6th February 2015 - Moorlands School

Edition 56
6th Feb 15
Message From The Headmaster
Dear Moorlands Community,
It appears that I could start every week’s newsletter with
‘What a busy week it has been at school ..’., however with
Reading is Magic Day, Bed Time Stories, National Science
Quiz, Football Fixtures, Swim Galas, educational visits to
Harlow Carr, EYFS Jack and the Beanstalk assembly and a
school trip to the West End to see Matilda (phew) we
really outdid ourselves this week! Thank you to everyone
who was involved in all of these events, the children
really have had a fantastic, if rather tiring, few days!
As you will already know from your email, the MSA have
found an easy and profitable way to raise money for
upcoming projects. I have already registered for the
‘easyfundraising’ initiative and look forward to you all
joining me. Please read the MSA section of this
Newsletter for more information.
Thanks for all your intrepid weekend photos, please keep
them coming. Remember to use the hashtags
#weareMoorlands and #intrepidMoorlanders so we can
retweet your pictures.
Finally a huge good luck to all our Year 6 pupils who will
be hearing from their prospective new schools this
Have a great weekend,
Mr McElhone
KS1 Victorian Day
Wednesday 28 January saw Key Stage 1 convert from
Moorlands pupils to Victorian school children! All children came
dressed in appropriate clothing and entered the building with
some trepidation.
The children experienced the 3Rs – reading, writing and
arithmetic, they had an object lesson, listened to a Bible story
and did a traditional PE lesson – drill. Madame Lough was a very
intimidating mademoiselle during French recital. Hands were
checked regularly and the Victorian adages of cleanliness is
next to godliness and children should be
seen and not heard were rigidly adhered to.
Several children failed to impress the
Victorian schoolmistresses (KS1 teachers)
and had to wear the Dunce’s hat, go in the
Punishment Book or receive the cane!
The day was educational, historical, a
little enjoyable in parts and primarily
terrifying! At the end of the day the
Children unanimously agreed they
much prefer to be Moorlands School
pupils in 2015!
Mrs Wheelhouse
KS1 Open Afternoon
On Friday 30th January, KS1 welcomed parents to their open
afternoon. The children proudly showed their parents their
work and their classroom displays before performing a
Victorian Childhood. The children acted the parts of Victorian
children at work as chimney sweeps, road sweepers, mill
workers and flower sellers before explaining the
improvements that came with compulsory education. The
children then acted a day in a Victorian schoolroom. They
enjoyed singing a variety of songs and dancing to well
known music. The children spoke loudly and clearly and
enjoyed sharing their learning with their families.
Well done to all.
Mrs Wheelhouse
National Science
InterInter-School Quiz
Four Year 5 and 6 pupils
travelled to the Diamond Light
Source in Didcot, Oxfordshire
on Monday 2nd February to
take part in the finals of the
National Science Inter-School
Quiz Championship.
Gabby, Joe, Harri and Felix had to pit
their wits against eight other top teams
from around the country, after winning
the regional heat in Yorkshire - and also
achieving the highest heat score.
After a slightly shaky start and some
incredibly difficult questions, we
finished fourth overall.
This is a fantastic achievement
Some of the questions included:
given that there was
approximately 400 schools in the Which scientist invented a vaccine for rabies?
competition to begin with.
Which planet has only orbited the sun once
since its discovery?
A huge well done to Gabby, Joe,
What is the study of pathology?
Harri and Felix. Time to start
What did Robert Oppenheimer invent?
swotting up for next year!
What is the name for animals that live in trees?
Mrs Doherty
'La Chenille qui Fait des Trous'
Key Stage 1 enjoyed a fun French
afternoon on Wednesday. We read
the story of 'The Very Hungry
Caterpillar' in French, and talked
about the life cycle of caterpillars.
We practised days of the week in
French, and introduced a LOT of
food vocabulary - this is about a
very hungry caterpillar, after all!
Pupils then made their own
French book to take home and
share with their family.
Well done, Key Stage 1. I was
extremely impressed with your
ideas, enthusiasm and
concentration. Madame Lough
Reading is Magic!
On Monday 2nd February Key Stage One
came to school dressed as witches and
wizards, many claiming to be Harry Potter
himself! Once they arrived at school the
sorting hat split them into four famous
houses, Gryiffndor, Slytherin, Ravenclaw
and Hufflepuff. After discussing the
qualities of each house the children made
the house emblems.
After playtime it was a potions lesson.
The children discussed what potions
they would like to make - love
potions, invisibility potions and magic
to make us healthier. They thought
about what ingredients they would
need to make their potions; diamonds, snow powder,
frog slime to name a few. Once the final ingredients
were added the potions bubbled and fizzed and the
children were very excited.
During the day the children enjoyed many magical
stories and extracts from Harry Potter. The children
loved discussing the stories and using their
imaginations. Jacob Hargreaves summed up the day
perfectly when he said, “Being able to read really is like
magic; because once you open up a book it can
transport you to a different land full of adventures”. It was a fantastic day. Mrs Irwin
Bedtime Stories
As school would normally be closing the doors after another busy day, on Monday
2nd February Key Stage 1 and Year 3 pupils could be spotted returning to school in
their pyjamas, with blankets and pillows and, in some cases, rather large teddies!
Don’t worry though we haven’t turned into a boarding school just yet! It was
actually Bedtime Story Night. The children snuggled down in the Key Stage One
Library as a selection of stories from the teachers were shared. Even one brave Year
6 stayed behind to read them one of his favourite stories. The children feasted on
biscuits, toast and hot chocolate before the final stories of the night. It was a lovely
Mrs Irwin
evening and a very special way to end a day dedicated to reading.
On Wednesday 4 February, 48 very excited children and
members of staff caught the train from Leeds to London Kings
Cross to watch the hit musical, Matilda! We walked for just
over a mile to the Cambridge Theatre and the children loved
seeing some of the sights of London along the way. We were
also incredibly fortunate to meet one of the main characters,
Miss Honey, after the show where she answered lots of the
children’s questions. It was a fantastic trip and thank you to
everyone who made it so special!
Year 3 also wrote a
letter to Tim
Minchin as he is our
‘Composer of the
Month’ and we
received a signed
photo back this
Mrs Matthews
Cross Country & Rounders Fest
Despite sending out 15 invitations to local schools, unfortunately we have not been
able to secure enough teams to come and compete on the 7th March for the
Moorlands Cross Country. Therefore, this event has been cancelled.
However, please put the following dates in your diary...
Moorlands Rounders-Fest returns on Friday 12th June (back up date 19th June).
Watch this space for sign up sheets! Will last years winners be back to defend their
Mrs Grayson
Class Photos
After Half Term, on Tuesday 24th February, we will be having the class photos
retaken. This is because we were not happy with the quality of the photos that
were taken a couple of weeks ago. We are sorry for any inconvenience this may
cause but we hope that you appreciate that we insist on high standards for your
children's keepsakes.
Message from the MSA
Yesterday you should have all received an
e-mail from us about "Easyfundraising". Get
used to this name as we make no apologies that this is going to be something you
hear a lot about in 2015!
It is quite simply one of the easiest ways we have to raise essential funds for our
children and the school. We've already mentioned that we are going to spend a lot
of money this summer installing much needed play equipment in the grounds to
suit all ages. However, that is just the start of what we could do - but we need
money to do it!
Since we first mentioned Easyfundraising at
the beginning of December we have raised
£140 from just 20 members.
But we have 100 families in school - that's
200 parents - not to mention grandparents,
friends and other relatives. If we can get everyone's full support we estimate that
we could raise thousands of pounds a year doing nothing other than our normal
shopping or holiday booking.
So please, please - even if you are not doing
any internet shopping this weekend - take five
minutes to register so that you are ready to go
for the rest of the year. If you are not already
doing this and you shop online then there really
is no excuse not to.
Let's see what we can do #We Are Moorlands!
Eve Alcock and your MSA 07875169222
Cricket Coaching Sessions
We have been given the opportunity for some
Moorlands children to enjoy some cricket coaching
sessions between 6th February and 27th March.
365 Cricket, in association with Leeds City Council, are
running these sessions for local children aged 7-16 who
are currently not playing for a cricket club, but may be interested in doing so. The
coaching sessions will take place at the Indoor Cricket Centre on St Michael's Lane
in Headingley on a Friday evening between 6pm and 7pm. The cost is only £10 for
the block of eight sessions. This is open to both boys and girls of all standards, even
if they have never played the game before. Places are limited and will be on a first
come, first served basis.
Please contact Paul Berry on 07795 154444 or paul@365cricket.co.uk for more info.
Dates For Your Fridge Door
Monday 9th
Reception Sea Life Centre Trip
WGS Open Day
Tuesday 10th
Reception Pirate Afternoon
Wednesday 11th
House Challenge Set
KS1 Trip to Aviation Museum
U9 & U11 Football vs Giggleswick (A)
U9 & U11 Netball vs Giggleswick (H)
Thursday 12th
Reports Issued
Friday 13th
KS2 Open Morning
4pm Break Up For Half Term
Half Term - 4pm Friday 13th February - 8.30am Monday 23rd February
Monday 23rd
MSA Bun Sale - Year 5
2pm U11 Boys, U9 Boys & U9 Girls Cross Country at Terrington
Tuesday 24th
Class Photographs
Wednesday 25th
House Challenge
U11 Rugby 7’s at Terrington Hall
2.30pm U9 & U11 Netball vs Moorfield (H)
Thursday 26th
KS1 & KS2 Parents’ Evening
The full school calendar is available on the website www.moorlands-school.co.uk
Lunch Menu For Week Commencing 9th February
Option 1
Option 2
Side Dish
Sautéed Potatoes,
Peas & Assorted
Fudge Cake
Rice, Garlic Bread &
Ice Cream
Veggie Roll
Stuffing, Roast
Potatoes, Yorkshire
Pudding, Broccoli &
Honey Oat
Salad, Cheese, Tuna &
Roast Turkey
Jacket Potatoes
Mashed Potatoes,
Carrots & Gravy
Crumble &
Available every day - fresh salad bar, fresh brown bread, fruit, jacket potatoes and a
selection of fresh sandwiches.