Ref. IIRD/A002/2015-10885 Dated: 15th April, 2015 Notice Inviting Tenders for Supply of Construction Material Institute for Integrated Rural Development (IIRD) a developmental organization, hereby invites tenders from the eligible bidders for supply of the material for construction of the IIRD New Block as per the requirement of IIRD at Shanan, Sanjauli, Shimla, H.P. Consolidated Quantity 1 2 3 4 Aggregate - graded stone aggregate 40mm nominal size Sand- Class 1 Solan Sand Cement - first grade Steel 16 mm dia ( 237 rft), 12 mm dia (585 rft) , 10 mm dia ( 240 rft), 8 mm dia( 499 rft) 5 Bricks – 2nd class bricks 1380 cuft 990 cuft 189 bags 5651.8 kgs 3000 nos Last date of submission is 21.4.2015 (3:00 pm) through 1. email at if the security amount is deposited online; or 2. By post / in person at IIRD Complex Bye Pass Road Shanan, Sanjauli, Shimla-6, H.P. if the security money is deposited through DD. The details are available on our website Sd/Ar. Vimal Preet Urban &Rural Planning Officer IIRD, Shimla ( ) Ph no: 8628895092 IIRD Complex, Bye Pass Road, Shanan, Sanjauli, Shimla-6 HP India E-mail: Phone: 0177-2640761 Telefax: 0177-2843528, Website: Ref. IIRD/A002/2015-10885 Dated: 15th April, 2015 Notice Inviting Tenders for Supply of Construction Material Institute for Integrated Rural Development (IIRD) a developmental organization, hereby invite tenders from the eligible bidders for supply of the material for construction of the IIRD New Block as per the requirement of IIRD at Shanan, Sanjauli, Shimla, H.P. Instructions to the Bidders 1. Download the tender document from the IIRD website ( and transfer tender cost of Rs 1000/- to IIRD’s account No. 30617105070 SBI New Shimla IFSC SBIN004122. 2. Submit the financial quotes as per the prescribed format as in Annexure-A alongwith tender document cost and security money. 3. Acknowledge the supply order and send us the accepted scanned copy (signed copy) through email. 4. The bidder shall deposit a security amount equivalent to 5% of the total bidding amount either through bank draft payable in Shimla or online through IIRD SBI account no. 30617105070; IFSC: SBIN0004122. The shall be returned back on receipt of the entire material satisfactorily. And in case the material is not supplied as per quality / specifications, the same shall be forfeited against the time & monetary loss caused to the organization. 5. Supply the material as per the specifications at IIRD Complex, Bye Pass Road Shanan, Sanjauli, Shimla, H.P. 6. Facilitate the verification process wherever required with IIRD’s Technical Team. 7. The non-serious bidders shall be summarily rejected. 8. The mater shall be subject to jurisdiction of HP High Court Shimla only. IIRD’s Role 1. 2. 3. 4. To receive the financial quotes from the vendors. To select the vendors based on quality cum cost based criteria. To issue supply order to the selected vendor(s). To release the payments. IIRD Complex, Bye Pass Road, Shanan, Sanjauli, Shimla-6 HP India E-mail: Phone: 0177-2640761 Telefax: 0177-2843528, Website: Schedule of the Supply of the Material: Part 1 of the Supply order Part 2 of the Supply order Part 3 of the Supply order 25th April, 2015 1st May, 2015 15th May, 2015 Release of Payment: Payment shall be release within 30 days from the date of submission of the bill for the work and shall be made online to the vendor’s account. Important Dates Date of tender going online Last date for receipt of the financial document Opening of the tender and award of Work 15th April, 2015 21st April, 2015 (3.00 PM) 21st April, 2015 (5.00 PM) Specifications SN Item Quantity Part 1 1 2 3 4 5 6 Store Construction Aggregate - graded stone aggregate 40mm nominal size Sand- Class 1 Solan Sand Cement - first grade Steel 16 mm dia ( 237 rft), 12 mm dia (585 rft) , 10 mm dia ( 240 rft), 8 mm dia( 499 rft) Bricks – 2nd class bricks Steel railing – 1½ inch angle, square bar, square pipe 440 cuft 270 cuft 52 Bags 378 kg 3000 375kg Part 2 1 2 3 4 Retaining wall Steel reinforcement Aggregate - graded stone aggregate 40mm nominal size Sand- Class 1 Solan Sand Cement - first grade 1022 kg 450 cuft 230 cuft 43 Bags First Floor IIRD Complex, Bye Pass Road, Shanan, Sanjauli, Shimla-6 HP India E-mail: Phone: 0177-2640761 Telefax: 0177-2843528, Website: 1 2 Steel reinforcement Aggregate - graded stone aggregate 40mm nominal size Sand- Class 1 Solan Sand Cement - first grade 3 4 1938.4 kg 490 cuft 245 cuft 47 bags Part 3 Second Floor Steel reinforcement 1 2 1938.4 kg Aggregate - graded stone aggregate 40mm nominal size Sand- Class 1 Solan Sand Cement - first grade 3 4 490 cuft 245 cuft 47 bags Consolidated Quantity 1 2 3 4 Aggregate - graded stone aggregate 40mm nominal size Sand- Class 1 Solan Sand Cement - first grade Steel 16 mm dia ( 237 rft), 12 mm dia (585 rft) , 10 mm dia ( 240 rft), 8 mm dia( 499 rft) 5 Bricks – 2nd class bricks 1380 cuft 990 cuft 189 bags 5651.8 kgs 3000 nos Note: IIRD reserves right to select or ignore any of the parties without assigning any reason. Sd/Ar. Vimal Preet Urban &Rural Planning Officer IIRD, Shimla ( ) Ph no: 8628895092 IIRD Complex, Bye Pass Road, Shanan, Sanjauli, Shimla-6 HP India E-mail: Phone: 0177-2640761 Telefax: 0177-2843528, Website: Annexure A SN Item Quantity Rate Amount Date Place Signature Name of Authorised Signatory Stamp IIRD Complex, Bye Pass Road, Shanan, Sanjauli, Shimla-6 HP India E-mail: Phone: 0177-2640761 Telefax: 0177-2843528, Website:
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