HOUSTON CENTRAL SEVENTH-DAY ADVENTIST CHURCH 9 4 25 W .S AM H OUST ON P ARKWAY N ORTH HOUSTON, TEXAS 77064 TEL: 281.890.1002 WE B SITE : H OUST ON CE NTRAL SDA .ORG EMAIL: GOHOUSTONCENTRALSDA@YAHOO.COM Sabbath School Divine Worship 9:15am – 10:45 June 6, 2015 10:50am Welcome & Song Service Opening Prayer Scripture Reading Lesson Study Offering Closing Song Closing Prayer David Ricafrente David Ricafrente Luke 17:5 9:50 – 10:30 TBA Memory Text: And the apostles said to the Lord, Increase our faith (Luke 17:5, NKJV). ANNOUNCEMENTS Prayer Changes Things. Come support Houston Central's Prayer Warriors tomorrow as we minister to our community at our Drive-thru Prayer Stand. We need volunteers to help put up signs in the neighborhood, hang up banners, greet visitors, and redirect traffic to our stand. Join us for a few hours anytime tomorrow Sunday May 3rd. between 10 am and 5 pm. You'll be blessed as you serve! Registration is now open for VBS: Everest. Please register your children and don’t forget to include your friends & neighbors. You may forward the following link to invite everyone you can think of! The dates are: Sunday, July 12 – Saturday, July 18th from 6:30 – 9:30 PM. VOLUNTEERS, we need you! You may register using this link as well. https://www.groupvbspro.com/vbs/ez/HoustonCentralSDA Religious Liberty. If anyone is having issues with the Sabbath, whether with their employers or schools, you don’t have to worry. Let the Religious Liberty department handle it for you. For anyone seeking help from the Religious Liberty department, please either Pastor Angel Rodrigues or Pastor Jose Rojas where a letter can be provided to you, which will address your Sabbath issues with your employers or schools. Prelude Genalyn Ricafrente Chorister Valerie Rodriguez Announcements & Welcome Elder Jim Nahashon Introit “Worthy of Worship” Congregation Please Stand Call to Worship Invocation/4t h Commandment Elder Jim Nahashon Opening Hymn #21 Immortal, Invisible, God Only Wise Congregation Please Sit Down FAMILY LIFE SERIES June 6, 2015 June 13, 2015 June 20, 2015 June 27, 2015 How to have a Good Fight Pastor Rodriguez Scripture Reading: Ephesians 5:20-27 Family Life – Pastor Buford Griffith, Jr. (Union Office Exec. Secy/Family Life Dir.) Scripture Reading: Secrets of Success Fathers – Pastor Rodriguez Scripture Reading: Proverbs 4:1-10 Pathfinder Day – Three Speakers Scripture Reading TODAY AT HOUSTON CENTRAL: Houston Central Potluck - Immediately after Divine Service Intercessory Prayer Immediately after Divine Worship Great Controversy Study - Sabbath afternoon – Elder Marcus St. Rose Children’s Story Pathfinders Health Nugget Elder Josh Ince/Prithi Ince Pastoral Prayer Pastor Jose Rojas “As We Come to You in Prayer” Congregation Kneels and Sings Tithes & Offering Offertory Music Doxology #670 Ben Wauran Valerie Rodriguez “We Give Thee But Thine Own” Congregation Please Stand Special Music Krysten Barnes Scripture Reading Ephesians 5:20-27 The Spoken Word How To Have A Good Fight Closing Hymn #652 Teresa Otieno Pastor Angel Rodriguez Love At Home Congregation Please Stand Benediction Pastor Angel Rodriguez Postlude Genalyn Ricafrente Elder – June Elder – July Elder Jim Nahashon TBA Ushers: Bryan Tobing, Prentice White. Jeremiah Handley, Amanda Cordero Deacons Today: Pathfinders Deaconesses: Etalia Castillo, Zerita Kelly, Matilda Kojima, Monique Izobo RN On Duty: Hyacinth Wright/ Rose Nkosi This Section Intentionally Left Blank This Section Intentionally Left Blank REMINDER In respect to God and as a courtesy to the speaker and others in the congregation, please turn off your cell phones and other audible electronics while in the sanctuary. Thank you Sunset Tonight – 8:20 pm Next Friday – 8:22 pm
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