HARMONY SCHOOL OF NATURE 8120 W. CAMP WISDOM RD. DALLAS, TX 75249 Tel: 972-296-1000 Fax: 972-296-2125 PARENT APPROVAL FORM FOR HIGH SCHOOL STEM LEADERSHIP CAMP-2015 Event Name : HIGH SCHOOL STEM LEADERSHIP CAMP-2015 Location : UT Dallas, 800 West Campbell Road Richardson, TX 75080 Date of Event: GIRLS: May 29th - June 2nd, 2015 BOYS: June 3rd – June 7th, 2015 Departure and arrival time: Will be announced later. Fee: $250.00 (Scholarship is available upon request. Please fill out the scholarship application form) Due Date: Friday, May 8, 2015 (turn it into Front office with the money) Dear High School Students and Parents, Harmony School of Nature proudly announces that this summer you have a great summer camp opportunity at The University of Texas Dallas (UTD)! The University of Texas at Dallas Welcomes Harmony Students for Residential Camp Experience. HIGHLIGHTS - Morning & afternoon classes. - Leadership talks - College information sessions - Swimming & recreational sports - Stay in new Residential dorm facility. Event Coordinator: Mr. Altun aaltun@harmonytx.org The first page may be kept by the parents. Please fill out, sign the 2nd page along with the UT Dallas medical information and release form and have your child return them to the front office by the due date. Parent approval may not be obtained over the phone. All students should be promptly picked up after the event. Parents assume the liability of the children not picked up timely. Call the event coordinator(s) to make arrangements if needed. HARMONY SCHOOL OF NATURE 8120 W. CAMP WISDOM RD. DALLAS, TX 75249 Tel: 972-296-1000 Fax: 972-296-2125 PARENT APPROVAL FORM FOR HIGH SCHOOL STEM LEADERSHIP CAMP-2015 Event Name : HIGH SCHOOL STEM LEADERSHIP CAMP-2015 Location : UT Dallas, 800 West Campbell Road Richardson, TX 75080 Date of Event: GIRLS: May 29th - June 2nd, 2015 BOYS: June 3rd – June 7th, 2015 Departure and arrival time: Will be announced later. Fee: $250.00 (Scholarship is available upon request. Please fill out the scholarship application form) Due Date: Friday, May 8, 2015 (turn it into Front office with the money) Student Gender: (Please check one) Female Male T-Shirt Size: (Please check one) S M L XL 2XL 3XL 4XL This is to certify that (student’s full Name) ______________________________ Grade: _____ has my permission to go on the event mentioned above. In case of emergency, I may be reached at: (Telephone#) ________________________ or the numbers provided in the Emergency Form. I, the parent/guardian: By signing, understand that the student must abide by all district policies of the Harmony Science Academy School District handbook. Any failure to adhere to these policies will result in disciplinary action. I understand and agree that the trip is a school sponsored activity and function. This release is intended to cover all injuries of every name, type, kind or nature, and personal property damage, if any, which may be sustained or suffered from any cause connected with or arising out of, or from participation in the listed events. I understand I am responsible for transportation costs if my child is required to return home for disciplinary measures. By signing this form parent(s) give(s) consent to his/her child to take the transportation provided by school or teacher. Means of transportation could be any public, rental or private vehicles driven by an adult. Print Name of Parent/Guardian: ______________________________________Date: ________________ Signature: _____________________________ Emergency Medical Release Form Student’s Name ________________________________________________________________________________________ Printed Parent/Guardian’s name ___________________________________________________________________________ Cell Phone _________________________Work Phone ____________________ext._____ Home Phone _________________ Known Allergies_________________________________________________________________________________________ Medication ____________________________________________________________________________________________ Additional Medical Info We Need ______ __________________________________________________________________ In the event of emergency, I authorize emergency treatment to be administered to my child and I agree to cover all fees involved with the care of my child. ___________________________________ Parent/Guardian Signature _______________ Date EXHIBIT B4-B THE UNIVERSITY OF TEXAS AT DALLAS MEDICAL INFORMATION AND RELEASE FORM — MINOR (To be Completed by Parent or Legal Guardian. Please Print Clearly) Name ______________________________________________________________________________________________________________ First Last Address ___________________________________________________________________________________________________________ City ___________________________________________ State _______ Zip __________0DMRUBBBBBBBBBBBBBBBBBBBBBBB Telephone Number ( )____________________ Birthdate _______ / _______ / _______ 0DOH)HPDOH Area Code Emergency contact persons and phone numbers: Name __________________________________________________ Name _________________________________________________ Relation ________________________________________________ Relation _______________________________________________ Telephone Number-day (____) _____________________________ Telephone Number-day (____) ____________________________ Telephone Number-night (____) _____________________________ Telephone Number-night (____) ____________________________ Medical Information: Physician Information Name __________________________________________________ Dentist Information Name _________________________________________________ Address ________________________________________________ Address _______________________________________________ Telephone Number-office (____) ____________________________ Telephone Number-office (____) ___________________________ Telephone-emergency (____) ________________________________ Telephone -emergency (____) ______________________________ Allergies ___________________________________________________________________________________________________________ 'R\RXKDYHKHDOWKLQVXUDQFH"<HV1RHealth Insurance Company _______________________ Telephone (____) _______________ Group # _____________ Policy # _______________ I.D. # _________________________________________________ Medication(s) you are taking (including dosage) ___________________________________________________________________________ Date of last Tetanus/Diphtheria Inoculations_______________________________ Blood type $2%$%$2%$% Special Health Needs or Concerns _______________________________________________________________________________________ EMERGENCY MEDICAL AUTHORIZATION I, the undersigned parent or legal guardian of ___________________________________, do hereby authorize The University of Texas at (name of minor) Dallas and its designated representatives to consent, on my behalf, to any medical/hospital care or treatment to be rendered to _________________________________ upon the advice of any licensed physician. I agree to be responsible for all necessary (name of minor) charges incurred by any hospitalization or treatment rendered pursuant to this authorization. The effective dates for this authorization are ____________________ through _____________________. By signing this authorization, I represent to The University of Texas at Dallas that I have legal authority to provide consent for this minor child. _________________________________________________________ Date: ____________________________________________________ (Signature of Parent or Legal Guardian)* _________________________________________________________ (Printed Name of Parent or Legal Guardian) Privacy Statement: With few exceptions, you are entitled on your request to be informed about the information U.T. Dallas collects about you. Under Sections 552.021 and 552.023 of the Texas Government Code, you are entitled to receive and review the information. Under Section 559.004 of the Texas Government Code, you are entitled to have U.T. Dallas correct information about you that is held by us and that is incorrect. Original: Custodian Copy: Faculty or Staff member traveling with the group. *SIGNATURE REQUIRED ON COMPLETED FORM FOR PARTICIPATION IN THE ABOVE-REFERENCED ACTIVITY AND/OR TRAVEL Rev. 7/28/2011 EXHIBIT B4 RELEASE AND INDEMNIFICATION AGREEMENT FOR MINOR PARTICIPANTS PARTICIPANT: (Name and Address) INSTITUTION: __________________________________________ The University of Texas at Dallas (UTD) Name (last name first - please print or type) __________________________________________ Address __________________________________________ (School/Administrative Division) __________________________________________ City, State, Zip Code __________________________________________ (Program/Administrative Unit) Check here if you are not a registered UTD student. IDENTIFYING DESCRIPTION OF ACTIVITY AND/OR TRAVEL: _____________________________________ _________________________________________________________________________________________________ MODE OF TRANSPORTATION: ___________________________________________________________________ PRINCIPAL LOCATION(S): _________________________________________ DATE(S): ____________________ I am the Parent/Guardian of the above-named Participant who is under eighteen years of age and has voluntarily applied to participate in the above Activity and/or Travel. I am fully competent to sign this Agreement. I give permission for Participant to participate in the above-referenced Activity and/or Travel. I acknowledge that the nature of the Activity and/or Travel could possibly expose Participant to hazards or risks that could result in Participant's illness, personal injury or death and I understand and appreciate the nature of such hazards and risks. I grant UTD and its employees full authority to take whatever actions they may consider to be warranted under any circumstances regarding the protection of participant’s health and safety. I understand and agree that if participant does not comply with all the rules, code of conduct, and instructions relating to this Activity and/or Travel, UTD has the right to terminate his/her participation in this activity without refund. In consideration of Participant being permitted to participate in the Activity and/or Travel, I hereby accept all risk to Participant's health and of his/her injury or death that may result from such participation, including transportation and all other adjunct activities, and I hereby release UTD, its governing board, officers, employees and representatives from any and all liability to Participant, Participant's personal representatives, estate, heirs, next of kin, and assigns for any and all claims and causes of action for loss of or damage to Participant's property and for any and all illness or injury to Participant's person, including his/her death, that may result from or occur during Participant's participation in the Activity and/or Travel, whether caused by any type of negligence of UTD, its governing board, officers, employees, or representatives, or otherwise. I further agree to indemnify and hold harmless UTD and its governing board, officers, employees, and representatives from liability for the injury or death of any person(s) and damage to property that may result from Participant's negligent or intentional act or omission while participating in the described Activity and/or Travel. I HAVE CAREFULLY READ THIS AGREEMENT AND UNDERSTAND IT TO BE A RELEASE OF ALL CLAIMS AND CAUSES OF ACTION FOR PARTICIPANT’S INJURY OR DEATH OR DAMAGE TO PARTICIPANT’S PROPERTY THAT OCCURS WHILE PARTICIPATING IN THE ABOVE DESCRIBED ACTIVITY AND/OR TRAVEL AND THAT IT OBLIGATES ME TO INDEMNIFY THE PARTIES NAMED FOR ANY LIABILITY FOR INJURY OR DEATH OF ANY PERSON AND DAMAGE TO PROPERTY CAUSED BY PARTICIPANT’S NEGLIGENT OR INTENTIONAL ACT OR OMISSION. THIS AGREEMENT SHALL BE CONSTRUED IN ACCORDANCE WITH THE LAWS OF THE STATE OF TEXAS, WHICH SHALL BE THE FORUM FOR ANY LAWSUITS FILED UNDER OR INCIDENT TO THIS AGREEMENT OR ACTIVITY. __________________________________________ Signature of Parent/Guardian* __________________________________________ Printed Name of Parent/Guardian __________________________________________ __________________________________________ Signature of Witness __________________________________________ Printed Name of Witness Date Signed: ____________________________________________ Address (if different from Participant's Address) Date Signed: _________________________________ *SIGNATURE REQUIRED ON COMPLETED FORM FOR PARTICIPATION IN THE ABOVE-REFERENCED ACTIVITY AND/OR TRAVEL March 2005
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