History of Selene Society NEWSLE T - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - Volume V, Numbe r 2 - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - Ap r i l 1976 The Newslette r o f the History of Science Society is publi s h ed in January, April, July, and October, with s upplement s a s necess a ry cont a ining job information. Regular issues are sent free t o individual members. S upple me nts a r e s ent aut omatically to about ninety h i story o f s c ience departments and individua l s , an d wi ll be sent to others on reques t. Non- members may subscribe to the News let t er for $5.00 p er year. Please send all ne ws items , written a s concisely as po ssible, to t h e Secretary of the Society, Dr. Roger H. Stuewer, School of Physics and Astronomy , Un iversity of Minnesota, Minneapolis , ~ti n n esota 55455 . The deadli n e for receipt of news for the July issue is June ~ ' and THIS HILL BE THE ONLY CALL FOR NEWS THAT-wi LL BE ISSUED. SEARCH FOR NEW EDITOR OF I SI S Dr. Robert P. Hu l thau f will retire as Editor of I s is at the e n d of hi s present third term, and the Committe e on Isis is currently seeking s u gge s ti o n s f or h i s successor, who will b e eventually selected by the HSS Council p r i o r to De c ember 1978. Please send your r eco mmendations by May 1, 1976, to the Chairman of the Commi ttee on Isis, Professor Rob er t Siegfried,lDepart~ent of the History of Science , 405 South Hall, Universit y of Wis c ons in, Madison, Wisconsin 537 0 6. 1975 HSS COUNCIL ELECTION RESULTS The results of t he 19 75 HSS Council election was that the fol lowing five candidates have be~n elected to se rve three year terms expiring December 31 , 19 78 (vo t es, received in paren thes e s) : Ru th Schwartz Cowan (74) , Arnold Thackray (6 3) , Robe rt H. Kargon {60), Camile Limoges (57), and Robert S. Westman (57). The votes rece ived by the other candidates on the s la te a nd write-in candidates were as follows : Theodore M. Brown {50), Garlan d E. Alle n (4 9) , Uta C . Merzbach (32), Elaine Koppe lman (2 8), Bert Hansen (26), and Harold I. Sh ar l i n (1). A total of 105 ballots (some in c o mp l ete) were cast, and all that were re c eive d, whether before or after the deadline publ i shed in the last Newsletter, were co unt e d . 1976 HSS NOMINATI NG COMMITTEE ELECTION RESULTS The results of the 1976 HSS Nomi n ating Committee e l ec t i on was that the following three Council candidates and t wo non-Council candidate s h a ve been elected {votes received in parentheses): Lawr enc e Badash (62) 1 Diana Long Hall (5 5), Joan Cadden (50), F. La rry Holmes (66) 1 a nd Barba r a Ro senkran tz (4 9 ). The v otes received by the other candidates on the slate were a s f o l lows: Marga ret W. Rossiter (47), Jane M. Oppenheimer (42), Judith v. Grab iner ( 39 ) , Davi d C. Li n dbe rg (4 5 ), and Thomas B. Settle {44). Again, of the lOS ball ot s c a st, al l were counte d, whe t he r received before or after the dead l ine published i n the l a s t Newsle tter. - 2 - 1976 HSS NOMINATING COHHITTEE The Preside~t of the HSS, John C. Greene , has appointed Professor F. Larry Holmes, Department of Histo ry of !'-1edicine and Science, University of Western Ontario, London 72, Ontario , Canada, to serve as Chairman of the 1976 HSS Nominating Committee. The add ress es of the other members of the Committee are as follows: Pro fes sor Lawrence Badash, Department o f History, Universit y of California, Santa Barbara, California 93106; Professor Diana Long Hall, Department of History and of Biology, Boston Un~versity , Boston, Nassachusetts 02215 ; Professor Joan Cadden, Department of History of Science, Harvard University, Cambridge, Massachusetts 02138; and Professor Barbara Rosenkr antz , Department of History of Science, Harvard University, Cambridge, Massachusetts 02138. The 1976 Nominating Committee is ch arged with nominating candidates for the office of Vice President of the HSS, for the HSS Council, with three year terms expiring December 31, 1979, and for the 1977 HSS Nominating Corrunittee. By Article 10 of thE. HSS Statutes , for the office of Vice President the 1976 Ballot "shall ccnt.ain the name s of two candidates proposed by the Nominating Committee together with the names of other candidates nominated by petitions signed by at least twenty-five membe r s of the Soci e ty. For the Council , the ballot shall contain the names of ten candidates proposed by the Nominating Committee together with the names of other candidates nominated by peti tions signed by at leas t fifteen members of the Society. For the {1977 ] Nomin a ting Committee . . . the ballot shall contain ten names separated into two lists , one with six names of members of the Council, the other with four names of other members of the Society , together in both c ases with the names of othe r candidates nominated by petitions signed by at least fifteen members of the Society . ... Nominating petitions, together with the agreeme nt of the person nominated , must reach the chairperson of the Nomina ting Committee by the first of september of the year of the election." The 1976 ballot will be published in the October Newsletter (Volume V, Number 4). At any given time, the HSS Council consists of the Past Presidents of the Society, the Executive Committee of the Society, and fifteen members of the Society. The Past Presidents of the HSS are: Henry Guerlac, Narshall Clagett , I. Bernard Cohen , Harcour t Brown, Dorothy Stimson, Chauncey Leake, Charles Gillispie, Thomas s. Kuhn , Lynn h~ite, Jr., and Erwin N. Hiebert. John C . Gree ne is the current President; Richa r ds. Westfal l the First Vice President; Carl B. Boyer the Second Vice President; Roger H. Stuewer the Secretary; Arthur Norberg the Treasurer; and Robert P. ~lul thauf the Editor of Isis. Othe r past and present Council members, with three-year terms expi ri ng on Dece mber~ of the years indicated , are : (1964) B. Hi;,dle , Thos . Smi th, Cyril Smith , Lynn Nhi t e, Jr., and R. Siegfried; (1965) A. Debus, G. Holton , J. !'-1urdoch, L . P . Williams, and J. Saunders; {1966) E. Grant, C . D. Hellman, E . Hendelsohn, A. Ihde, and t..J. Stahlman; (1967) w. Coleman, R. Hahn, N. Reingold , W. Stahl, and H. Woolf; (1968) J . Beer, H. Leicester, R. Schofield, J. Stannard , and R. Westfall; (1969) L. Wilson , A. Ospovat, W. Cannon, c . Condit, and E. Hiebert; (1970) E . Co l lins , J . Abrams, D. Roller , w. Coleman, and J . Burke; (1971) G. Basalla, G. Daniels , F.L . Holmes , G. Stocking , Jr., and c. Weiner; (1972) F . Chu rchill, S. Drake , J. Heilbron , D. Lindberg , and T. Settle; (1973) M. Klein , c . Culott a, M. McVaugh, H. Sharlin , and T . Hankins; {1974) P . Forman , C. Boyer (R. Rappaport], P. Ri tterbush, C . Rosenberg, and W. Scott ; (1975) M. Crowe, J. Fullmer, L . Graham, c. Iltis, and W. Shea ; (1 976) A. Aaboe, J. Grabiner, M. Rossiter , w. Wallace, and M.P. Hinsor; (1977) Lawrence Badash, Jane M. Oppenhei me r, A.I. Sabra, Diana Long Hall, and Joan Cadden; and (1978) Ruth Schwartz Cowan, Robert H. Kargon, Camile Limoges, Arnold Thackray , a nd Robe rt S. Vlestman. - Proposals to give papers at Work -i n -Progress sessi .Jr, and for special -topics sessions , includ1ng title, ch airperson, and proposed participants, are requested. As this will be the first Jo~nt meeting of the p s and SHOT, proposals for joint HSS - SHOT sessions are also requesttd. Please submit all p r opos als no later than Hay 31, 1976, to Professor Shapiro. NOTE THAT THIS DEADLINE HAS BEEN EXTEtlDED, SINCE THE'RE:ARE STILL A FEW OPEN SWTS IN THE PROGRA!'l. The 1976 Annual Meeting will be held in the Holiday In n -University City, 36th and Chestnut, Philadelphia, Pennsylvania 19104. XVth INTERNATIONAL CONGRESS C•F THE HISTORY OF SCIENCE (EDINBURGH , AUGUST 10-19 , 1977) The XVth International Congress of the History of Science will be held in Edinburgh, Scotland, August 10-19, 1977. The theme of the Cong ress will be "Human Implications of Scien t ific Advance: Historical Perspectives." The first circular announcing pre liminary arrangements for this Congress and associated activities within the United Kin gdom was to have been widely distributed in Narch 1976. To this will be added a reply sl ip, which must be returned if further communications are desired. Copies of this first circular, and public notices advertising the Congress, will be supplied on request by the Honorary Secretary, Dr. Eric G. Forbes, History Department , University of Edinburgh , 50 George Square, Edinburgh EH8 9JY, Scotland . NEH GRANT RECEIVED FOR ISIS CUMULATIVE BIBLIOGRAPHY The National Endowment for the Humanities (NEH) has awarded a grant of $24,657 to the HSS in support of Volume IV of the Isis Cumulative Bibliography. Volume III is now in press . The Editor of all volumes is Nrs. Magda VJhitrow, Lyon Playfair Libra r y, Imperi al Col l ege, London s . w. 7, England . HSS ENDOWHENT FUND The HSS Endowment Fund has now reached approxima tely $18,000, and the goal is to reach $50 , 000 by the e nd of 1976 in commemoration o f the HSS ' s 50th Annive r sary. The HSS Council voted to app r ove the publication of the names of all doners in Isis at the end of the three year fund-raising period 1974-76. Those still wishing to contribute are urged to fill o ut and return the form below as soon as poss ible to the Treasurer of t he HSS, Dr. Arthur Norberg, The Bancroft Library , University of Califor n i a , Berkeley 94 72 0 . To p romote the work of the History of Science society by helping to establish a pe r manent endowment fund , I pledge $___________ to the HSS Endowment Fund, to be paid during the year s 1 9 74-1976 as fol l ows : 1976 ANNUAL MEET ING OF THE HSS IN PHILADELPHIA (DECEMBER 28 -30) FINAL CALL FOR PAPERS AND HOTEL ANNOUNCEMENT The HSS will ho ld its 1976 Annual Meeting t ogether with the Society for the History of Technology (SHOT) in Philadelphia, December 28 - 30 . The Chairman of the Program Committee is Profes sor Alan E. Shapi r o , School of Physics and Astrono my, University of 3 - Ninnesota , t-tinneapolis, H.lnnl:sota 55455. The Chairman of the Local Arrangements Committee is Professor Robert E. f:ohler, Jr ., Department of i-llstory and Sociology of Science, University of ?ennsylvania, Philadelph~a, Pennsylvania 1 9174 . --------------"per annum 1974 - 1976 ______________herewith enclosed (Make checks payable to Histo r y of Sc ience Society- Endowment Fund.) - 2 - 1976 HSS NOMINATING COHHITTEE The Preside~t of the HSS, John C. Greene , has appointed Professor F. Larry Holmes, Department of Histo ry of !'-1edicine and Science, University of Western Ontario, London 72, Ontario , Canada, to serve as Chairman of the 1976 HSS Nominating Committee. The add ress es of the other members of the Committee are as follows: Pro fes sor Lawrence Badash, Department o f History, Universit y of California, Santa Barbara, California 93106; Professor Diana Long Hall, Department of History and of Biology, Boston Un~versity , Boston, Nassachusetts 02215 ; Professor Joan Cadden, Department of History of Science, Harvard University, Cambridge, Massachusetts 02138; and Professor Barbara Rosenkr antz , Department of History of Science, Harvard University, Cambridge, Massachusetts 02138. The 1976 Nominating Committee is ch arged with nominating candidates for the office of Vice President of the HSS, for the HSS Council, with three year terms expiring December 31, 1979, and for the 1977 HSS Nominating Corrunittee. By Article 10 of thE. HSS Statutes , for the office of Vice President the 1976 Ballot "shall ccnt.ain the name s of two candidates proposed by the Nominating Committee together with the names of other candidates nominated by petitions signed by at least twenty-five membe r s of the Soci e ty. For the Council , the ballot shall contain the names of ten candidates proposed by the Nominating Committee together with the names of other candidates nominated by peti tions signed by at leas t fifteen members of the Society. For the {1977 ] Nomin a ting Committee . . . the ballot shall contain ten names separated into two lists , one with six names of members of the Council, the other with four names of other members of the Society , together in both c ases with the names of othe r candidates nominated by petitions signed by at least fifteen members of the Society . ... Nominating petitions, together with the agreeme nt of the person nominated , must reach the chairperson of the Nomina ting Committee by the first of september of the year of the election." The 1976 ballot will be published in the October Newsletter (Volume V, Number 4). At any given time, the HSS Council consists of the Past Presidents of the Society, the Executive Committee of the Society, and fifteen members of the Society. The Past Presidents of the HSS are: Henry Guerlac, Narshall Clagett , I. Bernard Cohen , Harcour t Brown, Dorothy Stimson, Chauncey Leake, Charles Gillispie, Thomas s. Kuhn , Lynn h~ite, Jr., and Erwin N. Hiebert. John C . Gree ne is the current President; Richa r ds. Westfal l the First Vice President; Carl B. Boyer the Second Vice President; Roger H. Stuewer the Secretary; Arthur Norberg the Treasurer; and Robert P. ~lul thauf the Editor of Isis. Othe r past and present Council members, with three-year terms expi ri ng on Dece mber~ of the years indicated , are : (1964) B. Hi;,dle , Thos . Smi th, Cyril Smith , Lynn Nhi t e, Jr., and R. Siegfried; (1965) A. Debus, G. Holton , J. !'-1urdoch, L . P . Williams, and J. Saunders; {1966) E. Grant, C . D. Hellman, E . Hendelsohn, A. Ihde, and t..J. Stahlman; (1967) w. Coleman, R. Hahn, N. Reingold , W. Stahl, and H. Woolf; (1968) J . Beer, H. Leicester, R. Schofield, J. Stannard , and R. Westfall; (1969) L. Wilson , A. Ospovat, W. Cannon, c . Condit, and E. Hiebert; (1970) E . Co l lins , J . Abrams, D. Roller , w. Coleman, and J . Burke; (1971) G. Basalla, G. Daniels , F.L . Holmes , G. Stocking , Jr., and c. Weiner; (1972) F . Chu rchill, S. Drake , J. Heilbron , D. Lindberg , and T. Settle; (1973) M. Klein , c . Culott a, M. McVaugh, H. Sharlin , and T . Hankins; {1974) P . Forman , C. Boyer (R. Rappaport], P. Ri tterbush, C . Rosenberg, and W. Scott ; (1975) M. Crowe, J. Fullmer, L . Graham, c. Iltis, and W. Shea ; (1 976) A. Aaboe, J. Grabiner, M. Rossiter , w. Wallace, and M.P. Hinsor; (1977) Lawrence Badash, Jane M. Oppenhei me r, A.I. Sabra, Diana Long Hall, and Joan Cadden; and (1978) Ruth Schwartz Cowan, Robert H. Kargon, Camile Limoges, Arnold Thackray , a nd Robe rt S. Vlestman. - Proposals to give papers at Work -i n -Progress sessi .Jr, and for special -topics sessions , includ1ng title, ch airperson, and proposed participants, are requested. As this will be the first Jo~nt meeting of the p s and SHOT, proposals for joint HSS - SHOT sessions are also requesttd. Please submit all p r opos als no later than Hay 31, 1976, to Professor Shapiro. NOTE THAT THIS DEADLINE HAS BEEN EXTEtlDED, SINCE THE'RE:ARE STILL A FEW OPEN SWTS IN THE PROGRA!'l. The 1976 Annual Meeting will be held in the Holiday In n -University City, 36th and Chestnut, Philadelphia, Pennsylvania 19104. XVth INTERNATIONAL CONGRESS C•F THE HISTORY OF SCIENCE (EDINBURGH , AUGUST 10-19 , 1977) The XVth International Congress of the History of Science will be held in Edinburgh, Scotland, August 10-19, 1977. The theme of the Cong ress will be "Human Implications of Scien t ific Advance: Historical Perspectives." The first circular announcing pre liminary arrangements for this Congress and associated activities within the United Kin gdom was to have been widely distributed in Narch 1976. To this will be added a reply sl ip, which must be returned if further communications are desired. Copies of this first circular, and public notices advertising the Congress, will be supplied on request by the Honorary Secretary, Dr. Eric G. Forbes, History Department , University of Edinburgh , 50 George Square, Edinburgh EH8 9JY, Scotland . NEH GRANT RECEIVED FOR ISIS CUMULATIVE BIBLIOGRAPHY The National Endowment for the Humanities (NEH) has awarded a grant of $24,657 to the HSS in support of Volume IV of the Isis Cumulative Bibliography. Volume III is now in press . The Editor of all volumes is Nrs. Magda VJhitrow, Lyon Playfair Libra r y, Imperi al Col l ege, London s . w. 7, England . HSS ENDOWHENT FUND The HSS Endowment Fund has now reached approxima tely $18,000, and the goal is to reach $50 , 000 by the e nd of 1976 in commemoration o f the HSS ' s 50th Annive r sary. The HSS Council voted to app r ove the publication of the names of all doners in Isis at the end of the three year fund-raising period 1974-76. Those still wishing to contribute are urged to fill o ut and return the form below as soon as poss ible to the Treasurer of t he HSS, Dr. Arthur Norberg, The Bancroft Library , University of Califor n i a , Berkeley 94 72 0 . To p romote the work of the History of Science society by helping to establish a pe r manent endowment fund , I pledge $___________ to the HSS Endowment Fund, to be paid during the year s 1 9 74-1976 as fol l ows : 1976 ANNUAL MEET ING OF THE HSS IN PHILADELPHIA (DECEMBER 28 -30) FINAL CALL FOR PAPERS AND HOTEL ANNOUNCEMENT The HSS will ho ld its 1976 Annual Meeting t ogether with the Society for the History of Technology (SHOT) in Philadelphia, December 28 - 30 . The Chairman of the Program Committee is Profes sor Alan E. Shapi r o , School of Physics and Astrono my, University of 3 - Ninnesota , t-tinneapolis, H.lnnl:sota 55455. The Chairman of the Local Arrangements Committee is Professor Robert E. f:ohler, Jr ., Department of i-llstory and Sociology of Science, University of ?ennsylvania, Philadelph~a, Pennsylvania 1 9174 . --------------"per annum 1974 - 1976 ______________herewith enclosed (Make checks payable to Histo r y of Sc ience Society- Endowment Fund.) - 4 - - 19 76 PFI ZER At-lARD The Pfizer A~ar d , con sisting of a meda l and a cash p rize o f $1 000, was estaC lis h ed ~n 1958 t hroug h the ge n e r o si t y o f Charles Pfizer & Company, In c ., to recognize a nr. re ward "the best published work r ela t e d t o th e history of scien ce in the pre cedin g- year [in this case 19751 wr 1 t te n by an Ame ric an o r Canadian author. " Th e Pfizer l,wurd Commi ttee , which is appoi nt ed b y the Presi dent o f the HSS , is this ye a r chaired L y P r ofe s s or Ro be r t li. Kar go n, Department of History of Science, Johns Hopki n s Univer s ity, Bal t i mo r e , Haryland 21 21 8 . Nominations for the Pfizer Award should be submitted t_o Profe sso r Kargo n b y May !• 19 76. The ru1nouncement of th e Award- winni n g work will be maCe at t he an n ual mee ting o f t he History of Science Society. 5 - HISTORY OF SCIENCE SOCIETY DI P..ECTORY OF l'l£11BERS . The fourth_ edition of t he Directory \Vl.ll be published this summer . If you have not p r ev1. ously subm~tted a fo rm , o r if your present entry needs to be updat e d , plea se fi ll out ~he ~ppropr1.a~e spaces and return to the Isis EditoriP~ Of fice , ~RT 52 1 4 , Smi t hson i an ~n~t~tut~~n , \Vash1.ngton, D . C: 20560 . It will help a great d eal i f you wo ul d t ype o r .t- rl.nt pla1.nly throughout , us~ng the follo vd ng bbrevi ations: Dept , St , Ave, Rd , Uni v, Asst , Assoc , _Prof, Lect , GS (gr aduate student), PhD e xp(ected), lBc (a n d si mi lar fo r othe r c er t ur ~es) , esp (ec ia lly) , us . NAME (last name f i rst) 1976 B£NRY SCHUMAN PRIZE ~ ~ ~ ANNOUNCEMENT FOR STUDENTS The competition f o r the annual award of $250, established in 1 955 by Ida and the late Henry Schuman of New York City for an o riginal prize essay in the history o f s c ience and its c ultural influences , is open to graduate and undergradua te students in any Arr.e r ican or c an a dian college , unive rsity or institute of t echnology . Papers submitte d f o r the prize competition should b e approximately 5 , 000 words in length , e x c lusive of footnotes , and thoroughly doc umented. The Schuman Prize Committee , whi ch i s appointed by th e President of t he HSS, is this year chaired by Dr. Judith R. Goods t ein, In s t i t ute Archivist, California Institute of Technology , Millikan Lib~ary 1-32 , Pasadena, California 91125 . To be eligible for conside r ation , papers (not mo r e th an one f rom eac h c ompetitor) must be r e ce i ved by Dr. Goodstein on or before Jul y 1 , 1976 . It is re a ueste d t h a t the names and institutions of the contributors be p laced ;;-a separate ti t le page s o that they may be removed before being read by the me~ers o f t h e Committee. The a n noun cement of the Pr ize - winning essay will be made at th e ann u a l meet ing of th e History of Science Society . ADDRESS PRESENT AFFILIATI ON (if different from above) PHONE NUMBER with a r ea code OFFICE ------------------- HOME ------------------- TITLE UNIVERSITY, HIGHEST DEGREE , DATE AWARDED THESIS TOPIC BROAD AREAS OF INTEREST IN HISTORY OF SCIENCE SYI'll'OSI UH ON CONCEPTUAL REVOLUTIONS AND SCI ENTIFIC PROGRESS (GRE ENSBORO , NORTH CAROLINA, APRIL 9 - 10, 1976) The Department of Philosophy of the Univers ity o f North Caro lina at Greensboro has announced a symposium on the topic "Concep tual Revol uti ons and Scientific Progress" t o be held Ap r i l 9 -1 0 , 1976 . The speakers and top i cs will be Stephen Brush (Mar yland) , "Planetary Cosmogony 1895-1925: A Case Stud y of Non-Revolutionary Theory Chan ge"; Dudley Shapere (Naryland ) , "On the Intro duction of New Hypotheses in Scien c e"; Fre deri ck Suppe (Maryland) , "Beyond Skinner and Kuhn "; and David Hull (VJisco nsin- Milwaukee) , "A ltruism ~n Scien ce : A So c iobiological Explanation of Cooperative Behavior Amonq Scientists. " Fur t h e r information may be obtained from Professor Jarrett Leplin, Department of Philosophy, University of North Caro lina - Gree nsboro , Greensbo ro, North Carolina 2 741 2. Dr . Arthur Norberg , Treasurer History of Scien ce Society The Bancroft Library University of Cali fornia, Berkeley Berkeley, California 94720 SPECIAL AREAS OF RESEARCH INTEREST IN HISTORY OF SCIENCE ------------------------------------------------------------ For the index we are using the following categories . appli cable to you, as indicated by your interests above. __ Bibliography and Archives __ Historiography _Bi og raphy __ Philosophy of Science Scientific Institut i ons Instruments Social Relations of Science Humanistic Relations o f Science Use o f History of Sc ience in Science Teaching American Science Ot her National Science Nathematics Astronomy Physics Chemistry Earth Sciences Explorat ion and Expeditions __ Biological Sc iences Pleas e check those most Sciences of Man Medicine Pharmacy Techno l ogy Ast r ology Alche my f1usic Primitive Societies Ancient Near East __ Clas sical Antiquity (Greece & Rome) Medieval Islam, Middle & Near East to ca . 1600 India Far East __ 16 - 17th Century 18th Century 19th , early 20th Century Co ntemporary - 4 - - 19 76 PFI ZER At-lARD The Pfizer A~ar d , con sisting of a meda l and a cash p rize o f $1 000, was estaC lis h ed ~n 1958 t hroug h the ge n e r o si t y o f Charles Pfizer & Company, In c ., to recognize a nr. re ward "the best published work r ela t e d t o th e history of scien ce in the pre cedin g- year [in this case 19751 wr 1 t te n by an Ame ric an o r Canadian author. " Th e Pfizer l,wurd Commi ttee , which is appoi nt ed b y the Presi dent o f the HSS , is this ye a r chaired L y P r ofe s s or Ro be r t li. Kar go n, Department of History of Science, Johns Hopki n s Univer s ity, Bal t i mo r e , Haryland 21 21 8 . Nominations for the Pfizer Award should be submitted t_o Profe sso r Kargo n b y May !• 19 76. The ru1nouncement of th e Award- winni n g work will be maCe at t he an n ual mee ting o f t he History of Science Society. 5 - HISTORY OF SCIENCE SOCIETY DI P..ECTORY OF l'l£11BERS . The fourth_ edition of t he Directory \Vl.ll be published this summer . If you have not p r ev1. ously subm~tted a fo rm , o r if your present entry needs to be updat e d , plea se fi ll out ~he ~ppropr1.a~e spaces and return to the Isis EditoriP~ Of fice , ~RT 52 1 4 , Smi t hson i an ~n~t~tut~~n , \Vash1.ngton, D . C: 20560 . It will help a great d eal i f you wo ul d t ype o r .t- rl.nt pla1.nly throughout , us~ng the follo vd ng bbrevi ations: Dept , St , Ave, Rd , Uni v, Asst , Assoc , _Prof, Lect , GS (gr aduate student), PhD e xp(ected), lBc (a n d si mi lar fo r othe r c er t ur ~es) , esp (ec ia lly) , us . NAME (last name f i rst) 1976 B£NRY SCHUMAN PRIZE ~ ~ ~ ANNOUNCEMENT FOR STUDENTS The competition f o r the annual award of $250, established in 1 955 by Ida and the late Henry Schuman of New York City for an o riginal prize essay in the history o f s c ience and its c ultural influences , is open to graduate and undergradua te students in any Arr.e r ican or c an a dian college , unive rsity or institute of t echnology . Papers submitte d f o r the prize competition should b e approximately 5 , 000 words in length , e x c lusive of footnotes , and thoroughly doc umented. The Schuman Prize Committee , whi ch i s appointed by th e President of t he HSS, is this year chaired by Dr. Judith R. Goods t ein, In s t i t ute Archivist, California Institute of Technology , Millikan Lib~ary 1-32 , Pasadena, California 91125 . To be eligible for conside r ation , papers (not mo r e th an one f rom eac h c ompetitor) must be r e ce i ved by Dr. Goodstein on or before Jul y 1 , 1976 . It is re a ueste d t h a t the names and institutions of the contributors be p laced ;;-a separate ti t le page s o that they may be removed before being read by the me~ers o f t h e Committee. The a n noun cement of the Pr ize - winning essay will be made at th e ann u a l meet ing of th e History of Science Society . ADDRESS PRESENT AFFILIATI ON (if different from above) PHONE NUMBER with a r ea code OFFICE ------------------- HOME ------------------- TITLE UNIVERSITY, HIGHEST DEGREE , DATE AWARDED THESIS TOPIC BROAD AREAS OF INTEREST IN HISTORY OF SCIENCE SYI'll'OSI UH ON CONCEPTUAL REVOLUTIONS AND SCI ENTIFIC PROGRESS (GRE ENSBORO , NORTH CAROLINA, APRIL 9 - 10, 1976) The Department of Philosophy of the Univers ity o f North Caro lina at Greensboro has announced a symposium on the topic "Concep tual Revol uti ons and Scientific Progress" t o be held Ap r i l 9 -1 0 , 1976 . The speakers and top i cs will be Stephen Brush (Mar yland) , "Planetary Cosmogony 1895-1925: A Case Stud y of Non-Revolutionary Theory Chan ge"; Dudley Shapere (Naryland ) , "On the Intro duction of New Hypotheses in Scien c e"; Fre deri ck Suppe (Maryland) , "Beyond Skinner and Kuhn "; and David Hull (VJisco nsin- Milwaukee) , "A ltruism ~n Scien ce : A So c iobiological Explanation of Cooperative Behavior Amonq Scientists. " Fur t h e r information may be obtained from Professor Jarrett Leplin, Department of Philosophy, University of North Caro lina - Gree nsboro , Greensbo ro, North Carolina 2 741 2. Dr . Arthur Norberg , Treasurer History of Scien ce Society The Bancroft Library University of Cali fornia, Berkeley Berkeley, California 94720 SPECIAL AREAS OF RESEARCH INTEREST IN HISTORY OF SCIENCE ------------------------------------------------------------ For the index we are using the following categories . appli cable to you, as indicated by your interests above. __ Bibliography and Archives __ Historiography _Bi og raphy __ Philosophy of Science Scientific Institut i ons Instruments Social Relations of Science Humanistic Relations o f Science Use o f History of Sc ience in Science Teaching American Science Ot her National Science Nathematics Astronomy Physics Chemistry Earth Sciences Explorat ion and Expeditions __ Biological Sc iences Pleas e check those most Sciences of Man Medicine Pharmacy Techno l ogy Ast r ology Alche my f1usic Primitive Societies Ancient Near East __ Clas sical Antiquity (Greece & Rome) Medieval Islam, Middle & Near East to ca . 1600 India Far East __ 16 - 17th Century 18th Century 19th , early 20th Century Co ntemporary - 6 - - 7 - SPECIAL MEDICAL LECTURE AT UtJIVERSITY OF ILLINOIS (CHICAGC , APPIL 28 , 1976) Guenter B. Risse {University of Vhscons1n) will deliver the 33rd Annual D. J. Davis Lecture in Hedical History at the University of IL:_ i .ois College of Medicine, in Chicago Room A of the Chicago Il lin1 Union, 828 South Halcott Avenue, Chicago, Illinois, on Wednesday, April 28, 1976, at 1: u p.M. The title of his lecture will be "The 'New' American Mediclne 1776 - 1820." 4TH SYHPOSIUH Otl PHILOSOPHY ArlO HEDICINE HAY 16 - 18 , 1976) - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - fold - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - (GALVESTO N, TEXAS, The Instit ute for the Hedical Humanities c i the University of Texas Medical Branch will host , through a grant from the Hogg Found1tion, the Fourth Symposium on Philosophy and Medicine, devoted to the theme "Mental Health: Philosophical Perspectives." Major speakers will include Chester R. Burns (University of Texas Medical Branch), Alan Donagan (Universit y of Chicago) 1 Horacia Fabrega (Hichigan State University) , Leonard Feldstein (Fordham University), Thomas s. Szasz (State University o f New Yo rk, Syracuse), Irving Thalberg (Unive r sity of Illinois), Stephen Toulrnin (University of Chicago) , and J. H. van der Berg (University of Leiden) . There are no registration charges. For further in for matio n please write to Professor H. Tristram Engelhardt,Jr., Institute for the Medical Humanities, University of Texas Medical Bran ch, Galveston, Texas 77550 (phone 713 - 765-2376), or Professor Stuart F . Spieker, Department of Communi ty Medicine and Health Care , The University of Connecticut Health Center, Farmington, Connecticut 06032 (phone 203 - 674-2354). JOHNS HOPKINS TUTORIAL ON THE WRITING OF HEDICAL HISTORY (BALTIHORE , JUNE 1976) In early June 1976 the Johns Hopkins Institute of the History of Hedicine will offer a week-long t:utorial on ho v, to plan and write a paper in the history of medicine. The daily individual tutorial .,.,;ill be the basis o f the teaching, but there will be two or three lecture demonstrations (bibliography) and at least two seminars, or group discussions, one of which will be conducted as a pane l. A participant should arrive wit h a project already in mind, one that is small enough in scope to make real initial progress possible in the inside of a week and one that he is willing to change --to modi fy or even to abandon in favor of a related problem that will have a be tter ch ance to be profitably followed up. For further information and an application form, please contact Dr. Lloyd G. Stevenson 1 Director, Institute of the History of t-1edicine , The Johns Hopkins University , 1900 East Nonument Street, Baltimore, Maryland 21205. - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - fold - - _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ EUROPEAN STUDIES CONFERENCE (OMAHA , OCTOBER 14 - 16, 197S) T Is i s Editorial Office MHT 52 1 4 Smithson ian Institution Wash in g t on, D. C. 20560 NEBRASKA , The University of Nebraska at Omaha will sponsor a E uropean Studies Confe rence, to be held October 14 - 16, 1976, in the Ramada Inn, Omaha . This will be an interdis c i p linary meeting with sessions devoted to current research , research tools and techniques, and teaching me t hodology, as well as traditional topics. Abstracts of pape rs should be submitted by May 1 , 19 76 , to Professor Ert Gum, Departme nt of History, Universi ty o f Nebraska at Omaha~ Box 688 , Omaha, Nebraska 68101 . 1 977 AAAS ANNUAL HEETING (DENVER , COLORADO , FEBRUARY 20-26) The 1977 annual meeting of the American Association for the Advancement of Science, (AAAS) will be held i n Denver , Colorado, February 20- 26 . The the me of the meeting wil l be "Science and Chan ge , Hopes and Di l e mmas, " Planning for the p r ogram h as already begun , a nd Dr . Ernan McHullin, incoming chairman of Sectio n L , was ask ed to take r espo n si bility for a program committee which woul d solicit and screen suggestions for symposia. This - 6 - - 7 - SPECIAL MEDICAL LECTURE AT UtJIVERSITY OF ILLINOIS (CHICAGC , APPIL 28 , 1976) Guenter B. Risse {University of Vhscons1n) will deliver the 33rd Annual D. J. Davis Lecture in Hedical History at the University of IL:_ i .ois College of Medicine, in Chicago Room A of the Chicago Il lin1 Union, 828 South Halcott Avenue, Chicago, Illinois, on Wednesday, April 28, 1976, at 1: u p.M. The title of his lecture will be "The 'New' American Mediclne 1776 - 1820." 4TH SYHPOSIUH Otl PHILOSOPHY ArlO HEDICINE HAY 16 - 18 , 1976) - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - fold - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - (GALVESTO N, TEXAS, The Instit ute for the Hedical Humanities c i the University of Texas Medical Branch will host , through a grant from the Hogg Found1tion, the Fourth Symposium on Philosophy and Medicine, devoted to the theme "Mental Health: Philosophical Perspectives." Major speakers will include Chester R. Burns (University of Texas Medical Branch), Alan Donagan (Universit y of Chicago) 1 Horacia Fabrega (Hichigan State University) , Leonard Feldstein (Fordham University), Thomas s. Szasz (State University o f New Yo rk, Syracuse), Irving Thalberg (Unive r sity of Illinois), Stephen Toulrnin (University of Chicago) , and J. H. van der Berg (University of Leiden) . There are no registration charges. For further in for matio n please write to Professor H. Tristram Engelhardt,Jr., Institute for the Medical Humanities, University of Texas Medical Bran ch, Galveston, Texas 77550 (phone 713 - 765-2376), or Professor Stuart F . Spieker, Department of Communi ty Medicine and Health Care , The University of Connecticut Health Center, Farmington, Connecticut 06032 (phone 203 - 674-2354). JOHNS HOPKINS TUTORIAL ON THE WRITING OF HEDICAL HISTORY (BALTIHORE , JUNE 1976) In early June 1976 the Johns Hopkins Institute of the History of Hedicine will offer a week-long t:utorial on ho v, to plan and write a paper in the history of medicine. The daily individual tutorial .,.,;ill be the basis o f the teaching, but there will be two or three lecture demonstrations (bibliography) and at least two seminars, or group discussions, one of which will be conducted as a pane l. A participant should arrive wit h a project already in mind, one that is small enough in scope to make real initial progress possible in the inside of a week and one that he is willing to change --to modi fy or even to abandon in favor of a related problem that will have a be tter ch ance to be profitably followed up. For further information and an application form, please contact Dr. Lloyd G. Stevenson 1 Director, Institute of the History of t-1edicine , The Johns Hopkins University , 1900 East Nonument Street, Baltimore, Maryland 21205. - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - fold - - _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ EUROPEAN STUDIES CONFERENCE (OMAHA , OCTOBER 14 - 16, 197S) T Is i s Editorial Office MHT 52 1 4 Smithson ian Institution Wash in g t on, D. C. 20560 NEBRASKA , The University of Nebraska at Omaha will sponsor a E uropean Studies Confe rence, to be held October 14 - 16, 1976, in the Ramada Inn, Omaha . This will be an interdis c i p linary meeting with sessions devoted to current research , research tools and techniques, and teaching me t hodology, as well as traditional topics. Abstracts of pape rs should be submitted by May 1 , 19 76 , to Professor Ert Gum, Departme nt of History, Universi ty o f Nebraska at Omaha~ Box 688 , Omaha, Nebraska 68101 . 1 977 AAAS ANNUAL HEETING (DENVER , COLORADO , FEBRUARY 20-26) The 1977 annual meeting of the American Association for the Advancement of Science, (AAAS) will be held i n Denver , Colorado, February 20- 26 . The the me of the meeting wil l be "Science and Chan ge , Hopes and Di l e mmas, " Planning for the p r ogram h as already begun , a nd Dr . Ernan McHullin, incoming chairman of Sectio n L , was ask ed to take r espo n si bility for a program committee which woul d solicit and screen suggestions for symposia. This - - 8 meeting offers a special opportunity for the discussing of interdis~iplinar y a~r. scientific topics, involving participation of scientists and appeal1ng to a sc1enti f1< audience. The AAAS meeting is clearly not the occasion for the "in-house" top ics. BL.t if specialists in his tory and philosophy of scien ce are to have anything to say to U.S. scientists, this is probably still the best forum in which to say it . Sugge stivns for symposia topics may be sent to Dr. Ernan Mct1ullin, Box 36, Notre Dame 1 Indian a 46::-::::.c. REPORT ON M. I.T . AND BELL SYSTE M SYMPOSIUM CO~~ MORATING CENTENNIAL OF TELEPHONE (CMIBRI DGE, MASSAC HUSETTS , ~!ARCH 9 - 10 , 1976) LIST OF BRITISH TP.ESES AND DISSERTATIONS IN HISTORY OF SCIENCE P.VAILABLE ~List of Theses in History of ~in British Universities in Progress o r I Rec e ntly Completed for 1975-1976 , containing~!? entries and compilea-by N. w. Fisher (University of Glasgow) 1s now available. The list is issued free to members of the British Society for the History of Science, and costs SOp or $3.00 for non-members and institutions, post paid. It may be obtained from The Assistant Secre tary , The British Society for the History of Sc1ence , 4 7 Belgrave square, London SlVlX 8QX, England . AHP DISSERTATION LISTS The Massachusetts Institute of Technology and American Telephone and Telegraph cospo ns ored a two-day symposium at M. I . T., March 9 - 10 , 1976, to commemorate the lO Oth anniversary of the telephone's invention , and to assess past and future impact of te lecommunications tech nology on soc i ety . Opening addresses were given by Jerome B. IVie~,ner, President, H .I . T., and Thomas E. Bolger, Execut ive Vice President, A.T. & T. A clcs.>..ne plenar y session was chai r ed by h'al ter A. Rosenbli th, Provost , I-1 . I. T . Concurrent sessicns were held on "Socia l Impact of the Telephone , " "New Approaches to a Realistic Hodel ol Langua ge," an d "Fut ure I mpact of Comp u te r s and Information Processing." For further information, c ontact Mr. Cha r les H. Ball, News Of fice , Massach usetts Institute of Technology, Cambrid ge, Massachuset t s 0 2139. REPORT ON 5TH ANNUAL ~ffi ET ING OF I SCSC ( PHILADELP HIA, APRIL 1 - 4, 1976) The triennial publication of the American Historical Association ' s List of Doctoral Dissertations in History will cease h'ith the February 1976 publicatiOO of a special issue containing~ received during the period Nay 16, 1973, to June 30 , 1975 . A new senu-annual publication will take i ts place. The new List, in addition to recording recent ly registered and completed dissertations , \.;ill include a brief description of each top1c. The special issue may be purchased for $4 . 00 for AHA members and ISP subscribers; S6.00 for othe rs . Orders may be sent to AHA, 400 A Street, S.E . , Washington, D.C. 20003 . All o rders mus t be prepaid. SOCIE TY FOR SOC IAL S TUDIES OF SCIENCE E ST ABLI S HED The Society for Socia l Studies o f Science has bee n establish e d to encour age social studies of science and technology . I t s membe r s are scholar s chief l y f r o m such d isci plines as anthropology , econoroics , histo ry, information science , philosophy, political science, psychology, research administration, sc ience policy studies , and sociology. Hernbership applications should be requested from the Secretary-Treasur er , Robe r t McGinnis, 323 Uris Hall, Cornell University , Ithaca, New York 14853. ( US ) The 5th an n ua l meeting of the Inte rnational Society fo r the Compa r ative Study of Civilizat ions (U . S . ) was held at t h e University of Pennsylvania , Philadelphia, Apri J J-4 , 1976. Those interested in obta i nin g further information on the program, p lease contact Profe ssor Edmund Leites , Department of Philosophy, Queens College, Flushing, New York 11367. LEO GERSHOY P RI ZE ES T ABLISHED BY AHA TI1e American Historical Associa t ion (AHA) has accep ted with thanks the ve r y ge nerous offer by Mrs. Ida Gershoy to establish a biennial prize in honor of he r l ate husband, Leo Gershoy. A speciali5t in European history, Professor Gershoy was associated with the graduate faculty of New York Uni·Jersity for more than twenty - five years. The prize 'v'lill l:.e awarded to the author •Jf the outstanding new book in English in any aspect of the field of 17th and 18th century European h istory. The biennial prize -...·111 be a sum not to e x ceed $1000 and wi l l be a warde d first in 1977 . In order to avoi d overl apping be tween the Ce rshoy Prize and the Herbert Daxter Adams Prize, commenc1ng ~n 197 6 t he annual Adams Prize will be changed from a thre e year cycle to a two year cycle: t .he first year, for books 1n ancient, medieval and early mode rn European history to about 1600; the second year, for books in 19th and 20th century European history . RE P ORT ON llTH AN NUAL MEETING OF OHIO ACADEMY OF SCIENCE (COLU11BUS , APRIL 3 , 1976 ) The Ohio Academy of Science held its llth Annual Meeting for t h e History c f Scier.ce on April 3, 1976, at the Ohio Historical Center at Columbus . Ralph t..;. Dexter, Der:art:mr-11 t of Biological Sc i ences, Kent State Uni vers·.. ty, Kent, Ohio 44242, presided and arr..::l.nq t:d a contributed papers ' se s sion in the morning consisting of the following speakers a r ,: papers: (1) Kurt R. Hahn (Vlhitehall, Ohio), "The History of the Develop ment of Nar. t ~ Theories Explaining the Origin of Life"; (2) Donald N. Hassler (Kent State), "An Essayist's Contribution to Theory - I1aking : Ha z litt ' s Future and Charles Darwin''; {3) Robert W. Al r utz (Deniso n ) , "The Newark Holy Stones --The History of an Archa~olog ic.J.l Episode "; ( 4 ) Arthur J. Noetzel (J ohn Carrol l), " F rede rick L. Ode nbach, S . J . , Scienr.ist Priest"; (5) Roy A. Rauschenberg (Ohio), " John E l lis: The Measure of the Han"; (€) Jean W. Horiszn y (Col umb u s ), " A Red He rring i n t he Rotation P r oblem" ; (7) Amos J. Love day, Jr . (Ohio Hi storical Soc i ety), "Ohio Oi l-- Nhe r e to Fi nd it , now to Get it, Vlhat t o U::>e i t F or 9 - (1860 - 1900) " ; (8 ) Ernest G . Spittler , S.J. (Joh n Car roll) , J . "The Personal Co rr es p onde n ce of Edward W. Harle y" ; and (9) Ra lph w. Dexte r, "The Roscoe VJebb - Alrr.on Rood Co r res p o nde n ce (1 89 5-1 925) o n t he Nat u ral Histo ry of Nor t heastern Ohio." In t !-.e afte rn o on, a symposium was held o n t he " His t ory of Chemi5 try in Ohi o, " a r r anged by James Y. To ng (Oh io) and consi s tin g o f the f ol l owing s peake rs and p a pe r s : (1 ) Roy G . Bossert (Ohio Wesleyan), "The History of the Department of Chemis try a t the Ohio Wes l eyan University" ; (2) Ronald W. Smith (B. F. Goodrich), "Akron- Ruh be r - Ch emi stry " ; (3) Earle R. Caley (Ohio State) , "The History of Chemistry a t t he Ohio State Unive r sity"; (4) James Y. Tong (Ohio} , "The History of Chemical Industries in the Upper Oh io Valley"; and (5) Aaron J. Ihde (Wisconsin) , "Chemical Origi ns in the Northwest Territo r y . " 1/ Ii FRANKLIN JAl1ESON LECTURE ESTABLISHED BY LIBRARY OF CONGRESS AND AHA The first J. Franklin Jameson Lecture wi l l be del i vered on September 20 , 19 76 , at the Lib r a.ry of Congress, with joint sponsorship by the American HistoricaJ Associat i on (AHA) . The lec t ure honors the distinguished historian (1859-1937) who served as Chief of the Libr ary's !1a nuscript Division 1928-1937 and first incumbent of its Chair of Amer ican Hi s t ory , a nd as one of the founder s of t he AHA in 1884 and of t he Americ a n Hi storical Revi ew i n 1 895 , of wh i ch he was managing editor for nearly 30 y e a r s. As a p r o f esso r of hi s to r y at Brown Un i v e rs ity and the Univ ersity of Chi cago , and as d irect o r of t h e Department o f His to r ica l Re s earch o f t h e Car n egie Inst itution , J ame s on furthered the c auses of document a r y edi t i n g, pre serv a t i o n and desc r ipt i o n o f hi sto r ical so ur c es, and the c reat ion of a Na t i onal Arch i ves of the United States . Th e Jameson lec t urer will be sel ec t ed jointl y by the Libra ry and the AHA. Those wishin g to nominate candidates for conside ration by a sele c ti o n co mmittee sho uld send t h eir names to the Chief o f t h e Nanuscrip t Di v ision, Li b rary o f Congress, Wa shin gton , D. C . 205 4 0. - - 8 meeting offers a special opportunity for the discussing of interdis~iplinar y a~r. scientific topics, involving participation of scientists and appeal1ng to a sc1enti f1< audience. The AAAS meeting is clearly not the occasion for the "in-house" top ics. BL.t if specialists in his tory and philosophy of scien ce are to have anything to say to U.S. scientists, this is probably still the best forum in which to say it . Sugge stivns for symposia topics may be sent to Dr. Ernan Mct1ullin, Box 36, Notre Dame 1 Indian a 46::-::::.c. REPORT ON M. I.T . AND BELL SYSTE M SYMPOSIUM CO~~ MORATING CENTENNIAL OF TELEPHONE (CMIBRI DGE, MASSAC HUSETTS , ~!ARCH 9 - 10 , 1976) LIST OF BRITISH TP.ESES AND DISSERTATIONS IN HISTORY OF SCIENCE P.VAILABLE ~List of Theses in History of ~in British Universities in Progress o r I Rec e ntly Completed for 1975-1976 , containing~!? entries and compilea-by N. w. Fisher (University of Glasgow) 1s now available. The list is issued free to members of the British Society for the History of Science, and costs SOp or $3.00 for non-members and institutions, post paid. It may be obtained from The Assistant Secre tary , The British Society for the History of Sc1ence , 4 7 Belgrave square, London SlVlX 8QX, England . AHP DISSERTATION LISTS The Massachusetts Institute of Technology and American Telephone and Telegraph cospo ns ored a two-day symposium at M. I . T., March 9 - 10 , 1976, to commemorate the lO Oth anniversary of the telephone's invention , and to assess past and future impact of te lecommunications tech nology on soc i ety . Opening addresses were given by Jerome B. IVie~,ner, President, H .I . T., and Thomas E. Bolger, Execut ive Vice President, A.T. & T. A clcs.>..ne plenar y session was chai r ed by h'al ter A. Rosenbli th, Provost , I-1 . I. T . Concurrent sessicns were held on "Socia l Impact of the Telephone , " "New Approaches to a Realistic Hodel ol Langua ge," an d "Fut ure I mpact of Comp u te r s and Information Processing." For further information, c ontact Mr. Cha r les H. Ball, News Of fice , Massach usetts Institute of Technology, Cambrid ge, Massachuset t s 0 2139. REPORT ON 5TH ANNUAL ~ffi ET ING OF I SCSC ( PHILADELP HIA, APRIL 1 - 4, 1976) The triennial publication of the American Historical Association ' s List of Doctoral Dissertations in History will cease h'ith the February 1976 publicatiOO of a special issue containing~ received during the period Nay 16, 1973, to June 30 , 1975 . A new senu-annual publication will take i ts place. The new List, in addition to recording recent ly registered and completed dissertations , \.;ill include a brief description of each top1c. The special issue may be purchased for $4 . 00 for AHA members and ISP subscribers; S6.00 for othe rs . Orders may be sent to AHA, 400 A Street, S.E . , Washington, D.C. 20003 . All o rders mus t be prepaid. SOCIE TY FOR SOC IAL S TUDIES OF SCIENCE E ST ABLI S HED The Society for Socia l Studies o f Science has bee n establish e d to encour age social studies of science and technology . I t s membe r s are scholar s chief l y f r o m such d isci plines as anthropology , econoroics , histo ry, information science , philosophy, political science, psychology, research administration, sc ience policy studies , and sociology. Hernbership applications should be requested from the Secretary-Treasur er , Robe r t McGinnis, 323 Uris Hall, Cornell University , Ithaca, New York 14853. ( US ) The 5th an n ua l meeting of the Inte rnational Society fo r the Compa r ative Study of Civilizat ions (U . S . ) was held at t h e University of Pennsylvania , Philadelphia, Apri J J-4 , 1976. Those interested in obta i nin g further information on the program, p lease contact Profe ssor Edmund Leites , Department of Philosophy, Queens College, Flushing, New York 11367. LEO GERSHOY P RI ZE ES T ABLISHED BY AHA TI1e American Historical Associa t ion (AHA) has accep ted with thanks the ve r y ge nerous offer by Mrs. Ida Gershoy to establish a biennial prize in honor of he r l ate husband, Leo Gershoy. A speciali5t in European history, Professor Gershoy was associated with the graduate faculty of New York Uni·Jersity for more than twenty - five years. The prize 'v'lill l:.e awarded to the author •Jf the outstanding new book in English in any aspect of the field of 17th and 18th century European h istory. The biennial prize -...·111 be a sum not to e x ceed $1000 and wi l l be a warde d first in 1977 . In order to avoi d overl apping be tween the Ce rshoy Prize and the Herbert Daxter Adams Prize, commenc1ng ~n 197 6 t he annual Adams Prize will be changed from a thre e year cycle to a two year cycle: t .he first year, for books 1n ancient, medieval and early mode rn European history to about 1600; the second year, for books in 19th and 20th century European history . RE P ORT ON llTH AN NUAL MEETING OF OHIO ACADEMY OF SCIENCE (COLU11BUS , APRIL 3 , 1976 ) The Ohio Academy of Science held its llth Annual Meeting for t h e History c f Scier.ce on April 3, 1976, at the Ohio Historical Center at Columbus . Ralph t..;. Dexter, Der:art:mr-11 t of Biological Sc i ences, Kent State Uni vers·.. ty, Kent, Ohio 44242, presided and arr..::l.nq t:d a contributed papers ' se s sion in the morning consisting of the following speakers a r ,: papers: (1) Kurt R. Hahn (Vlhitehall, Ohio), "The History of the Develop ment of Nar. t ~ Theories Explaining the Origin of Life"; (2) Donald N. Hassler (Kent State), "An Essayist's Contribution to Theory - I1aking : Ha z litt ' s Future and Charles Darwin''; {3) Robert W. Al r utz (Deniso n ) , "The Newark Holy Stones --The History of an Archa~olog ic.J.l Episode "; ( 4 ) Arthur J. Noetzel (J ohn Carrol l), " F rede rick L. Ode nbach, S . J . , Scienr.ist Priest"; (5) Roy A. Rauschenberg (Ohio), " John E l lis: The Measure of the Han"; (€) Jean W. Horiszn y (Col umb u s ), " A Red He rring i n t he Rotation P r oblem" ; (7) Amos J. Love day, Jr . (Ohio Hi storical Soc i ety), "Ohio Oi l-- Nhe r e to Fi nd it , now to Get it, Vlhat t o U::>e i t F or 9 - (1860 - 1900) " ; (8 ) Ernest G . Spittler , S.J. (Joh n Car roll) , J . "The Personal Co rr es p onde n ce of Edward W. Harle y" ; and (9) Ra lph w. Dexte r, "The Roscoe VJebb - Alrr.on Rood Co r res p o nde n ce (1 89 5-1 925) o n t he Nat u ral Histo ry of Nor t heastern Ohio." In t !-.e afte rn o on, a symposium was held o n t he " His t ory of Chemi5 try in Ohi o, " a r r anged by James Y. To ng (Oh io) and consi s tin g o f the f ol l owing s peake rs and p a pe r s : (1 ) Roy G . Bossert (Ohio Wesleyan), "The History of the Department of Chemis try a t the Ohio Wes l eyan University" ; (2) Ronald W. Smith (B. F. Goodrich), "Akron- Ruh be r - Ch emi stry " ; (3) Earle R. Caley (Ohio State) , "The History of Chemistry a t t he Ohio State Unive r sity"; (4) James Y. Tong (Ohio} , "The History of Chemical Industries in the Upper Oh io Valley"; and (5) Aaron J. Ihde (Wisconsin) , "Chemical Origi ns in the Northwest Territo r y . " 1/ Ii FRANKLIN JAl1ESON LECTURE ESTABLISHED BY LIBRARY OF CONGRESS AND AHA The first J. Franklin Jameson Lecture wi l l be del i vered on September 20 , 19 76 , at the Lib r a.ry of Congress, with joint sponsorship by the American HistoricaJ Associat i on (AHA) . The lec t ure honors the distinguished historian (1859-1937) who served as Chief of the Libr ary's !1a nuscript Division 1928-1937 and first incumbent of its Chair of Amer ican Hi s t ory , a nd as one of the founder s of t he AHA in 1884 and of t he Americ a n Hi storical Revi ew i n 1 895 , of wh i ch he was managing editor for nearly 30 y e a r s. As a p r o f esso r of hi s to r y at Brown Un i v e rs ity and the Univ ersity of Chi cago , and as d irect o r of t h e Department o f His to r ica l Re s earch o f t h e Car n egie Inst itution , J ame s on furthered the c auses of document a r y edi t i n g, pre serv a t i o n and desc r ipt i o n o f hi sto r ical so ur c es, and the c reat ion of a Na t i onal Arch i ves of the United States . Th e Jameson lec t urer will be sel ec t ed jointl y by the Libra ry and the AHA. Those wishin g to nominate candidates for conside ration by a sele c ti o n co mmittee sho uld send t h eir names to the Chief o f t h e Nanuscrip t Di v ision, Li b rary o f Congress, Wa shin gton , D. C . 205 4 0. - 10 - U. S. ~ISTORICAL COill<TY BOUNDARY DATA FILE PROJECT 'iVork has conunenced on a project to demonstrate the feasibility of compiling a U.S. Histo r ical County Boundary Data File . New Jersey and Pennsylvania are the sample states in this effort to c reate a machine - readable file of all boundary changes of connties, congressional dlstricts, and other administrative units during the perioC. 1 790-1970 . Used with a computer directed plotter, the data file will make it possible to produce on demand maps for selected areas in a wi de r ange of scales. Historical r esearch is being performed by John H. Long , Pro j ect Supervisor , The Newberry Library, 60 West Walton Street, Chicago, Illinois 60610 , whi le the data f i le is being designed by. Jo~l Mo r rison, Director, University of ltiisconsin Ca r tographic Laboratory , Madison . Pr~nc~p a l Investigator is David Y.loodwa r d , Program Di recto r of the Netvberry ' s Hermon Dunlap Smith Center fo r the History of Cartography . The Ne wberry is sponsor i ng the p r ojec t with fin a ncial support f r om the Nation a l Endowme nt fo r the Hu manities . Fo r furthe r information, please conta ct Mr. Lon g . LYELL CENTENARY ISS UE OF BJHS The ~ u l y 1 976 issue o f The Briti s h Jo urnal for the History of Science (Vo l . IX , Part 2) w~l 1 be d e v oted t o p a pe r s t hat were de livered at the Char l es Lye ll Centenary Symp osium in Londo n in Sep temb e r 1 975 . I t will co nt a in f o urteen papers and will be the on l y offi cial p ub lica t i o n to r es ult f r o m t he Sympo s ium. Orders f o r copie s of t hi s s pec i a lly e nla rge d i ss ue ( a pp r o xi ma t ely 150 pa g e s ) s hould be s en t to The British J o urnal fo r the Hi story of Sci e n ce , He a d ley Bro t he r s Ltd , Ash fo r d , Ke ~TN2 4 BHH, En gl an d . The p ri ce is £3 . 50 ($10 . 50 ), i n c l udi n g pos tage . PROPOSED BULLETI N FOR HISTORIANS OF CANADIAN SCIENCE AND TECHNOLOGY An indep e ndent group of h i sto ri ans of Canadian s c i e n ce an d tech n o l ogy is o rganiz i n g a loose group of interested histo r ians who will ma in tain links out s i d e of es tablish ed societies. The focal point of the group will be the HSTC Bul l e tin , under the direction of Professor R. A. Jarrell , Department of Natural Sci~, Atkinson Col l ege , York University , 4 700 Keele Street, Downs view, Ontario N3J 2R7, Canada, and Mr . No r man R . Ball, Department of Indian Affai r s and Northern Development , Ottawa . The Bu l l eti n wi l l sur vey the teaching and research activities in the field of the histo r y of Canadian ~cience and t e chnology, print brief abstrac1s, review cur r ent bibl i og r aphy , e x cha n g e ~nformation and views, and p r ovide news . C1Jntributions will be p rint ed in bo th English and French . Hopefully it will appear q u arttrly. Prior to the fir s t iss ue , t h e g r oup is g a theri n g info rmation on a l l those working in t he field . A direc t ory of schol a rs wi ll be publ i shed when t h is work is completed. For furt h er i n f orma t i o n , co n t a c t Profe s s o r Jarr e l l . BACK ISSUES OF ISIS AND OTHER J OUffi<ALS AVAILABLE Mr . Loui s I. Kuslan, 11 Curry Ro ad , Hamden, Co nne c ti c ut 0 6 5 1 7 , writes that owing to lack o f space he wi l l b e force d to dispose o f a numbe r of pe ri o di c als whi c h may be of interest to member s o f t h e HSS. Th ese in c lude Isi s from 19 5 7 t o th e present, nearly all bound, and a number o f e arlier bound v olumes and numb e rs; the J o urnal of Chemical Education from Vol. 1, No . 1, t o the pre s ent, mainly bound , but lacking-Vols. 10, 12, and 13; Technology and Culture, Vols . 11-15 , several bound; most issues of Endeavor since 1941; Chemistry, Vols . 41-46 bound, and many other numbers; the Journal of the History ~Biology, Vols. 1 - 6 bound, and a few issues of Science Studies and Histor~f Sci en c e. For further information , please contact Mr . Kus1a-n-.----- ------- - - - - - - - - ------BOOKS RECEIVED BY ISIS ' NOVEMBER 1975 - January 1976 Lawrence Badash , Rutherford Correspondence Ca tal og. (National Catalog of Sou rces for History of Physics, Report Number Three.) vii+ 174 pp . New York: American I ns t i t ute of Physics, 1974. $16 (p ape r) . - 11 - F l o ri rnond de Beaune, Doctrine ~ 1' ar.gle ~olide ; Ir.vt:ntaire de ~ biblioth€que . E diti.m1 premiJre pa:t.· Pierre Costabel ave c introduction, transcriptior. moden ~e et corruner.t.:lires . Transcription C.u manuscrit orig1.nal par Berna r d Barbi che . (Collec t io n des Travat.:.x r.e l'i\c adem.ie IntcrnatiOLctle d'Hi.st oire des Sciences, t~o . 19) 157 pp ., 1 0 plates , name index . Paris : Vrin , 197:.-. Ul r ich Benz , J\rno l d Sommerfeld. (Grosse i~aturforsche r, Ba:-:d 38 . ) 21 4 pp ., illus., b ib!., in de x. Stuttga rt : Wissenschaftliche Verlagsge s ellscbaft, 1975 . DM 34.50 . Di e Herke von Jakob Berr..oulli . Band 3 . Hera usgegb en v o n de r Na turf o rs che n den Gese ll sch af t i n Bas~x + 585 pp . , name in de x. Base l: Bi r khiiuse r Verlag , 1 97 5. $40 . Ka rl He inz Burr:1eister , i\chilles P1 rrnin Gasse r 1505 -1 577 . Arzt und ! latur fo rs c her, Historike r un d Humanist . Ba nd III : ~e~ xiv + 54 6 p~n~ i n d e x . Wiesbaden: Gui do Pre s sler Verlag, 1 975. Reger CJ.lcoen, Inven t aire d~s ma..'"l.uscrits sc.ientifiques de ~- niblioth eque Rcy al Al be r t Ier . Tome III. 129 pp ., 16 plates , i n dex . Br u ssels : Ce n tre Nat ic n al d 1 Eistoire d es Sci e n ces , 19 7 5 . E . F. Carte r (ed . ) , Di c tionary o f I nventi o n s and Discoveries. 2 0 8 pp. Ne w York : Crane, Russak, 1976. $6. 50 . 1 With a I . Bern a rd Cohen, Isaac Newt o n s Th e ory of the Moon ' s J'.1otion (17 0 2 ). biblio grap hi c al an d histo ri c al introdu c tion. -virr-+ 170 pp~simil e reproduction. London: Dawson , 1975. Di stri bu te d in u .s. P•• by New York: Neale Hats o n Acade mic Fub1 ications. $2 5 .00 . Aug u s t Co r.tte and Posi tivi s rr~ . The Esse nt ial Writings . Ed. with intra. by Gertrud Le nze r . l xvi i i + 5 05 pp ., bi bl ., in d ex. Ne w Yo r k : Harp er Torchbooks (Harper & Rov!) , 197 5 . (p a p er) . Mauri ce P. Cro sl an d (ed.), ~Emergenc e o f Science in ~Europe. 2 01 pp. , name i ndex, subj e ct index. Ne w Yo rk: S c i e n c e History Publi c ations, 1975. $18 ; $15 prepaid. Betty Jo Tee t e r Dobbs, Th e Foundation s ~i Newton ' s Alchemy ; !:..!:. "The Hunting ~ the Gr ee n e Lyon. " xv + 30 0 pp . , 4 i l l u s ., 2 a pps . , bibl., index. Cambridge/New York: Cambr i dge Univ . Press , 197 5 . $22.5 0 . c . w. F. Eve r i tt , ~ Clerk Maxwe l l , P h ys icist and Natural Philosopher. (DSB Ed it ions . ) 2 0 5 pp . , illus ., b ibl., i nde x. New York: Scribner 1 s, 1975 . $7.95 (cloth), $2 . 95 (p a pe r) . The Gre sham Lec tu res o f J oh n Fl a msteed . Edited and intro duc ed by Eric G. Forbes. x v + 479 pp . , i nde x. LondQ;l:~ se l l , 1 9i5 . £1 8; $43.5 0 . Al be r t F . Gun ns ; J u di t h R. Goodste i n , Gui de to the Robert Andrews Hillikan Co llection a t t h e Cal i f orn i a Institu t e of T~logy-.-( Na ti onal Catalo g o f Sources f o r Hi s t ory of Phy sics , Repo rt Nu mbe r Four .)- vii + 2 17 p p . , il l us. Ne w Yo rk: American I n stitut e of Phys i cs , 1 9 75 . $ 1 6 (pape r ) . S tanle y r--1 . Gur a lnick , Sc ie nc e and the Ante -Bel lum American Co llege. (Memoirs of the American Philosophical Soci e ty, fu-1 ~09 .) x i v + 227 pp . , index. Philadelphia : Ame r ican P hi l o soph i c al Soc i ety , 1 9 7 5 . Th o r:1a s s . Hall , His to ry of Ge n e r al P hy siology 6 0 0 ~-~· t o ~ - £.· 1900. [First p ublished 1 9 69 un de r the titl e , I d eas of Li fe an d Matter. J Vo l. I: Fro m Pre-Soc ratic Times to the Enlightenme nt. xi i + 4 1 9 pp~ in de x-.-vO~: Fro m th e Enii9hte nment to the End of - the Nin e te en th Ce nt ury. vii + 399 p p ., bibl., in~ """"Chica g o : Univ. ofchicago-Press, 19i.S . $6 . 50 per v o lume (p a per ). ~:ari n Hausen; Re inh a r d Ri.irup (eds.) , r1oC.e r ne Te chnikgeschichte . (Neue Wissenschaftli c he Bibliothek, 8 1, Geschichte . ) 4 31 p p . , bib . , index . KOln : Ve rlag Kiepenheuer & VJi ts ch , 19 7 5 . J o hann Christian He i nroth , Textbook. of Di sturbances of Men t al Life . Vol. I: Theory. Intro d uc tion by Geo rge J'.io ra. lxxviii + 229 p p . Vo l. II: Practi c e. pp. 230 -4 67 , name index, subj ect ind e x. Ba ltimo r e: J o hns Hop kir.s Un i v e r s ity P ress , 197 5 . $17. Thomas Hobbes , Thomas l·lhite ' s De 11undo Exaraine d . Trans. fro m the Latin by Ha r old \'-1:1 i tmore J o nes. xi + 5 18 pp. London : Br adfor d Un iversity Press , i n assoc iat ion with , ••.sby Lockwo od Stapl e s, 1976. £ 1 8. Da v i d l \. . Ho l l ingE::r , r"10rris R . Co hen and t h e Sc ientific Ideal . xvi + 262 pp ., inde x . Cambridge , Mass. /London : HIT Pr;-ss, 1.9 75. -$1"4--:-95 . 256 pp., index . New York: !.) i c hael Hunte r, J ohn P.. ubr e y an d t h e Re alr.-, o f Le arnir.g . S c ien c e J-l i st o r v Publi ca t ions . 1 97~ S20·. - - - - - 10 - U. S. ~ISTORICAL COill<TY BOUNDARY DATA FILE PROJECT 'iVork has conunenced on a project to demonstrate the feasibility of compiling a U.S. Histo r ical County Boundary Data File . New Jersey and Pennsylvania are the sample states in this effort to c reate a machine - readable file of all boundary changes of connties, congressional dlstricts, and other administrative units during the perioC. 1 790-1970 . Used with a computer directed plotter, the data file will make it possible to produce on demand maps for selected areas in a wi de r ange of scales. Historical r esearch is being performed by John H. Long , Pro j ect Supervisor , The Newberry Library, 60 West Walton Street, Chicago, Illinois 60610 , whi le the data f i le is being designed by. Jo~l Mo r rison, Director, University of ltiisconsin Ca r tographic Laboratory , Madison . Pr~nc~p a l Investigator is David Y.loodwa r d , Program Di recto r of the Netvberry ' s Hermon Dunlap Smith Center fo r the History of Cartography . The Ne wberry is sponsor i ng the p r ojec t with fin a ncial support f r om the Nation a l Endowme nt fo r the Hu manities . Fo r furthe r information, please conta ct Mr. Lon g . LYELL CENTENARY ISS UE OF BJHS The ~ u l y 1 976 issue o f The Briti s h Jo urnal for the History of Science (Vo l . IX , Part 2) w~l 1 be d e v oted t o p a pe r s t hat were de livered at the Char l es Lye ll Centenary Symp osium in Londo n in Sep temb e r 1 975 . I t will co nt a in f o urteen papers and will be the on l y offi cial p ub lica t i o n to r es ult f r o m t he Sympo s ium. Orders f o r copie s of t hi s s pec i a lly e nla rge d i ss ue ( a pp r o xi ma t ely 150 pa g e s ) s hould be s en t to The British J o urnal fo r the Hi story of Sci e n ce , He a d ley Bro t he r s Ltd , Ash fo r d , Ke ~TN2 4 BHH, En gl an d . The p ri ce is £3 . 50 ($10 . 50 ), i n c l udi n g pos tage . PROPOSED BULLETI N FOR HISTORIANS OF CANADIAN SCIENCE AND TECHNOLOGY An indep e ndent group of h i sto ri ans of Canadian s c i e n ce an d tech n o l ogy is o rganiz i n g a loose group of interested histo r ians who will ma in tain links out s i d e of es tablish ed societies. The focal point of the group will be the HSTC Bul l e tin , under the direction of Professor R. A. Jarrell , Department of Natural Sci~, Atkinson Col l ege , York University , 4 700 Keele Street, Downs view, Ontario N3J 2R7, Canada, and Mr . No r man R . Ball, Department of Indian Affai r s and Northern Development , Ottawa . The Bu l l eti n wi l l sur vey the teaching and research activities in the field of the histo r y of Canadian ~cience and t e chnology, print brief abstrac1s, review cur r ent bibl i og r aphy , e x cha n g e ~nformation and views, and p r ovide news . C1Jntributions will be p rint ed in bo th English and French . Hopefully it will appear q u arttrly. Prior to the fir s t iss ue , t h e g r oup is g a theri n g info rmation on a l l those working in t he field . A direc t ory of schol a rs wi ll be publ i shed when t h is work is completed. For furt h er i n f orma t i o n , co n t a c t Profe s s o r Jarr e l l . BACK ISSUES OF ISIS AND OTHER J OUffi<ALS AVAILABLE Mr . Loui s I. Kuslan, 11 Curry Ro ad , Hamden, Co nne c ti c ut 0 6 5 1 7 , writes that owing to lack o f space he wi l l b e force d to dispose o f a numbe r of pe ri o di c als whi c h may be of interest to member s o f t h e HSS. Th ese in c lude Isi s from 19 5 7 t o th e present, nearly all bound, and a number o f e arlier bound v olumes and numb e rs; the J o urnal of Chemical Education from Vol. 1, No . 1, t o the pre s ent, mainly bound , but lacking-Vols. 10, 12, and 13; Technology and Culture, Vols . 11-15 , several bound; most issues of Endeavor since 1941; Chemistry, Vols . 41-46 bound, and many other numbers; the Journal of the History ~Biology, Vols. 1 - 6 bound, and a few issues of Science Studies and Histor~f Sci en c e. For further information , please contact Mr . Kus1a-n-.----- ------- - - - - - - - - ------BOOKS RECEIVED BY ISIS ' NOVEMBER 1975 - January 1976 Lawrence Badash , Rutherford Correspondence Ca tal og. (National Catalog of Sou rces for History of Physics, Report Number Three.) vii+ 174 pp . New York: American I ns t i t ute of Physics, 1974. $16 (p ape r) . - 11 - F l o ri rnond de Beaune, Doctrine ~ 1' ar.gle ~olide ; Ir.vt:ntaire de ~ biblioth€que . E diti.m1 premiJre pa:t.· Pierre Costabel ave c introduction, transcriptior. moden ~e et corruner.t.:lires . Transcription C.u manuscrit orig1.nal par Berna r d Barbi che . (Collec t io n des Travat.:.x r.e l'i\c adem.ie IntcrnatiOLctle d'Hi.st oire des Sciences, t~o . 19) 157 pp ., 1 0 plates , name index . Paris : Vrin , 197:.-. Ul r ich Benz , J\rno l d Sommerfeld. (Grosse i~aturforsche r, Ba:-:d 38 . ) 21 4 pp ., illus., b ib!., in de x. Stuttga rt : Wissenschaftliche Verlagsge s ellscbaft, 1975 . DM 34.50 . Di e Herke von Jakob Berr..oulli . Band 3 . Hera usgegb en v o n de r Na turf o rs che n den Gese ll sch af t i n Bas~x + 585 pp . , name in de x. Base l: Bi r khiiuse r Verlag , 1 97 5. $40 . Ka rl He inz Burr:1eister , i\chilles P1 rrnin Gasse r 1505 -1 577 . Arzt und ! latur fo rs c her, Historike r un d Humanist . Ba nd III : ~e~ xiv + 54 6 p~n~ i n d e x . Wiesbaden: Gui do Pre s sler Verlag, 1 975. Reger CJ.lcoen, Inven t aire d~s ma..'"l.uscrits sc.ientifiques de ~- niblioth eque Rcy al Al be r t Ier . Tome III. 129 pp ., 16 plates , i n dex . Br u ssels : Ce n tre Nat ic n al d 1 Eistoire d es Sci e n ces , 19 7 5 . E . F. Carte r (ed . ) , Di c tionary o f I nventi o n s and Discoveries. 2 0 8 pp. Ne w York : Crane, Russak, 1976. $6. 50 . 1 With a I . Bern a rd Cohen, Isaac Newt o n s Th e ory of the Moon ' s J'.1otion (17 0 2 ). biblio grap hi c al an d histo ri c al introdu c tion. -virr-+ 170 pp~simil e reproduction. London: Dawson , 1975. Di stri bu te d in u .s. P•• by New York: Neale Hats o n Acade mic Fub1 ications. $2 5 .00 . Aug u s t Co r.tte and Posi tivi s rr~ . The Esse nt ial Writings . Ed. with intra. by Gertrud Le nze r . l xvi i i + 5 05 pp ., bi bl ., in d ex. Ne w Yo r k : Harp er Torchbooks (Harper & Rov!) , 197 5 . (p a p er) . Mauri ce P. Cro sl an d (ed.), ~Emergenc e o f Science in ~Europe. 2 01 pp. , name i ndex, subj e ct index. Ne w Yo rk: S c i e n c e History Publi c ations, 1975. $18 ; $15 prepaid. Betty Jo Tee t e r Dobbs, Th e Foundation s ~i Newton ' s Alchemy ; !:..!:. "The Hunting ~ the Gr ee n e Lyon. " xv + 30 0 pp . , 4 i l l u s ., 2 a pps . , bibl., index. Cambridge/New York: Cambr i dge Univ . Press , 197 5 . $22.5 0 . c . w. F. Eve r i tt , ~ Clerk Maxwe l l , P h ys icist and Natural Philosopher. (DSB Ed it ions . ) 2 0 5 pp . , illus ., b ibl., i nde x. New York: Scribner 1 s, 1975 . $7.95 (cloth), $2 . 95 (p a pe r) . The Gre sham Lec tu res o f J oh n Fl a msteed . Edited and intro duc ed by Eric G. Forbes. x v + 479 pp . , i nde x. LondQ;l:~ se l l , 1 9i5 . £1 8; $43.5 0 . Al be r t F . Gun ns ; J u di t h R. Goodste i n , Gui de to the Robert Andrews Hillikan Co llection a t t h e Cal i f orn i a Institu t e of T~logy-.-( Na ti onal Catalo g o f Sources f o r Hi s t ory of Phy sics , Repo rt Nu mbe r Four .)- vii + 2 17 p p . , il l us. Ne w Yo rk: American I n stitut e of Phys i cs , 1 9 75 . $ 1 6 (pape r ) . S tanle y r--1 . Gur a lnick , Sc ie nc e and the Ante -Bel lum American Co llege. (Memoirs of the American Philosophical Soci e ty, fu-1 ~09 .) x i v + 227 pp . , index. Philadelphia : Ame r ican P hi l o soph i c al Soc i ety , 1 9 7 5 . Th o r:1a s s . Hall , His to ry of Ge n e r al P hy siology 6 0 0 ~-~· t o ~ - £.· 1900. [First p ublished 1 9 69 un de r the titl e , I d eas of Li fe an d Matter. J Vo l. I: Fro m Pre-Soc ratic Times to the Enlightenme nt. xi i + 4 1 9 pp~ in de x-.-vO~: Fro m th e Enii9hte nment to the End of - the Nin e te en th Ce nt ury. vii + 399 p p ., bibl., in~ """"Chica g o : Univ. ofchicago-Press, 19i.S . $6 . 50 per v o lume (p a per ). ~:ari n Hausen; Re inh a r d Ri.irup (eds.) , r1oC.e r ne Te chnikgeschichte . (Neue Wissenschaftli c he Bibliothek, 8 1, Geschichte . ) 4 31 p p . , bib . , index . KOln : Ve rlag Kiepenheuer & VJi ts ch , 19 7 5 . J o hann Christian He i nroth , Textbook. of Di sturbances of Men t al Life . Vol. I: Theory. Intro d uc tion by Geo rge J'.io ra. lxxviii + 229 p p . Vo l. II: Practi c e. pp. 230 -4 67 , name index, subj ect ind e x. Ba ltimo r e: J o hns Hop kir.s Un i v e r s ity P ress , 197 5 . $17. Thomas Hobbes , Thomas l·lhite ' s De 11undo Exaraine d . Trans. fro m the Latin by Ha r old \'-1:1 i tmore J o nes. xi + 5 18 pp. London : Br adfor d Un iversity Press , i n assoc iat ion with , ••.sby Lockwo od Stapl e s, 1976. £ 1 8. Da v i d l \. . Ho l l ingE::r , r"10rris R . Co hen and t h e Sc ientific Ideal . xvi + 262 pp ., inde x . Cambridge , Mass. /London : HIT Pr;-ss, 1.9 75. -$1"4--:-95 . 256 pp., index . New York: !.) i c hael Hunte r, J ohn P.. ubr e y an d t h e Re alr.-, o f Le arnir.g . S c ien c e J-l i st o r v Publi ca t ions . 1 97~ S20·. - - - - - Stanlev L . Jaki , Cultu r e and Science. 12 - - 13 - Two lectures delivered at Assumpti on Uni versity , ~ Hinds o r, Canada , on-Fe b ruary 26 and 28 , 1975. ("A Hundr ed Years of T\~·o Cul tures" and "Knowledge in an Age of Science". J 51 pp . Windsor: University of h"ir.dsor Pre ss , 1975. Reese V. Jenkins, Images an d Enterprise. Technology and the American Industry 1 839 to 1925. xviii +3"70 pp., illus., bibl., index. Baltimore : Press, 1 9~ $20.-- Ph otograph ~( Johns !!or-k.:.ns Johann Kepler, L'Etrenne ~ ~ neige sexangulaire. Trans. Robert Halleux. Pr~face by Rene Taton. (L 'Histoire des Sciences - Textes et Etudes.) 169 pp., bibl ., in dex . Paris: J. Vrin , C.N.R.S., 1975. Wilb ur Richard Knorr, The Evolution of the Euclidean Elements. !2. Study of th e Theo ry of Incommensurable Hagnitudes and its_ Significance for Barly Greek Geometry. (Syn these Historical Library, 15.} xi+ 374 pp ., bibl., index . Dordrecht/Boston: D. Reidel, 1975. ~Sl7. 5G . David IVooCward (ed.) , Five ~~ o f ~~P rinting. (The Ke nneth Neben zah l , Jr., Le ctures in the History of Cartography at rJ1e Ne wbe r ry Library.) xi + 177 pp ., 59 ill us., 1 color plate , bibl. , index . Ch1.cac:.;o/ Lon don : Un i v . o f Chicago Pr ess, 1975. $1 7. 50 . Frederic G. l•lorden; Jud. i th P. Swazey ; George Ade lman (eds .) , The Neurosciences: Paths of Dis co very. xx~ + 622 pp ., i! lus ., name i ndex, subje ct index . Cambridge, Hass. / London : MIT pres s , 1975 . $14.95 (pape r ). Harriet I.Yynter; P..11.thcn y Turner , Sc i ent ific Ins trwnent s . 2 39 pp. , 285 illus. , glossary, index. i>Jew York : Scribner's , 19 75. $27 . 50. Herbe rt Yo rk, 1'he Advisors : Oppenheimer, Teller and the Superbomb. x + 175 pp ., index. San Franc:..s~ V1. H. Freeman , 19 76. $~ - - - - $49. David Lowenthal; Martyn J. Bowden (eds.} , Geographies of the Mind: Essays in Historical Geosophy, in ~of John Kirtland Wright. 263 pp., Wright bibl. , in dex . Oxford Univ . Press, 1976. $9 . New York: John Francis !1arion, Philadelphia Medica. Being ~ Guide to the City 1 s ~ ~ Health Intere st. 144 pp. , color illus ., index. Philadelphia: SmithKline Corp., 1975. Distributed by Stackpole Books (Cameron & Kelker Sts . , Harrisburg, Pa. 17105} , $4. 95 (paper). Ot to Mayr (ed.}, Philosophers~ Machines . {History of Science Selections from Isis.} 193 pp ., illus. New York : Science History Publications, 1976. Russe ll McCormmach (ed.), Historical Studies in the Physical Sciences. Sixth ~ Volume . xiv + 547 pp . Princeton: Princeton Univ~Pr;5s, 1975 . $30. ------John E. Murdoch; Edith Dudley Sylla (eds .), The Cultural Context of Medieval Learning . Proceedings of the First International Colloquium-;n Philosophy, Science, and Theology in the Hiddle Ages - September 197 3. (Synthese Library , 76; Boston Studies in the Phil osophy of Science , XXVI.) x + 566 pp ., index. Dord recht/Boston: Reidel , 1975 . $49. O. Neugebauer, A History of Ancient Nathe matical Astronomy. (Studies in the Hi story of Mathematics and Physical Scien~) 3 vols . xxi + 1456 pp ., appendices, fig s ., subject index, bibl., 9 plts. Uew York/Heidelberg/Berlin : Springer- Ve rlag, 1975. 512 4. 70 . David B. Quinn (ed. and intra), The Last Voyage of Thomas Cavendish 1591-1592. The autograph manuscript of his account o~he voyage , wri tten shortly befor€ his death, from the col lection of Paul Mellon . (Studies in the History of Discoveries.) ix + 16 5 pp., illus., maps, folding map, app endices, c hro nological table , index. Chicago/London : Published for the Newberry Library by ~h e Univ . of Chicago Press, 197 5 . $22.50 . Allen G . Roper, Ancient Eugenics. The Arnold Prize Essay for 1913. Reprint of 1913 Edition. 76 pp. Ninneapo lis : The Cl iveden Press , 1976.~tributed by Burgess Publishing Company. George Rosen, Preventive Medicin e in the United States , 1900 - 1975. Trends and Interpretations. 94 pp ., 15 i~Ne;-York : Science History Publications, 19~ 56. 95 (cloth) , 1'1ary f". h'insor, Starfisr., Jellvf~sh, a.nd the Or de r of Life . ~in NineteenthCentury Sc ience. x + 228 pp ., glos~ary, bibl.~n~ N-;-w Have n: Yale Un iv . P res s , $3.95 (paper). John C. Slater, Solid State and Molecu lar Theory. ~scientific Biography. viii + 35 7 pp . , index . New York: Wiley=rrlterscience, 19"75':Theophrastus. De Ventis. Edited , with introduction , translation and commentary by Vi ctor Cout ant and ValL . Eichenlaub. lviii +l OS pp. , bibl. , 2 indices. Notre Dame, Ind . /Landon: Univ. of Notre Dame Press, 1975. $9. 95 . K. Bryn Thomas , The Developement o f Anaesthetic Apparatus. ~ Histo ry Based ~ the ~ King Collection of the Association of Anaesthetists of Great Britain and Ireland . x + 268 pp., illus. , index. Oxford/London :--Blackwell Scientific Publication~------ PhilaCelphia : J. B. Lippincott, 1975. $40 . Timothy H. H. Thoresen (ed ·) , ~ ~ ~ o f Man: Essays in the History of Anthropology. xiii + 232 pp ., name index, subject inde~ Ch i cago : Aldirle~ $14.9 5 . W~lliam J. Wallace, ~e Developm~z:t o f the Chlorinity/Salinity Concept in Oceanograohy . (Elsevl.er Oceanography Ser~es, 7.) x1.~ + 22 7 pp. , tbls. , apps., bibl. , index. Amsterd ar../ London/New York: Elsevier, 1974. Dfl. 46 . 00; $19.25. Charles Webster, The ~ Instauration. Science , Medicine and Refor~ 1 626-166 0 . xvi + 630 pp ., a ppendices, bibl. , index. Londo~kwo rth, 197~ £13.50 . FELLOWSHIPS AND GRANTS RECEIVED Martha Hoare Trescott has been award ed a Rovensky fellowship for research in business and economic history, granted by the Lincoln Foundati on. The $3,000 award will be used during 197E-7 to complete her dissertation study on the U. S. electrochemical indus ~ry , particularly focusing on the rise of the Niagara Falls chemical comp lex, the coming of co r _t)orate R & D, and the sear ch for cheap aluminum as it .helped shape bo th the industry and the i.Jiaga ra center. The study will likely be ent.1.tled The Search for Cheap Alurninwn. AWARDS AND HONORS Dirk J . Struik (Professor Emeritus, ~~ssachusetts Institute of Technology) has been awarded a gold medal of achievement by the National Univers ity of Mexico for his servi c es t o the teaching and development of mathematics in Mexico over the years . He has ta ught at th e National University i n 193 4 , 195 7 , 1960, 1963, and most recentl y from Nove mber 9 -1 6 , 197 5 , when at the i nvitat i o n of the Fa culty of Scien c es he delivered four lectures on the h istory of mathematics on Ar c h imedes , Newton, Nonge , and Klein. APPOINTHENTS AN D PROHOTIONS Otto Hay r has been appointed Chairman of the Department of Science and Technology, Smithsonian I nstituti o n, effective January 1976. Sabetai Un guru has been promoted to Associate Pro fessor in the Depart~nt of the History of Science, University of Oklahoma , Norman. He also has been ~ppo1.nted a member of th e Institute for Advan ced Stu dy at Princeton for th e acaderruc year 1976-77 . DISSERTATIONS IN PROGRESS OR RECENTLY COMPLETED Note: If available, please supply the Dissertation Abst r acts reference number in the future when submitting announcements on dissertations completed. City College of the City Univers~ty of Ne~ York Martin 'I'amny, " The Early Ep1.stemolog~cal Thought of Isaac Newton" completed) . (philosophy, Unive~:!~~so!r::~r:.:~eiro do Nascimento , "Une theorie des operations naturelles fond€e sur 1' optique: le 1 De multiplicatione specie rum ' de Roger Bacon" (co mplete d). University of ~ Philip c . Enros, " The Cambridge Analytical Society : Mathematics at Cambridge University in the Early Ni neteenth Century" (in progress) · AHA EMPLOYMENT INFORMAT ION BULLETIN In an attempt to aid historians who are seeking cmplo~me n~ and to ~ro~ote ope n li sting of faculty vacancies by all colleges and universit~es ~n the Un~teo Stat e~, the American Historical Association (AHA} maintains the ~mployment Informat~on Bul~et 1.n. The EIB is printed in October, Nove mber , Feb r ua r y, and .Z\pril. Supplem~n~s , ~h1.c h are conp iled fr~n jot d e scriotin ns s o2n t to t _he .l\HA rather frc r \ r eqular sol~c1.tat1.on ' have - Stanlev L . Jaki , Cultu r e and Science. 12 - - 13 - Two lectures delivered at Assumpti on Uni versity , ~ Hinds o r, Canada , on-Fe b ruary 26 and 28 , 1975. ("A Hundr ed Years of T\~·o Cul tures" and "Knowledge in an Age of Science". J 51 pp . Windsor: University of h"ir.dsor Pre ss , 1975. Reese V. Jenkins, Images an d Enterprise. Technology and the American Industry 1 839 to 1925. xviii +3"70 pp., illus., bibl., index. Baltimore : Press, 1 9~ $20.-- Ph otograph ~( Johns !!or-k.:.ns Johann Kepler, L'Etrenne ~ ~ neige sexangulaire. Trans. Robert Halleux. Pr~face by Rene Taton. (L 'Histoire des Sciences - Textes et Etudes.) 169 pp., bibl ., in dex . Paris: J. Vrin , C.N.R.S., 1975. Wilb ur Richard Knorr, The Evolution of the Euclidean Elements. !2. Study of th e Theo ry of Incommensurable Hagnitudes and its_ Significance for Barly Greek Geometry. (Syn these Historical Library, 15.} xi+ 374 pp ., bibl., index . Dordrecht/Boston: D. Reidel, 1975. ~Sl7. 5G . David IVooCward (ed.) , Five ~~ o f ~~P rinting. (The Ke nneth Neben zah l , Jr., Le ctures in the History of Cartography at rJ1e Ne wbe r ry Library.) xi + 177 pp ., 59 ill us., 1 color plate , bibl. , index . Ch1.cac:.;o/ Lon don : Un i v . o f Chicago Pr ess, 1975. $1 7. 50 . Frederic G. l•lorden; Jud. i th P. Swazey ; George Ade lman (eds .) , The Neurosciences: Paths of Dis co very. xx~ + 622 pp ., i! lus ., name i ndex, subje ct index . Cambridge, Hass. / London : MIT pres s , 1975 . $14.95 (pape r ). Harriet I.Yynter; P..11.thcn y Turner , Sc i ent ific Ins trwnent s . 2 39 pp. , 285 illus. , glossary, index. i>Jew York : Scribner's , 19 75. $27 . 50. Herbe rt Yo rk, 1'he Advisors : Oppenheimer, Teller and the Superbomb. x + 175 pp ., index. San Franc:..s~ V1. H. Freeman , 19 76. $~ - - - - $49. David Lowenthal; Martyn J. Bowden (eds.} , Geographies of the Mind: Essays in Historical Geosophy, in ~of John Kirtland Wright. 263 pp., Wright bibl. , in dex . Oxford Univ . Press, 1976. $9 . New York: John Francis !1arion, Philadelphia Medica. Being ~ Guide to the City 1 s ~ ~ Health Intere st. 144 pp. , color illus ., index. Philadelphia: SmithKline Corp., 1975. Distributed by Stackpole Books (Cameron & Kelker Sts . , Harrisburg, Pa. 17105} , $4. 95 (paper). Ot to Mayr (ed.}, Philosophers~ Machines . {History of Science Selections from Isis.} 193 pp ., illus. New York : Science History Publications, 1976. Russe ll McCormmach (ed.), Historical Studies in the Physical Sciences. Sixth ~ Volume . xiv + 547 pp . Princeton: Princeton Univ~Pr;5s, 1975 . $30. ------John E. Murdoch; Edith Dudley Sylla (eds .), The Cultural Context of Medieval Learning . Proceedings of the First International Colloquium-;n Philosophy, Science, and Theology in the Hiddle Ages - September 197 3. (Synthese Library , 76; Boston Studies in the Phil osophy of Science , XXVI.) x + 566 pp ., index. Dord recht/Boston: Reidel , 1975 . $49. O. Neugebauer, A History of Ancient Nathe matical Astronomy. (Studies in the Hi story of Mathematics and Physical Scien~) 3 vols . xxi + 1456 pp ., appendices, fig s ., subject index, bibl., 9 plts. Uew York/Heidelberg/Berlin : Springer- Ve rlag, 1975. 512 4. 70 . David B. Quinn (ed. and intra), The Last Voyage of Thomas Cavendish 1591-1592. The autograph manuscript of his account o~he voyage , wri tten shortly befor€ his death, from the col lection of Paul Mellon . (Studies in the History of Discoveries.) ix + 16 5 pp., illus., maps, folding map, app endices, c hro nological table , index. Chicago/London : Published for the Newberry Library by ~h e Univ . of Chicago Press, 197 5 . $22.50 . Allen G . Roper, Ancient Eugenics. The Arnold Prize Essay for 1913. Reprint of 1913 Edition. 76 pp. Ninneapo lis : The Cl iveden Press , 1976.~tributed by Burgess Publishing Company. George Rosen, Preventive Medicin e in the United States , 1900 - 1975. Trends and Interpretations. 94 pp ., 15 i~Ne;-York : Science History Publications, 19~ 56. 95 (cloth) , 1'1ary f". h'insor, Starfisr., Jellvf~sh, a.nd the Or de r of Life . ~in NineteenthCentury Sc ience. x + 228 pp ., glos~ary, bibl.~n~ N-;-w Have n: Yale Un iv . P res s , $3.95 (paper). John C. Slater, Solid State and Molecu lar Theory. ~scientific Biography. viii + 35 7 pp . , index . New York: Wiley=rrlterscience, 19"75':Theophrastus. De Ventis. Edited , with introduction , translation and commentary by Vi ctor Cout ant and ValL . Eichenlaub. lviii +l OS pp. , bibl. , 2 indices. Notre Dame, Ind . /Landon: Univ. of Notre Dame Press, 1975. $9. 95 . K. Bryn Thomas , The Developement o f Anaesthetic Apparatus. ~ Histo ry Based ~ the ~ King Collection of the Association of Anaesthetists of Great Britain and Ireland . x + 268 pp., illus. , index. Oxford/London :--Blackwell Scientific Publication~------ PhilaCelphia : J. B. Lippincott, 1975. $40 . Timothy H. H. Thoresen (ed ·) , ~ ~ ~ o f Man: Essays in the History of Anthropology. xiii + 232 pp ., name index, subject inde~ Ch i cago : Aldirle~ $14.9 5 . W~lliam J. Wallace, ~e Developm~z:t o f the Chlorinity/Salinity Concept in Oceanograohy . (Elsevl.er Oceanography Ser~es, 7.) x1.~ + 22 7 pp. , tbls. , apps., bibl. , index. Amsterd ar../ London/New York: Elsevier, 1974. Dfl. 46 . 00; $19.25. Charles Webster, The ~ Instauration. Science , Medicine and Refor~ 1 626-166 0 . xvi + 630 pp ., a ppendices, bibl. , index. Londo~kwo rth, 197~ £13.50 . FELLOWSHIPS AND GRANTS RECEIVED Martha Hoare Trescott has been award ed a Rovensky fellowship for research in business and economic history, granted by the Lincoln Foundati on. The $3,000 award will be used during 197E-7 to complete her dissertation study on the U. S. electrochemical indus ~ry , particularly focusing on the rise of the Niagara Falls chemical comp lex, the coming of co r _t)orate R & D, and the sear ch for cheap aluminum as it .helped shape bo th the industry and the i.Jiaga ra center. The study will likely be ent.1.tled The Search for Cheap Alurninwn. AWARDS AND HONORS Dirk J . Struik (Professor Emeritus, ~~ssachusetts Institute of Technology) has been awarded a gold medal of achievement by the National Univers ity of Mexico for his servi c es t o the teaching and development of mathematics in Mexico over the years . He has ta ught at th e National University i n 193 4 , 195 7 , 1960, 1963, and most recentl y from Nove mber 9 -1 6 , 197 5 , when at the i nvitat i o n of the Fa culty of Scien c es he delivered four lectures on the h istory of mathematics on Ar c h imedes , Newton, Nonge , and Klein. APPOINTHENTS AN D PROHOTIONS Otto Hay r has been appointed Chairman of the Department of Science and Technology, Smithsonian I nstituti o n, effective January 1976. Sabetai Un guru has been promoted to Associate Pro fessor in the Depart~nt of the History of Science, University of Oklahoma , Norman. He also has been ~ppo1.nted a member of th e Institute for Advan ced Stu dy at Princeton for th e acaderruc year 1976-77 . DISSERTATIONS IN PROGRESS OR RECENTLY COMPLETED Note: If available, please supply the Dissertation Abst r acts reference number in the future when submitting announcements on dissertations completed. City College of the City Univers~ty of Ne~ York Martin 'I'amny, " The Early Ep1.stemolog~cal Thought of Isaac Newton" completed) . (philosophy, Unive~:!~~so!r::~r:.:~eiro do Nascimento , "Une theorie des operations naturelles fond€e sur 1' optique: le 1 De multiplicatione specie rum ' de Roger Bacon" (co mplete d). University of ~ Philip c . Enros, " The Cambridge Analytical Society : Mathematics at Cambridge University in the Early Ni neteenth Century" (in progress) · AHA EMPLOYMENT INFORMAT ION BULLETIN In an attempt to aid historians who are seeking cmplo~me n~ and to ~ro~ote ope n li sting of faculty vacancies by all colleges and universit~es ~n the Un~teo Stat e~, the American Historical Association (AHA} maintains the ~mployment Informat~on Bul~et 1.n. The EIB is printed in October, Nove mber , Feb r ua r y, and .Z\pril. Supplem~n~s , ~h1.c h are conp iled fr~n jot d e scriotin ns s o2n t to t _he .l\HA rather frc r \ r eqular sol~c1.tat1.on ' have - 14 - To AHA members the :~c:.aa subscriptlon is $7.00 per year fo r fou r issues s ent fi r st - class mail , and Sll. Ov • forelg r. postage. To nonmembe r s t he r ates are S l O. 00 for f i rst - class mail, ar.ct S l~i . been planned in oraer to add f le xi b i li t y to the s chedule . for f o re ign post a ge . All subsc ri ptions mus t be p r epai d , a n d foreign postage lS man d a to r y for all o v e r s e as s ubscripti o ns. Se n d n ame a nd add r ess along wlth propet payment to AHA :..mployrnent Info r mat i o n Bul let i n, 400 A St r eet , So u theast , ~'lashlngt. o r,, .J . C . 20003 . MELLON POSTDOCTORAL FELLOWSHIP I N HISTORY OF AMERICAN SCIENCE AND TECHNOLOGY Case Western Reserve Universit y , Program in History of Science and Te ch n o l ogy, is seeking candidates for a l'lellon Postdoctoral Fellowship in the History of Ame r ican Science and Technol ogy , for the a c ademi c year beginning in September 1 976. Appllcan t s must have a recent doctorate in history of s c ience and/or tech n o logy, wit h con centration on the United States. Dut i es of the r-tellon Fellow will include : teachi ng one course each semester i n general history of technology and a course in Ameri c an science or technology , observation of a year's course i n historiography of science and technology, and o f a course relating sci e n ce and the humanities, in preparatio n for assisting in the design of a co urs e i n Technology and Social Value s. Stipend wi ll depend upon qual i fications and experience , but will be in the range o f salary fo r an assistant professor. Inte r ested persons should send curriculum v itae to Robert E. S c hofield 1 Director, Program in History of Scien ce and Techn ology, DSIS , Carwford Hall, Case Western Reserve University, Cleveland, Ohio 4 41 06 . REQUEST FOR JOB INFORMATION Individuals in co lleges, universities, and other institutions having knowledge of possible or definite job ope nings are urged to r elay such information to the Secretary o f the Society , Dr . Roger H. Stuewer, as soo n as possible for publication in the News letter. Suc h sharing o f job info rmation is consistent with the general sentiment that me mbers of t h e HSS expressed on the des irabi lity of open listing of available positions . JOB OPENINGS The positions listed below a re new openings that have been brought to the attention of the Secretary . Other new openings sho u ld also be brought to his atten t ion as soon as possible. All inquiries should be addres: ~ ed to the institution having the opening, and only serious and qualified persons should apply. It is assumed that the positi o n s listed are in fact open at the time of publicati on . The Society, however, can a ssume no responsibility for the accuracy or currency of the listing . 1. Center fo r History of Physi cs , American Institute of Physics, 335 East 45th St r eet , New York, New York 1 00 17. Position : Research Associate. Description: The Cen t er offe rs a position as Associate in a program to document the history o f modern astrophysics. Applicants must have interest and so~e trainin g in both history {or a related f ield such as sociology) and astrophys 1~s (or a related field such as physics); a Ph.D. i s de s irabl e . ?he r~ssoc iate will co~ r. u ct broad bioqr aphical an d institutio nal resear ch in the histo r y of 20th century astrophysics , i n order to assist a program o f locating and microfilming documents and interviewing prominent scie ntist s . After some training the Associate will independently conduct and edit interviews a n d arrange for the preservation of documents. Maturity 1 the ability to secure the cooperation of e~inent scientists, and a capacity for detai l are essential. Employment will be for a t o tal of roughly two years , which , if the Associate wishes , may be divided into part-time employment or into separated periods within the interval September 1976 through December 1979. Salary will depend on quali fi cations . The AIP is an equal oppo rtunity employer. Deadline for applications: June 30, 1976 . Contact: Dr. Spencer VJeart , Dire c tor. - 15 - Uni t ed S ta tes Energy P.esearch a:td Development Administration , ~·Jashing t o n, D. C. 2 0545. Po s it i ons : Two Senio~ Vislting Research Scholars in 1976 - 1977 . Descr iption: Under the aegls of th~ Intergovernmental Personnel Excha n ge Ac t o f 1970, ERDA will support. establisl'-.ed scholars ·,.,:hose research l.nterests incl u de t he histo r y The grants are designed to a id s cho lars o f e nerg y t echnology or U. s . energy policy . whos e wo rk r equires extended research in the washingto •. , D.C . area . Pre f e r e n ce wi l l b e give n to p r oposals for the study of nonnuclear energy technologies o r po li cies, includi ng the history of energy conservation J r of fossil , solar , or geot h e rmal energy . Proje c ts r elat ing to the history of nuclear energy, national security , a n d internati o nal affairs wi l l a lso be elig~ble. Depending on the visiting scholar's expe r ie n ce , c urrent salary, and r e sea r ch needs , ERDJ\ w~ll pay up to full salary plus expense s f o r a period not to exceed t wo ye ar s . Although visi t ing scholars need not have p ubli she d pri or research in energy histo r y, close attention •.... ~ 11 be pa1d t o the applicant's publica tions and to th e l i kelihood that the researc t proposal wil l lead to p ub l ishable results . Contact: Fo r addi tion a l i nformat i on wri·.:e to Dr . Ric h a r d G. Hewlett , Chief Historian , Histo rian ' s Of fice . 2. 3. University of California, Los Angeles, Los Angeles, Cal ifornia 9 0024. Position: Tempo rary o ne y ea r assistant p rofes so rship; history o f 16 th-17th physical science or h i sto ry o f social s cie n c e. Ability to teach general c ourses as well as in specialty. 4 quarters, Winter 1977 through Winter 1978 inclusive. Note: UCLA is an Equal Opportunity/ Aff irma t ive Action employe r and welcomes appli cations from minoritie s an d wo men. Contact : Pro fes sor Ro bert N. Burr, Cha irperson, Department of Hi story . 4. Univers ity o f Kansas, Lawren ce , Kansas 66045 (pho ne 913-864 - 3569). Position: Ass i s tant Pro f esso r o r Associ ate Pro fessor {1-3 years in rank). Description: Pe rmanent position i n the h isto ry o f the physi c al s c iences. Preference will be shown t o thos e wi th resea r ch and p ub lic ati o ns in t he histo ry o f 1 9th/20th c entury c hemis try a n d/o r geology . Teachi ng e xpe ri e n c e highly des i r able; Ph.D. required. Position ava ilable fa ll 1976 . Salar y : $ 1 2 , 500 - 16 , 000 . Nine month app o i n tment. Deadline for a pplicat io n: May 15 , 1976 . Note: An Equa l Oppo r tun ity/A ffirmati ve Action Emplo yer. Qu ali fied men and women of all races may app ly . Co n t a c t: Send credenti a ls an d at l eas t three let t e rs of recommendation to Professor Jerry St annard , Department o f Hi s t o ry. 5. Universit y o f Pe nnsylvania , Philadelphia , PA 19174 . Descripti o n: The Department o f History and Sociology of Science has an opening for a visiting ass is tant pro fessor for the academic year 1976-1977. Secondar y appointments and teaching d uties possible in the Department of Sociology or in the School of Public Po licy, depending on abilities and interests of the successful candidate . Doctorate and publi c at~ons in sociology of scienc e required , toget her with strong interest in working with histo r ians of science, technology and med i cine . Contact: Dr. Arno l d Thackray, Department of History a n d Sociology o f Science, E. F. Smith Hall/D6. 6. Univers i ty of Utrecht, Utrecht , The Netherlands. Position : Chair of History o f Science, which will become vacant in September 1976 on the retirement of Professor Hooykaas. Description: Suitably qualified candidates are invited to apply giving details of their scientific c areer and listing their publications . The post involves some teaching at undergraduate level, lecturing at g raduate level , and research work together with postgraduate resear ch students . Knowledge of the Dut c h language is not a prerequisite, but it is expected that after a few years tea ching will be in Dutch . Salary: The salary scale for a professorial appoin tment is from f67764 to fl 05996 p.a. (befo re tax). In addition, there are vacation and children 's allowances. Contact: Applications from or suggestions re g arding suitable candidates should be submitted t o the Secretary of the Appointments Committee: drs . A. van der Vegt, Laboratorium voor Experirnentele Fysica, Sorbonnelaan 4 , Utrecht, The Netherlands. Further info rmation can be obtained from the Secretary either in writing or by telephon i ng 030 - 531700 . - 14 - To AHA members the :~c:.aa subscriptlon is $7.00 per year fo r fou r issues s ent fi r st - class mail , and Sll. Ov • forelg r. postage. To nonmembe r s t he r ates are S l O. 00 for f i rst - class mail, ar.ct S l~i . been planned in oraer to add f le xi b i li t y to the s chedule . for f o re ign post a ge . All subsc ri ptions mus t be p r epai d , a n d foreign postage lS man d a to r y for all o v e r s e as s ubscripti o ns. Se n d n ame a nd add r ess along wlth propet payment to AHA :..mployrnent Info r mat i o n Bul let i n, 400 A St r eet , So u theast , ~'lashlngt. o r,, .J . C . 20003 . MELLON POSTDOCTORAL FELLOWSHIP I N HISTORY OF AMERICAN SCIENCE AND TECHNOLOGY Case Western Reserve Universit y , Program in History of Science and Te ch n o l ogy, is seeking candidates for a l'lellon Postdoctoral Fellowship in the History of Ame r ican Science and Technol ogy , for the a c ademi c year beginning in September 1 976. Appllcan t s must have a recent doctorate in history of s c ience and/or tech n o logy, wit h con centration on the United States. Dut i es of the r-tellon Fellow will include : teachi ng one course each semester i n general history of technology and a course in Ameri c an science or technology , observation of a year's course i n historiography of science and technology, and o f a course relating sci e n ce and the humanities, in preparatio n for assisting in the design of a co urs e i n Technology and Social Value s. Stipend wi ll depend upon qual i fications and experience , but will be in the range o f salary fo r an assistant professor. Inte r ested persons should send curriculum v itae to Robert E. S c hofield 1 Director, Program in History of Scien ce and Techn ology, DSIS , Carwford Hall, Case Western Reserve University, Cleveland, Ohio 4 41 06 . REQUEST FOR JOB INFORMATION Individuals in co lleges, universities, and other institutions having knowledge of possible or definite job ope nings are urged to r elay such information to the Secretary o f the Society , Dr . Roger H. Stuewer, as soo n as possible for publication in the News letter. Suc h sharing o f job info rmation is consistent with the general sentiment that me mbers of t h e HSS expressed on the des irabi lity of open listing of available positions . JOB OPENINGS The positions listed below a re new openings that have been brought to the attention of the Secretary . Other new openings sho u ld also be brought to his atten t ion as soon as possible. All inquiries should be addres: ~ ed to the institution having the opening, and only serious and qualified persons should apply. It is assumed that the positi o n s listed are in fact open at the time of publicati on . The Society, however, can a ssume no responsibility for the accuracy or currency of the listing . 1. Center fo r History of Physi cs , American Institute of Physics, 335 East 45th St r eet , New York, New York 1 00 17. Position : Research Associate. Description: The Cen t er offe rs a position as Associate in a program to document the history o f modern astrophysics. Applicants must have interest and so~e trainin g in both history {or a related f ield such as sociology) and astrophys 1~s (or a related field such as physics); a Ph.D. i s de s irabl e . ?he r~ssoc iate will co~ r. u ct broad bioqr aphical an d institutio nal resear ch in the histo r y of 20th century astrophysics , i n order to assist a program o f locating and microfilming documents and interviewing prominent scie ntist s . After some training the Associate will independently conduct and edit interviews a n d arrange for the preservation of documents. Maturity 1 the ability to secure the cooperation of e~inent scientists, and a capacity for detai l are essential. Employment will be for a t o tal of roughly two years , which , if the Associate wishes , may be divided into part-time employment or into separated periods within the interval September 1976 through December 1979. Salary will depend on quali fi cations . The AIP is an equal oppo rtunity employer. Deadline for applications: June 30, 1976 . Contact: Dr. Spencer VJeart , Dire c tor. - 15 - Uni t ed S ta tes Energy P.esearch a:td Development Administration , ~·Jashing t o n, D. C. 2 0545. Po s it i ons : Two Senio~ Vislting Research Scholars in 1976 - 1977 . Descr iption: Under the aegls of th~ Intergovernmental Personnel Excha n ge Ac t o f 1970, ERDA will support. establisl'-.ed scholars ·,.,:hose research l.nterests incl u de t he histo r y The grants are designed to a id s cho lars o f e nerg y t echnology or U. s . energy policy . whos e wo rk r equires extended research in the washingto •. , D.C . area . Pre f e r e n ce wi l l b e give n to p r oposals for the study of nonnuclear energy technologies o r po li cies, includi ng the history of energy conservation J r of fossil , solar , or geot h e rmal energy . Proje c ts r elat ing to the history of nuclear energy, national security , a n d internati o nal affairs wi l l a lso be elig~ble. Depending on the visiting scholar's expe r ie n ce , c urrent salary, and r e sea r ch needs , ERDJ\ w~ll pay up to full salary plus expense s f o r a period not to exceed t wo ye ar s . Although visi t ing scholars need not have p ubli she d pri or research in energy histo r y, close attention •.... ~ 11 be pa1d t o the applicant's publica tions and to th e l i kelihood that the researc t proposal wil l lead to p ub l ishable results . Contact: Fo r addi tion a l i nformat i on wri·.:e to Dr . Ric h a r d G. Hewlett , Chief Historian , Histo rian ' s Of fice . 2. 3. University of California, Los Angeles, Los Angeles, Cal ifornia 9 0024. Position: Tempo rary o ne y ea r assistant p rofes so rship; history o f 16 th-17th physical science or h i sto ry o f social s cie n c e. Ability to teach general c ourses as well as in specialty. 4 quarters, Winter 1977 through Winter 1978 inclusive. Note: UCLA is an Equal Opportunity/ Aff irma t ive Action employe r and welcomes appli cations from minoritie s an d wo men. Contact : Pro fes sor Ro bert N. Burr, Cha irperson, Department of Hi story . 4. Univers ity o f Kansas, Lawren ce , Kansas 66045 (pho ne 913-864 - 3569). Position: Ass i s tant Pro f esso r o r Associ ate Pro fessor {1-3 years in rank). Description: Pe rmanent position i n the h isto ry o f the physi c al s c iences. Preference will be shown t o thos e wi th resea r ch and p ub lic ati o ns in t he histo ry o f 1 9th/20th c entury c hemis try a n d/o r geology . Teachi ng e xpe ri e n c e highly des i r able; Ph.D. required. Position ava ilable fa ll 1976 . Salar y : $ 1 2 , 500 - 16 , 000 . Nine month app o i n tment. Deadline for a pplicat io n: May 15 , 1976 . Note: An Equa l Oppo r tun ity/A ffirmati ve Action Emplo yer. Qu ali fied men and women of all races may app ly . Co n t a c t: Send credenti a ls an d at l eas t three let t e rs of recommendation to Professor Jerry St annard , Department o f Hi s t o ry. 5. Universit y o f Pe nnsylvania , Philadelphia , PA 19174 . Descripti o n: The Department o f History and Sociology of Science has an opening for a visiting ass is tant pro fessor for the academic year 1976-1977. Secondar y appointments and teaching d uties possible in the Department of Sociology or in the School of Public Po licy, depending on abilities and interests of the successful candidate . Doctorate and publi c at~ons in sociology of scienc e required , toget her with strong interest in working with histo r ians of science, technology and med i cine . Contact: Dr. Arno l d Thackray, Department of History a n d Sociology o f Science, E. F. Smith Hall/D6. 6. Univers i ty of Utrecht, Utrecht , The Netherlands. Position : Chair of History o f Science, which will become vacant in September 1976 on the retirement of Professor Hooykaas. Description: Suitably qualified candidates are invited to apply giving details of their scientific c areer and listing their publications . The post involves some teaching at undergraduate level, lecturing at g raduate level , and research work together with postgraduate resear ch students . Knowledge of the Dut c h language is not a prerequisite, but it is expected that after a few years tea ching will be in Dutch . Salary: The salary scale for a professorial appoin tment is from f67764 to fl 05996 p.a. (befo re tax). In addition, there are vacation and children 's allowances. Contact: Applications from or suggestions re g arding suitable candidates should be submitted t o the Secretary of the Appointments Committee: drs . A. van der Vegt, Laboratorium voor Experirnentele Fysica, Sorbonnelaan 4 , Utrecht, The Netherlands. Further info rmation can be obtained from the Secretary either in writing or by telephon i ng 030 - 531700 . li. Hi~~~~c~n~ ;~~~ Postmaster: Non-Profr t Org. U .S. Postage PAID Minneapo lis, MN . Perm i t N o . 155 Return postage guara Professor Roger H. Stuewer School of Physics and Ast ron omy University of Minnesota Minneapolis, Minnesota 55455 ;;:~N A N 90X MCMULLIN 36 -.JOT~E O.A. ME J IN Li6556
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