Announcements Sunday March 1, 2015 “This is the day the Lord has made! Let us rejoice and be glad in it.” Psalm 118:24 WELCOME HIM Piano Prelude Elena Alvarado Call to Worship Choir & Congregation 218 That’s Why We Praise Him Invocation Pastor Gary Limbrick Welcome/Announcements WORSHIP HIM Praise and Worship 111 The Love of God 3/2 3/3 3/5 3/8 3/8 3/9 Choir & Congregation Gathering of Tithes and Offerings Prayer Offertory John Chance Doxology Congregation WAIT ON HIM Lord’s Supper The Bread The Cup Message in Song Message “Our Journey to the Cross” Luke 9:23-25 3/11 3/11 3/13 3/14 Pastor Limbrick 3/16 3/19 3/21 3/28 3/29 WALK WITH HIM Invitation 413 Benediction Parting Song Turn Your Eyes Upon Jesus The Family of God Congregation Congregation 3/30 Men’s Bible Study at 6:30 pm Church Council Meeting at 6:30 pm Zumba Exercise Class at 7:00 pm The Zumba exercise class will be held in the Outreach Center. Cost is $5 per person per class. You may want to bring a bottle of water. Annie Armstrong Ingathering at 11:00 am Deacon’s Meeting at 6:30 pm Women’s Bible Study at 6:30 pm A Ladies Bible study will begin March 9th. The Bible study will be held on March 9th at 6:30, then March 16th, 23rd, April 13th & 20th. The study will be Breathe – making room for Sabbath by Priscilla Shirer. Books are $9.95 each, please make your check payable to Bethel Baptist or you can give money to Carol Samuels or Cathy Limbrick. Awana Store Night at 6:30 pm Business Meeting at 7:00 pm Youth PlanetWisdom— March 13th & 14th Friday - Leave church at 4:30 pm / return 11:30 pm Saturday - Leave church at 7:00 am / return at 5:30 pm Cost: $25 per student plus money for fast food lunch on Saturday Wild Game Dinner at 5:00 pm Guest Speaker will be Pastor Jack Marcom. There will be a silent auction held during the dinner to benefit the Panama Mission Trip. CARE Ministry Visits at 10:30 am Car Show Meeting at 6:30 pm Sight & Sound Trip to see Moses—Leaving at 6:30 am Easter Egg Hunt at 2:00 pm WORTHY Is The LAMB Easter Cantata at 11:00 am “In a loud voice they were saying: 'Worthy is the Lamb, who was slain, to receive power and wealth and wisdom and strength and honor and glory and praise!'” Revelation 5:12 Bringing us to the heart of this celebration, Worthy Is the Lamb tells the story of His death and His resurrection and confidently declares that He reigns victorious! Women on Mission Meeting at 7:00 pm The March W.O.M. project is to help the Hope House. Their mission is to provide homeless mothers and their children with safe housing and the opportunities to transition to successful, independent living. They need hand soap, dish detergent, 30 gal. black trash bags, and paper towels. GUEST REGISTRATION Welcome! We thank you for attending Bethel Baptist Church today! If you are a guest, please fill out the information below, and place this tab in the offering plate. We hope to see you again next week! Date: (Please circle proper title:) Dr. Mr. Mrs. Miss Name: Address: City: State: Zip: Phone: Email: Age Group: (please circle one) (13-18) (19-25) (26-35) (36-45) (46-55) (56-65) (65+) Name and Age of Children: Please check appropriate boxes: New in the Community Guest for 1st time Guest for 2nd time Please contact me about the church Would like more information about the church Would like a visit from the Pastor PRAYER REQUESTS Please pray for the following: Please do not publish on prayer list There’s a place for you at our table! Wednesday Night Fellowship Meal Reservation Join us each Wednesday night for a fellowship meal at 5:45 pm in our Outreach Center. The cost is: $4.00 for Adults $3.00 for Children ages 5 - 12 Children under 5 are free March 4, 2015 Chili and Hot dogs with all the fixings! All dinners include a dessert, coffee, tea and water. Name ______________________ # of Adults # of Children SERVICE SCHEDULE Sunday 9:15 AM Deacon Prayer Ministry 9:30 AM Coffee Fellowship 10:00 AM Sunday School 11:00 AM Worship Service Monday 6:30 PM Men’s Bible Study Wednesday 5:45 PM Fellowship Meal 6:30 PM Awana 7:00 PM Bible Study/Prayer Meeting 7:45 PM Choir Practice Thursday 6:30 PM Zumba Exercise Class TODAY’S VOLUNTEERS NURSERY MINISTRY (AGES 0 - 3) Gina Bullock & Kim Crosslin CHILDREN’S CHURCH (AGES 4 - 8) Mike & Shannon Carter USHERS Kris Whorton Mike Short Nick Short Ryan Kirtley Wardlow Trainor John Lenox COUNTING COMMITTEE Sandy Jett, Nancy Galyen & Bootsie Bullock ____________ ____________ To make a reservation, complete this form and place it in the offering plate. Payments (cash or checks) will be collected at the dinner. You are invited and encouraged to stay and get connected! 3/01 3/02 3/04 3/05 3/06 3/06 3/06 BIRTHDAYS Emma Angstadt Heather Butler Brandon Raines Kelsey Trainor Emma Butler Max Taylor Sara Taylor CHURCH STAFF Pastor. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .Rev. Gary Limbrick Youth Minister. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .Vacant Music Minister. . . . . . . . . . . . . . Lynn Embrey Pianist. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .Elena Alvarado Church Secretary. . . . . . . . . .Darlene Woody Clerk . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . Tina Lynn* Treasurer . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . Mike Carter* Assistant Treasurer. . . . . . . .Jennifer Hamm* S.S. Director. . . . . . . . . . . . . Bootsie Bullock* Assistant S.S. Director. . . . . . . . .Jerry Gilley* *Indicates Volunteer Budget & Attendance Reports 2/22/15 SS Attendance: Members 55 Visitors 3 Total 58 Worship Attendance: N/A Budget Report Weekly Budget Need $ General Fund $ 5,034.59 3,020.00 Other Tithes & Offerings Building Fund Sight & Sound Moses Women's Book Study Total Deposit 20.00 750.00 50.00 3,840.00 $ NEXT WEEK’S VOLUNTEERS NURSERY MINISTRY (AGES 0 - 3) Crystal & Brittany Loving Rev. Gary R. Limbrick, Pastor Home 540-371-7169 / Cell 540-538-6778 CHILDREN’S CHURCH (AGES 4 - 8) Kim & Jerry Gilley Lynn Embrey, Music Minister 540-809-7927 USHERS Bobby Samuels Bradley Morgan Brandon Short Zach Morgan Christopher LeBlanc Tylor Herbert COUNTING COMMITTEE Crystal Loving, Carol Jarrett & Harry Bradshaw Deacon Staff Gusty McIntyre 540-273-9449 John Chance 540-848-0360 Mike Bond 540-379-5381 Bootsie Bullock 371-8056 or 540-834-9620 Rudy Griffith 540-373-1447 JR Embrey 540-659-4403 Jerry Gilley 540-847-1117 1193 White Oak Road Fredericksburg, VA 22405 (540) 371-3650 Church Office BethelBaptistChurch-Fredericksburg,VA
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