_HIGH COURT OF HIMACI{AL PR illESH. SHIMLA-171001 HHC/JUDLILPA No Dared, Shimla, the Nt) fo Case ,,)0. LPA No .. Appellants/ Respondents Versus Respondents/ Petitioners. Pending in the High Court .ind fixed for hearing on , I am directed notice(s) ro be served upon ro request that you will be good enough to cause the accompanying d1i~ personis) named therein and .eaving one copy with him/them to return the other to this Court with and endorsement that the noucets) has/have been duly served. End: in dupiicate a/w copy of Appeal for the service of Yours faithfully, Sectiun Officer (Judicia l ) High Court of HP, Shimla. HIGH COURT OF HIMACHAL PRADESH, SHIMLA-171001 . No. HHC/JUDLI CMP.M Dated, Shimla, the To CaSl No. CMP.M NO l Appellants/ Respondents Versus Respondentsl Petitioners. Pending in the High COUli and fixed for hearing on _ I am directed to request that you will be good enough to .ause the accompanying notice(s) to be served upon the person(s) named therein and leaving one copy with him/them to return the other to this Court with and endorsement that the notice(s) has/have been duly served. in duplicate alw copy of Appeal End: for the service of Yours faithfully, Section Officer (Judicial) High Court of HP, Shimla. " \." ' \ •.•..•• ., " . pi:! n:fI:l!;d,~·\llnnlu;:, ..' ~ ~ " ~ '" OJ ., \; 'f . OJ It I> •• " " II " ~'etL .,er(s}. ~, 'll1; GOHli, "'. ,,·,1 ,., . ,,'" • v •. " ~ . ;:.- .,. v I; \ ~, /. hy it~~p\~(.Wnn.QJ(r;j <Hi. ()p'!p it'i' Wi.,!e I (~9lil'i~,'il'J~(~)~h(1~,rdr~~ ~;he(.!{j1J~&(jl ~)i{ P"'~~fbl/, i·'W *"fl"f" 0l"iiml l'lVI:JN ',1 F":'j l'{\!~\ri;t'iV;) h(5 '(,":I:;Y! L'i·d • : • ~ i • ; , • "~ ~ r • • . t~'{ilf!l['tf:c-!I O!(~(:·!'··,'f~!; f: hif, l:l~rHt~H-'t:~ ktj :r.'f· t!~( (\) ~~;'"C. Hl.\: rt :;,tf" j ;J,f~ f ;1.: :'C·1 t: 1 rcv' t hlc t' ' d!~~:)fin,:·;.-, ,. tlr~ ( r~':\,1~t i.~,I~t'tJ,t'1t:~.[fk~n ~J.i'!1,~·. ,,'t~(: 'Hj(..;... 'I(~a), (tr .. ~ ~, . ~~. I' \ti.~:y :'Ft ll,~ti:{~d1'l~~' ;-'~ ~!.(1' :'~~,ro J~. ». '~~'1'h~~J s~th~~i"l~ , 'nl)'\'it!i7!:i~J,'(' i il;'j t :i'!'iH-\[ £(It, l:~,)t'~n, 1 h~',!.dr:y, '{~~r~ 1':f~CJ-U' (U,~..,{~i,dlt't~C} idn-)i\t(k;~'.' ~~11.):"Gi h'l(.\ . ::~ i:~H~l~q ihI> f(4 .I,\JI'. i~;tl~~r,;;'~~t·!i~:~~.:. ;J _:,\f:;~:'3;~:·~.[!~IL. r.'i!:n\~ \d1idi; flIt; ·f;(;[· 1 :\; i~ii~~I~~1 liZ, h(;,~rdi~'nd d0tw·:·)ttinc;\ Gi en tt!/({c'i' my day ol'. _ ,....... r r PI)) f ~ :- ~ ,i'\lluj!\ ,~~ . d~~W.-i:;· , (!o:lft(~ '! ~'/i!! I It;:nd .'!l'\ "dlfl. till; ~;';il\ iJf' this cr;t:!'l (hi'; ... ,. : 0 n Ij. IN THE HIGH COURT OF HIMACHAL PRADESH AT SHIMI '\ CMP/CMP(M) Nr. . filed in LPA No . .................... Appeuantts) Versus .........................Respo.idenus) Notice to Respondent Take No . ; Ice that behalf of Applicant/Petitioner mentioned case,........ .uid that Shri named Advo ate(s)on above has filed an application . the on tl ~ above of the code of Civil P oce: II re application has the beer. fixed for hearh ~ or on any other subsequent on dat : at the same time, and the else (C.M.P) will be laid before the Court on the that day c . or any other subsequent day. Notice IS hereby given to you to show cause in this Court on the: lid date as to why the prayer made in the application be not allowed. If no appearance your behalf by yourself, your pleader, or by some one by law authorized this application, it Given WI. is nade 011 to (let f( . y/J,~ in i be heard and decided in your absence. tinder my hand and the . eal the Court,this....... Illy of .......... 2014. Section . 'igh COUt' Shiro ,I, Officer (Judicial) f Himachal Pradesh. ·171001 Encls: Copy of CMP( H j ;\(}ie:You ore tien.r. informed that the free legal s ces from the State Legol ;e"'ices Authorities, High Court Legal Services Committees Distru : I egal Services Authoriries on Tuiu/w Leqa! Services Committ"cs , as per eligibility criteria, ';1" Qvailable to you Gild in COS! I'O;! ore , e!ielil'le ':lild desirp f( ;"uit (it thp frpp /pnnl \pn.'irp, mrlt/ rnntnN n( fiJn ~¥:;:~:: ;~: ~". '.. : ;'i::i}i.. ~}i~'_U:_L J; ~i:L S~I "ices AlJ[hori[i('~, Co unittees. I .. - Submission : ~ 0'''· .. c_ •. :j •..•• I. -.!'HE HIC;JI COLRT OLflJ[\I/\' r,L\L I~JlAI2r.SH~T SH[YILA:l SDH..;.:__ , _ .. _ ( ORDER 41 RULE 14 OF ACT ;'\0. \ ofl908, CHAPTER XVIII RULE 1 &2) ( APPE[ l.ATE CIVIL It RISDlCTlON ) ,).l.--,'~f!, .. :'1 __ ----- vppellanus). \' ersus. ..---....R PSi,l);l d ell t (x), I peal tlie frolll ./Wh.',lll,'l1( 'Order H.G_S_hinll'l,j_ll (1.1 iCQ...tQ . _. . Take notice by presented ':1[: .,)[,' _ t (~!' 1~£idel1.J..l..l.~ fLtmJ)if Vl!:.,-,~u'i.t . '- . JLJ-ligb Coun _ ry~ that an .J,)l'cal _, from the Judgment __________ . __ has beer rid before the Court on such dat in the case has been and that the ._-- dated __. Adv.(J_0.!J_e__ and registered ixcd by this Court, for hearing 'I' on any subsequent day. i [lIe Court { ,'IC appeal and that the case will be H'you do not engage unscl, notice ofany alteration j] I e date fixed for the hearing ofllllS .ppcal will be given 10 .\ ou by t ,g;',!C; cd po~1. You should info: I,' Deputy Registrar, or this COlli I. .vithin one month of the receipt l: his notice of appeal, of' your adrtrc ss for service during this appeal. If vou fail to furnish such address, .' II address, as contained ill this' .orice of appeal which is the addrcxs .iven ill the Memo of appeal Wi:1 he deemed to he your correct ad.I: 2SS and all further notice posted 10 Ille latter addresses by Rcgisterr "ost will be deemed to be suffici. ;1 for the purpose of the appeal. I uuthuri If no appearance is ;,:.1(le 011 your behalf' by yourself zerl to act Ior you in this »eal. it will be heard and deride Given under t he Sl',' t 'the Court (hi" __ ._. __. .____ counselor by someone parte in your absence. <)\11' \ 1(- _ Secti » Office :"{ol~:_" by 1;1\\ _ (Judicial). arc hereby infor n I'd that the free legal services fr« 11 the State Legal Service Authorities, Legal Services Co nuuittees, District Legal Services \utllorities and Taluka Legal Services COlllmittees, as per eligibility c ;1'~I'ia,are available to yo and ill' »xe you are eligible and desire to avail the free legal services, you 111a ' , »ntact any 01' the above Legal SI ," ices Author-ities/Committees." YOLI High Court .. ' j ! -. j' I {\ THl- l!!C/I r or ( Ol. R lL\lACH.\I. P1LI,DESH AT ~HIMLA~l. ,., .. -. '"····-~-·,--·-···-·Petiti(jner(s:). \ (!Of'~ ~l ..~. ..".. - ...-_. "-~---'''' ..... ,. i1es\i 'adcut(s). --+ spondeni. 1':11\,: :.!-''-'',',''i.,,; 11:' ,ii\c! >:1' "': ..:. I''!'''I. :!.t:'i'}:'H. ;-:lJliu~' !ll\..' on the behalfof the appelu '" :1: the ahc\c mt>/ltil)'.~·,1 case _l-lI1der Clause 10' olJ~he .. __ ..,_., .. al",~ 'hat the appeal has been fixed for __ .l ' d!'ll;:til ::"!'·i.~·<JJ... _ I:l':" "I·.l:'vll'l·, __ _ __ .~:·i __ _. .L__ ._. BL1'UO .:.~.:..\I~ " I 'i\"(;'(: ,,\ 1'(.' 1 , '.' (' . '. '-; hcri../:·'~I\ ,j:"" '. ca. l:'''! l:; .'lIU to this Court on the said if no C\Plx~arance is made 01' 'lour rised tu act for you, in this . :"'; i' (·;'~)\V ',: r:()\ adrnitt (If by i'"" :\u !'... 'f,t:ill';I;;,., » .'-'t'., ' I ...,llii' ,'j, ,\"r w:!i n:~' j~'::!ll:-i :,:'\.~{;c:,>,,'. l !n voi.r :\~·) ...eicc. ( .~'. ':! I to . cause in I :( ,I '- ecuon OrCic(:r ( Judicial ) '1 igh Court of HP Shimla. '''t " nil ,H:. h e: "t .iJl"nl'i!H::d ./);11 free leg(i.l ';(' .ices from the State Legal Service '--tigll Ct,!,:; Legal ~;t1\'ic:", Commiul',::". ,) .tr ict Legal Services Author! "~HI I r aluk a LCf.!,d Sa\,[(~'· '. ()nnni[fl~(.''',,I.'; per eligibility \ r;~eria. are' available to yoand 't~a,;t ) (lU an: digiol'.: and clt",iQ"e;to avail the free legal serv ct'S, you may contact any of the [,DOVe I l.~~:.~~i {~,~ .v j (' "" III h r ' '£ks/ C om iii!H('es, " ': .;~:;:' r\I,j!Jorii;e~. !" PSA Date of hearing:IN THE HIGJ!J :OURT OF HIMACHAL PR:\DESH AT SHIMLA ~o""f,,----__ Filed in ,;. Petitioners. Versus Respondent. ''JOliet' to !\l.'sp(Jlldent __ -,for lake i1r! ice that Sh. on behalf ol /\;Jp[;cilnt/Pc>titJOlWr namcr .rnove has filed and application 011 the above mentioned case, und~l SecU.!!!!...S oLLimitatioll _~ and that the application h is been fixed for hearing on tnc _____ .. ,__ ._ --_.') , on uny other subsequent dare at the same time and the G1Se c'!'vl.P (1\1) will be lJ:l: beh.re the Court on that day or any other subsequent day. hcreh . c,ivC'n to you to show cause in th» Court on the said date as to whv .ne prayer made in the ili;i"li~i11ion be not allowed. If no appearance is made on your behalf :')) yourself, your pleader. 01 i)\, some one by law authorized 10 act for you in this application. ,J \vlll ~)(' heard anrl deciderl i.: your absence, ! lorice (;jv'('11 i~l1C:: Copy IS LInde; n.. 'land and the seal of the Court ( ii [his davof '.11t:MP(M). ,SeQ: Section Officer (Judicial) High Court of H.P.ShimIJ. ~'{Q!f:.:_l',QlI are hf.reuy informed that thr free legal services £1'0111 the "t,lte Legal Services Authorities High (&l!.!JJc~al Services .QlmJJll, I('~ District Legal Services Allthoritic·, and Thluka Legal Services Conllnitt('~'~ !1';LVJTfL!giQ.i.tit'y_,i.rited~h.i1IT .lv-!oU.!.pbleJoyou and in case YOll are eligi111e and desire to avail of the free legflj StI~I<,:(·sd~.!!.I2..J..!l<.!llQI!t"ct'lJJ_'ill, the above Le~l Services Anthorltievr.omminees."
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