NCMA Cape Canaveral Chapter QUARTERLY March 2015 Volume 2014-15, Issue 3 Inside This Issue 1-2 Message from the President 3 April Speaker 4 April Menu & Link 5 May. Speaker 6 May Menu & Link 7 June Speaker 8 June Menu & Link 9 NCMA CCC Social 10 Employment Center 11 Certification 12 Certification Continued 13 Fun Fact Trivia Message from the President Hello again Chapter Members! This Program Year is in full swing and very busy! I would like to take a moment and thank each of our volunteers! Each volunteer donates their personal time to make these events happen and this year’s team is fantastic! Thank you for your support! 14 Nomination for Award 15 Anniversaries 16 Chapter Leadership 17 Chapter Organizational Chart By now you have seen the eBlasts for the Winter Education Conference (WEC) to be held on Thursday, March 19, 2015 at the beautiful Hilton Melbourne Beach Oceanfront. David Garcia has done an outstanding job of lining up some very talented speakers. This year’s theme is “Next Frontier Contracting: Topics in Space and Aerospace” and is drawing a lot of interest from local, space coast companies. This promises to be a great event, and I look forward to seeing you all there! Ann Yersavich has done an outstanding job of setting up the Certification Test Exam scheduled for May 2, 2015 at the Suntree/Viera Public Library. Again, applications for this certification examination are due to National by March 18th, 2015. Page 2 CCC QUARTERLY Message from the President continued Although I have highlighted a couple of volunteers, I also want to mention our terrific volunteers who have faithfully served our Chapter year after year and performed some of the same duties as Chairs: Cathy Bright is the Fellows chair and Mark Pearah is the web coordinator. I hope during the next few months each of you will consider volunteering to be an Officer or Chair for the coming year. I believe if you speak with any of our Chapter’s Executive Council members they will assure you that being a part of the Executive Board is a rewarding professional growth experience. The Board is in process of coordinating a social event and fundraiser at Total Wine and Spirits, so please check out the flyer for the event details on page 9 of this Newsletter. And just as a reminder, the Cape Canaveral Chapter is assisting the South Florida Chapter with its “All-Florida National Education Seminar (NES)”, which is scheduled in Fort Lauderdale on 18 March 2015. Please contact me for more details if you are interested in attending. Again, thank you for your continued support and making this Program Year a successful one! Sincerely, Shannon Barber President 2014-2015 NCMA, Cape Canaveral Chapter Page 3 CCC QUARTERLY April 8th Dinner & Workshop Speaker: David Alexander Topic: Emergence of New Space Players Mr. Alexander is the Lead Commercial Space Business Development Manager for National Business Area within Government Communications Systems (GCS). GCS develops, produces, integrates, and supports systems that solve the mission critical challenges of its defense, national intelligence, federal civil, IT services, healthcare, and cyber customers. The National Business Unit provides key enabling payload capability to the U.S. DoD, NASA, commercial enterprises, and the intelligence community. Mr. Alexander reports to the Vice President of Strategy and Business Development National Business Area. He is responsible for all commercial space business development activities including international customers within the National Business area. Prior to this assignment, he was an advanced programs engineer responsible for the development of engineering solutions and program identification. Mr. Alexander joined Harris Corporation in 1983, assuming positions of increasing responsibility as both a systems engineer and project engineer. Previously he was the Program Manager for ICO, Sirius-XM FM5, TerreStar1 and MUOS reflector programs. Mr. Alexander earned his bachelor’s and master’s of science degrees in mechanical engineering from the University of Alabama. He is a member of the Society of Satellite Professionals International (SSPI) and the American Institute of Aeronautics and Astronautics, Inc. (AIAA). Page 4 CCC QUARTERLY April 8th Dinner & Workshop Location – Holiday Inn, Viera, FL Menu Sliced Ham with Rum Raisin House Salad Rolls & Butter Dessert du Chef Coffee, Iced Tea 5:30-6:00 – Social 6:00-7:00 – Dinner/Workshop Dinner Cost: $21 for NCMA members $25 for non-NCMA members and walk-ins NO SHOWS WILL BE BILLED Register by Noon on September 9th: ent%20Links%20-%20Dinners-Name%20Tags%20(Rev%2011-11-13).pdf Page 5 CCC QUARTERLY May 13th Dinner & Workshop Speaker: Carol Craig Topic: Contracts Management: A CEO’s Perspective A self-described accidental entrepreneur and Unconventional CEOTM, Carol Craig is Founder and Chief Executive Officer of Craig Technologies, headquartered in Cape Canaveral, FL. Growing Craig Technologies from one person in 1999 to nearly 400 associates today with steadily increasing revenues, Craig leads nationwide operations with employees in over 20 different states. Craig Technologies was listed as one of Florida’s Best Companies to Work For in 2011 and 2013 by Florida Trend magazine. As CEO, Carol oversees corporate operations to ensure quality service-delivery for her commercial and government customers, offering high-end custom engineering and technical support services. in January of 2013, she opened the 161,000 sq ft Craig Technologies Aerospace and Defense Manufacturing Center and currently provides end-to-end solutions for prototype development and production of custom manufacturing orders with precision machining and fabrication, avionics laboratory services, specialty manufacturing, and test and evaluation capabilities. Craig’s military experience includes active duty as a P-3C Orion Naval Flight Officer, specializing in Anti-Surface and Sub-Surface Warfare. She holds a BA in Computer Science from Knox College, a BS in Computer Science Engineering from the University of Illinois, and an MS in Electrical and Computer Engineering from the University of Massachusetts at Amherst. Ms. Craig is pursuing a PhD in Systems Engineering at Florida Tech in Melbourne, FL. The National Defense Industrial Association (NDIA) recognized Carol with the Kathleen P. Sridhar Small Business Executive of the Year Award in 2013, and she received the prestigious 2013 HENAAC Entrepreneur of the Year Award by the Great Minds in STEM. In 2008, the Society of Women Engineers recognized Carol as Entrepreneur of the Year. Carol serves on the Dean’s Advisory Board for University of Central Florida’s College of Engineering, and serves on the University of Central Florida Foundation Board of Directors and Development Committee. Ms. Craig also serves on numerous community boards to include Enterprise Florida, the Florida HighTech Corridor Council, Orlando Regional Chamber of Commerce, and the Economic Development Commission of Florida’s Space Coast. Carol and her husband, CAPT John W. Craig, USN, a former F/A-18 pilot who now flies for JetBlue Airways and is a Navy Emergency Preparedness Liaison Officer (NEPLO), have two children. In response to her son’s diagnosis with Prader-Willi Syndrome in 2001, Carol is Founder of the Danny Craig Foundation, aiming to raise and administer funds for multiple organizations that focus on researching children’s medical disorders Page 6 CCC QUARTERLY May 13th Dinner & Workshop Location – Holiday Inn, Viera, FL Menu Baked Crab Stuffed Tilapia House Salad Rolls & Butter Dessert du Chef Coffee, Iced Tea 5:30-6:00 – Social 6:00-7:00 – Dinner/Workshop Dinner Cost: $21 for NCMA members $25 for non-NCMA members and walk-ins NO SHOWS WILL BE BILLED Register by Noon on October 8th. %20-%20Dinners-Name%20Tags%20(Rev%2011-11-13).pdf Page 7 CCC QUARTERLY June 10th Dinner & Workshop Speaker: Roger Carroll Topic: TBD Roger Carroll, CPPM PMP is an Asset Management leader for Harris Corporation's Government Communications Systems Division. Roger has been involved in asset management throughout his 30 year Property career. Prior to joining Harris Corporation in 2012, Roger worked extensively with NASA, the USAF and the Department of State, Aviation and Narcotics divisions. Roger is the Current NPMA Space Coast Chapter President and a regular presenter at the NPMA National Education Seminars and other events. Roger has a Bachelor’s in Business Management and a Masters of Business Administration. He is a Certified Professional Property Manager with the NPMA and is a Project Management Professional through the Project Management Institute. Page 8 CCC QUARTERLY June 10th Dinner & Workshop Location – Holiday Inn, Viera, FL Menu Chicken Florentine House Salad Rolls & Butter Dessert du Chef Coffee, Iced Tea 5:30-6:00 – Social 6:00-7:00 – Dinner/Workshop Dinner Cost: $21 for NCMA members $25 for non-NCMA members and walk-ins NO SHOWS WILL BE BILLED Register by Noon on November 11th : istration/Chapter%20Paypal%20Payment%20Links%20-%20DinnersName%20Tags%20(Rev%2011-11-13).pdf Page 9 CCC QUARTERLY Cape Canaveral Chapter Social! Sign up via PayPal at: Page 10 CCC QUARTERLY Employment Corner By: Mark Pearah, Website Chairperson Good news! Employment opportunities within our field continue to improve with the economy. Currently, Kratos has a posting for an immediate Sr. Contract Admin position in Orlando. Refer to our site to view the details on this and other positions at _ canaveral/ Employment%20Corner/Forms/AllItems.aspx. We communicate with the NCMA Mid Florida (Orlando) Chapter regarding local and semi-local employment and you can view these open positions at PPORTUNITIES/AllItems.aspx. In addition, you can always view the open positions at National’s site at Contact Mark Pearah, Employment Committee regarding any local and semi-local employment recruitment postings or search questions (principals only). Page 11 CCC QUARTERLY Cape Canaveral Chapter Certification Cape Canaveral Chapter to Host Testing for NCMA Professional Certification Exams Deadline for submitting your application is quickly approaching The NCMA Cape Canaveral Chapter (CCC) will host testing for NCMA certification exams (CFCM/CCCM/CPCM) on May 2, 2015 at the Suntree/Viera Public Library. All interested candidates both members and non-members should submit applications to the NCMA Certification Department for approval. Certification applications and application fee must be received by National no later than March 18, 2015 (45 days in advance of the test date). All candidates must be approved by National to sit for the exam; no walk-ins will be allowed. Information on applying for the certification exams is located at: An exam fee of $50 for members and $90 for non-members will be required; please note this exam fee is different from the application fee. All applications should be marked at the top with "Taking exam in Melbourne, FL on May 2, 2015" to ensure your application is processed for our test site location. Once you have received approval to take the exam, please let Ann Yersavich, NCMA CCC Certification Chair, know so she can confirm that National has an exam package for you. You will be able to take one certification exam at the test site on Saturday, May 2, 2015. The meeting room at the Suntree / Viera Library, 902 Jordan Blass Drive, Melbourne, FL 32940, has been reserved from 10:00 a.m. to 2:00 p.m. for this purpose. The CFCM/CCCM/CPCM exams are 4 hours in length. The 180 multiple choice question CPCM exam tests your knowledge of the contract management competencies in the Contract Management Body of Knowledge (4th edition). The contract management competencies include: contract principles, acquisition planning/strategy, specialized knowledge, contract administration, and general business. The CFCM and CCCM exams consist of 150 multiple choice questions. The CFCM exam tests your knowledge of the Federal Acquisition Regulation with special emphasis placed on FAR Parts 12 and 15. All FAR Parts are fair game on the exam EXCEPT Parts 26 and 41. Make sure you check the listing of ‘CFCM Questions by FAR Part’ located on the NCMA HQ website. The CCCM exam is based on the Uniform Commercial Code Articles 1, 2 and 2a. Page 12 CCC QUARTERLY Cape Canaveral Chapter Certification To prepare for the exams it is recommended to use latest CPCM Study Guide, 2nd Edition, and CFCM Study Guide, 2nd Edition. If you plan to take the CCCM exam you should prepare by using the Cornell University Law School Legal Information Website ( There are practice exams available through the NCMA HQ link above that you can take when preparing for the CPCM/CFCM exams. Passing score for each exam is a minimum of 70% correct answers. If you are a NCMA CCC member and successfully pass your exam, you will receive $50 from the Chapter. If you have any questions about any of the certification exams, study materials, or filing your application please contact Ann Yersavich at 321.775.7513 or Page 13 CCC QUARTERLY Fun Fact Trivia!!! Thank you to all who participated in the Fun Fact Trivia in December, January, and February! In this issue we are excited to announce the winners along with your chance to win Fun Fact Trivia and earn valuable prizes at the upcoming Chapter meetings! Winners: December’s winner was Carol Cowen who provided the correct answer of all responsible sources are allowed to compete for the definition of what is Full and Open Competition. January’s winner was also Carol Cowen who correctly answered February's winner was ….you guessed it..Carol Cowen! Job well done! She correctly answered that payment of local prevailing wages for public works projects Now on to the Next Round of ‘Fun Fact Trivia’ Questions: Please submit answers to Answers will be accepted by COB the day before the scheduled Workshop. Winners will be announced at the scheduled Workshop. *As a reminder, you must be present to claim winnings! April 8th Workshop Fun Fact Trivia Question: What FAR subpart, public law, and executive order addresses “Extraordinary Contractual Actions?” May 13th Workshop Fun Fact Trivia Question: When is it appropriate for the Government to consider award based on a tradeoff process? June 10th Workshop Fun Fact Trivia Question: In what three (3) manners is information disseminated publicly to comply with the Freedom of Information Act? Page 14 CCC QUARTERLY Nominations for Awards By: Eric Estepp, Vice President of Education for NCMA Cape Canaveral Chapter It’s that again to think about all of the wonderful people who have contributed to making this year a very successful and rewarding program year for our NCMA Chapter. There are six awards for the Chapter gives out every year that are open to nominations from the general membership. Please review the Chapter awards listed below and provide your recommendations to Eric Estepp by Thursday, April 30th. Recommendations should include the person’s name, the award he/she is being nominated for, and a brief paragraph as to why you believe that person is worthy of the award. All nominations will be presented at the May Board meeting for discussion and final vote. Award recipients will be recognized at the June dinner meeting. Chapter Volunteer of the Year – Chapter member (not on the Board) who contributed to the Chapter through their participation, contribution, and leadership activities Outstanding Chapter Fellow Award – Chapter Fellow who has made outstanding contributions to the Chapter and to the Contract Management profession Chapter Writing Award – Chapter member who has made the most significant contributions to the Chapter newsletter or to any other chapter or national publication Chapter Membership Award – Chapter member who participated the most in recruiting new members NCMA Cape Canaveral Chapter Industry Leader Award – Local Industry Leader (member or non-member) recognized for his/her professional accomplishments and support of the contracting profession Chapter Contracting Achievement Award – Chapter member who has achieved distinction in his/her field of expertise and who has worked to increase the professional interest of the contracting profession There will also be three awards determined by the Board and Committee Chairs! President’s Award – Chapter member who has made the most significant contribution to the Chapter during the year TBD by the President Chapter Officer Award – Chapter member who contributed the most to the success of the Chapter during the year TBD by the Officers Chapter Board Award – Chapter member who contributed the most to the committee to which they were assigned TBD by the Committee Chairs Questions may be directed to Eric Estepp via email at Page 15 CCC QUARTERLY Congratulations! The following individuals have Membership Anniversaries this quarter: March Greg Wagner Linda Jassmann-Lane Brian Hinerth Marilou Overla Donald Curry Arthur Charles* 1 Year 5 Years 15 Years 20 Years 35 Years 40 Years April Denise Anderson Julie Lane Matthew Williams Charlotte Welch Eveann Palmer Matthew Cohen 10 Years 10 Years 10 Years 15 Years 20 Years 25 Years May Melissa Smith Geoff Fraser Joseph Espinosa Donald Zimmerman 1 Year 1 Year 5 Years 45 Years *In Loving Memory Page 16 CCC QUARTERLY CAPE CANAVERAL CHAPTER OFFICERS 2014-2015 POSITION NAME PHONE NUMBER E-MAIL ADDRESS President Shannon Barber 727-5188 Sr VP David Garcia 729-7361 VP Operations Janis Rubin-Telles 727-6972 VP Membership TBD TBD TBD VP Education 729-3379 Eric Estepp VP Programs Patricia Sciandra 729-7073 Secretary Deborah Lunte 271-1848 Treasurer Susan Kelly 309-7418 CAPE CANAVERAL CHAPTER COMMITTEE CHAIRPERSONS 2014-2015 Audit (VPO) Larry Scotney 727-6345 By-Laws (VPO) Brad Rush 727-4127 Newsletter (VPO) Jessica Cantos 309-2534 Deborah Nominations (VPO) 410-227-2732 Shackelford Susan Kelly 309-7418 Property (VPO) 729-3379 Publicity (VPO) Eric Estepp Website (VPO) Mark Pearah 727-5759 Website (VPO) Larry Scotney 727-6345 Backup TBD TBD Attendance (VPM) TBD TBD TBD Awards (VPM) TBD Fellows (VPM) Cathy Bright 427-3416 Historian (VPM) N/A Hospitality (VPM) Michele Cleckner 494-4842 Hospitality (VPM) Cindy Lennard 426-3032 Certification (VPE) Ann Yersavich 775-7513 Scholarship (VPE) Alisa Hope 984-5997 729-7361 WEC (VPE) David Garcia Employment (VPP) Mark Pearah 727-5759 Outreach (VPP) Nathan Gulpker 614-8402 Fundraiser Activity Patricia Sciandra 729-7073 (VPP) Fundraiser Activity 271-1848 Deborah Lunte (VPP) Workshops(VPP/VPE) TBD Page 17 CCC QUARTERLY National Contract Management Association Cape Canaveral Chapter P.O. Box 1152 Melbourne, Florida 32902 Chapter – Organization Chart Chapter President President Elect VP Operations (VPO) VP Membership (VPM) VP Education (VPE) VP Programs (VPP) Operations Chairs: Membership Chairs: Education Chairs: Programs Chairs: 1. 2. 3. 4. 5. 6. 7. 1. 2. 3. 4. 5. 1. 2. 3. 4. 5. 6. 1. 2. 3. 4. 5. Audit By-Laws Newsletter Nominations Property Publicity Web Site Attendance Awards Fellows Historian Hospitality Certification NES Scholarships Ed. Grants WEC Workshops * Employment Fundraiser Activity Outreach Programs Workshops * * - Supports more than one VP NCMA Cape Canaveral Chapter Secretary Treasurer
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