Newsletter - Our Saviors Lutheran Church in Albany

(320) 845-2405
Pastor: Stephen Cook
Ministry Associate for Youth & Families:
Diana Brown
Music Coordinator: Mike Aronson
Parish Office Coordinator & Treasurer:
Stephanie McGuinness
Custodians: Jim & Deb Kurtz
Church Summer Office Hours:
M, W, F: 8:30–11:30am
T, Th: 8:30am–12:30pm
Summer Worship:
Sunday Morning 9:00 am
Wednesday Evening 6:30 pm
Sunday, June 28th · 10:00 am
of the
840 Lake Avenue
P.O. Box 670
Albany, MN 56307-0670
Vol. 21, No. 6
ALBANY, MN 56307
Kindred Spirıt
June/July 2015
Newsletter of Our Savior’s Lutheran Church · Albany, Minnesota
Call of a
of the
June 28th
10:00 am
following 9:00 am worship
C ll
should attend
to vote
to extend
a call to
a new pastor!
July 2015
Gracious, and Merciful, I am under constant attack from the enemy. I
feel that my life is in great turmoil, and is falling apart at this very
moment. I pray, Dear God, that You will hear my humble cry and
answer me, for I need You now more than ever. Give me strength for I am
weary and weak.
Ephesians 2:14-15 For He Himself is our peace, who has made both
one, and has broken down the middle wall of separation, having
abolished in His flesh the enmity, that is, the law of commandments
contained in ordinances, so as to create in Himself one new man from
the two, thus making peace…
Father, everything around me is chaotic. My family has problems, my
finances are low, I am not as efficient and effective on my job as I
should be, my relationships are falling apart as I drift into the dark
loneliness of life. Father, make a way where there seems to be none,
lift me up if I fall by the wayside.
John 16:33 These things I have spoken to you, that in Me you may
have peace. In the world you will have tribulation; but be of good
cheer, I have overcome the world.
Romans 15:13 Now may the God of hope fill you with all joy and
peace in believing, that you may abound in hope by the power of the
Holy Spirit.
Hold me close and never let me go, for You have promised to never leave
me nor forsake me and I know Your word is true. Lord, lead me in the
plain path of righteousness when temptations are thrown my way. Be my
comforter in these difficult times, be my rock and my fortress for I can
never stand alone. Grant me peace in my heart and peace in my mind as
You lead me into victory! In Jesus’ mighty name I pray, Amen!
Philippians 4:6-7 Be anxious for nothing, but in everything by prayer
and supplication, with thanksgiving, let your requests be made known
to God; and the peace of God, which surpasses all understanding, will
guard your hearts and minds through Christ Jesus.
John 16:33 These things I have spoken to you, that in Me you may
have peace. In the world you will have tribulation; but be of good
cheer, I have overcome the world.
“The Lord Bless you and keep you; the Lord make His face shine
upon you and be gracious to you; the Lord turn His face toward you
and give you peace.” Numbers 6 24-26
Call of a
of the
Very exciting news!
There will be a Special Meeting of
the Congregation on Sunday,
June 28 at 10 a.m. to act on a
recommendation from the Call
Committee and the Council to
extend a call to new settled pastor.
All Voting Members of the
congregation are encouraged to
attend. The meeting will be held
in the Sanctuary, so please stay
after worship.
A voting member is any confirmed
member who has worshiped and
made an offering in 2014 and
2015. So, confirmed High School
Youth, this means YOU, too!
We are not able to release the
name of the pastor until the
Special Meeting, out of respect for
the process. The pastor is currently
serving a congregation and we
need to let him make the
announcement to that church
after the call is extended (after this
Special Meeting). We will have the
pastor's name, biography,
ministry, and a lot of other
June 28th
10:00 am
immediately following
9:00 am worship
information to share at the Special
Congregational Meeting.
The Call Committee and Council
are very excited. Our candidate
has met with the Call Committee
several times, as well as with
Council members and a few other
leaders. We all agree that this
individual is an excellent fit for
our congregation and our
Your attendance is needed for this
meeting! Please do what you can
to spread the word to others in
our church. Maybe call a few of
the members you may not have
seen in church recently—
everyone’s attendance is important
for this vote for our bright future.
The Call Committee wishes to
thank you for your patience. We
are so excited to reach this point
and present this individual to you.
Please keep our church’s call
process and our prospective new
pastor in your prayers.
—Your Congregational Council
We are
As I am writing we are a few days
away from the Southwestern
Minnesota Synod Assembly. This
year the Assembly’s main work is
to call a Bishop to serve the Synod
for the next six years. There are six
gifted pastors who have been
nominated (including our current
bishop, Pr Jon Anderson.) In
addition, we will study scripture
together, share powerful worship
and preaching and deal with
mundane but important stuff like
reports and budgets. Please keep
the Synod Assembly, and
especially the calling of our
Bishop, in your prayers.
You may ask: “What is a Synod?”
The word comes from two Greek
words meaning, “together” and
“path/trail.” It means, “we are
walking a path together.” The
Synod is us—all the people in all
the congregations of the ELCA in
(roughly) the southwestern quarter
of the Minnesota.
The language we often use is
“expression of the Church.” The
Pastor Steve
individual local congregation is an
expression of the Church. So are
the Synod, the Evangelical
Lutheran Church in America and
the worldwide Lutheran family.
Each has the all characteristics of
the church—a community of
baptized people who gathered
around the Word of God and the
Sacraments for the sake of the
God’s world.
Our Synod has staff (not nearly as
many as 5 years ago!) to assist
congregations and ministries.
Synod Minnesota Pr Linda
Pedersen has worked closely with
your Call Committee over the last
year-and-a-half. Our Synod
organizes terrific training events
for congregational leaders.
Through our Synod and our
ELCA we support seminaries,
campus ministry, plant new
congregations (four in our synod
in the last five years!) and a long
list of others. Most of this work is
done by volunteer leaders who
express their discipleship in these
As Church Together in the Synod
and ELCA the Mission of Our
Savior’s extends from our table to
the ends of the earth!
Rural Stearns
Faith in Action
Occasional Transportation
Drivers and Friendly Visits
OSLC is the Albany/Avon hub for
calls from seniors, caregivers, and
people facing difficult life
circumstances needing services,
which are provided at no cost to
the person receiving services.
People who call our office are
needing help right now, right here
in our community...they don’t
have a car any longer and need a
ride to a medical or dental
appointment (in Albany, Melrose
and St. Cloud); or a friendly visit
once in a while; someone to go
walking with; light housekeeping
and chores; or simple home
repairs. The time commitment on
your part as volunteer is very
minimal, but the service you
provide is so greatly appreciated by
the care recipient, you can make a
BIG difference in their life!
Transportation drivers receive a
small payment from RSFIA after
year-end to help offset gas
expenses incurred.
Volunteers are needed now! If you
would like to help seniors or
people in difficult life
circumstances in our local area,
call Mary Rademacher at
320-348-2316 or email:
Albany Food
Shelf Servers
Thursday, June 18
5:15–6:30 pm
Confirmation Youth Serve
The following items
are needed this
month at the
Albany Food Shelf:
Peas · Cream of Chicken Soup
Remember...the first Sunday
of every month is Food Shelf
Sunday. Bring a food item
donation for our local food shelf.
The need is great, and with your
help, people right here in our
community are able to provide
food on the table for their
families. Donations can be
dropped off in the designated bins
in the Narthex.
Thank you for your support to those
in need in our community. Also,
Thank you to our Confirmation
families who volunteer every month
at the Albany Area Food Shelf.
Serving Group #5
June Christian, 845-4442
Evie Fischer, 356-7371
Tiffany Anderson, Vernice Berg,
Lori Berg-Pritchett, Vicky
Christian, Judy Cigelske, Cindy
Ernst, Deb Hines, Hope Iverson,
Delores Jopp, Renee Jopp, Elaine
Klug, Geri Komis, Jennifer
Komis, Joan Mergen, Kayla
Ostendorf, Jan Roering
June 2015
“For God did not give us a spirit of timidity, but a spirit of power, of
love and self-discipline.”
2 Timothy 1:7
“Do not let any unwholesome talk come out of your mouths, but
only what is helpful for building others up according to their needs,
that it may benefit those who listen.”
Ephesians 4:2
”But He said to me, ‘My grace is sufficient for you, for my power is
made perfect in weakness.’ Therefore, I will boast all the moregladly
about my weaknesses, so that Christ's power may rest on me.’”
2 Cor. 12:9
“Let us then approach the throne of grace with confidence, so that we
may receive mercy and find grace to help us in our time of need.”
Hebrews 4:16
“And we know that in all things God works for the good of those who
love Him, who have been called according to his purpose.”
Romans 8:28
“There is no fear in love. But perfect love drives out fear, because fear
has to do with punishment. The man who fears is not made perfect in
1 John 4:18
“I can do everything through him who gives me strength.”
Philippians 4:13
So we say with confidence, ‘The Lord is my helper, I will not be
afraid. What can man do to me?’”
Hebrews 13:6
Father…you know what’s hidden in our hearts. You know our thoughts
and our motives, you know when we are weak and feel discouraged. We
submit our prayers to you, Oh God, on this beautiful day. We ask that
you give us courage, strength and confidence to face the trials and
temptations that may lay ahead. We give our lives today to you, and guide
us along the way. There are times we do not have the strength to defeat the
enemy. Restore our courage and faith in you,. Help us to be confident
both in ourselvesas well as in You, for we know we will mount up on
wings like eagles and soar high with You on the throne. Dear Lord, help
us to remain humble in all that we do. Give us thecourage to face our
fears, to stand up for ourselves, to fight for what we believe in, to bless
others and to minister your Word. Let the fire that burns within us touch
the lives of others and manifest your love and grace to all. We ask for this
in Jesus’ Holy Name, AMEN!!!
Diana Brown,
Ministry Associate
Give Your Bible a Vacation
Summer features many journeys:
trips, camping, vacations, and
restful staycations. Journeys filled
with opportunities for families to
be together without distractions
and interruptions—time in the
car traveling, peaceful breakfasts
before a day of sightseeing, warm
evenings around the campfire.
Imagine using this time to
discover, connect, and grow by
taking your Bible on vacation! As
parents we are given the
responsibility to share the
Scripture with our children. Make
this summer’s vacation the chance
to develop or enhance a faith
practice for your family.
While planning your family’s
vacation or staycation be
intentional in setting aside a time
to discover God’s story with your
child. Bibles and storybook Bibles
come in a variety family friendly
options. A few of my family's
favorites include “365 Read-Aloud
Bedtime Bible Stories” by Daniel
Partner; “The Action Bible” by
Doug Mauss; and “NRSV
Children’s Bible” by Hendrickson
Publishers. Find a book that your
family understands and enjoys so
that together you can know, hear,
and share God’s story.
Initiate conversation around the
Scripture by asking questions that
connect your children to God’s
word. What is the story about?
With whom do you most identify?
What is your favorite part of the
story? Where do you see signs of
God’s promise? What does this
story call us to do as God’s
Make sure each person has a
chance to answer and add to the
conversation. Follow up answers
with How? Why? or Tell me more.
Let your children thoughtfully
reflect upon what the story is
telling them.
Make this time of opening the
Bible a priority; as a chance to
grow together in your faith
formation. Allow the Scripture to
transform, affect, and change your
family. Give the Bible permission
to show your family Christ,
develop a relationship with Him,
and open your hearts to God. As a
household, make a commitment
to nurture each other in faith and
prayer practices that include
reading the Word together,
praying together, and blessing
each other.
While on your many journeys this
summer don’t forget to give your
Bible a vacation as well. Open the
Scripture; read, study, and reflect
—continued on Page 6
—continued from Page 5
upon the Bible together. So while
you are planning your family's
summer trips also become the
guide for your family’s faith
travels. My hope for your summer
is that you open the guidebook of
faith, the Bible, so that you and
your family can be renewed,
enlivened, and empowered by the
Word every day of the journey.
Summertime is a
Growing in Faith Together
2nd & 4th Thursdays
each month
9:30 to 11:30 at OSLC
Make time to connect with your
children and others in the
community, while enjoying Bible
stories together. Families of all
ages are welcome. Fellowship,
snacks, storytime/songs and crafts.
Contact Diana Brown with
questions, 845-2405
ELCA Day at ValleyFair!
Monday, June 29
Depart from OSLC 8:30 am
Enjoy a day at Valleyfair at a
discounted rate! All ages are
Grades 7-12 will be in groups that
will have designated check-in
times. Students in Grades 5 and 6
will be in adult chaperoned
groups. Students in Grade 4 and
below are welcome to attend with
a parent or guardian. Students go
by 2014–2015 school year grade.
Bring a lunch or spending money
to buy lunch at the park. Dress for
the weather!
to chaperone. Speak with Diana if
you are interested in spending the
day guiding our students. Email
or 845-2405.
Monday, June 29
Depart—8:30 am
OSLC Parking Lot
Return—Approximately 6:00 pm
OSLC Parking Lot
includes transportation, tickets,
and OSLC T-Shirt
~ Scholarships are available ~
Please ask
Please return registration and
payment by Wednesday,
June 17th, 2015. Make checks
payable to “Our Savior’s
Lutheran Church.” You can find
registration in the Narthex, on the
website, or email Diana.
in the Park
June 17th, July 15th, &
August 19th
St. Benedicts’ Parish
Avon · 6:30 pm
A light meal will be served
followed by time of
praise and worship.
We are looking for folks from
both congregations to be a part of
the evenings, including musicians
in all areas (instrumentalists and
vocalists). Anyone can talk to
Mike if they would like more
information or interested in being
involved in the evening(s).
Thank you!
Mike Aronson, Worship and
Music Committee
Our Savior’s
Church Staff
Stephen Cook
Ministry Associate for Youth &
Diana Brown
Music Coordinator:
Mike Aronson
Parish Office Coordinator &
Stephanie McGuinness
Jim & Deb Kurtz
Summer Church Office Hours:
M, W, F: 8:30–11:30am
T, Th: 8:30am-12:30pm
Bible Study
On the second Wednesday each
month, all women are invited to
attend Bible Study and fellowship
time. The group uses the Bible
study from “Gather” magazine, an
ELCA publication.
June, July, and August will be a
lunch potluck!
Daily Devotional
Pick up your free copy of “Christ
in our Home” daily devotional,
available in the Narthex. Read
your Bible every day with the help
of this insightful book.
Worship is Recorded
Each Sunday, worship is recorded
to compact disk. If you would like
a copy, call the church office.
Our Savior’s Lutheran
Church is one people united in
Christ, empowered by God’s
grace through worship and the
study of His Word, to glorify
God by serving and witnessing
in the community and
the world.
Pizza Report!
”Simply Giving‘ Program
Our Savior’s is excited to
announce you can now manage
your giving online! Giving online
can be easy and allows you to set
up secure, automatic recurring
contributions and view your
complete online giving history
from anywhere you have access to
the Internet. Follow easy steps:
1. Visit the church website at
2. Click the Online Giving button
3. Click the Create Profile button
Then follow the onscreen
instructions to create your profile
and schedule your contributions.
Music Team
We are looking for those who have
a desire to share their musical
talents by being part of a Worship
Team. We are looking for singers
to lead the congregation in hymns,
instrumentalists (keyboard, piano,
guitar, drums, etc.) and a few
people who may be interested
being part of our Sound Tech
Crew. See Mike Aronson for more
Looking for
Devotion writers are Luther
Seminary alumni/ae:
from your
Call Committee
Thank you for your prayers.
Over the last several months we
have interviewed six pastors.
Now, we are so pleased, excited,
and filled with anticipation to
have reached a unanimous
choice, present this choice to
the Council, and then to you to
vote and extend a call on:
Sunday June 28th
Immediately after 9 am worship
It is so important for you and
all voting members to attend.
Thank you for your patience!
We feel this choice has been
Spirit-led. As this pastor
candidate said at our first
interview, “If this was meant to
be, it will be told to me.” And,
he called Ron Paulsen the
following morning.
We will tell you all about this
pastor at the Special Meeting—
see you then!
In Christ,
Your Call Committee:
Mary Adelman, Mike Aronson,
Al Ernst, Judy Fischer, Jordan
Hahn, Mitchell Leyk, Denis
McGuinness, Ron Madsen, and
Ron Paulsen
Pizza making was Saturday, May
2nd. Thank you to all that joined
in the controlled chaos that is
pizza making! Twenty highspirited youth and 14 awesome
adults made 732 pizzas!
Thank you to all that ordered,
sold, made, and supported the
Spring 2015 Pizza effort. The
Spring 2015 Pizza Team and The
Education and Youth Committee
are thrilled to share this profit
with the general account of
Net Profit: 2562.10
And a big shout out and thank
you to the Spring 2015 Pizza
Team Leads: Bruce & Ann
Meredith Family and Patrick &
Shelley Johnson Family. Your time
& talents are truly treasured.
Diana Brown
Sign Up for
Worship Ministry
Follow this link: and you
can sign up. You can also find this
link on the website under the
Worship menu tab. You can also
still sign up in the Narthex.
Worship Ministry opportunities
include: Readers, Ushers,
Communion Assistants, and
Prayer for
Students this Summer
OSLC is sending 14 campers to
Bible Camp and five students on a
Mission Trip to Cass Lake this
Hope, Nyra, Kylee, Carissa, Gina,
Alex, Emily, Erica, Brandon,
Natalie, Biagio, Tanner, Logan,
Mariah, Kourtney, Kenzie,
McKenna, Caitlyn, & Anders: We
pray for safe journeys, good times,
and growth in faith. Have fun this
Please pray for those growing in
faith through adventures in
fellowship and service.
Dear Lord,
I pray for all the students heading to
Bible Camp or Mission Trip this
summer. I pray especially for safe
travels for these young disciples’
journey to their destinations. May
You open the hearts and minds for
all students, chaperones, and
counselors, that they may experience
all that You have to offer them. I
pray that You may calm any nerves
and allow each student to enjoy this
time away in the “wilderness” with
You. I ask this in Your Most Holy
Youth Group Night
Twice monthly, Wednesdays
7–9 pm
for all youth grades 9–12
Bring a friend!
June 17, July 1 & 15
Vacation Bible School
August 3–7
VBS plans are well underway!
This year, you can sign up with
interactive forms on Our Savior’s
Student Registration Form &
Volunteer Sign-up Form
links can be found on Home at:
We are looking for people both
teachers and classroom helpers for
grades Pre-K through 6th grade. If
you are interesting in this
wonderful short term service
opportunity, sign up online or
please email
You can also talk to a member of
the Youth and Education
Committee (Kristin Alderink,
Jannell Boeckermann, Diana
Brown, Kim Hahn, and
Patty Leyk).
Council Minutes
Monthly Congregation Council
Meeting minutes are now easily
available to you in two ways:
OSLC Website or Congregation
Council Bulletin Board located in
the by the Fellowship Hall.
Think Fall! The Harvest Dinner
was chosen as the highest priority
for fellowship events in the survey
we conducted last winter. We are
now looking for:
Team Leaders
to plan/organize, and supervise the
Harvest Dinner
from your Congregational Life & Mission Committee:
Our Savior’s is a
welcoming congregation!
And, we wear
name tags!
Everyone is invited to practice hospitality with an Our Savior’s
Lutheran Church name tag of your own! Fill in your name(s),
choose a clip-on tag or lanyard style tag and the office will make yours
for you. Take it with you, leave it in your car or purse so it is ready to
wear when you come to church. Or, leave it in the box in the Narthex.
“Do not neglect to show hospitality to strangers, for by doing that some have
entertained angels without knowing it.”
—Hebrews 13:2
This is a short-term commitment.
The dinner has been held in
October. The size, menu, etc. is up
to you! Let Wendy Womak know,
Thank you for your leadership!
Donation is just $2.00
This is especially important
now that we have a new
pastor coming soon!
Worship & Music
Pancake Breakfast thanks
Thank you to all who attending
the Pancake Breakfast! We were
able to send the freewill offering in
the amount of $256.00 to the
Hunger Awareness Food Packing
event for the SWMN Synod.
Please fill in the information below and
drop off in the Narthex, or mail to church.
Your name tag(s) will be ready for you at church!
Donate School Supplies
We will be helping the students in
Albany/Avon Schools with
supplies—watch the bulletin for
requested items. Drop off your
donations in the Narthex.
Next meeting: July 8th · 5:30 pm
Chair: Wendy Womak
Mary Adelman, Diana Brown,
Lynda Hartwig, Kaye Schmainda,
Deb Solarz.
Add the committee you serve on, if you like
Clip-on Style
Lanyard Style
Add the committee you serve on, if you like
Clip-on Style
Lanyard Style
Vacation Bible School
August 3–7
VBS plans are well underway!
This year, you can sign up with
interactive forms on Our Savior’s
Student Registration Form &
Volunteer Sign-up Form
links can be found on Home at:
We are looking for people both
teachers and classroom helpers for
grades Pre-K through 6th grade. If
you are interesting in this
wonderful short term service
opportunity, sign up online or
please email
You can also talk to a member of
the Youth and Education
Committee (Kristin Alderink,
Jannell Boeckermann, Diana
Brown, Kim Hahn, and
Patty Leyk).
Council Minutes
Monthly Congregation Council
Meeting minutes are now easily
available to you in two ways:
OSLC Website or Congregation
Council Bulletin Board located in
the by the Fellowship Hall.
Think Fall! The Harvest Dinner
was chosen as the highest priority
for fellowship events in the survey
we conducted last winter. We are
now looking for:
Team Leaders
to plan/organize, and supervise the
Harvest Dinner
from your Congregational Life & Mission Committee:
Our Savior’s is a
welcoming congregation!
And, we wear
name tags!
Everyone is invited to practice hospitality with an Our Savior’s
Lutheran Church name tag of your own! Fill in your name(s),
choose a clip-on tag or lanyard style tag and the office will make yours
for you. Take it with you, leave it in your car or purse so it is ready to
wear when you come to church. Or, leave it in the box in the Narthex.
“Do not neglect to show hospitality to strangers, for by doing that some have
entertained angels without knowing it.”
—Hebrews 13:2
This is a short-term commitment.
The dinner has been held in
October. The size, menu, etc. is up
to you! Let Wendy Womak know,
Thank you for your leadership!
Donation is just $2.00
This is especially important
now that we have a new
pastor coming soon!
Worship & Music
Pancake Breakfast thanks
Thank you to all who attending
the Pancake Breakfast! We were
able to send the freewill offering in
the amount of $256.00 to the
Hunger Awareness Food Packing
event for the SWMN Synod.
Please fill in the information below and
drop off in the Narthex, or mail to church.
Your name tag(s) will be ready for you at church!
Donate School Supplies
We will be helping the students in
Albany/Avon Schools with
supplies—watch the bulletin for
requested items. Drop off your
donations in the Narthex.
Next meeting: July 8th · 5:30 pm
Chair: Wendy Womak
Mary Adelman, Diana Brown,
Lynda Hartwig, Kaye Schmainda,
Deb Solarz.
Add the committee you serve on, if you like
Clip-on Style
Lanyard Style
Add the committee you serve on, if you like
Clip-on Style
Lanyard Style
Pizza Report!
”Simply Giving‘ Program
Our Savior’s is excited to
announce you can now manage
your giving online! Giving online
can be easy and allows you to set
up secure, automatic recurring
contributions and view your
complete online giving history
from anywhere you have access to
the Internet. Follow easy steps:
1. Visit the church website at
2. Click the Online Giving button
3. Click the Create Profile button
Then follow the onscreen
instructions to create your profile
and schedule your contributions.
Music Team
We are looking for those who have
a desire to share their musical
talents by being part of a Worship
Team. We are looking for singers
to lead the congregation in hymns,
instrumentalists (keyboard, piano,
guitar, drums, etc.) and a few
people who may be interested
being part of our Sound Tech
Crew. See Mike Aronson for more
Looking for
Devotion writers are Luther
Seminary alumni/ae:
from your
Call Committee
Thank you for your prayers.
Over the last several months we
have interviewed six pastors.
Now, we are so pleased, excited,
and filled with anticipation to
have reached a unanimous
choice, present this choice to
the Council, and then to you to
vote and extend a call on:
Sunday June 28th
Immediately after 9 am worship
It is so important for you and
all voting members to attend.
Thank you for your patience!
We feel this choice has been
Spirit-led. As this pastor
candidate said at our first
interview, “If this was meant to
be, it will be told to me.” And,
he called Ron Paulsen the
following morning.
We will tell you all about this
pastor at the Special Meeting—
see you then!
In Christ,
Your Call Committee:
Mary Adelman, Mike Aronson,
Al Ernst, Judy Fischer, Jordan
Hahn, Mitchell Leyk, Denis
McGuinness, Ron Madsen, and
Ron Paulsen
Pizza making was Saturday, May
2nd. Thank you to all that joined
in the controlled chaos that is
pizza making! Twenty highspirited youth and 14 awesome
adults made 732 pizzas!
Thank you to all that ordered,
sold, made, and supported the
Spring 2015 Pizza effort. The
Spring 2015 Pizza Team and The
Education and Youth Committee
are thrilled to share this profit
with the general account of
Net Profit: 2562.10
And a big shout out and thank
you to the Spring 2015 Pizza
Team Leads: Bruce & Ann
Meredith Family and Patrick &
Shelley Johnson Family. Your time
& talents are truly treasured.
Diana Brown
Sign Up for
Worship Ministry
Follow this link: and you
can sign up. You can also find this
link on the website under the
Worship menu tab. You can also
still sign up in the Narthex.
Worship Ministry opportunities
include: Readers, Ushers,
Communion Assistants, and
Prayer for
Students this Summer
OSLC is sending 14 campers to
Bible Camp and five students on a
Mission Trip to Cass Lake this
Hope, Nyra, Kylee, Carissa, Gina,
Alex, Emily, Erica, Brandon,
Natalie, Biagio, Tanner, Logan,
Mariah, Kourtney, Kenzie,
McKenna, Caitlyn, & Anders: We
pray for safe journeys, good times,
and growth in faith. Have fun this
Please pray for those growing in
faith through adventures in
fellowship and service.
Dear Lord,
I pray for all the students heading to
Bible Camp or Mission Trip this
summer. I pray especially for safe
travels for these young disciples’
journey to their destinations. May
You open the hearts and minds for
all students, chaperones, and
counselors, that they may experience
all that You have to offer them. I
pray that You may calm any nerves
and allow each student to enjoy this
time away in the “wilderness” with
You. I ask this in Your Most Holy
Youth Group Night
Twice monthly, Wednesdays
7–9 pm
for all youth grades 9–12
Bring a friend!
June 17, July 1 & 15
—continued from Page 5
upon the Bible together. So while
you are planning your family's
summer trips also become the
guide for your family’s faith
travels. My hope for your summer
is that you open the guidebook of
faith, the Bible, so that you and
your family can be renewed,
enlivened, and empowered by the
Word every day of the journey.
Summertime is a
Growing in Faith Together
2nd & 4th Thursdays
each month
9:30 to 11:30 at OSLC
Make time to connect with your
children and others in the
community, while enjoying Bible
stories together. Families of all
ages are welcome. Fellowship,
snacks, storytime/songs and crafts.
Contact Diana Brown with
questions, 845-2405
ELCA Day at ValleyFair!
Monday, June 29
Depart from OSLC 8:30 am
Enjoy a day at Valleyfair at a
discounted rate! All ages are
Grades 7-12 will be in groups that
will have designated check-in
times. Students in Grades 5 and 6
will be in adult chaperoned
groups. Students in Grade 4 and
below are welcome to attend with
a parent or guardian. Students go
by 2014–2015 school year grade.
Bring a lunch or spending money
to buy lunch at the park. Dress for
the weather!
to chaperone. Speak with Diana if
you are interested in spending the
day guiding our students. Email
or 845-2405.
Monday, June 29
Depart—8:30 am
OSLC Parking Lot
Return—Approximately 6:00 pm
OSLC Parking Lot
includes transportation, tickets,
and OSLC T-Shirt
~ Scholarships are available ~
Please ask
Please return registration and
payment by Wednesday,
June 17th, 2015. Make checks
payable to “Our Savior’s
Lutheran Church.” You can find
registration in the Narthex, on the
website, or email Diana.
in the Park
June 17th, July 15th, &
August 19th
St. Benedicts’ Parish
Avon · 6:30 pm
A light meal will be served
followed by time of
praise and worship.
We are looking for folks from
both congregations to be a part of
the evenings, including musicians
in all areas (instrumentalists and
vocalists). Anyone can talk to
Mike if they would like more
information or interested in being
involved in the evening(s).
Thank you!
Mike Aronson, Worship and
Music Committee
Our Savior’s
Church Staff
Stephen Cook
Ministry Associate for Youth &
Diana Brown
Music Coordinator:
Mike Aronson
Parish Office Coordinator &
Stephanie McGuinness
Jim & Deb Kurtz
Summer Church Office Hours:
M, W, F: 8:30–11:30am
T, Th: 8:30am-12:30pm
Bible Study
On the second Wednesday each
month, all women are invited to
attend Bible Study and fellowship
time. The group uses the Bible
study from “Gather” magazine, an
ELCA publication.
June, July, and August will be a
lunch potluck!
Daily Devotional
Pick up your free copy of “Christ
in our Home” daily devotional,
available in the Narthex. Read
your Bible every day with the help
of this insightful book.
Worship is Recorded
Each Sunday, worship is recorded
to compact disk. If you would like
a copy, call the church office.
Our Savior’s Lutheran
Church is one people united in
Christ, empowered by God’s
grace through worship and the
study of His Word, to glorify
God by serving and witnessing
in the community and
the world.
June 2015
“For God did not give us a spirit of timidity, but a spirit of power, of
love and self-discipline.”
2 Timothy 1:7
“Do not let any unwholesome talk come out of your mouths, but
only what is helpful for building others up according to their needs,
that it may benefit those who listen.”
Ephesians 4:2
”But He said to me, ‘My grace is sufficient for you, for my power is
made perfect in weakness.’ Therefore, I will boast all the moregladly
about my weaknesses, so that Christ's power may rest on me.’”
2 Cor. 12:9
“Let us then approach the throne of grace with confidence, so that we
may receive mercy and find grace to help us in our time of need.”
Hebrews 4:16
“And we know that in all things God works for the good of those who
love Him, who have been called according to his purpose.”
Romans 8:28
“There is no fear in love. But perfect love drives out fear, because fear
has to do with punishment. The man who fears is not made perfect in
1 John 4:18
“I can do everything through him who gives me strength.”
Philippians 4:13
So we say with confidence, ‘The Lord is my helper, I will not be
afraid. What can man do to me?’”
Hebrews 13:6
Father…you know what’s hidden in our hearts. You know our thoughts
and our motives, you know when we are weak and feel discouraged. We
submit our prayers to you, Oh God, on this beautiful day. We ask that
you give us courage, strength and confidence to face the trials and
temptations that may lay ahead. We give our lives today to you, and guide
us along the way. There are times we do not have the strength to defeat the
enemy. Restore our courage and faith in you,. Help us to be confident
both in ourselvesas well as in You, for we know we will mount up on
wings like eagles and soar high with You on the throne. Dear Lord, help
us to remain humble in all that we do. Give us thecourage to face our
fears, to stand up for ourselves, to fight for what we believe in, to bless
others and to minister your Word. Let the fire that burns within us touch
the lives of others and manifest your love and grace to all. We ask for this
in Jesus’ Holy Name, AMEN!!!
Diana Brown,
Ministry Associate
Give Your Bible a Vacation
Summer features many journeys:
trips, camping, vacations, and
restful staycations. Journeys filled
with opportunities for families to
be together without distractions
and interruptions—time in the
car traveling, peaceful breakfasts
before a day of sightseeing, warm
evenings around the campfire.
Imagine using this time to
discover, connect, and grow by
taking your Bible on vacation! As
parents we are given the
responsibility to share the
Scripture with our children. Make
this summer’s vacation the chance
to develop or enhance a faith
practice for your family.
While planning your family’s
vacation or staycation be
intentional in setting aside a time
to discover God’s story with your
child. Bibles and storybook Bibles
come in a variety family friendly
options. A few of my family's
favorites include “365 Read-Aloud
Bedtime Bible Stories” by Daniel
Partner; “The Action Bible” by
Doug Mauss; and “NRSV
Children’s Bible” by Hendrickson
Publishers. Find a book that your
family understands and enjoys so
that together you can know, hear,
and share God’s story.
Initiate conversation around the
Scripture by asking questions that
connect your children to God’s
word. What is the story about?
With whom do you most identify?
What is your favorite part of the
story? Where do you see signs of
God’s promise? What does this
story call us to do as God’s
Make sure each person has a
chance to answer and add to the
conversation. Follow up answers
with How? Why? or Tell me more.
Let your children thoughtfully
reflect upon what the story is
telling them.
Make this time of opening the
Bible a priority; as a chance to
grow together in your faith
formation. Allow the Scripture to
transform, affect, and change your
family. Give the Bible permission
to show your family Christ,
develop a relationship with Him,
and open your hearts to God. As a
household, make a commitment
to nurture each other in faith and
prayer practices that include
reading the Word together,
praying together, and blessing
each other.
While on your many journeys this
summer don’t forget to give your
Bible a vacation as well. Open the
Scripture; read, study, and reflect
—continued on Page 6
We are
As I am writing we are a few days
away from the Southwestern
Minnesota Synod Assembly. This
year the Assembly’s main work is
to call a Bishop to serve the Synod
for the next six years. There are six
gifted pastors who have been
nominated (including our current
bishop, Pr Jon Anderson.) In
addition, we will study scripture
together, share powerful worship
and preaching and deal with
mundane but important stuff like
reports and budgets. Please keep
the Synod Assembly, and
especially the calling of our
Bishop, in your prayers.
You may ask: “What is a Synod?”
The word comes from two Greek
words meaning, “together” and
“path/trail.” It means, “we are
walking a path together.” The
Synod is us—all the people in all
the congregations of the ELCA in
(roughly) the southwestern quarter
of the Minnesota.
The language we often use is
“expression of the Church.” The
Pastor Steve
individual local congregation is an
expression of the Church. So are
the Synod, the Evangelical
Lutheran Church in America and
the worldwide Lutheran family.
Each has the all characteristics of
the church—a community of
baptized people who gathered
around the Word of God and the
Sacraments for the sake of the
God’s world.
Our Synod has staff (not nearly as
many as 5 years ago!) to assist
congregations and ministries.
Synod Minnesota Pr Linda
Pedersen has worked closely with
your Call Committee over the last
year-and-a-half. Our Synod
organizes terrific training events
for congregational leaders.
Through our Synod and our
ELCA we support seminaries,
campus ministry, plant new
congregations (four in our synod
in the last five years!) and a long
list of others. Most of this work is
done by volunteer leaders who
express their discipleship in these
As Church Together in the Synod
and ELCA the Mission of Our
Savior’s extends from our table to
the ends of the earth!
Rural Stearns
Faith in Action
Occasional Transportation
Drivers and Friendly Visits
OSLC is the Albany/Avon hub for
calls from seniors, caregivers, and
people facing difficult life
circumstances needing services,
which are provided at no cost to
the person receiving services.
People who call our office are
needing help right now, right here
in our community...they don’t
have a car any longer and need a
ride to a medical or dental
appointment (in Albany, Melrose
and St. Cloud); or a friendly visit
once in a while; someone to go
walking with; light housekeeping
and chores; or simple home
repairs. The time commitment on
your part as volunteer is very
minimal, but the service you
provide is so greatly appreciated by
the care recipient, you can make a
BIG difference in their life!
Transportation drivers receive a
small payment from RSFIA after
year-end to help offset gas
expenses incurred.
Volunteers are needed now! If you
would like to help seniors or
people in difficult life
circumstances in our local area,
call Mary Rademacher at
320-348-2316 or email:
Albany Food
Shelf Servers
Thursday, June 18
5:15–6:30 pm
Confirmation Youth Serve
The following items
are needed this
month at the
Albany Food Shelf:
Peas · Cream of Chicken Soup
Remember...the first Sunday
of every month is Food Shelf
Sunday. Bring a food item
donation for our local food shelf.
The need is great, and with your
help, people right here in our
community are able to provide
food on the table for their
families. Donations can be
dropped off in the designated bins
in the Narthex.
Thank you for your support to those
in need in our community. Also,
Thank you to our Confirmation
families who volunteer every month
at the Albany Area Food Shelf.
Serving Group #5
June Christian, 845-4442
Evie Fischer, 356-7371
Tiffany Anderson, Vernice Berg,
Lori Berg-Pritchett, Vicky
Christian, Judy Cigelske, Cindy
Ernst, Deb Hines, Hope Iverson,
Delores Jopp, Renee Jopp, Elaine
Klug, Geri Komis, Jennifer
Komis, Joan Mergen, Kayla
Ostendorf, Jan Roering
July 2015
Gracious, and Merciful, I am under constant attack from the enemy. I
feel that my life is in great turmoil, and is falling apart at this very
moment. I pray, Dear God, that You will hear my humble cry and
answer me, for I need You now more than ever. Give me strength for I am
weary and weak.
Ephesians 2:14-15 For He Himself is our peace, who has made both
one, and has broken down the middle wall of separation, having
abolished in His flesh the enmity, that is, the law of commandments
contained in ordinances, so as to create in Himself one new man from
the two, thus making peace…
Father, everything around me is chaotic. My family has problems, my
finances are low, I am not as efficient and effective on my job as I
should be, my relationships are falling apart as I drift into the dark
loneliness of life. Father, make a way where there seems to be none,
lift me up if I fall by the wayside.
John 16:33 These things I have spoken to you, that in Me you may
have peace. In the world you will have tribulation; but be of good
cheer, I have overcome the world.
Romans 15:13 Now may the God of hope fill you with all joy and
peace in believing, that you may abound in hope by the power of the
Holy Spirit.
Hold me close and never let me go, for You have promised to never leave
me nor forsake me and I know Your word is true. Lord, lead me in the
plain path of righteousness when temptations are thrown my way. Be my
comforter in these difficult times, be my rock and my fortress for I can
never stand alone. Grant me peace in my heart and peace in my mind as
You lead me into victory! In Jesus’ mighty name I pray, Amen!
Philippians 4:6-7 Be anxious for nothing, but in everything by prayer
and supplication, with thanksgiving, let your requests be made known
to God; and the peace of God, which surpasses all understanding, will
guard your hearts and minds through Christ Jesus.
John 16:33 These things I have spoken to you, that in Me you may
have peace. In the world you will have tribulation; but be of good
cheer, I have overcome the world.
“The Lord Bless you and keep you; the Lord make His face shine
upon you and be gracious to you; the Lord turn His face toward you
and give you peace.” Numbers 6 24-26
Call of a
of the
Very exciting news!
There will be a Special Meeting of
the Congregation on Sunday,
June 28 at 10 a.m. to act on a
recommendation from the Call
Committee and the Council to
extend a call to new settled pastor.
All Voting Members of the
congregation are encouraged to
attend. The meeting will be held
in the Sanctuary, so please stay
after worship.
A voting member is any confirmed
member who has worshiped and
made an offering in 2014 and
2015. So, confirmed High School
Youth, this means YOU, too!
We are not able to release the
name of the pastor until the
Special Meeting, out of respect for
the process. The pastor is currently
serving a congregation and we
need to let him make the
announcement to that church
after the call is extended (after this
Special Meeting). We will have the
pastor's name, biography,
ministry, and a lot of other
June 28th
10:00 am
immediately following
9:00 am worship
information to share at the Special
Congregational Meeting.
The Call Committee and Council
are very excited. Our candidate
has met with the Call Committee
several times, as well as with
Council members and a few other
leaders. We all agree that this
individual is an excellent fit for
our congregation and our
Your attendance is needed for this
meeting! Please do what you can
to spread the word to others in
our church. Maybe call a few of
the members you may not have
seen in church recently—
everyone’s attendance is important
for this vote for our bright future.
The Call Committee wishes to
thank you for your patience. We
are so excited to reach this point
and present this individual to you.
Please keep our church’s call
process and our prospective new
pastor in your prayers.
—Your Congregational Council
(320) 845-2405
Pastor: Stephen Cook
Ministry Associate for Youth & Families:
Diana Brown
Music Coordinator: Mike Aronson
Parish Office Coordinator & Treasurer:
Stephanie McGuinness
Custodians: Jim & Deb Kurtz
Church Summer Office Hours:
M, W, F: 8:30–11:30am
T, Th: 8:30am–12:30pm
Summer Worship:
Sunday Morning 9:00 am
Wednesday Evening 6:30 pm
Sunday, June 28th · 10:00 am
of the
840 Lake Avenue
P.O. Box 670
Albany, MN 56307-0670
Vol. 21, No. 6
ALBANY, MN 56307
Kindred Spirıt
June/July 2015
Newsletter of Our Savior’s Lutheran Church · Albany, Minnesota
Call of a
of the
June 28th
10:00 am
following 9:00 am worship
C ll
should attend
to vote
to extend
a call to
a new pastor!