Final Draft May 31, 2015 CONSTITUTION OF IMMANUEL EVANGELICAL LUTHERAN CHURCH EASTON, MARYLAND PREAMBLE In the name of the Father and of the Son and of the Holy Spirit. Amen. We, the members of the Christian Church, which is the Body of Christ, desiring to be blessed together with Word and Sacrament and to unite as a congregation in the common confession, defense, and propagation of our faith in Jesus Christ our Lord and Savior, do hereby adopt this constitution and solemnly pledge ourselves to be governed by its provisions. ARTICLE I NAME AND INCORPORATION The name of this congregation shall be Immanuel Evangelical Lutheran Church, Easton, Maryland, incorporated under the Corporate Statutes of the State of Maryland. ARTICLE II STATEMENT OF PURPOSE In grateful response to God’s grace and empowered by the Holy Spirit through the Word and Sacraments, we glorify Jesus as Lord, nurture one another, grow spiritually, share God’s gifts, and proclaim the Gospel to all. In grateful response to God’s grace and empowered by the Holy Spirit through the Word and Sacraments, we proclaim the Gospel of Christ to all by loving God in worship and stewardship, growing together in God’s Word, and serving others in mission and ministry. 1 ARTICLE III CONFESSION OF FAITH This congregation acknowledges and accepts all the canonical books of the Old and New Testament as the inspired Word of God. In addition, the collective Symbolical Books of the Evangelical Lutheran Church as contained in the Book of Concord of 1580 are acknowledged and accepted as the true and sound exposition of the Word of God. The Symbolical Books include the three Ecumenical Creeds, the Apostolic, the Nicene, and the Athanasian; the Unaltered Augsburg Confession; the Apology thereof; the Smalcald Articles; Luther’s Large Catechism; Luther’s Small Catechism; and the Formula of Concord. Together these form the norm and standard for all doctrine and life in this congregation. ARTICLE IV SYNODICAL AFFILIATION This congregation shall be affiliated with the Lutheran Church–Missouri Synod as long as in doctrine and practice this Synod adheres to the Word of God and to the Symbolical Books named in Article III of this constitution. It shall be the duty of this congregation and its individual members to support the work of the Synod and assist in its task of building up the kingdom of God. ARTICLE V MEMBERSHIP A. Baptized Members All those who are baptized “in the name of the Father and of the Son and of the Holy Spirit” and who are under the spiritual care of this congregation shall be considered baptized members. B. Communicant Members All those baptized members who accept and adhere to the doctrinal standards of Article III of this Constitution and who have been received through the rite of confirmation, by 2 transfer from a sister congregation, by profession of faith, or by reaffirmation of faith in accordance with the By-Laws of this Constitution, shall be considered communicant members. C. Voting Members All communicant members of this congregation who have attained the age of eighteen (18) and who have accepted and signed the Constitution and By-Laws of this congregation shall be considered Voting Members. ARTICLE VI GOVERNING AUTHORITY A. Voters’ Assembly The Voters’ Assembly is a quorum of voting members present at a legally called or regularly scheduled meeting of the membership. It shall be the governing authority in the congregation and any member may appeal to it in regard to any matter relating to the affairs and government of the congregation. Its decisions shall be final and binding, but such decisions must always be in accord with the Word of God and the Symbolical Books (Article III) of the Evangelical Lutheran Church. B. Board of Trustees The Voters’ Assembly shall elect six five members from the congregation to serve as a Board of Trustees. They shall fill the offices of President, Vice President, Recording Secretary, Financial Secretary, and Treasurer. , and Trustee-at-Large. Women may serve in the offices of Recording Secretary, Financial Secretary, and Treasurer. The Head Elder and the Pastor shall also be full members of this Board. The Trustees shall be responsible for carrying out their duties of office and the business of the congregation as authorized by this Constitution and By-laws and by the Voters’ Assembly. C. Church Planning Council The Church Planning Council shall consist of the Board of Trustees and the chairman (or a representative) of each administrative board and shall be the forum for reporting activities, expressing needs, and planning programs in each area of responsibility as defined in the By-laws. Auxiliary Organizations All programs and activities of auxiliary organizations and special interest groups shall be subject to the control and guidance of the Board of Trustees. 3 ARTICLE VII PASTORS AND PROFESSIONAL STAFF A. The right to call Pastors or professional church workers shall be vested in the Voters’ Assembly of this congregation. B. Only such candidates shall be called to serve in these offices who profess acceptance of and pledge faithful adherence to the Confession of Faith of Article III of this Constitution and whose qualifications have been approved or are in the process of being approved by the Lutheran Church–Missouri Synod. C. Reasons for dismissal of Pastors and/or professional staff shall be persistent adherence to false teaching contrary to the confessional standard of this congregation, a scandalous life, willful neglect of duties, the inability to perform those duties, or domineering in office. The congregation shall take the action only after he/she has been pre-advised of the charges preferred against him/her and given the opportunity to answer such charges. The congregation shall follow the established procedure of the District relative to such action. D. In the absence of adequate cause for dismissal as defined above, the tenure of the office of a called Pastor or professional worker shall be for the remainder of his/her active life, or until the Lord calls him/her into another field service. ARTICLE VIII PROPERTY RIGHTS A. Subject to the approval by the Voters’ Assembly, the Board of Trustees may receive, acquire, hold title to, and manage such real estate and other property as they may deem necessary to accomplish the mission of the congregation and may sell or dispose of such real estate and other property. The Board of Trustees shall also have all the rights and powers that are granted by the laws of the state of Maryland to trustees of religious corporations. The Board of Trustees shall be the legal representatives of the Voters’ Assembly in all matters requiring signatures. B. If at any time a division should take place within this congregation, the advice of the officers of District and Synod shall be sought. If, despite all efforts to resolve differences in peace and love, a division into factions of the congregation shall occur, the property of the congregation and all benefits therewith connected shall remain with those members who continue to adhere in confession and practice to Articles II, III, and IV of this Constitution. 4 ARTICLE IX AMENDEMENTS TO THE CONSTITUTION AND BY-LAWS A. Article III of this Constitution shall be irrevocable. B. Proposed amendments to this Constitution and By-laws must be submitted to the Board of Trustees in writing. The Board, within nine (9) months of receipt of the proposed amendment, shall present the proposal to an authorized meeting of the Voters’ Assembly along with the Board’s written recommendations. C. Amendments to this Constitution may be made at any Voters’ Assembly meeting by a two-thirds (2/3) vote of the eligible members who are present and voting, provided that such amendments have been proposed in writing and submitted to the Board of Trustees. Proposals for amendment shall be mailed delivered to all voting members at least thirty (30) days prior to the meeting at which final action is to be taken. Such amendments may be adopted which are not in conflict with the Constitution and Bylaws of the Lutheran Church–Missouri Synod, of which this congregation is a member. D. By-laws and amendments to the By-laws may be adopted by two-thirds (2/3) majority vote at any Voters’ Assembly meeting, provided that such amendments have been proposed in writing and submitted to the Board of Trustees. Such Bylaws and amendments may be adopted which are not in conflict with this Constitution or the Constitution and By-laws of the Lutheran Church–Missouri Synod, of which this congregation is a member. 5 BY-LAWS OF IMMANUEL EVANGELICAL LUTHERAN CHURCH EASTON, MARYLAND ARTICLE I MEMBERSHIP A. Admission 1. By Baptism All those who have received Christian Baptism and who are under the spiritual care of this Congregation shall be “Baptized Members.” 2. By Profession of Faith (Confirmation) All those who are baptized in the Christian faith, instructed in the Lutheran doctrine, and have given evidence of their faith before the congregation shall be received as “Communicant Members.” 3. By Transfer All those who desire to transfer their membership from Lutheran churches in fellowship with this congregation shall present a letter of transfer to the Pastor or elders and shall be received as a “Communicant” and/or “Baptized Member” in a public worship service. 4. By Reaffirmation of Faith In the case of applicants whose previous membership has lapsed or terminated (see Section B, below), the applicant shall arrange for pastoral counseling and/or a period of re-instruction with the Pastor and give evidence of reaffirmation of faith before the congregation in public worship and shall thereby be received as a “Communicant Member.” B. Termination 1. Transfers Communicant members, upon their request, shall be granted transfer to another Lutheran church that is in fellowship with this congregation. 6 2. Joining other Churches In cases where communicant members have joined a church other than those in fellowship with this congregation, they shall be considered to have terminated their membership with this congregation and shall be granted a peaceful release. 3. Whereabouts Unknown The names of members whose whereabouts are unknown and cannot be established after a period of one year shall be removed from the list of communicant members. 4 Self-exclusion Self-exclusion deals with a member who does not partake of the Sacraments or share his faith within the fellowship of the congregation. He has declared by his actions that he is no longer a “brother”. When he abandons the church in this way for over a two-year period despite attempts by the pastor and elders to effect reconciliation, and when he rejects the forgiveness of sins offered by the church, he has excluded himself. He shall be declared as having excluded himself from membership in this congregation by receiving a formal letter from the pastor notifying him of termination of membership by self-exclusion. Announcement of it shall be made at a regularly scheduled meeting of the Voters’ Assembly. 4. Self-exclusion Self-exclusion deals with members who do not partake of the Sacraments or share their faith within the fellowship of the congregation for over a two-year period. At that time, the pastor and elders shall attempt to contact them to determine their intentions and desire for continued membership. 5. Expulsion Expulsion is necessary when a member persists in living as a “manifest and impenitent sinner”. The offense must be a willful, wanton, and persistent transgression against God’s Word and will. A member may be expelled only after persistent admonition as prescribed in Matthew 18. When a member persists in living as a “manifest and impenitent sinner” and has resisted all efforts by the Pastor and Elders to convince him to amend his sinful life, he shall be declared expelled. He shall receive a letter from the notifying him of termination of membership by expulsion. Announcement of it shall be made at a regularly scheduled meeting of the Voters’ Assembly. 5. Expulsion Expulsion is necessary when a member persists in living as a “manifest and 7 impenitent sinner.” The offense must be a willful, wanton, and persistent transgression against God’s Word and will. A member may be expelled only after persistent admonitions as prescribed in Matthew 18. When he has resisted all efforts by the Pastor and elders to amend his life, he shall be declared expelled. ARTICLE II VOTERS’ ASSEMBLY A. Meetings of the Voters’ Assembly 1. Two regular meetings of the Voters’ Assembly shall be held annually. The first meeting shall be held in February on a day and time determined by the Board of Trustees. At this meeting annual reports on congregational life of the previous year including an audit report shall be received and appointments to boards announced. All annual reports shall be submitted in writing to the Board of Trustees prior to the meeting. 2. The second meeting shall be held in November on a day and time determined by the Board of Trustees. At this meeting officers shall be elected, financial reports reviewed, the “Spending Guide” shall be submitted for approval, and guidelines established for the coming year. The proposed Spending Guide shall be made available two weeks prior to the meeting. 3. Special meetings may be called by the Board of Trustees or at the written request of at least fifteen (15) voting members. 4. All meetings shall be announced to members in writing at least fifteen (15) days two weeks prior to convening. When such announcement has been made, the meeting shall be valid and legal, providing that a quorum is present. 5. A quorum shall be defined as 35 voting members in attendance. 6. Business requiring a formal vote shall first be presented to the Board of Trustees for their consideration. 7. All meetings shall be conducted according to Robert’s Rules of Order. In all meetings decisions shall be made by a two-thirds (2/3) majority of the votes cast unless specifically stated otherwise in the Constitution and By-laws. B. Order of Business for Meetings of the Voters’ Assembly 1. Opening Scripture and Prayer 2. Recognition of new voting members and signing of the Constitution 8 3. 4. 5. 6. 7. Quorum call Reading of the Minutes Unfinished Business Pastor’s Report Reports of Financial Secretary, Treasurer, Vice-President, Boards, and Committees Ministries 8. New Business 9. Adjournment with Prayer ARTICLE III CALLING OF PASTORS AND PROFESSIONAL STAFF A. Mode for Calling Pastors At the time of vacancy in the Office of Pastor, the Board of Trustees shall notify the District President and the Circuit Counselor and request the procedure for calling a new Pastor. At a constitutionally qualified meeting of the Voters’ Assembly, candidates may be proposed by an authorized Call Committee and/or by members from the floor. The Call Committee shall consist of the congregational President and the head Elder, and three (3) other members of the congregation agreed upon by both the Board of Trustees and the Board of Elders. The persons so nominated shall be recognized as candidates by the congregation. The selection shall be held at a subsequent meeting by ballot, and the candidate receiving a 2/3 majority of the votes cast shall be regarded as selected by the congregation. The Circuit Counselor, or his representative, shall be invited to all meetings at which calls are to be considered. B. Calling Teachers or Professional Staff 1. When a professional staff position is under consideration, the Board of Trustees in consultation with the board(s) involved shall recommend that the Voters’ Assembly approve, fund, and authorize filling of the position. 2. When appropriate, the District will be contacted to supply lists of candidates. The Board of Trustees will select the candidate or candidates to fill the authorized position subject to confirmation by 2/3 majority vote of the Voters’ Assembly. ARTICLE IV ADMINISTRATION OFFICES OF THE CHURCH A. Board of Trustees 1. Eligibility 9 All members who have been voting members of this congregation for at least one year as set forth in Article V, Section C of this Constitution. 2. Officers and Terms of Office a. Members of the Board of Trustees are elected by the Voters’ Assembly for a two year term. with the Voters’ Assembly electing three members each year. Each may serve two consecutive terms, thereafter vacating the board for at least one year. b. Each elected member of the Board shall serve as an officer. The officers are President, Vice-President, Recording Secretary, Financial Secretary, and Treasurer. and Trustee-at Large. c. The Pastor and Head Elder shall serve as voting members of the Board of Trustees. with fullvoting privileges. d. Members shall recuse themselves from voting on any matter where there is an apparent conflict of interest. e. Women are eligible and encouraged to serve on the Board of Trustees in the following offices: Recording Secretary, Financial Secretary, and Treasurer. 3. Mode of Election of Officers By September 1, a Nomination Committee of three voting members shall be appointed by the President. Not more than one member of the existing Board shall serve on the Nomination Committee. This Committee shall present a slate of candidates to the Board of Trustees for approval at a Board meeting prior to the November meeting of the Voters’ Assembly. A call for nominations from the floor shall precede the closing of nomination. Election of officers shall be by written ballot and the candidates receiving the majority of votes cast shall be elected to the Board of Trustees. b. The President of the Board of Trustees shall then be elected by the congregation from the newly constituted Board. Prior to the January following his election, the newly elected President, along with the Pastor and the Head Elder, shall consider the talents and eligibility of the new Board members and recommend positions for their consideration. 4. Assumption of Office All officers shall assume their duties on January 1st following the election. They shall be installed at a regularly scheduled worship service during January. In the 10 meantime, newly elected Board members should attend interim board meetings to familiarize themselves with the affairs of the congregation. 5. Duties of the Board a. serve as Trustee of the congregation and as such shall be responsible for its property and the management of its business and financial affairs. It shall have the powers and be subject to the obligations which pertain to such Boards under the laws of the State of Maryland. The Board, however, shall not have the authority to buy, sell or encumber real property unless specifically authorized to do so by the Voters’ Assembly b. be responsible for the temporal welfare of the congregation and shall with the Board of Elders support the Pastor in fulfilling his calling c. see that provisions of this Constitution and By-laws are observed and that resolutions of the Voters’ Assembly are carried out d. prepare an annual Spending Guide for adoption by the Voters’ Assembly, supervise the expenditure of funds following adoption of the Spending Guide. Additional obligations of more than $5,000 over the Spending Guide must be approved without approval by the Voters’ Assembly. e. process all applications for membership and all requests for release upon recommendation of the Pastor and/or the Board of Elders f. normally meet each month to conduct the business of the congregation. Special meetings may be called by the Pastor or the congregational president g. submit a comprehensive report of congregational activities at the February Voters’ Assembly h. not conduct official business unless only when a majority of its members (4) are present to constitute a quorum i. serve as the executive arm of the Church Planning Council and, as such, shall hear administrative board reports, determine direction for congregational programs and provide support for the administrative boards so they may carry out the mission and ministry of the congregation; j. annually appoint an Audit Committee to review all financial records of the congregation and submit its audit report at the February meeting of the Voters. The Audit Committee will consist of three non-Board of Trustee members with the Financial Secretary and Treasurer serving in an advisory capacity 11 k. appoint eligible members of the congregation to fill temporary vacancies on the Board when such vacancies occur prior to the November meeting of the Voters’ Assembly. (see Article IV, Section A.1. of the By-laws) l. make provision for periodic (not to exceed five ten years) review of the Constitution and By-laws m. appoint such officers, boards and/or committees ministry leaders as described in Article VI of the By-laws upon receiving advice and counsel from the Pastor. n. have the responsibility sole authority for hiring and terminating for providing an annual fall evaluation for non-called church staff o. conduct an annual fall evaluation of all non-called church staff p. serve as a nominating committee in consultation with the Pastor to develop a list of candidates to fill vacancies on the Board of Elders. The list shall be turned over to the Head Elder. If the Head Elder position is vacant, the Board of Trustees will follow the process for electing Elders prescribed in Article VI, B. 1. as amended, substituting its role for that of the Board of Elders, as necessary q. hold bi-annual meetings with the Board of Elders, one in January and one in September. These meetings will be chaired by the Congregational President B. The Board of Elders 1. Board of Elders 1. The nature of duties of this board requires that men noted for their Christian knowledge, zeal, and experience in the spiritual aspect of the body of Christ shall be chosen to serve. This Board shall consist of a least one member for every fifty (50) baptized members. When the need arises for expansion of the Board, or for the replacement of a retiring/resigning Elder, the following process shall be used: a. Announce the vacancy to the congregation b. Elders will pray for God’s leading for prospective elders c. The candidate(s) proposed by the congregation and the candidate(s) proposed by the Board of Trustees shall be contacted to determine their willingness and eligibility to serve. 12 d. The Board of Elders will present the name(s) of the nominated members to the congregation for prayer and/or comments at least 30 days prior to the next regularly scheduled congregational meeting. e. At the next regularly scheduled congregational meeting, the congregation will elect new elder(s) by a 2/3 majority written ballot. 2. Elders will be elected for a three year term. Each may be elected to serve a succeeding term, thereafter vacating the Board for at least one year. 3. The Head Elder is selected annually by the Board of Elders and the Pastor. His term of office shall be for one year, and he may succeed himself each year with re-nomination by the Board of Elders and the Pastor. 4. A member of the Board of Elders may not hold any other elective office. If he wishes to serve on the Board of Trustees, he must resign his responsibilities as an Elder. 5. The Trustee-at-Large shall serve as an ex-officio member of the Board of Elders with no voting privileges 5. Duties of the Head Elder a. serve as a voting member of the Board of Trustees b. provide coordination with the Pastor and the Ministry of Love in planning content, scheduling, and worship assistants, for all worship services c. supervise the members of the Board of Elders to assure that their duties are being carried out d. serve as liaison between the Board of Elders and the Pastor e. serve on the Pastoral Call Committee when a vacancy in the Pastorate occurs f. serve on the Board of Worship; f. serve with the Congregational President in conducting an annual performance review of the Pastor and all called staff 6. Duties of the Board of Elders 13 a. assist the Pastor in the spiritual care of the congregation, especially in brotherly love, admonition, and in the promotion of the general welfare of the congregation b. encourage faithful attendance at worship services and at the Lord’s Supper c. visit and counsel with negligent members to remind them of their Christian responsibilities d. exercise particular concern and support for the spiritual, emotional, and physical welfare of the Pastor and other professional staff members and their families e. coordinate, in cooperation with the Pastor, a program to orient and integrate new members into the life of the congregation f. coordinate the ongoing implementation of a program of confirmation for the youth of the congregation g. provide representation to the Ministry of Love h. hold bi-annual meetings with the Board of Trustees, one in January and one in September. These meetings will be chaired by the Congregational President. 7. Dismissal of Elders An Elder may be dismissed from his position for reasons of persistent adherence to false teachings which are contrary to Article III of the Constitution of this congregation; a scandalous life; or willful neglect of duties. After attempts to reconcile have failed, the Head Elder shall initiate a joint meeting with the Pastor and the President of the congregation, after which the Head Elder and at least one other Elder shall meet with the Elder under consideration for dismissal. Appropriate action shall take place thereafter, based on the recommendation of the Board of Elders with the approval by the Board of Trustees. ARTICLE V DUTIES OF OFFICERS OF THE CONGREGATION A. President 1. be the executive officer of the Voters’ Assembly and the Board of Trustees and, as such, shall preside at all their respective meetings 14 2. perform such duties as pertain to his office and shall serve as ex-officio member of all boards and committees 3. sign all contracts and official documents that have been approved by the Voters’ Assembly 4. serve as an inspirational force behind the programs of the church, leading and directing the business of the congregation and assuring that efforts are made for continued growth and expansion 5. serve with the Head Elder in conducting an annual performance review of the Pastor and all called staff B. Vice-President 1. in the absence of the President or in the event of his inability to function, act for the President 2. assist the President in every matter as requested or assigned 3. take charge of all congregational property with the understanding that he manages the property in the name of and as steward of the congregation For the accomplishment of 4. this duty the Board of Trustees shall appoint a Board of Church Properties. The Vice-President shall serve as chairman. (See Article VI, Section B, No. 11) C. Recording Secretary 1. faithfully keep and sign the minutes of all meetings of the Voters’ Assembly and the Board of Trustees and enter them in a permanent record 2. conduct all authorized correspondence and issue all official notifications 3. bear responsibility for the seal, books, and other documents and papers of the congregation 4. keep a record of the members present at all meetings and determine whether or not a quorum is present for the transaction of legal business e. oversee the publication of the congregational newsletter. D. Financial Secretary 15 1. be responsible for the accurate counting, recording, and depositing of all receipts for the congregation in a local financial institution(s) and record all contributions by members for whatever purpose 2. furnish the Treasurer with a duplicate deposit slip for all deposits and a list of earmarked funds and special offerings 3. be responsible for issuance of quarterly statements to members showing their offerings to date 4. be responsible for requisition and distribution of offering envelopes 5. furnish the congregation a surety bond in the amount set by the Board of Trustees and such bond shall be procured and paid for by the congregation 6. present a written financial report at all Voters’ Assemblies and at all Trustees’ meetings and post a monthly report for congregational review 7. serve in an advisory capacity to the Audit committee E. Treasurer 1. receive from the Financial Secretary a report of all moneys received and duly record same 2. keep and maintaining an accurate account of all congregational receipts and disbursements according to proper accounting procedures 3. make timely payment of all authorized expenditures 4. present a written financial report at all Voters’ Assemblies and at all Trustees’ meetings and post a monthly report for congregational review 5. submit year-end written financial reports and serve in an advisory capacity on the Audit Committee 6. furnish the congregation a surety bond in the amount set by the Board of Trustees and such bond shall be procured and paid for by the congregation. Because of the enormity of these duties the Board of Trustees may appoint another qualified member of the congregation to assist in fulfilling this job description. The Treasurer bears full responsibility for all these duties and for the signing of all checks. TRUSTEE-AT-LARGE The Trustee-at-Large shall: 16 a. be an ex-officio, non-voting member of the Board of Elders and serve as liaison between the Board of Trustees and Board of Elders. b. assist the Financial Secretary in the collection, counting and recording of the offerings. c. furnish the congregation a surety bond in an amount set by the Board of Trustees, such bond to be purchased and paid for by the congregation. d. perform other duties as assigned by the Congregational President. ARTICLE VI MINISTRIES OF THE CHURCH A. General Responsibilities 1. The function of the ministries shall be under the direction of the Board of Trustees. All actions of each group shall be subject to the Board of Trustees’ review and approval. 2. In order to fulfill Immanuel’s mission of Love God, Grow Together, and Serve Others in an orderly manner, the ministry is divided into three main groups: Ministry of Love, Ministry of Spiritual Growth, and Ministry of Service. 3. Each group will have one or more leaders, appointed by the Board of Trustees, who will be responsible for coordinating the activities and programs within that area of ministry. 4. Leaders of each ministry will engage congregational members as needed to perform short-term tasks within that group’s area of responsibility. B. Ministries of the Church 1. Ministry of Love through Worship and Stewardship This Ministry shall have general oversight for all worship services and for congregational stewardship. The group shall consist of the Pastor, an elder, the organist, music leaders representing all services, and at least two other members. This Ministry shall a. set the time, schedule and number of communion and special services with congregational approval b. coordinate the altar guild, ushers, greeters and acolytes, and sound system 17 c. oversee sound system operators and radio ministry d. encourage participation of members in the various aspects of worship. e. maintain a church music library f. support the organist and other musicians g. supply attendance cards, prayer cards, and pencils in the pews h. oversee adequate nursery facilities and recruitment of nursery personnel i. develop an annual stewardship service j. maintain a membership profile of talents and skills k. prepare recommendations for the Spending Guide covering all areas under their ministry and present same to the Board of Trustees by October 1 each year 2. Ministry of Spiritual Growth through Bible Study and Fellowship This Ministry shall be responsible for maintaining an educational program and Bible study and fellowship opportunities that reach all age groups within the congregation. The group shall work in harmony with the Pastor and the Board of Elders. This Ministry shall a. select curricula that are Christian, comprehensive, and balanced b. recruit volunteer staff c. publicize and promote family involvement in all Christian education opportunities d. encourage Bible reading in the home e. promote Bible study within small groups f. plan and develop Vacation Bible School for involvement of the children of the congregation and community g. plan church family gatherings 18 h. assist the Ministry of Love in planning and arranging special services and means to involve the entire congregation i. plan activities for youth in congregational and mission activities j. involve the youth in an age-appropriate mission project k. prepare recommendations for the Spending Guide covering all areas under their ministry and present to the Board of Trustees by October 1st each year 3. Ministry of Service through Missions and Evangelism This Ministry shall be responsible for encouraging members to share the Gospel of Jesus Christ through personal witness, and through awareness and support of world missions and local social concerns. This Ministry shall a. encourage members to share the Gospel of Jesus Christ as a witness of their faith b. publicize and promote interest in missions within the congregation c. maintain contact with mission workers directly supported by the congregation d. recommend mission goals for the congregation e. provide information to the congregation about community needs and social concerns and identify referral agencies f. determine how the congregation might assist in meeting these needs g. bring to the awareness of the congregation any social concerns of a national or international nature in which congregational involvement is warranted (such concerns may be presented by District, Synod, Lutheran Social Services, missionaries, or other Christian organizations) h. prepare recommendations for the Spending Guide covering all areas under their jurisdiction and present to the Board of Trustees by October 1, each year 19 ARTICLE VII AUXILIARY ORGANIZATIONS AND COMMITTEES A. The School Board The School Board shall have general oversight for the operation and funding of Immanuel Lutheran School. The Board shall consist of at least five members appointed by the Board of Trustees. The School Board shall elect its own Chairman, Vice-chairman, and Secretary. B. Auxiliary and Church Affiliated Organizations Auxiliary and church affiliated organizations or special interest groups which serve to promote “Christian fellowship” within or without the congregation are encouraged. A “statement of purpose” and/or constitution shall be formulated and submitted to the Board of Trustees for review and approval. All activities and programs of these organizations are subject to review by the Board of Trustees. All meetings and activities shall be open to both the Pastor and/or the congregational President. C. Ad Hoc Committees When the Board of Trustees determines the need for a committee to study and develop plans or programs about congregational concerns, an Ad Hoc Committee shall be convened. The Board of Trustees shall specify the purpose, guidelines, authority, and time schedule for completion of the special assignment. The congregation shall be notified of the Board of Trustees action and shall be kept informed of the progress of the Ad Hoc Committee. 20
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