Through IN THE HIGtlil1UI1TJlf.'.J-IJMACHAL PRADESH AT SHIMLA-l NUTlCE AFTER ADMISSION CASE No. C.R. filed on . . Petitioner( s) Versus Respondent Notice to Respondents for (s) ~. ......Respondent (s) Take notice that Advocate (5) have filed a petition in the above said case under Section , on behalf of the petitioner(s), challenging the order dated passed by tbe Learned in , titled as and the above petition has been admitted and no", Iixed for hearing before this Hon'ble Court on day of , Therefore, IlOII((' is herobv giVl'n to you to appear before this Court on the dlml'S;liri elate' and time. (' [lll'l ill Pl'I'-,(lll 01 through counsel or by some one by law ,lLnholilccl I() del lor you ill the c asc. III t"dS(" ill) appcar.uu c is, the matter will be hcanl arul cil'ciclcci ill VOLIIilll'-,t'Ill(' CiVf'1l under ot ,1lV hand and tll(' seal of till' Court on this day , 20 L:J. Encl: Seal Section Officer ( Judicial) High Court of HP Shimla. :~Oll" You diP. IWl'l'lj\, ,\ull;fll"l[I(I:-" High Inl()11 il',1 ih.n [Iw COLIn I egd! .111(1l aluka Leg,11 Snvicl's In'l' I('gill servlces ')(.'IVI«(''-, Clll1lllliltt'cs. erl u.ninces, 11(1111 the State Legal I~('gal Services Services Authorities, criteria. .ire available to you and ill lIce legit! services, you may contact any of as per eligibility CiISl' vou dre L'ligible ililCi cil''-,i!l' to avail 01 ll'Jl' ihe :t!)ll\l !"gd! Sl'I\ll(IS /\lIlh'lll!ic'-,'COIllIIl!II(,l''-, District Urgent ,Through IN THE HIGH CJ)URT OF HIMACHAL PRADESH . AT SHIMLA SHOW CAUSE NOTICE CASE No . C .R . filed on . Petitioner( s) Versus Respondent( s) Notice to Respondents t9r~~!..!~~~'. . . Take notice that named petitioner(s) has , Advocate(s) above filed a petition in the above . I' h . . section , W llC IS registere d as and now is fixed for hearing by the Court at 10:00 A.M. on the Respondent(s) , on behalf of the said case, under . . Therefore, notice is hereby given to you to show cause in this Court on the above date and time as to why the prayer made ill the Case No not admitted. If no appearance 1'-, made on your behalf either by you or by your pleader or by someone by the law authori/cd to act for you in this Case No ~ it wi \I he heard and C\CCic\L'c\ 111 \ our abscnro. of S ca I. EncJ. Given . under mv hand and the seal of the Court on this day . Section Officer ( Judicial) High Court of HP Shimla. Note:-" You are hereby informed that the free legal services from the State Legal Services Authorities High Court Legal Services Committees, District Legal Services Authorities and Taluka Legal Services Committees, i:b per eligibility criteria, are available to you and in case you are eligible and desire to avail of the free legal services, you may contact (lIlY of the above Legal Services!\uthorities/Committiees." • HIGH COURT OF HIMACHAL PRADESH AT SHIMLA-171001. No. HHC/JUDL/ No. C.R !),ltc:d Shimla the From The Registrar General, High Court of Ilimachal Pradesh, Shimla-1710OJ . . To Subjecl:- Publication of notice 8S in Versus C.R titled fixed for , In the above noted case, I am directed to forward herewith of notice to a copy Respondent No. 2: . ........................................ ) for publication , having District The on In circulation case has the daily newspaper in the area concerned, been fixed for hearing at 10:00 AM. It is, therefore, requested that the notice may please be published well in advance of the d.u e of hearing and copy of the tear sheet along with vour bill of publication charges be sent to this Registry for record. Yours faithfully Enclosures: As above. Section Officer( Judicial) High Court of HP Shimla. Endst.No.HHC/ JUDL/ C. R Dated: . Copy forwarded to the S.O. ( Accounts ), with a request to remit the amount of ./- to the publisher as publication charges. A sum or Rs / - stands already deposited vide Receipt No. .. dared CV R.R. No . Section Officer ( Judicial) High Court of HP Shimla. IN THE HIGH COURT OF HIMACHAL PRADESH AT SHIMLA171001 NOH: . C.R. No . Filed on . Petitioner (s) Versus Respondent(s) ( Proclamation Proced u re). under order 5 rule 20 of the code of Civil Notice to Respondent below for No. .. mentioned . .. ..... Respondent (s). Whereas In the above noted case, it has been proved to the satisfaction of this Court that the above named respondent (s) cannot be served in an ordinary way. Therefore, this proclamation under order 5 rule 20 of the code of Civil Procedure is hereby issued against him that he should appear in this Court either personally or through some duly authorized agent/pleader on day of (. ./ / ) at 10:00 A.M. Failing which ex-parte proceedings will be taken against him. this Given under my hand and the seal of the Court on day of , . Section Officer (Judicial) High Court of HP, Shimla. By way of Affixation IN THE HIGH COD RT OF HIMACHAL PRADESH AT SHIMLA '-JHOW C/\USI·: NOTICE CASE No. c.R. No . Filed on . Petitioner( s). Versus Respondent( s) Notice to Respondent for No. . mentioned below Respondent( s) Take notice that , Advocate(s), on behalf of the above named petinoner has filed ~I petiuon in the above said case, under section which is registered as and now is fixed for hearing by the Court at 10:00 A.M., on , . ( .! .! ) Therefore, not ic e is hereby given to you to show cause in this Court on the above dare and time as to whv the pravcr made in the Case No not admitted. If 110 appearance i-, made Oil vour behalf either bv you or by your pleader or by someone by the law authorized to act tOI you in this Case No , ir will be heard and decided III your absence. C iven under 111\ hand and the seal of the Court on this day of Section Officer ( Judicial) High Court of HP Shimla. Note:- ~ You are hereby informed that the free legal services from the State Legal Services Authorities High Court Legal Services Committees, District Legal Services Authorities and Taluka Legal Services Committees, as per eligibility criteria, are available to you and in CdSI' you are eligible and dexire to avail of the free legal services, you may contact any of the above Legal Services Authorities/Committees." Through Dasti IN THE HIGH COU_RT OF HIMACHAL CM.P. (M) No PRADESH AT SHIMLA Filed in CRST/CR No . . Appellant( s)/Petitioner( s) Versus Non-Appellanttsj/Respondenus). 10 the Respondent(s) for . Respondent( s). Take notice that , Advocate(s), on behalf of applicant(s) I Petitioncrts) named 'ibovc has filed an application on the above mentioned case, under section and that the application has been fixed for hearing on the day of ,................. or on any other subsequent date at the same' time and the case CM.P. (M) will be laid before the Court on that day or any other subsequent clay Notice is hervbv given to you to show cause ill this Court on the said date as why the prayer made in the application be not allowed. If no appearance is made on your behalf by yourself, your pleader, or by some one by law authorized to act for you in this application, it will be heard and decided in your absence. to day of Encl: Given under my hand and the seal of the Court on this . . Section Officer (Judicial) High Court of H.P. Shimla. Note:- "You are hereby informed that the free legal services from the State Legal Services Authorities High Court Legal Services Committees, District Legal Services Authorities and Taluka Legal Services Committees, as per eligibility criteria, are available to you and in case you are eligible and desire to avail of the free legal services, you may contact any of the above Legal Services Authorities/Committees." IN THE HIGH COURT OF HIMACHAL PRADESH Show Cause Notice C.M.P. No. Through AT SHIMLA Filed in C.R. No . . Petitioner (s)/Non-applicant(s). Versus Respondent( s)/ Applicant( s). Notice to Respondent(s) No . ...Respondent( s) Take r oticc that , Advocate(s) on behalf of Applicant(s)/Petitioner(s) n.imed above has filed an application on the above mentioned case, under section and that the application has been fixed for hearing on day of ,....................... or on emy other subsequent claw ,II the same Lime and the case CM.P. will be laid before the Court 0[1 [hat day or any othvi subsequent day. Notice is hereby given to you to show cause in this Court on the said date as to why the prayer made in the appl ication be not allowed. If no appearance is made on your behalf by yourself. your pleader, or by some one by law authorized to act for you in this application, it will be heard .ind decided in your absence. Given under my hand and the seal of the Court on this day of , . Encl: . Section Officer ( Judicial) High Court of H.P., Shimla Note:- "You are hereby informed that the free legal services from the State Legal Services Authorities High Court legal Services Committees, District Legal Services Authorities and Taluka Legal Services Committees, as per eligibility criteria, are available to YI[)U and in case you are eligible and desire to avail of the free legal services, you may contact any of the above Legal Services Authorities/Committees." By IN THE HIGH COURT OF HIMACHAL PRADESH Show Cause Notice . AT SHIMLA C.M.P. No. Filed in C.R. No . Petitioner( s)- Applicant( s). Versus Respondent(s)-Non Notice to Respondent(s) .for . ..... Respondent(s)-Non Upon Section motion made to this Court applicant(s) bv the applicantts) petitioner(s) under (parties) this ORDER . .md upon hearing the Counsel for the petitioner(s) Doth Court that, Further take notice that the above mentioned pennon will hearing before this court 011 the day of , A.M. or any subsequent day at the same time, if it cannot be taken upon should appear before this Court on the said date to show cause as to (injunction) order be not made absolute till the disposal of the case by this which, the petition will be heard and determined in your absence. Civen under mv hand and the seal of this Coun this of . come up for at 10:00 that day. You why the stay Court, failing day Seal Encl . Section Officer ( Judicial) High Court of H.P., Shimla Note:- "You are hereby informed that the free legal services from the State Legal Services Authorities High Court legal Services Committees, District Legal Services Authorities and Taluka Legal Services Committees, as per eligibility criteria, are available to you and in case you are eligible and desire to avail of the free legal services, you may contact any of the above Legal Services Authorities/Committees." Through IN THE HIGH COURT OF HIMACHAL SUMMONS TO LEGAL REPJU:SENTATIVE DEFENDANT(S)/RESPONDI:N'r(S) OF A DECEASED ( Order XXII, rule 3, 4 of the Code of Civil Procedure: C.M.P.M No . PRADESH AT SHIMLA. . Schedule l, Appendix B, Form 6 ) Filed in C.R. No . Petitioner( s)/ Applicant( s) Versus Non- Applicant( s)/Respondent( s) To the proposed LRI LR's of Respondent(s) No (deceased) Non-J\pplicant(s)/Respondent(s) Whereas, the petitioncr/plaintifffs) instituted an appeal in the Court on against the defendant( s)/respondent( s) who has/have since deceased and whereas the said plaintiff(s)/appeUant(s) has/have made an application to this Court alleging that you are the legal representative(s) of the said . ( )deceased and desiring that you be made the defendant(s)/respondent(s) in his stead. You are hereby summoned to attend in the Court on the day of , , ell lO:OOA.M. to defend the said appeal, and, in default of your appearance Oil the clay SPC( It icd, the said suit/appeal will he heard and determined in your absence. Given under my hand and the seal of the Court, ths day of . Section Officer ( Judicial) High Court of HP, Shimla. Ene!. . Note:- You are hereby informed that the free legal services from the State Legal Services Authorities High Court Legal Services Committees, District Legal Services Authorities and Taluka Legal Services Committees, as per eligibility criteria, are available to you and in case you are eligible and desire to avail of the free legal services, you may contact any of the above Legal Services Authorities/Committees." ACTUAL DATE INTIMATION NOTICE IN THE HIGH COURT OF HIMACHAL PRADESH AT SHIMLA-l. No. HHC/JUDlIC.R. Dated: No . . Petitioner( s). Versus Respondent(s). Notice to:- Respondent(s). You arc hereby intimated that the above mentioned for hearing before this I-Ion hie High Court of Himachal list of of Pradesh case will be listed at Shimla in the monthly . Given ,20IS. under Illy hand and the sell! of the Court on this Section Officer ( Judicial) High Court of HP Shimla. day HIGH COURT OF HIMf\CHAL NOTICE REGARDING Case No. CR No. PRADESH AT SHIMLA-171001. EI ,EVATION/APPOINTMENT/DEATH OF THE ADVOCATE. NDH: . Petitioner( s). Versus ........... Respondent( Notice to Petitioner(s) for s.:.••••••• . Take notice that your counsel/advocate elevated as further the tdkc in the above referred case has been . Take notice (hat the case at 10:00 A.M. When personally s) or through stops 10 prosecute some duly authorized the pt'lltioll, if will be listed for you are required agent/newly appointed hearing to appear either counsel/advocate to so desired. Take further notice that ill case you fail to appear on the appointed do not make any arrangement on for engaging an advocate or fail to conduct day or the case on your behalf, within a period of four weeks of the receipt of this notice, the appeal will be proceeded with and determ incd in your absence and no further notice in relation thereto shall be given to you. Given under my hand and the seal of the Court, this of day . Section Officer (Judicial) High Court of HP Shimla. REMINDER HiGH COUKCOF HIMACHAL PRADESH AT SHIMLA -171001. No.HHC/ Judl/C.R. No . Dated Shimla, the . ------ From The Registrar General, High COLIrt of Himachal Pradesh, Shimla- 171001. To Subjecl:- Regarding as service of notices ............................... ............ Fixed titled III Vs . 101'. . Sir, refer Kindly CJ. ........................................................ to Registry dated letter , vide which notice (s) was / were sent to you for effecting the service upon Respondent(s) No for Therefo: o, I have been directed above before said noticets) either served . to request you to return the or unserved in .his registry on or , the date fixed in the manner. Section Officer (Judicial) High Court of HP Shimla.
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