Human Resources SUMMER GUIDELINES 2015 SUMMER APPOINTMENT DATES 5/14/2015 THROUGH 8/12/2015 CONTACTS Appointment Procedures, Salary Calculations and Eligibility Verification: • Dana Moore at 645-8157 (Manager) • Lisa Battle at 645-8156 • Angela Kuc at 645-4427 • Lynn Phalen at 645-8158 • Elizabeth Wolf (Summer Casuals) at 645-4428 Paycheck Payments and Payroll Dates • Karen Bauer at 645-4448 (Manager) • Elaine Hines (A – CHA) at 645-4425 • Kathy Maziol (CHB – F) at 645-5202 • Roseann Brzozowiec (G – J) at 645-4449 • Kathy Sears (K – MCCA) at 645-4450 • Cheryl Delano (MCCB - QP) at 645-4446 • Melissa Barone (QU - STEE) at 645-4445 • Joanne Intorre (STEF - Z) at 645-4424 Important Notes: • • • • • • No benefits associated with Summer Appointments. e-PTF does not allow for reappointments to summer appointments. Employees currently appointed with a calendar year obligation are entitled to additional payment under the University at Buffalo Extra Service Policy. Please note you must use “Additional Commitment” in e-PTF. If a student has graduated they should be appointed as a NEW summer. If unsure of eligibility under these guidelines please contact Human Resources. If employee has a current active research appointment a Request for Prior Approval of Extra Service Compensation form may be required. Please contact Human Resources for more information. 1 ACADEMIC YEAR FACULTY ELIGIBILITY Faculty employees who have an academic year obligation are eligible for compensation during the summer for teaching, research or administration. These employees must devote their total effort to the appointed program(s) for which they are being compensated during the summer period. APPOINTMENTS • An electronic Personnel Transaction Form (e-PTF) is required. o Person search o Select person o Select appointment • Select the Type of Change o o o o • Additional Commitment Commitment type is Regular Service Payment type is summer session Number of payments is not needed The employee’s academic year title should be used for the summer service appointment. • Any beginning and end date may be used between 5/14/15 through 8/12/15. However, the appointment may not be for more than 13 weeks in total. o First summer payment will be payroll period #5, check date 6/17/15. COMPENSATION • Payments for summer service may be from State, Income Fund Reimbursable (IFR), Research Foundation or U.B. Foundation funds, or any combination thereof. • Funding from State and IFR sources must come from Temporary Service funds. • Appointments which exceed two months of full-time academic year base salary from all funding sources (not including Also Receives, Chair Stipend) require the following: ∗ The “Summer Appointment Certification” Form. o Supported justification of the need for additional effort to be devoted to the project should be submitted to the Department Chair and the Dean’s Office. Compensation cannot exceed three-ninths of the full-time academic year base salary (not including Also Receives, Chair Stipend) from all funding sources . 2 ACADEMIC YEAR FACULTY FORMULAS Compensation calculations are based on a person’s full-time 6/30/15 academic year base salary. The following schedule contains calculation percentages based on length of appointment and is representative of the maximum a person may be paid for the length of service. Length of Service 1 Week 2 Weeks 3 Weeks 4 Weeks 1 Month 5 Weeks 6 Weeks 7 Weeks 8 Weeks 2 Months 9 Weeks 10 Weeks 11 Weeks 12 Weeks 3 Months 13 Weeks ∗ Maximum Percent Academic Year Salary 2.67 5.33 8.00 10.67 11.11 15.00 16.00 18.00 20.00 22.22 23.08* 25.64 * 28.20 * 30.77 * 33.33 * 33.33 * Requires “Summer Appointment Certification” form. 3 ACADEMIC YEAR FACULTY UNIVERSITY AT BUFFALO SUMMER APPOINTMENT CERTIFICATION YEAR: 2015 Through this document and others as required, I am seeking summer appointment compensation from all sources that will exceed two months of my full-time academic year base salary. Therefore, I hereby certify that the following conditions will prevail concerning my summer appointment(s): My summer appointments charged to sponsored awards accurately reflect the time periods and level of effort for work performed on each award. The amount of funding allocated to graduate student support from my grants/contracts will not be affected during the academic year; The amount of funding allocated for the purchase of computing services from my grants/contracts will not be reduced; Funding for miscellaneous sponsored research expenses such as duplication or telephone services will not be reduced or charged to departmental State Budget accounts; All normal salary increases for personnel supported on my grants/contracts will be met in full. ________________________________________________________ Signature of Faculty Member, Faculty/School ________________________________________________________ Full Name (Printed) APPROVALS: ______________________________________ Department Chair ______________________________________ Office of the Dean HR Services (Revised 2/23/15) 4 _________________ Date SPRING 2015 FACULTY BIWEEKLY EMPLOYEES ELIGIBILITY Only Faculty Biweekly Employees, who held the title of Adjunct Instructor on the State Payroll for the Spring 2015 semester, are eligible. The title that must be used for a summer appointment is Instructor 10 month. APPOINTMENTS • An Electronic Personnel Transaction Form (ePTF) is required. Person Search Select person Add new appointment State/Summer/Fee Click on find line. If you have been given a line number by your CFO then select the job title for the position, add the line number and select the line. o If you have security to choose your own line then click into the line maintenance application. o Complete appointment information o Complete compensation information o o o o o • Beginning and ending date must correspond to the payroll periods 5-10. o First summer payment will be payroll period #5, check dated 6/17/15. COMPENSATION • There is no minimum or maximum salary guideline associated with this appointment. • Total compensation must be entered in the salary box on the ePTF. Forms • Tax forms - If there is a form on file it isn’t necessary to submit a new form unless a different marital status and/or allowances are wanted. • Direct deposit – if account is currently active a new form is not necessary. If the employee has been off the payroll for more than 3 pay periods the account becomes inactive and needs to be reactivated. Call HR to get the account activated. It isn’t necessary to submit a new form unless the account information has changed 5 SPRING 2015 TEACHING AND GRADUATE ASSISTANTS ELIGIBILITY Only Teaching and Graduate Assistants, who held the title of Teaching or Graduate Assistant on the State Payroll for the Spring 2015 semester, are eligible. • Lecturer (Casual) is the required title for Teaching Assistants • Technical Assistant (Casual) is the required title for Graduate Assistants. Students who have graduated should be appointed as NEW SUMMER. (See page 7) Student assistant appointments cannot be held in conjunction with this appointment. APPOINTMENTS • An Electronic Personnel Transaction Form (ePTF) is required. Person Search Select person Add new appointment State/Summer/Biweekly Click on find line. If you have been given a line number by your CFO then select the job title for the position, add the line number and select the line. o Complete appointment information o Complete compensation information o o o o o • Beginning and ending date must correspond to the payroll periods 5 - 10. o First summer payment will be payroll period #5, check dated 6/17/15. COMPENSATION • • • There is no minimum or maximum salary guideline associated with this appointment. Biweekly rate must be entered in the salary box on the e-PTF. Casual titles that are paid from an IFR account will be charged fringe. For further information please contact Financial Services at 645-2660. FORMS • Tax forms - If there is a form on file it isn’t necessary to submit a new form unless a different marital status and/or allowances are wanted. • Direct deposit – if account is currently active a new form is not necessary. If the employee has been off the payroll for more than 3 pay periods the account becomes inactive and needs to be reactivated. Call HR to get the account activated. It isn’t necessary to submit a new form unless the account information has changed 6 NEW SUMMER APPOINTMENTS ELIGIBILITY • Individuals who do not currently hold an active state appointment at University at Buffalo. APPOINTMENTS • An Electronic Personnel Transaction Form (ePTF) is required. o Person Search o Add new person o Add new appointment o State/Summer/Fee o Click on find line. If you have been given a line number by your CFO then select the job title for the position, add the line number and select the line. o If you have security to choose your own line then click into the line maintenance application. o Complete appointment information o Complete compensation information • Required state titles are limited to Lecturer 10 and Visiting Professor 10 but in-house titles may be added if appropriate. • Any beginning and end date may be used between 5/14/15 through 8/12/15. However, the appointment may not be for more than 13 weeks in total. o First summer payment will be payroll period #5, check dated 6/17/15. FORMS If an individual is new to the University at Buffalo the following “new hire” forms may be required: • Oath of Office Card is required if the employee has never been on the state payroll (excludes student assistant titles). • I-9 form required for all “new” & for anyone whose previous I-9 is expired (3 years past initial completion). • Tax withholding forms state and federal. Default is Single – 0 if form is not provided. COMPENSATION • There are no minimum or maximum salary guidelines associated these appointments. • An exception to the above: if an employee is active at another State Agency as a 10-Month Faculty member you must use the Compensation Maximum/Formulas. If non-academic extra service must be used. 7 SUMMER 2015 PAYMENT SCHEDULES SUMMER CASUAL EMPLOYEES (Appointment Type = Summer Grad BIW) Appointment begin and end dates must correspond to the payroll periods below: Pay Period No. From To Check Distribution Date 5 5/21/2015 6/03/2015 6/17/2015 6 6/04/2015 6/17/2015 7/01/2015 7 6/18/2015 7/01/2015 7/15/2015 8 7/02/2015 7/15/2015 7/29/2015 9 7/16/2015 7/29/2015 8/12/2015 10 7/30/2015 8/12/2015 8/26/2015 8 SUMMER 2015 PAYMENT SCHEDULES ACADEMIC YEAR FACULTY & NEW SUMMER APPOINTMENTS Session I 5/26/15 to 7/3/15 (6 weeks) Session II 6/22/15 to 7/31/15 (6 weeks) Period # Payroll Period Dates Paid Period # Payroll Period Dates Paid 5 5/21/15 – 6/03/15 6/17/15 7 6/18/15 – 7/01/15 7/15/15 8 7/02/15 – 7/15/15 7/29/15 6 6/04/15 – 6/17/15 7/01/15 9 7/16/15 – 7/29/15 8/12/15 7 6/18/15 – 7/01/15 7/15/15 Session Session III 7/06/15 to 8/14/15 (6 weeks) Period # Payroll Period Dates Paid 7 6/18/15 – 7/01/15 7/15/15 8 7/02/15 – 7/15/15 7/29/15 9 7/16/15 – 7/29/15 8/12/15 10 7/30/15 – 8/12/15 8/26/15 Nine Week Session 5/26/15 to 7/24/15 Ten Week Session 5/26/15 to 7/31/15 Period # Payroll Period Dates Payroll Period 5 5/21/15 – 6/03/15 6/17/15 6 6/04/15 – 6/17/15 7/01/15 7 6/18/15 – 7/01/15 7/15/15 8 7/02/15 – 7/15/15 9 7/16/15 – 7/29/15 Twelve Week Session 5/26/15 to 8/14/15 Session X - Dates Vary (Non-Standard) Payroll Period Dates 5/21/15 – 6/03/15 6/04/15 – 6/17/15 6/18/15 – 7/01/15 7/02/15 – 7/15/15 7/16/15 – 7/29/15 Payroll Period 7/29/15 Period # 5 6 7 8 9 8/12/15 10 7/30/15 – 8/12/15 8/26/15 9 6/17/15 7/01/15 7/15/15 7/29/15 8/12/15 Summer 2015 The Office of the State Comptroller (OSC) is now requiring an explanation of why a summer payment is being paid. What type of work is the employee doing to earn these extra funds? The following are some examples of what is being required. Employee earning $75,000 annually and summer payment is $7500 from 5/21/15 – 8/12/15. This is a fairly small payment (10%) so all that is required is an explanation in the notes section in eptf. “Employee is teaching EAS 207 & EAS 208 for CSEE”. The payroll staff will expand on this note and detail the dates and the salary breakdown of the pay periods and enter it into the general comment section on the payroll system. • When the biweekly payment is over $2500 the following warning message is given to the payment we enter: “WARNING - Verify earnings amount. Documentation may be required”. OSC will generally accept the explanation we enter into the general comment section if the payment is under 22.22% and $2500 and not ask for documentation paperwork. When their earnings are over 22.22% of their annual salary they start requiring more information such as a contract letter the employee signed. If that isn’t available the dept will need to prepare a memorandum on department letterhead explaining what the employee will be doing during the summer to earn the payment. This memo should be addressed to OSC and sent to Human Resources (Attention: Karen Bauer) where it will then be forwarded to OSC. To avoid the possibility of the transaction being deleted by an OSC auditor we need this memo before we submit the payment in the system so please attach the letter to the employee’s eptf or you can fax it to 645-2605 or email it to Below is an example of a letter that is documenting an employee’s summer salary. Dear OSC: Professor John Doe will be teaching two courses for the 2015 Summer Session I. These courses are Chemistry 101 and Chemistry 102 from the dates of 5/26/15 – 7/24/15. He is to receive $15,000 for teaching and $5000 for having assumed administrative duties and service responsibilities. His total summer salary should be $20,000. Please approve the summer payment for this employee. Sincerely, (to be signed by whomever has the authority to approve the summer appointment). 10
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