Exit Checklist for Employees What should I do before my last day? Send letter of resignation to your manager and your local HR department with your last day worked Please Note: If you are leaving the University, your last day must be a day worked; it cannot be taken as paid time off. Confirm that all your time and absences have been entered and approved in PeopleSoft Please Note: Any remaining vacation time will be paid out to you in your last paycheck. If your last day worked at the th University is before the 15 of the month, you do not accrue vacation for that month. However, if your last day th worked at the University is on or after the 15 of the month, your accrual is awarded. Develop a transition plan: Ex. What work needs to be done before you go? Do you need to meet with the person who will be picking up your workload? Where do you keep files and other important information? Do you need to document procedures for your successor? Remove/transfer any personal electronic information from all University systems. (This includes documents and communications, including emails, voice mails and text messages.) If you need assistance in removing or transferring this electronic information, please contact ____________(Insert local tech support contact information here) Provide access to all work-related electronic information to your manager/department. Work with your manager to determine if any work-related electronic information should be transferred to a department shared drive. Update phone number and home address in PeopleSoft to ensure W2 is mailed to correct address. Reconcile outstanding expenses from Corporate Card or P-Card Submit outstanding reimbursements to _________(Insert local contact information here) You will receive a confirmation statement regarding the status of your employee benefits in the mail after your last day worked is recorded in PeopleSoft. In the meantime, if you have benefits related questions, please either call or email the Benefits office at 617-496-4001 or benefits@harvard.edu Questions regarding COBRA, please contact Crosby Benefits Systems at 1-800-462-2235. COBRA rates can be found on Questions regarding your retirement and TDA accounts, please contact the Harvard University Retirement Center HARVie: Compensation and Benefits>Health Benefits>Health Plan Rates. (HURC) at 1-800-527-1398. If you park in a University parking facility, contact Parking Services prior to your departure. Parking Services can be contacted by phone (617) 496-7827 or email parking@harvard.edu. Please Note: Employees whose parking fees are payroll deducted will receive a refund, if applicable, through University payroll. Permit holders who paid in cash or by check for their annual parking fees will be issued refund checks within 30 business days of receipt of the permit, not the date of verbal or written notice of cancellation. Participate in an exit interview with your local HR office. What should I return to my manager before my last day? All Harvard owned equipment; i.e. Computer/Laptop/Software and accessories If moving within 1 calendar year of departure, contact ______with current mailing address to ensure you receive your W-2 Harvard owned cell phone/smart phone All keys; i.e. office, desk etc. HUID card P-Card and/or corporate card What should I do after leaving Harvard? Exit Checklist for Employees Any Questions? Local HR Office Harvard Benefits Office (617) 496-4001 benefits@harvard.edu Parking Services (617) 496-7827 parking@harvard.edu
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