Friday Nights with the Pastor and Robyn Church Pot Luck – Sunday, April 12, 2015 Several people have asked me recently: “Why don’t we have pot lucks like we used to?” They have said that they enjoy them because they always meet someone new or they can spend a little extra time with other church members and friends over a lunch hour (or two :) Please invite your friends and family and bring a dish to share (enough for your family plus 1). Bring all food to the kitchen when you arrive and leave on the counters. Our Friday nights visiting with congregation members have been fun and enlightening. We spend some time eating (and a little drinking :) chatting, getting to know one another and brainstorming about what works and what doesn’t work here at Aboite. Our mission of course, is to further God’s kingdom by attracting the unchurched and underchurched. In this way, they too can find Jesus as their Savior as well as a spiritual home and family When there are sign-up sheets in the narthex please stop by and pick a date to come and visit with us, we are looking forward to having each and every one of you as our guests. We will also have some fun and hold a raffle to help sponsor one of our youths’ mission trips this summer. See you there!!! PARENTS WITH OLDER CHILDREN – if you have older children you do not want to leave alone (10 + ) feel free to bring them along – we have TV and computers if they are bored. GETTING TO KNOW ONE ANOTHER – STAFF PARENTS WITH YOUNGER CHILDREN – we will provide childcare at the church while you are visiting at our home which is six minutes away. Tama Brenneke was born in Millersburg, Pennsylvania. She has five brothers and 2 sisters and many nieces and nephews. She is married to Doug Brenneke, our current congregation Vice President. They have five children: Kaleb (Sonja), Natalie, Hunter, Quinn and Zane. This June, 2015, Tama will celebrate her tenth year anniversary as an employee of Aboite Lutheran Church. Although in the past she has worn many different hats, she is currently the Director of Outreach and Childrens’ ministries. Tama enjoys serving the Lord and feels that her mission is to make all feel welcome and loved at Aboite. Please try to schedule with at least one other family who needs childcare if at all possible, but if it is not, schedule anyway! Robyn
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