyn for any questions, aigarcia@ucdavis.edu "Are you smarter than the Colleges?" | Thursday, April 23 | 8 PM | Lexington Lounge Time for a little friendly competition! Last week, Colleges residents played a version of the game show "Are You Smarter than a 5th Grader?" Now, let's see how smart the Lexington residents are. Contact CA Meghan with any questions, megriley@ucdavis.edu Trip to the Meat Lab | Friday, April 24 | 3 PM | UC Davis Meat Lab We will meet in front of the Tercero Dining Commons. They only accept cash or check. The campus Meat Lab sells a variety of high quality meats for fantastic prices. If you're planning on having a BBQ, or just need some meat, the Meat Lab is far superior to any other meat vendors in Davis, in terms of both quality and price. Most of the meat comes from university livestock which is slaughtered on campus. The beef is all natural, grain April 27: Summer Session registration appointments begin slaughtered on campus. The beef is all natural, grain fed and the pork is not injected with hormones. They also sell eggs. May 1: Pass/No Pass Deadline Contact CA Mackenzie with any questions, mmmacking@ucdavis.edu May 4: Fall registration times available Marshmallow Catapults | Thursday, April 30 | 8 PM | Colleges Community Center May 23: Fall Pass 1 registration begins I will provide supplies; your job is to provide the creativity. Come design a catapult that will be able to shoot marshmallows. Which awesome design will be able to shoot them the furthest. Come find out! Past Aggie Readers Did you miss the last issue of the Aggie Reader? Click here to access past issues. Contact CA Meghan with any questions, megriley@ucdavis.edu SHA Facebook Group Connect with other SHA residents and find out about events with the SHA Facebook group. Click here to join. CAMPUS DEPARTMENT ANNOUNCEMENTS 101st Picnic Day Apr il 18, 2015 The 101st Picnic Day will be held on April 18, 2015. For a complete listing of events visit the Picnic Day website. To stay up to date check out the Picnic Day Facebook Page. Also, don't forget to take the Picnic Day Pledge! For information on how to stay safe watch this quick video. Picnic Day Safety Tips ARMY ROTC | Get Involved Army ROTC is the perfect opportunity to help you succeed. Through elective classes, labs and field training exercises, you will receive firsthand experience on what it takes to lead and motivate others, and how to conduct missions as an Officer in the Army, Army Reserve or Army National Guard. The program provides the skills and experience that will help empower success in any competitive environment. Upon graduation and completion of Army ROTC, you will earn the title of Second Lieutenant and equipped with a set of leadership and decision‐making skills that ultimately will make you a valuable commodity in any professional industry. Scholarships are available and are awarded based on students' merit and grades. Additional allowances will help pay for books and fees. Army ROTC even offers a stipend of up to $5,000 a year. To learn more about the requirements and other information, please contact Mr. Gary Suen at RM 127 at Hickey Gym or at ghsuen@ucdavis.edu. UC Davis Athletics Friday, April 17 Women's Lacrosse vs. USC | 4 PM | Aggie Stadium Track and Field | Woody Wilson Classic | All Day Saturday, April 18 Women's Water Polo vs. Sonoma State | 10:30 AM | Schaal Aquatics Center Women's Tennis vs. UC Santa Cruz | 11 AM | Marya Welch Tennis Complex Women's Water Polo vs. Cal State Monterey Bay | 1:30 PM | Schaal Aquatics Center Track and Field | Woody Wilson Classic | All Day Sunday, April 19 Women's Lacrosse vs. San Diego State | Noon | Aggie Stadium Tuesday, April 21 Baseball vs. San Jose State | 2:30 PM | Dobbins Stadium Wednesday, April 22 Women's Lacrosse vs. Stanford | 7 PM | Aggie Stadium Friday, April 24 Baseball vs. Pacific | 2:30 PM | Dobbins Stadium UC Davis students admitted free with valid UC Davis ID card. For more information visit ucdavisaggies.com Do you want to be on the 2015‐16 UC Davis Cheer or Dance Team? If so, open tryouts are coming up on May 16 and all Aggies are encouraged to show‐up. The Aggie Cheer and Dance teams represent UC Davis at many athletic contests, campus and community events and are a source of Aggie Pride and campus spirit. Click here to learn more about these teams and how you can be on them next year. The UC Davis Cr oss Cu ltu r e Center pr esents The 42nd Annu al Asian Pacific Cu ltu r e W eek Ou r Stor y: Fr om the Gr ou p Up Now ‐ April 24 Since its inception in 1973, Asian Pacific Culture Week (APCW) has provided the UC Davis campus with cultural programs designed to both educate and celebrate. APCW became a University sponsored program in 1979 and has grown into an annual event anticipated by students, faculty, staff, and members of the Davis community alike. The week is filled with presentations by speakers from diverse corners of the Asian Pacific Islander community. In the past, musicians, comedians, actors, authors, artists, and civil rights activists have visited the campus to share their experiences. This year's theme for APCW, "Our Story: From the Ground Up," places an emphasis on our life/ethnic/environmental background, struggles, accomplishments, identities and bases. The programs put on during APCW highlight our history, our current dilemmas, our future aspirations, our families and every aspect of ourselves that have been historically marginalized and underrepresented. Thank you to our major sponsors: the Office of Campus Community Relations, Associated Students of UC Davis and Division of Student Affairs For more a complete listing of events, additional information and updates visit the APCW Facebook page. UC Davis Far m er s Mar ket Wednesdays | 11 AM ‐ 1:30 PM | The Quad UC Davis Farmers Market is back‐‐ and in a new location, the UC Davis Quad! Every Wednesday of spring quarter, the farmers market will be located on the North Quad of the UC Davis campus, right outside the Coffee House. Come by for lunch, groceries, and a friendly atmosphere. Your local farmers provide fresh organic fruits, vegetables, honey, juice, and more! The UC Davis Farmers Market is the place to be this spring. Be sure to sign up for our newsletter and stay updated on the farmers market at farmersmarket.ucdavis.edu! The UC Davis Farmers Market now accepts Aggie Cash! Aggie Cash can be exchanged for Market Dollars for use at grower tables at the Market Information table. Str ide for Aggie Pr ide Geniu s Ru n/W alk 5k To learn more or to signup visit 5k.ucdavis.edu Learn more at urc.ucdavis.edu/genius5k/ UC Davis Health Pr ofessions Advising Theatr e and Dance Event New s: Spr ing Season Our Spring season will include "The Light and Dark Arts: A Radical Magic Show," directed by Granada Artist‐In‐Residence Aaron Gach, who will be playing with the age‐old theatrical strategies of hiding and revealing, literally teaching our students magic. This production will draw parallels between magic acts and issues such as economic manipulation, political deception, vanishing resources and social transformation. Performances are May 28‐June 6, 2015 at the Main Stage Theatre in Wright Hall. Main Stage Dance Theatre performances are scheduled for May 7‐17, 2015 at the Main Stage Theatre in Wright Hall. This production will be directed by faculty member David Grenke and is sure to entertain. The 15th Annual Film Festival is scheduled for May 20 & 21, 2015 at the Varsity Theatre in Davis at 10PM. This student‐driven project is known to sell out and is one of the more popular arts activities on campus. Submissions are open until April 24; see information for prospective filmmakers. Tickets may be purchased in advance through our box office at Wright Hall. Box office can be reached at (530) 752‐7111, or by email at tdtickets@ucdavis.edu. Tickets are also sold at the theatre door starting one hour before curtain time (pending availability). Please note that we do not currently sell tickets through the Mondavi Center. Complete ticket and group rate information Tr anspor tation Ser vices How to Get Involved in Resear ch Become involved in undergraduate research to help develop necessary skills in your field, to boost your resume, and to hone your interests in a particular field. It's a great opportunity available to all undergraduate students at UC Davis. Come to our seminar "How to Get Involved in Research," to learn the tools you'll need in order to approach professors and land a position in the research environment of your choice!Tuesday, May 5, 2015 | 12:10 ‐ 1:00 p.m. | Meeting Room D, Student Community Center Sponsored by: Undergraduate Research Center, 2300 Student Community Center Students are welcome to contact URC to make an appointment to see an Undergraduate Research Advisor. Just call us at 530‐752‐3390 or email us at urc@ucdavis.edu to schedule a time that works with your class schedule. ASUCD NEWS Pizza and Politics: An ASUCD Tow nhall April 30 | 6 ‐ 8 PM | Coffee House Your ASUCD student government is responsible for $12 million dollar budget. Your student fees go to employ over a 1000 fellow Aggies and provide for a number of essential service, including the Coffee House and Unitrans. On April 30th, the ASUCD Senate will present "Pizza and Politics: An ASUCD Townhall." Stop by the CoHo from 6‐ 8pm to meet your elected representatives, learn about their projects, and find out how YOU can get involved. Come and enjoy free pizza while learning more about ASUCD! ON-CAMPUS JOB OPPORTUNITIES Telephone Ou tr each Pr ogr am Now ‐ May 1, 2015 | 5:30 ‐ 9 PM | Annual Fund Building We're hiring! We are looking for students to conduct outreach for UC Davis. As a student caller, you will contact alumni, parents, and friends to educate and inform them about campus events and the importance of annual support. This is a great opportunity for you to impact our university! Contact us ASAP to join our team and be included in our next training event. For more information contact Maile Juranits, Telephone Outreach Program Interim Director, at 530.752.5496 or mrjuranits@ucdavis.edu OPEN COURSES ECM 1: The Design of Coffee This very popular course offers you a chance to learn how to transform raw coffee beans to an icy and refreshing cup of Joe. Rejuvenation in a cup! GE Credit: 3 units of Science and Engineering; Visual Literacy and Scientific Literacy Learn more at: http://bit.ly/SAVEAp Frequently Asked Questions Will I really get to roast and brew coffee in this class? Yes! The core component of this class is a weekly 2‐ hour lab session, where you will do experiments involving coffee. Examples include taking apart a Mr. Coffee brewer to analyze how it works, measuring the pH of coffee versus brew time, and examining the energy usage of different roasting profiles. In every lab session you will get to taste the resulting coffee, working with your group to ultimately make your unique design for the best‐tasting cup of coffee. I don't drink coffee. Does this class require me to drink it anyway? No, you can take the entire course without tasting any of the coffee, and doing only visual and olfactory (smelling) sensory analyses. However, one of the things you will learn in this class is that properly prepared, fresh roasted coffee can taste nothing like the bitter stuff you might have tasted before. Some coffees even taste sweet without adding sugar. Moreover, a fun part of the class is the blind taste test at the end of the quarter, where you get to complete with your classmates Iron Chef style. I only drink decaffeinated coffee. Is decaf available? Yes. For students who cannot or choose not to consume caffeine, decaffeinated green coffee beans are available for both roasting and brewing. I've heard engineering courses are difficult. Is this class going to destroy my GPA? No! This class is designed as a general education course for students who are not majoring in engineering. All grades will be based on a curve using standards appropriate for a non‐ quantitative, freshmen level class. Will I get GE credit for this course? Yes, this class counts as 3 units of Science and Engineering credit for GE. The course also satisfies 3 units of both Scientific Literacy and Visual Literacy. Why is this class in the department of chemical engineering? Are we going to be adding weird chemicals to the coffee? Absolutely not! During the entire course we will use only green coffee beans and water. As we will discuss in the class, chemical engineers apply quantitative reasoning to a tremendously wide variety of industrial applications. Quite a lot of our graduates are actually hired by the food and beverage industries. But the main goal here is to introduce students to how chemical engineers analyze things, using coffee as a fun (and delicious!) example. SORORITY AND FRATERNITY LIFE UPDATES Upcom ing Events Spring quarter is just beginning and the sororities and fraternities on campus are already active as ever. Here is a list of a few upcoming events including philanthropy events being hosted by our campus' sororities and fraternities! For more information about individual events or chapters apart of our community, contact the chapter leadership or visit our website. Good luck with the upcoming quarter and feel free to contact us with any questions or concerns! As always, you can check out the Rush and Recruitment Calendar on our website for more information about upcoming recruitment events. Gr eek Unity Day sponsor ed by USFC Delta Sigm a Phi Recycling Com petition Sunday, April 19 | Noon ‐ 3 PM | Central Park Now ‐ June 3 6/3 Greek Unity Day was created by UC Davis Greek Councils to create a day to celebrate our accomplishments as a Greek community as well as to bring us together as one. The BBQ will be filled with fun activities and food (Hot dogs, nachos, salad, etc) snacks, and refreshments. If you are Greek affiliated with any UC Davis Fraternity or Sorority please join us at this free and fun filled event the day after Picnic Day! Let the brothers of Delta Sigma Phi help your chapter recycle‐ for a good cause! Delta Sigma Phi will be facilitating a quarter long competition among IFC fraternities to see which house can recycle the most cans and bottles over the course of the quarter. Delta Sigs will collect and recycle the waste for you, and all of the funds will be donated to the Cancer Research Institute. The chapter that collects the most recyclables will receive $100 to a philanthropy of their choice. For more information please Contact Jorge De Luna at jldelunabrizuela@ucdavis.edu. If you are interested in participating, contact Cooper at crwalton@ucdavis.edu for more information. Chapter s Cu r r ently Not Register ed Registered Student Organizations, students, and campus departments are advised to not participate in any events or activities held by these organizations as they receive no oversight, or liability coverage, and are not held accountable at the local, regional or national level. Students, organizations, and departments who interact or seek affiliation with any of the organizations listed below do so at their own risk. Phi Alpha Phi Fraternity | Lambda Phi Epsilon Fraternity | Alpha Delta Chi Sorority | Kappa Alpha Psi Fraternity Inc. REGISTERED UC DAVIS STUDENT GROUPS The W illow Clinic The Willow Clinic is one of eight student‐run clinics affiliated with the UC Davis School of Medicine. We aim to improve the medical and psychiatric health of the homeless population of Sacramento. We are composed of undergraduates, college graduates, medical students, resident and attending physicians. Applications for Undergraduate Willow Clinical Volunteer are NOW AVAILABLE! To apply, you must be a current UC Davis Freshman, Sophomore or Junior and must be enrolled at UC Davis for the 2015‐2016 school year. All majors are welcome, NO car/transportation requirement, NO language requirement! Application Deadline: April 24, 11:59 pm Informational Night: Wednesday, April 15, 6:30‐7:30 pm @ Giedt 1001 Applications and additional information online: www.willowclinic.org If you have any questions, please email: info@willowclinic.org housing.ucdavis.edu | studenthousing@ucdavis.edu © 2015 UC Davis Student Housing. All Rights Reserved. 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