CHNET-Works! Newsletter March 19, 2015

Community Health Networking...Works!
Linking professionals and leaders from across Canada and beyond. Sharing leading edge research and application on population health. Supporting discussions, networking and mobilization.
Lier les professionnels et leaders de partout au Canada et au-dela. Partager de la recherche de pointe et l`application sur la
sante de la population. Soutenir les discussions, le resautage et la mobilisation.
Announcement from our Animateur
It is with great delight that I announce my (semi) retirement as of
March 31, 2015!
It is semi-retirement, as I will be hosting some of the Fireside
Chats (webinars).
It has been a wonderful experience working with you, our participants, presenters and partners!
I am very pleased to welcome and introduce you to Lisa Childs, who has been taking on CHNETWorks! preparation and administration over the past year - and doing a great job!
Lisa is now your key contact for CHNET-Works! Fireside Chats: partnering, administration, registration, website posting, newsletter, tech support and problem solving, Presenters' training... etc!
Welcome Lisa!
Lisa will be a tremendous CHNET-Works! Coordinator -I'm sure you will appreciate her excellent
My best to all of you and to Lisa for our future Fireside Chats!
Dot Bonnenfant,
CHNET-Works! Animateur since 2006
University of Ottawa
Webinars at a glance / Apperçu des webinaires
March 24, 2015 - 1:00pm - 2:30pm - Toolkit: Implementation of Best Practice Guidelines from the Registered Nurses’ Association of Ontario (RNAO) / Au programme: le trousse d’outils mise en oueuvre
des lignes directrices sur les pratiques exemplaires de l’Association des infirmières et infirmiers autorisés de l’Ontario (RNAO)
The Toolkit: Implementation of Best Practice Guidelines, developed by the Registered Nurses Association of Ontario
(RNAO), helps with the systematic and well-planned implementation of best practice guidelines based on known factors for success. The toolkit, now in its second edition, provides a step-by-step approach to introduce and apply best
practice guidelines, and to ensure that those best practices are sustained
La trousse d’outils Mise en œuvre des lignes directrices sur les pratiques exemplaires, mise au point par l’Association
des infirmières et infirmiers autorisés de l’Ontario (RNAO), permet une mise en œuvre systématique et bien planifiée
des lignes directrices sur les pratiques exemplaires d’après des facteurs de réussite connus. La trousse, qui en est à sa
deuxième édition, procure une approche graduelle pour introduire et appliquer des lignes directrices sur les pratiques
exemplaires et pour que ces pratiques soient soutenues.
March 26, 2015 - 1:00pm - 2:00pm - Dynamic Continuing Education in Public Health: 10 Lessons in 10
The Public Health Agency of Canada initiated Skills Online—a dynamic continuing, online education program for public
health—some 10 years ago. The suite of online modules is designed to help individuals and organizations develop and
strengthen their knowledge and skills to meet the Core Competencies for Public Health in Canada.
May 21 2015 - 1:00pm - 2:30pm - The Arts and Individual Wellbeing in Canada: a brief review of research on recreational arts engagement. Health and wellbeing
In Arts Health Network Canada’s second “Arts & Health” themed fireside chat, Advisor on Tap Kelly Hill of Hill Strategies Research will review research on the public health and well-being implications of recreational arts engagement.
This presentation will focus on findings from the landmark 2013 study, Arts & Individual Wellbeing in Canada and also
include international longitudinal studies on arts engagement and wellbeing.
Webinars at a glance / Apperçu des webinaires
June 10, 2015 - 1:00pm - 2:30pm - Screening Children and Youth New to Canada: Practical Resources
The health needs of newcomer children are broad, and differ in important ways from those of their Canadian-born peers. Initial contact for a newly-arrived child or youth with a health care provider is an
important opportunity to identify certain pre-existing medical conditions. Whenever possible, a first
visit should include a plan for targeted screening for both infectious and non-infectious conditions.
Archived Presentation / Les présentations archivé
If you missed them: Archived Fireside Chats
Si vous les avez manqués : Les causeries archivés
Mar 18 #440 Communicating for change: improving public and decision-maker awareness on health equity /
Communiquer pour favoriser le changement : mieux conscientiser la population et les décideurs à l’équité en
Mar 03 #439 Psychiatry Workforce : Meeting the Needs : More Psychiatrists or role clarification?
Feb 27 #438 Is Canada ready for a national pharmacare program?
Feb 26 #437 Family Violence Prevention – Building Trauma Informed Communities / La prévention de la
violence familiale – sensibiliser les collectivités aux traumatismes
Feb 25 #436 NCCMT “OPHS Evidence-Informed Planning Cycle”. / Le cycle de planification fondée sur des
données probantes des NSPO
Feb 24 #435 The origins and spinoffs of equity-focused influenza prevention at Manitoba Health
Feb 20 #434 Age Friendly Communities Evaluation: "How to Incorporate Evaluation into your Existing AFC
Feb 11 #433 Unemployed Physicians in Canada: Who are they and why is this happening?
Feb 04 #432 Nobody's Perfect: What's New? / Y'a personne de parfait: Quoi de neuf?
Jan 29 #431 What does “fair” mean to you? The importance of language for advancing health equity.
Jan 27 #430 CPS: Child Development and Developmental Disabilities in Immigrant and Refugee Children:
Approaches to understanding and helping families
Jan 22 #429 Age-Friendly Communities Evaluation: Evaluating your Age-Friendly Community (AFC) Initiative
Jan 15 #428 Conducting Comparative Policy Research in the Real World:Lessons from a cross-provincial
review of team based primary health care
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Lisa Childs
Dot Bonnenfant
Administrative Coordinator
CHNET-Works! Aminateur