+ HOYLANDSWAINE PRIMARY SCHOOL 20th March 2015 Spring 10 A copy of this newsletter can be found on the school website: www.hoylandswaineprimary.co.uk Headteacher email: l.cole@barnsley.org SPECIAL MENTIONS No Special Mentions this week due to science week. SCIENCE WEEK We have had a fantastic science week in school this week. The children have spent the week asking questions, devising investigations, doing experiments, recording findings and analysing results. We also had two visiting professors from Sheffield University who came to talk to the children about their field of expertise. Everyone has had a great time and learned a lot! EASTER PRODUCTION Next week sees the Y5/6 Easter production. The children specifically requested to write their own songs after the success of last year's venture so we are all really looking forward to seeing what they have come up with! Parents should have their requested tickets by now after the letters over the last couple of weeks. We will not be issuing tickets for this performance as there will be enough space for everyone that has responded. We would like to request that all Y5/6 children meet at the school at 5.30pm for the evening performance where they will be able to get changed and will then walk up to the church together. Please send your children with a plastic bag for their ordinary clothes which they will bring up to church with them and leave with parents, or at the back of the church. We look forward to seeing you there! FOHS Thank you to all the members of FOHS who came in to work with the children last Friday on the special Mothers' Day gifts. We hope you enjoyed them! NEWSPAPER The first edition of the new school newspaper will be on sale after school next Wednesday and Thursday. It has been compiled by the children in the school and will cost 50p. You will be able to buy it in the playground and hear all about the wonderful things are children are up to! PARENT FORUM SUMMER TERM The date for the summer term parent forum is currently set for Wednesday 15th April. The meeting is to discuss the changes to the assessment system in school brought on by the government's changes to the levelling system. The meeting date is going to change to Monday 22nd June 2015 at 6pm. This is because the changes to the system are complicated and we want to be as certain as possible of the way forward before we present this to parents. We are also still waiting for information from the government about end of KS2 assessments and how they are going to change. By moving the meeting back into June we can give parents as much accurate information as possible. We hope you can join us on 22nd June. INSET DAYS 2015-16 We have set the INSET days for next year. They will be: Tuesday 1st September (therefore children will return to school on Wednesday 2nd September) Friday 23rd October 2015 Friday 5th February 2016 Monday 18th July 2016 Tuesday 19th July 2016 These are training days for teachers and, for two of the days, for all support staff designated by the government. Therefore school staff will be in school but this will be a day children will not attend school. The last two days will be taken in lieu through teachers attending twilight training sessions throughout the year; three twilight sessions equate to one INSET day. CLASS PHOTOS These will take place on Thursday 16th April in the afternoon and will be available for purchase shortly afterwards. BMS MUSIC LESSONS Music lessons will continue in the summer term for those children currently participating. If your child no longer wishes to continue with their music tuition in the summer term please send a letter to the school office so that Barnsley Music Service (BMS) can be informed. Mr Swift, guitar teacher, will be starting a new Ukulele session on a Friday afternoon for those children who have expressed an interest. Payment for music tuition should be made on Schoolmoney.co.uk and you are able to make your payment now, but no later than Friday 17th April please. Y3/Y4 HOCKEY Next Thursday the Y3/4 children are going to a Barnsley wide hockey tournament. The children need to have shin pads and we are purchasing a set for school. However, it would be very helpful if any Y3/4 children who already have shin pads could bring them to school and use them at the tournament. Please also make sure the children have their outdoor PE kit, appropriate footwear and their water bottle in school. The event is due to end at 4pm, so children should be back in school at approximately 4.15pm. If this time changes due to the running time of the event we will text parents to keep them updated. ROBINWOOD 2016 Next March we will be taking the Y5 and Y6 children to Robinwood Activity Centre at Todmorden. We would like to invite all parents and children who are currently Y4 and Y5 to a meeting to view a DVD about the centre and have a chance to discuss plans on Monday 20th April at 5.00pm. Please join us if you can! DINNER MONEY There will be 29 days during next half term therefore dinner money will be £50.75. All dinner money payments must be made on Schoolmoney.co.uk. Payments can be made at any time using the ‘Top Up’ option but please ensure that payments are made prior to dinners been eaten so that your account does not go into arrears. Thank You EXTRA-CURRICULAR CLUBS Letters were sent home yesterday with the allocation of the clubs for the Summer term. Please return the slip to confirm your acceptance of the place/s by Monday 23rd March so that we can set up the payments on Schoolmoney.co.uk before the end of term. If your child would like to participate in Bruce Dyer’s breakfast football sessions please complete the consent form sent with the letter and hand this in at the office with your payment of £36.00 by cash or cheque payable to ‘Lovelife UK’. All other payments must be made via Schoolmoney.co.uk and a text message will be sent once the clubs have been administrated on-line. The clubs for this term continue to run next week with the exception of Book and Craft club on Monday which has unfortunately had to be cancelled. EASTER HOLIDAYS Just a reminder that we break up for the Easter holidays on Friday 27th March and then return to school on Monday 13th April. CLASS 1 TRIP A reminder that class 1 will be visiting Silverwood next Wednesday (25th March) Please ensure your child is in school at 8.45am for registration as the coach will be leaving at 9am prompt. If you have not pre-ordered a school packed lunch, please make sure you send your child with a packed lunch from home. A small rucksack with spare clothing is required and please ensure your child wears wellies/boots and a waterproof coat with hat and gloves. Please make payment for this trip on Schoolmoney.co.uk. MESSY CHURCH A reminder that the next Messy Church will take place on Friday 27th March 3.30-4.30pm. The children will be making Funky Foam Easter Eggs to decorate Easter Crosses. The crosses will be displayed around Church and in Church on Easter Day at the Easter Family Service - 11am start. If you would like your child to attend but cannot bring them along yourself, there will be a walking bus from school to Church at 3.30pm. Please see Mrs Taylor or Mrs Thomas if your child would like to attend, or just come along on the day. Have a great weekend Friends of Hoylandswaine School Chocolate Tombola - Friday 27th March (last day of term) We would like to hold a chocolate tombola on the last day of this term. We would be grateful for donations of anything chocolate! (Easter eggs, chocolate bars, biscuits, brownies, etc.) Please send to the school office as soon as possible. Skyecycle We will be holding another collection after Easter so please start collecting any unwanted items. Date for the diary - Saturday 13th June We will be holding a summer treasure hunt event on Saturday 13th June. Further details to follow. Easy Fundraising Thank you to those people who are using the easy fundraising, please remember to keep using it! Fundraising All our fundraising events this year are raising money to make improvements to the log areas in class one and the main log area for the whole school, this will cost approximately £1400. We hope you will be able to support us where you can to raise this money. Date of next meeting - 15th April at 8pm in the cricket club, everyone welcome. If you can't make the meetings you can contact us via email fohs_rachel@aol.co.uk or have a look at our Facebook page.
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