INTEGRITY RESPONSIBILITY HARMONY RESPECT LOVE OF LEARNING PRINCIPAL’S REPORT From Amanda ANZAC Day Ceremony CAULFIELD JUNIOR COLLEGE Internaonally Accredited School NEWSLETTER April 24th, 2015 186 Balaclava Road, Caulfield North Website: Email: Principal: Amanda Mclean Assistant Principal: Vicki Phyland Statement of Interna,onal Mindedness On Friday 24th of April our year 5/6 student leaders, supported by Kris/na DuCon and Katherine Keily lead the Anzac Day Ceremony. Claire Halse taught the junior school to sing ‘I am Australian’, which they lead the whole school in singing. All students made poppies that created three beau/ful wreaths. David Southwick our local member and Tony Murray a representa/ve from the Caulfield RSL shared informa/on and personal stories with us as part of the ceremony. I spoke about the Gallipoli Oak, which David Southwick presented to our students leaders. We were joined by parents and local residents who stopped what they doing to watch the Anzac Day Ceremony. At Caulfield Junior College it is an understanding that students will develop the knowledge and skills to appreciate our own and other people’s cultures; exploring differences and embracing them in order to become responsible ci/zens of our world. CALENDAR 2015 April –28th School Council Mee/ng April 24th—Whole school assembly for ANZAC Day at 9.15am May 1st—Pupil Free Day May 31—CJC Working Bee 2015 Term 1: 28 January to 27 March Term 2: 13 April to 26 June Term 3: 13 July to 18 September Term 4: 5 October to 18 December Noces sent home this week Premier's Reading Challenge Pupil Free Day – First Aid, Anaphylaxis and Asthma Training On Monday St John’s facilitated First Aid and Asthma Training to all staff. Training was interac/ve and each par/cipant had to pass each competent, including a mul/ple choice assessment at the end of the session. All staff passed the assessment and will receive their cer/ficates soon. First Aid, Anaphylaxis and Asthma Training are a Department Educa/on and Training requirement. Whilst, the First Aid training is valid for three years, staff are required to have 6 monthly updates for anaphylaxis and CPR every 12 months. EFM – new director appointed AJer a rigorous selec/on process Caroline Pommier has been appointed as the director of the EFM/FSE program. The selec/on panel consisted of a teacher representa/ve, the current director, the principal, the president of the EFM and a representa/ve from the French Embassy. Caroline comes with interna/onal experience, and is cur- 1 rently working in a French school. We look forward to mee/ng (in person) and working with Caroline. Pupil Free Day – Introducing a new Report Wri,ng Program On Friday 1st of May staff will be introduced to our new repor/ng program Sentral. Sentral is a web-based program that stores all data on our school server. The format of the report can be tailored to suit the needs of our school. We will be able to create detailed reports for parents and caregivers, and also have longitudinal tracking of all students. It also has a Student Wellbeing component that will support our Student Wellbeing Team in monitoring the emo/onal and social learning of students. NAPLAN The annual Na/onal Assessment Program – literacy and numeracy (NAPLAN) tests will be held on 12, 13 and 14 May for all students in Years 3, 5, 7 and 9. Students will par/cipate in tests for reading, wri/ng, language conven/ons (spelling, grammar and punctua/on) and numeracy. Years 3 & 5 teachers have been exposing students to different aspects of NAPLAN such as /med tests and looking at and talking about the tests in terms of understanding what ques/ons are asked, the meaning of words and phrases and text type structures. If you have ques/ons about NAPLAN please see you child’s teacher. Year 3/4 camp Years 3/4 will be going on camp to Forest Edge from the 18th– 20th of May. An informa/on session for parents will be held in week 4, and the /me and date will be confirmed by the year 3/4 team and sent out through Skoolbag. FRENCH SECTION ELECTIVE Chers Parents Ac/vités et événements prévus pour ce 2eme trimestre -Lundi 27 avril à 9h15 : assemblée hebdomadaire des élèves. -Lundi 27 avril à 19h dans la salle polyvalente conférence d’Emmanuel Bernet sur la mo/va/on des élèves et les nouvelles technologies d’appren/ssage. -Vendredi 1er mai : Journée sans école pour les enfants, les enseignants seront en forma/on sur l’évalua/on des élèves -Mercredi 6 mai : Excursion pour les élèves de CP et CE1 au Healesville Sanctuary. -Du 12 au 14 mai : NAPLAN tests pour les élèves de CE2 et ceux de CM2. -Du lundi 18 au mercredi 20 mai : camp des CE2 et CM1 à Forest Edge. -Mardi 26 mai : Excursion pour les élèves de CM2 et 6ème à Sovereign Hill. -Dimanche 31 mai de 14h à 17h : Working Bee, si vous êtes libres pour faire de pe/ts travaux afin d’entretenir et d’embellir notre école. -le 23 et 25 juin : incursion pour les CE2 et CM1 sur des expériences chimiques. Ecole des parents CeCe année encore, l'EFM et la French Sec/on Elec/ve de CJC auront le plaisir d'accueillir Emmanuel Bernet pour une conférence sur la mo/va/on scolaire. Emmanuel, enseignant-chercheur de l'Université de Montréal actuellement en poste au Lycée Français de Singapour, animera dans le cadre de ses 2 journées de forma/on auprès des enseignants de CJC une soirée d'informa/on pour les parents sur la mo/va/on scolaire et les nouvelles technologies éduca/ves dans la salle polyvalente de CJC le lundi 27 avril, de 19h à 20h30. La présenta/on, gratuite, sera en français. Vous êtes toutes et tous les bienvenus ! Anima/on pédagogique pour les enseignants de 6e Ce mercredi 22 avril, Vincent et Leora, les enseignants de la classe de 6e, ont bénéficié d’une journée de forma/on sur l’enseignement des mathéma/ques. CeCe forma/on était animée par Laurent Praly qui est enseignant du secondaire AEFE à mission de conseil pédagogique, actuellement raCaché au Lycée Français de Jakarta. Sites interac/fs gratuits de ressources Nous vous recommandons vivement ces sites qui vous proposent des liens vers des sites français, des exercices en ligne et des jeux éduca/fs gratuits pour les élèves du préscolaire à la 6éme. hCp:/ hCp:/sou/ www.logicieleduca/ Dear parents Important events and acvies for the 2nd term -Friday 24/04 at 9.15: Assembly for the commemoraon of ANZAC DAY. - Monday 27/04 at 9.15: Whole school weekly assembly. -Monday 27/04 at 7.00 in the mulpurpose room: conference for parents on students’ movaon and new technologies. -Friday 1/05: Pupil Free Day. CJC staff professional development day on assessment. - From Monday 18/05 to Wednesday 20/05: Y3/4 Camp at Forest Edge. -Wednesday the 6/05: Excursion for the Y1/2 students at Healesville Sanctuary. -From Tuesday 12/05 to Thursday 15/05: NAPLAN test for the Y3 and Y5 students. 2 -Tuesday 26/05: Excursion for the Y5 and 6 students at Sovereign Hill. -Sunday 31/05 from 2.00 to 5.00: working Bee. -The 23/06 and 25/06: chemistry Incursion for Y3/4 . Conference for parents This year again, the EFM together with the French Secon Elecve of CJC will have the pleasure to welcome Emmanuel Bernet for a conference on students' movaon and new technologies. Emmanuel is a teacher-researcher from Montreal University currently working at the French Internaonal School of Singapore. He will be presenng this session on students' engagement and new technologies in the Mulpurpose room of CJC on Monday 27 April from 7pm to 8.30pm. A@endance is free and the presentaon will be in French. You are all welcome to a@end. Professional development session for FSE Grade 6 teachers Last Wednesday 22 April, Vincent and Leora – FSE Grade 6 teachers – followed the whole day a professional development session on maths teaching and learning. The session was facilitated by M. Laurent Praly who is a secondary teacher from the French Internaonal School of Jakarta who is sent by the AEFE to train teachers from schools of the Asia-Pacific AEFE network. Websites of the month We recommend the following sites which contain a lot of links to French sites, free online exercises and educave games for students from PREP to Y6. hCp:/ hCp:/sou/ www.logicieleduca/ Gilles et Sébasen Hi CJC, We are looking for wool dona/ons to use for an exci/ng buddy ac/vity. If you have any wool that you would like to donate to us, please send it to the BER there will be a tub you can place it in. Thanks in advance, Katherine & Danyelle HOT DOGS—TERM 2 AND 3 Hot Dogs can now be ordered for your child/ren during term 2 and 3 every second Friday. Please place your order each week through QKR by Monday 12pm. Our suppliers are Con/nental Kosher Butcher and Vinuage bakery. Tomato sauce and mustard can be selected for the order. Vegetarian sausages are also offered in a roll. If you would like to help with the prepara/on please email Debbie Bloch it only takes 1hr every second Friday. Orders cost $3.50 per hot dog. SPORTS NEWS Well done to all the students that par/cipated in the Cross Country on Thursday. It was great to see so many children trying their best to run the track. Thanks to all the staff and parents that assisted on the day. It was great to see so many faces. Great job Caulfield Junior College!! ICAS ICAS tes/ng can be done at Auburn High School. Please see the below link for details. hCp:// region=vic&lang=en Dates and /mes are on the enrolment forms. Enrolment dates. Digital Technologies 17th April (today) Science 1st May English 26th June Mathema/cs 10th July CURRICULUM DAY 1ST MAY 2015 Please contact Camp Australia if you need your child to aCend out of school hours care. From Monday 27th April, you will be able to register your child on their website. You can also speak to Jordan from Camp Australia when you come into school. She has a list at her desk where she is recording interest in the day. They need a certain number of students to run the program. Jordan can also be contacted on the Camp Australia phone 0401 424 713. 3 Caulfield Junior College Term 2 Calendar 2015 21 April – 27 June Week 1 Week 2 Monday Tuesday Wednesday Thursday Friday 13 April 14 April 15 April 16 April 17 April Day one term two Cats Study 20 April 21 April 22 April 23 April NZ Exchange interviews 24 April Pupil Free Day FSE Mtg. 5/6 Walking to Caulfield RSL Buildings and Grounds Sub- commiCee Mtg. HIP Mtg. 28 April Finance Mtg. Gr 3 – 6 cross country, Caulfield Park PR and Communica/ons subcommiCee Mtg. ANZAC Day assembly – whole school 9.15am PC mee/ng MPR. Approx. 10.30 am 29 April 30 April 1 May Week 3 27 April School Tour @ 9:30 am School Council mtg. 7pm Week 4 Assembly @ 9:00 am Emmanuel Bernet Conference for parents on students’ mo/va/on MPR 7PM 4 May 5 May 6 May 7 May Assembly @ 9:00 am District Cross Country NAP Acca Excursion 11 May 12 May Gr 1 / 2 Healseville Sanctuary Fire Educa/on - Prep 13 May Week 5 Assembly @ 9:00 am Week 6 18 May Pupil Free Day 8 May Mothers’ Day stall 14 May 15 May 21 May 22 May NAPLAN Fire Educa/on Prep 19 May 20 May Grade 3 /4 Camp Assembly @ 9:00 am Week 7 25 May Week 8 Assembly @ 9:00 am EFM AGM in MPR 6pm 1 June School Tour @ 9:30 am 26 May 27 May 28 May Gr 5/6 Sovereign Hill 29 May Working Bee this Sunday 2 – 5 pm 2 June 3 June 4 June 5 June 9 June 10 June 11 June 12 June 16 June School Tour @ 9:30 am 17 June 18 June 19 June 23 June 3 / 4 Science MPR 24 June School Tour @ 9:30 am Assembly @ 9:00 am Week 9 Week 10 Week 11 8 June Queen’s Birthday Holiday 15 June Assembly @ 9:00 am School Council 7pm 22 June Assembly @ 9:00 am 25 June 3 / 4 Science MPR 26 June Last Day of Term Dismissal @ 2.30pm 4 Monday Morning Assembly 27th April Parents are welcome to attend our Monday Morning Assemblies on the oval at 9am. Congratulations to next Monday’s CJC Values awards recipients: Student Class Ezra Faigenbaum Chloe Auslender Sam Breimeyer Noah Pouwels Wheeler Mira Ivanov-Kegly Yasmin Freeman Darrah Les/deau Maya Shiferson Laura Wong Alban Le Bot Mahaut Chevalier Freyeisen Prep A Prep B Prep C Prep E 1/2A 1/2B 1 /2 C 1D 1E 2F 2G Lynn Cheong David Loven Alix Sangeux Lila Abello Ben Sayag Samuel Francou Aizea Corcoba Freeman Rachel Le Bihan Alex Leathley Rowan Davey Lebeau ElioC Ewen Kossyvas Joshua Plano 3/4A 3/4B 3C 3D 3/4G 4E 4F 5/6A 5/6B 5/6C 5D 5E 6F ANZAC DAY On ANZAC Day, students of Caulfield Junior College have been invited by the Caulfield RSL to parcipate in an inaugural march down Glenhuntly Road preceding the Caulfield RSL Dawn Service at 4 St Georges Road. Everyone is invited and encouraged to take part in this event which will include a march honouring those fallen, hymns, prayers, laying of wreaths, the Last Post, a period of silence, the Reveille, and both the Australian and New Zealand naonal anthems will be sung. The parade will be led by two members of the Light horse Brigade followed by a drum corps playing military solos from CBC St Kilda. Parents are encouraged to watch on, while students march in the parade in honour of a family member or friend. If there is no family connecon, students are encouraged to research a local community member using the following database: The march, which extends from Orrong Road to St Georges Road, commences at 6.30am and the Dawn Service commences at 7.00am. Best vantage points are along Glenhuntly road between Orrong and St Georges Roads. Students are asked to muster on Orrong Rd at 6.00am If you are a@ending, please meet Krisna at 6am at Orrong Rd as per above. 5 POP IN YOUR DIARY Mother’s Day Stall: Friday 8th May MOTHERS DAY STALL The parents commiCee will be holding our mothers day stall on Friday 8th May. We need volunteers to help prewrap, set up, assist the children and then pack up the stall. Its a great morning to be a part of and we are normally all packed up by 1:30pm. You can stay the whole morning or volunteer for an hour or so. Please email Leonie to offer your /me. CLASS CONVENERS Class convenors play a very important role in the school community. We need one for each class (or it can be a shared role). The idea is that the class has a get together once a term so that families can get to know each other. The class convenor also assists in pu\ng together class lists for parents so they can organise play-dates and make contact with other kids in their class. Class breakfasts and class pizza par/es have become popular events at CJC. Please contact Emma if you're interested in the posi/on or if you have any ques/ons about the class convenor role ( Please also let your child's teacher know if you are taking on the role. The classes s,ll needing class convenors are: 2F, 2G, 3D, 4E, 5/6A and 5/6B. MOTHERS DAY STALL The parents commiCee will be holding our mothers day stall on Friday 8th May. We need volunteers to help prewrap, set up, assist the children and then pack up the stall. Its a great morning to be a part of and we are normally all packed up by 1:30pm. You can stay the whole morning or volunteer for an hour or so. Please email Leonie to offer your /me. HOT DOGS ORDERS FOR TERM 2 Hot Dogs can now be ordered for your child/ren during term 2 and 3 every second Friday star/ng week 2. (April 24) Please place your order each week through Qkr by Monday 12 noon. Our suppliers are Con/nental Kosher Butcher and Vinuage bakery. Tomato sauce and mustard can be selected for the order. Vegetarian sausages are also offered in a roll. If you would like to help with the prepara/on please email Debbie Bloch it only takes 1hr every second Friday. Orders cost $3.50 per hot dog. Many thanks BIRTHDAY BOOK CLUB Another great way to support the school is by purchasing a book for the school library in honour of your child's birthday. Informa/on and an order form will be sent home with those students whose birthdays are approaching. Our library's book wishlists are available to view on the Skoolbag app under "fundraising" or as a hardcopy at the school office. Please email any enquiries to the Birthday Bookclub coordinator Belinda Minc: SUSHI / RICE PAPER ROLLS , CHALLAH and HOT DOGS can be ordered and paid for ONLY via the free Qkr App. Make sure you load the App on your smartphone. The Parents CommiCee 5D & 5E Class Breakfast Friday 15 May Please come along to breakfast from 815am and bring a nut free plate to share. Siblings are of course very welcome. If you have any ques/ons please contact Terri at or Kendra at 6 COMMUNITY NOTICES Public no/ces or adver/sements in the newsleCer are accepted in good faith but the school does not necessarily endorse the content. A charge is made for commercial adver/sement. 7 8 PIANO notes Piano lessons at school or in privacy of your own home. Work with qualified and experienced teacher and tailor music lessons to your own goals in preparation for AMEB ,ANZCA exams or simply learning your favorite songs. Email ishiferson @ hotmail .com 0412218264 Irene . 9 10 11 12 13 PASSEURS DE MOTS – ALLIANCE FRANCAISE DE MELBOURNE Ateliers d’expression théâtrale en langue française animés par Philippe Guinet, de l’associa,on « Les passeurs de mots » Mardi 12, mercredi 13, jeudi 14 mai et vendredi 15 mai 2015 Ateliers d’expression théâtrale Venez découvrir les techniques de l'art oratoire et travailler sur la prise de parole en public et en français ! L’Alliance Française de Melbourne vous invite à par/ciper aux ateliers d’expression théâtrale animés par Philippe Guinet, fondateur et directeur ar/s/que de l’associa/on « les Passeurs de mots ». Né à Paris, Philippe Guinet a suivi des études d’Arts Graphiques et de LeCres et Civilisa/ons. Il intervient depuis plus de quinze ans aux côtés du réseau des Alliances françaises, ayant fait du théâtre et des rela/ons humaines ses spécialités. Qu’il s’agisse de meCre en situa/on des professionnels sur leur expression à voix haute ou d’offrir une ini/a/on à ceux qui découvrent le théâtre, le projet « Les passeurs de mots » vise à développer l'expressivité et la confiance en soi à travers la mise en scène de textes français. Des interven/ons sous forme d'ateliers pédagogiques, des presta/ons individuelles ou en groupe élargi, au terme desquelles la res/tu/on se fait en spectacle vivant. Un moyen de donner libre cours à votre imagina/on et à votre liberté d'expression, tout en explorant la culture française et en partant à la rencontre de vos poten/alités. Vous recevrez un cer/ficat d’expression orale aCestant de votre par/cipa/on aux ateliers. Ateliers du ma/n (11h -13h) ou du soir (18h-20h), ouverts aux personnes de plus de 18 ans ayant au moins un niveau B2 en français, et aux locuteurs na/fs. Les ateliers seront organisés dans les locaux de l’Alliance française de Melbourne à St kilda, 51, Grey street. Plein tarif: $105/Membres et étudiants de l’AFM: $90 (4 ateliers) Réserva/on obligatoire avant le 1er Mai. Pour plus d’informa/ons sur l’événement:hCp://…/special-e…/passeurs-de-mots/ 14
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