Florida Chapter HEALTH PHYSICS SOCIETY Newsletter Volume 14, Issue 1 June 2015 PRESIDENT’S MESSAGE Mike Phillips Greetings to all! I’d like to thank everyone who assisted with the Spring 2015 chapter meeting in Cape Canaveral. Successful meetings happen when our members pitch in where they can. And speaking of pitching in, we are still looking for a newsletter editor. It’s a great opportunity to practice those writing skills and strengthen contacts with your fellow members. We have just completed another highly successful Spring meeting and the topics included something for everyone, from laser safety to modular reactors. For those of you who were unable to attend, you will be able to find the presentations available on our website at: http://www.hpschapters.org/florida. 2015-2016 OFFICERS and EXECUTIVE COUNCIL President Mike Phillips 850.245.4266 Kurt Geber President-Elect 850.245.4266 Past President Howard Dickson 813.926.7187 Secretary Kathleen Thomas 352.376.1611 X6776 Treasurer Adam Weaver 813.974.8978 Executive Council Tom Jacobson (‘16) 850.644.7687 Kimberly Kantner (‘18) 407.277.1641 Rod Nickell (‘17) 321.853.5688 Venues Director George Snyder 352.258.6115 Science Teacher Workshop Wesley Bolch, PhD 352.846.1361 Newsletter Editor Vacant Webmaster Jason Timm 414.955.4410 1 SPRING MEETING Spring Meeting 2015 The Florida Chapter of the Health Physics Society (FCHPS) held its annual Spring meeting on 10 April at the Radisson Resort at the Port in Cape Canaveral, FL. This year’s meeting heard topics ranging from progress in safety standards for lasers to small modular reactors. As always, the meeting kicked off the night before with a reception at Milliken’s Reef. Good eats and good company. of Escambia County Health Department, followed with a discussion of the radiological and nuclear material detection architecture, including current updates. After the break to meet with our vendors, Paul Burress, CHP, RSO for FL State University, gave another enlightening presentation on an issue many health physicist have little experience in, and that’s ventilation systems. Paul drew upon personal experience addressing fume hood issues in FSU chemistry buildings. Jay Maisler, Manager of Projects, New Plant Services, Enercon Services, Inc. closed out the morning session with an overview of small modular reactors, potentially the future of nuclear power electric generation. After lunch, Eric Abelquist, Executive Vice President at Oak Ridge Associated Dr. Eric Abelquist, Jay Maisler, and Paul Burress at the 2015 FCHPS Spring meeting in Cape Canaveral. Dr. John Lanza, James Futch and Dr. David Sliney at the 2015 FCHPS Spring meeting. Dr. David Sliney started off the meeting with an update on the progress of safety standards in lasers and lamps. The presentation was not only an update on standards but an extremely useful review of this often overlooked nonionizing radiation. Next, James Futch, FL Bureau of Radiation Control Administrator gave a summary of a joint federal/state exercise testing the combined response of aerial and ground detection assets. Dr. John Lanza, Director Universities, spoke about a decommissioning renaissance, driven by several factors, including an aging inventory and market forces. The future looks quiet bright for those who work in the decommissioning industry. Nothing is for certain but death, taxes and…decommissioning. The final presentations of the day were from our future HP leaders at the University of Florida. Michael Shang, Bryan Schwarz, Dr. Matthew Maynard, William Godwin and Heather Petroccia presented four works, covering: Dosimetric modeling of the dog for testing radiopharmaceuticals; Assessing 2 past exposures from contaminated waters in Russia; Dosimetric/Biokinetic models for pregnant women; and Reconstruction of therapeutic doses from Co60 to patients with Hodgkin’s. I encourage all members to take the time to review this year’s 2015 Spring presentations. planning stages, the talk is a meeting in the Tampa/St. Petersburg area. Expect to see some definitive dates and a location in a future email. Awards, Nominations and National HPS The chapter nominated John Lanza for HPS Fellow Award, which he will receive at the Society's annual meeting in Indianapolis on 13 July at the Awards Banquet. Congratulations Dr. Lanza. The chapter also nominated John to run for the Secretary-elect position in HPS. Heather Petroccia, Bryan Schwartz, William Godwin, and Dr. Matthew Maynard at the 2015 FCHPS Spring meeting in Cape Canaveral, FL. Finally, as always, we are most appreciative of ours vendors support. The following FCHPS affiliates actively supported this meeting and presented useful exhibits: Canberra, DEQ Technical Sales, Fuji Electric Corp., Fluke/Raysafe, Ortec, and Mirion Technologies. This meeting qualified for 6 CECs from the American Academy of Health Physics for certified health physicist and 6 CEUs from the state for registered radiological technicians. Where Will We Meet in the Fall of 2015? This year’s fall meeting will again be a joint meeting with FL AAPM and they will be hosting, which means they are searching for a venue and setting the date. Although still in the Paul Burress, Howard Dickson, Don Mothena, Brian Birky, Adam Weaver, Jay Maisler and Walter Cofer were nominated to serve on the state’s Advisory Council on Radiation Protection. The Council requests a pool of nominees from the FCHPS when vacancies open. Nominations are vetted and sent to the State Surgeon General. National HPS has requested nominations for delegates to the General Assembly of the 14th Congress of the International Radiation Protection Association (IRPA14), which will be held in Cape Town, South Africa, 9–13 May 2016. FCHPS has nominated Howard Dickson for this exciting opportunity. Dr. Wesley Bolch will travel to Vienna this June to serve as a member of the U.S. delegation to the United Nations Scientific Committee on the Effects of Atomic Radiation (UNSCEAR). “This appointment, which is one of the highest honors in the field of radiological protection and constitutes a world-wide recognition of the unique work performed by UF graduate students in the area of scalable and realistic anatomic models of human anatomy,” said Bolch. “Recently, the International Commission on Radiological Protection (ICRP) adopted the UF series of anatomic models of pediatric, fetal, and pregnant female anatomy to use as their international 3 standards. These models establish internationally recognized limits and guidelines on radiation organ dose from occupational, environmental, and medical exposures.” Read more at: https://www.eng.ufl.edu/news/radiationdosimetry-expert-appointed-to-u-sdelegation-to-united-nations/ Affiliate Members of FCHPS Board of Laser Safety 13501 Ingenuity Drive, Suite 128 Orlando, FL 32826 Phone (407) 985-3810 Fax (407) 380-5588 bsams@lasersafety.org Seeking a Newsletter Editor We have an opportunity for any member that wants to contribute to the continuing success for the Florida Chapter to step up and claim the privilege of being our next newsletter editor. This is an easy and fun position, but means so much to ensuring that our members get essential information in a timely fashion. Please advise President Mike Phillips if you are interested. (mike.phillips@flhealth.gov) BRC Has a New Materials Licensing Administrator As you may recall, Paul Vause, the Licensing Administrator for the FL Bureau of Radiation Control, retired at the end of 2014. Charlie Hamilton, previously the Enforcement/Compliance Manager, accepted the call to become the new Administrator. Charlie has been with the bureau for 22 years. He hired on with the state after an 8-year tour as a Submariner and ELT. Canberra Industries, Inc. 800 Research Parkway Meriden, CT 06450 Cell (704) 219-1241 david.gebbie@canberra.com Chase Environmental 109 Flint Road Oak Ridge, TN 37830 (865) 481-8801 (865) 481-8818 dculp@chaseenv.com DEQ Technical Sales, LLC. 7767 Maida Vale Court Powell, TN 37849 Phone (770) 363-0925 Fax (770) 497-9188 mike@deqtech.com Ecology Services 9135 Guilford Road, Suite 200 Columbia, MD 21046 Office (800) 963-8999 Cell (847) 514-6841 tklett@ecologyservices.com F&J Specialty Products, Inc Frank M Gavila, President Phone (352) 680-1177 Fax (352) 680-1454 www.fjspecialty.com 4 Fuji Electric Corp. of America 50 Northfield Ave. Edison, NJ 08837 Phone (201) 490-3921 jmenge@fecoa.fujielectric.com K&S Associates, Inc. 1926 Elm Tree Drive Nashville, Tennessee 37210-3718 (800) 522-2325 (615) 871-0856 tslowey@kslab.com Landauer, Inc. 2 Science Road Glenwood, IL 60425 Cindy Trautmann, Southeast Regional Sales Manager Cell (708) 308-7826 Fax (708) 755-7011 www.landauerinc.com Mirion Technologies, Inc. 2652 McGaw Ave. Irvine, CA 92614 Kevin McDonough, Regional Sales Manager Cell (949) 302-0116 Office (800) 251-3331 kmcdonough@mirion.com ORTEC 801 S. Illinois Ave. Oak Ridge, TN 37830 (865)617-5939 (865) 483-0396 julie.keller@ametek.com Philotechnics, Ltd. Renovare Blvd. Oak Ridge, TN 37830 1-888-RAD-WASTE 865-483-1530 http://www.philotechnics.com/ Premier Sales Associates, Inc. P.O. Box 71523 Marietta, GA 30007 M. Allen Barber, Representative Phone (770) 433-8177 Fax (678) 298-4154 psai@bellsouth.net Pulcir, Inc. 9209 Oak Ridge Hwy. Oak Ridge, TN 37830-3500 Scott Eddlemon, Representative Phone (800) 862-1390 Fax (865) 927-6866 info@pulcir.com Radcal Corporation 426 West Duarte Road Monrovia, California 91016 (626)357-7921 x133 vchen@radcal.com Fluke/RaySafe 86 South St - Suite A Hopkinton, MA 01748 (407)508-8601 ashaw@sebiomedical.com Perma-Fix Environmental Services 1940 NW 67th Place Gainesville, FL 32653 Tristan Timm, Radiation Safety Officer Phone (352) 395-1345 ttimm@perma-fix.com 5
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