.• fu-------· IN THE HIGH COURT OF_HIMACHAL PRADESH, SHIMLA-171001. FORM I-B. NDH:CIVIL ORIGINAL PETITION ( CONTEMPT) NO. ~ (s). I) .. -----------.-----.--.-------------.--..-------.-------.----------------------etinoner Versus. -----------.-------------- ------------------------ ---------- ---------- Responden t(s). Notice to Respondent -=.f=or:c. . (Actual!TH) .....Respondents/Contemnors. The above noted civil Contempt petition under section 10 of the Contempt of Court Act _ is pending in this court. You are, hereby, required to appear before this Court at Shimla, on the __ at 10:00 A.M. in person, through counselor by someone by law authorized to act for you in this case and show cause why you should not be punished l or other appropriate order be not passed against you) for committing contempt of the Court. You shall continue to attend the Court in person, through counselor by someone by law authorized to act for vou on all dates thereafter to which the case may stand adjourned and until final orders are passed on the charge against you. Herein fail not. Given under Illy hand and the seal of the Court this ._-_ ..._-._- Enclosures: Copy of petition. Assistant Registrar (Judicial) High Court of HP Shimla. _ " By IN THE HIGH COURT OF HIMACHAL CIVIL ORIGINAL PRADESH, SHIMLA-171001. FORM 1-A. ~DH:- PETITION (CONTEMPT) NO. ~ ------ ---------------- -..- -------- --------------- ------ ------------ ----Petitioner'( s). Versus, ---------------------------------------------------------------------Ftespondent(s). Notice to Respondent No. for ( Actua~/TH ) ...Respondent/Contemnor. The above noted civil Contempt of Court petition/Reference/Motion is pending in this Court as per copy attached. You are hereby, required to appear before this Court at Shimla, on the at 10:00 A.M. in person and show cause why you should not be punished or other appropriate order be not passed against you for committing contempt of the High Court/Subordinate Court ( name of the court ). You should continue to attend the Court in person on all dates thereafter to which the case may stand adjourned until final orders are passed on the charge against vou. l lerr-in fail not. Given under hand and seal of the Court this Assistant Registrar (Judicial) High Court of HP Shimla. • H1GH COURT 01 H1MACHAL PRADESH, SHIMLA-171001. No. HHClJUDLI cope No. Dated Shimla , the day of of 20 ,20_ '10 -------------- ------------ -- ------------- --.----------------- ---------------------- Petitioner( s ). - - -------- Respondent( s). \ I~]~SUS ---------------------- ----- --------- ------------------------------- PCIlciil114 II' 1!1(' High I dill arrompanving (OP\ with him-thorn has/have Encl: Iloliceh) been duly (notice R.No. d/Vl. COllY Court direru-d to be served [( return and [i xcd lor he.iring on --l(.=.-A""c""tu~a:!.!l.J."_). to IL'qU('~t that VUII will be good enough UPOIl the person(s) named therein the other to this court with an endorsement to cause the and leaving that the notice(s) ~PI \, cd. in duplicate FOI petiuou. to the 'y aLII'S faithfully, Registrar, High Court of HP Assr-iaru aile (Judicial) Shimla. • --.ltLJ1-\ E~-Ig}lLi;OJJrrL~lL!iJMACJ-IAL CIVIL ORICIN!\L PRADES H, SHIMLA-171001. NDH:: __ of 20 PETITlON ( CONcT'EMPT ) NO. --- -- ------- --- --------- --- ---- -------- ------ ------- -------------------------------------- -_ Petitioner( s). VERSUS ----- --- --- -------- ---- ------------ -----------------------Notice -------- -- ------------------- Respondent( s). to Witness '\Jo. 101 --------------------------- To produce or calise to produce:- ..... Witness. whcrc.«. your attendance is required to give evidence on behalf of petitioner in the above mentioned case. You are, hereby required (personally) to appear before this c.ourt on (_______ __ ) at 10.00 0' Clock, in the forenoon and to bring the documents as mentioned above. Your n .iveling and other expenses and subsistence allowance for one day will be given at till' lime of hearing. If you fail to comply with this order without Iawtul excuse, you will be subject to the consequence of non-attendance laid down ir Rulc-12 or Dreier ,\ \I I of tile Code of Civil Procedure clay ()j _________ ,20 _ Registrar (Judicial) High Court of HP Shimla. Assistant Nell(': 1\ "11111 ul I{'-, is lying deposited III tillS 1\C'f',iSII) \1(1(' I<l'ceipl No. , dillecJ__________ ,II IW. No. , as road & diet monev.
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