Grace Thoumine, Senior Youth worker Youth Commission Office Les Ozouets Campus,

Supporting the Bailiwick’s Young People
Grace Thoumine, Senior Youth worker
Youth Commission Office
Les Ozouets Campus,
Les Ozouets, St Peter Port,
Guernsey GY1 2UB
Tel + 44 (0) 1481 756099 or 07839290390
Dear Parent or Guardian,
The Youth Commission is looking to offer young people aged 11-14 the opportunity to participate in the ‘Halloween
Project’ this coming October half term (27th- 31st). The project aims to help young people develop life skills such as
preparing meals, team work, budgeting and organisational skills.
Please see details below:
What activities will be available to young people attending?
Daily structure
9.30am- arrive at Les Ozouets Campus Youth Centre (please notify us if your young people is unable to attend)
Ice breaker and team building activities
9.50am- Sports activities or Arts and Crafts activities (young people will be given a choice between activities)
10.45am- Break (fruit snack will be provided)
11am- Project planning (Monday to Thursday)
12pm- Lunch and free time (lunch to be prepared and cooked by the young people with the support of staff, young people
must stay on site during this the free time and will be supervised throughout)
1.30pm- Graffiti art project lead by the Guernsey Arts Commission
4.30pm- Reflection and planning for the next day
5pm- End of day (please collect young people from Les Ozouets Campus or confirm other arrangements with staff)
The project planning element (Monday to Thursday) is for the young people to choose an activity/ project that they would
like to organise and run on Friday. Friday will be dedicated to the young people leading whatever they have planned on the
prior days. Young people will be fully supported by staff throughout this process and given guidance around things that
need to be considered to run the activity.
Cost of the project
£10 per person, per day. This cost is to help cover the cost of the lunch ingredients and materials for the project work.
Lunch and snacks
The young people will be supported to prepare and cook their own lunch daily. Young people will be consulted about what
food they would like to cook during the course of the week. Please ensure that dietary requirements and allergies are
stated on the relevant section of the consent form.
We strongly advise that young people should wear old clothing and shoes/ trainers, especially for the afternoon session as
art materials will be used. Sports clothing or loose fitting clothing will be most ideal. Please wear closed toed shoespreferably trainers.
We also suggest brining a rain coat daily, just in case!
Consent forms
Please complete the attached consent form as part of the registration process. Please be aware that this project is limited
to 10 young people and places will be allocated on a first come basis. Please return all consent forms to Grace Thoumine at
Les Ozouets Campus, St Peter Port, GY1 2UB. All places will be confirmed once the booked onto the project.
Please contact myself directly if you have any further questions.
Yours sincerely,
Grace Thoumine
Grace Thoumine, Senior Youth worker
Youth Commission Office
Les Ozouets Campus,
Les Ozouets, St Peter Port,
Guernsey GY1 2UB
Tel + 44 (0) 1481 756099 or 07839290390
Supporting the Bailiwick’s Young People
Young Person Consent Form
First Name
First contact in case of Emergency
Last Name
Relationship to Child
Date of Birth
Contact number during club
Second contact in case of Emergency
School Year
Relationship to child
Contact number during club
Doctor’s Details
Doctor’s Name
Post Code
Contact Number
Does your child / young person have any allergies? YES/ NO
DETAILS: ………………………………………………………………………………………………………………………..
Does your child / young person have a medical condition? YES/ NO
DETAILS: …………………………………………………………………………………………………………………………
Does your child/ young person need to have prescribed medicine administered during the course of the club? YES /NO
DETAILS: …………………………………………………………………………………………………………………………
*If YES, then a medical administration instruction form must be completed.
Does your child/ young person have a statement of special educational needs? YES/ NO
DETAILS: …………………………………………………………………………………………………………………………
Does your child / young person have specific additional behavioural or care needs? YES/ NO
DETAILS: …………………………………………………………………………………………………………………………
Does your child/ young person have any special dietary needs? YES/ NO
DETAILS: …………………………………………………………………………………………………………………………
Does your child/ young person have any phobias? .............................................................................................................
What activities does your child/ young person like? ………………………………………………………………………………
Are there any activities that your child/ young person does not like? ……………………………………………………………
Any other information of use …………………………………………………………………………………………………………
Occasionally, the Youth Commission staff may take photographs of the children / young people (with their agreement) involved in
activities. Please tick the box below if you give your consent for your child / young person to be photographed or filmed whilst at club.
I have read and fully understand the letter to Parents/ Guardians, and have fully completed all sections of the above form.
Signed Parent/ Guardian:
Please provide an email address:
*If you do not want to receive information relating to future Youth Commission events please tick here