+ HOYLANDSWAINE PRIMARY SCHOOL 17th April 2015 Summer 1 A copy of this newsletter can be found on the school website: www.hoylandswaineprimary.co.uk Headteacher email: l.cole@barnsley.org SPECIAL MENTIONS Class 1: Harry Pears, Roxy Summers Class 2: Emily Sammon, Abigail Seymour Class 3: Brooke Seddon, Tia Kristensen Class 4: William Mosley, Eleanor Brabham Well done to everyone! STAFF NEWS As Mrs Watson will be working part time in class one in September, this week we interviewed for another Reception teacher to job share with her. Mrs Katherine Earnshaw was appointed to the position. She is an experienced Reception teacher who is currently working exactly the same job share pattern in a school in Manchester. We look forward to welcoming her to Hoylandswaine as she makes visits later this term. Some of you will also be aware that Mrs Brown has not been in school this week. We now know her illness is going to prevent her from returning to school in the near future. Therefore, Miss Sarah Grobler who has been volunteering in class 2 prior to starting her School Direct teaching course in September, has been employed as a temporary classroom assistant for class 2. We thank Miss Grobler for stepping into the breach and hope to see Mrs Brown back soon. ROBINWOOD 2016 Next March we will be taking the Y5 and Y6 children to Robinwood Activity Centre at Todmorden. We would like to invite all children who are currently Y4 and Y5 along with their parents to a meeting to view a DVD about the centre and have a chance to discuss plans on Monday 20th April at 5.00pm. Please join us if you can! CLASS ONE LOG AREA Some of you may have noticed that the log area in class one has been improved over the Easter holidays. The rotten wood has been replaced, the wood has been cleaned and treated and a new train has been built and put in place. This has been possible because of the donation from FOHS. Thank you to all the members who work so hard to raise the money and to all the parents who support each fund raising event. We are now working on the main playground log area so watch out for improvements there! BIKEABILITY 2015 During the week beginning 18th May, the Y5 children will be taking part in Bikeability – updated cycling proficiency course. Y5 parents should look out for more information about this in the coming week! KS2 LITERACY WORKSHOP On Tuesday 19th May, we will be holding a literacy workshop for parents of KS2 children. We will be showing parents some of the resources we use with the childr en, giving parents a chance to gain greater knowledge about the expectations for KS2 in the new curriculum and giving ideas for supporting the children's learning at home. Parents of any KS2 child including the current Y2’s (as they soon move into Y3!) are welcome to attend. OPEN CHURCH The next open church is on Saturday April 18th between 2.00pm and 4.00pm. There will be an opportunity to hear a reading from the Talking Heads series of monologues by Alan Bennett 'A Cream Cracker Under the Settee' (which will take place at 2.30pm). The performance will be read in character by Diana Crossley. Proceeds from this Open Church session will go to the charity 'Silver Line' which is a helpline for older people. Everyone is welcome! BMS MUSIC LESSONS The summer term music lessons started this week and we are pleased to have been able to make an addition of Ukulele lessons with Mr Swift and we already have one child on the waiting list for this. We also welcomed a new violin teacher, Mr Brewster, who has been appointed by Barnsley Music Service to replace Mrs Swift who left last term. Please remember to make your payment for music tuition via schoolmoney.co.uk if you have not already done so. Thank you. TEMPEST PHOTOGRAPHY The school photographer was here yesterday to take class photos. These will be sent to us shortly and you will have the opportunity to purchase a copy via a proof and order form that will be sent home with your child. EXTRA-CURRICULAR CLUBS The clubs commenced this week, with the exception of Card Making which will not be able to run due to the absence of Mrs Brown. The club for Wednesdays will be different to what was planned due to a lack of numbers for the cricket sessions. A letter was sent home yesterday for children in years 2 to 6 to join a multi-sports session which will start next Wednesday where each week the children will be able to chose an activity that they would like to participate in. If your child is interested in this club please ensure you return your slips to the school office by Monday 20th April. Payments for clubs should be made via schoolmoney.co.uk (with the exception of Bruce Dyer’s football club). MISSING FLEECE If anybody comes across a fleece, aged 5-6 belonging to Aimee Sammon (name is written on the neck label) please return it to Class 1. Thank You Friends of Hoylandswaine School STOP! Before you book your summer holiday could you use EASYFUNDRAISING? As you will know from previous newsletters, Easyfundraising.org.uk offers a almost effortless way for FOHS to generate funds based on your online shopping. It is VERY EASY all you have to do is spend no more than 5 minutes setting an account up on Easyfundraising and then remember to use it when you shop! Easyfundraising is partnered with a huge range of retailers - ocado, amazon, sainsburys, tesco, boots, boden, asos, new look, groupon, holiday companies etc etc etc. We are really keen to maximise the earning potential from this so below is a step-by-step guide which might be helpful to those who haven't used Easyfundraising before: 1. go to www.easyfundraising.org.uk 2. click on 'create an account' 3. click on 'support a good cause' 4. search for 'friends of hoylandswaine school' 5. click on 'support this cause' next to 'Friends of Hoylandswaine School' 6. create an account - name, email address and set up a password 7. shop! only don't access the site you want to buy from directly, go via easyfundraising - this just takes literally an extra few seconds every time you shop 8. optional - install the 'donation reminder' - this box will sit at the top of your browser every time you access the internet and will tell you, if you put your retailer in the search box, whether they will donate 9. optional - gift aid - if you are a UK tax payer you can gift aid your donation, so FOHS receives even more money! Thank you to those who are already using it. Skyecycle - date to follow soon, please keep any unwanted items ready for this, again an effortless way for us to make a bit of money, last time we made over £200. Volunteers We are struggling to put on fundraising events at the moment due to a lack of people to help organise events. It would be great to see you at the meetings but appreciate this is not always possible, if you are able to help out occasionally or just for a specific event that would also be great. We would like to hold a family fun day including a summer treasure hunt, maybe a BBQ and games on the school field on 13th June. If this is something you could help with or you would be willing to help organise any other event please contact us (details below). Date of next meeting - Wednesday 6th May 8pm in the cricket club, everyone always welcome. Can't make the meeting but would like to suggest something or volunteer to help out please contact us at fohs_rachel@aol.co.uk or via our Facebook page Friends of Hoylandswaine School. FOHS Fundraising ideas FOHS are keen to provide the children with the added extras during their time at school, in the past we have paid for groups to come in and work with all the children, trips out of school for all the children, the log area, various pieces of indoor and outdoor equipment, ICT equipment and so on. We have had a few ideas of bigger projects we would like to raise money for next but we are keen to find out what parents and children think the school need that is over and above the day to day items. Please use the space below for you and your child to suggest ways that FOHS could enhance the time at school for all children. Please return to the office by Friday 24th April. Parents suggestion of what FOHS could fundraise for: Child's suggestion of what they would like FOHS to fundraise for: Suggestions for fundraising event: Name (optional): ___________________________________________ Contact details if you are willing to help organise: Email Address _____________________________________________________
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