HSW AREAS OF EXPERTISE: ■ Civil & land development ■ Compliance audits ■ Computer modeling ■ Computer aided design and 3D visualizaƟon ■ ConstrucƟon management ■ Database development & management ■ Environmental sampling & monitoring ■ Engineering and site development ■ Expert witness services ■ Geographic InformaƟon Systems (GIS) ■ LiƟgaƟon support ■ OperaƟon & maintenance ■ Permiƫng (RCRA, HSWA, CERCLA, NEPA, SARA, TSCA, SDWA, NPDES, CAA, ERP, WUP, and CWA) ■ PolluƟon prevenƟon technology ■ Public presentaƟon experƟse ■ Regulatory compliance ■ RemediaƟon system design ■ Site assessments, Phase I & II ■ Storage tank management ■ TransacƟonal audits ■ Water resource evaluaƟon & development ■ Wetland delineaƟons Incorporated in the State of Florida, with offices located in Tampa, Orlando, Sarasota, and Gainesville, Florida, HSW Engineering, Inc. (HSW) was founded in 1988 as an environmental services firm. HSW has grown into a full-service engineering and environmental science firm. Staff members have backgrounds in engineering (chemical, civil, environmental), geology, hydrogeology, soil physics, hydrology, hydrologic (groundwater and surface water) and solute transport modeling, chemistry, ecology, toxicology, GIS and mapping. All professional and technical staff members, including the principals, maintain focus on their areas of prac ce and client rela onships. HSWENG.COM Engineering and Scientific solutions within your reach... HSW provides a unique blend of exper se in engineering design, construc on management, environmental compliance, permit acquisi on and knowledge of state and federal regula ons. HSW has acquired a na onal reputa on for using innova ve and streamlined approaches to assess and resolve a broad range of complex engineering and environmental concerns. LOCATIONS Main Office:Tampa 15711 Mapledale Blvd., Suite B Tampa, FL 33624 (813) 968-7722 Orlando 605 East Robinson St., Suite 308 Orlando, FL 32801 (407) 872-6893 Gainesville 8000 NE 51st Street Gainesville, FL 32609 (813) 503-3471 Sarasota 4411 Bee Ridge Road, Box #305 Sarasota, FL 34233 (941) 894-4018 www.hsweng.com ENVIRONMENTAL WATER RESOURCES CIVIL / LAND DEVELOPMENT TRAINING FACILITY DESIGN QUALITY ASSURANCE & CONTROL WHO BENEFITS FROM OUR SERVICES? HSW PROVIDES THE FOUNDATION FOR ACCOUNTIBILITY, QUALITY, EFFICIENCY AND EFFECTIVENESS... HSW is a science and engineering organiza on focused on providing proac ve, innova ve and cost-effec ve solu ons to water, soil and airquality projects. STAFF OF PROFESSIONALS Engineers (Civil, Chemical, Geologic, and Environmental) Geologists Hydrogeologists Hydrologists Chemists Toxicologists Ecologists Construc on Managers Computer Modeling Experts Database Managers Environmental Technicians CADD / GIS Specialists ENVIRONMENTAL WATER RESOURCES CIVIL / LAND DEVELOPMENT HSW has 20 years of experience performing: HSW has extensive experience in the planning, permi ng, management and development of water supply needs/ sources; wastewater treatment and disposal; water treatment and water conserva on programs including: HSW’s growing land development prac ce complements the primary areas of exper se of the firm. Services include: ▪ ▪ ▪ ▪ ▪ ▪ ▪ ▪ ▪ ▪ Pre-acquisi on Site Assessments (Phase I, Phase II, and III ESAs) Site Characteriza on (groundwater, soil, sediment, and surface water contamina on) Design, Construc on, and Maintenance of Remedia on Systems Design and Implementa on of Groundwater and Surface Water Monitoring Programs Prepara on of Permit Applica ons Performance of Sta s cal Trend Analyses of Water-quality and Water-level Data Sets Hydrogeologic and Fate & Transport Modeling Title V and Non-Title V Air Emission Permi ng Wetlands Delinea on and Mi ga on Programs Expert Tes mony QA / QC PROJECT MANAGEMENT APPROACH HSW's mission is to provide the highest level of service to its clients. The founda on of this philosophy rests on the following principles: Accountability ~ Quality ~ Efficiency Effec veness CLIENT SUCCESS SINCE 1988 Training ▪ FDEP/EPA SOP Compliance for Field Ac vi es ▪ Field Tes ng ▪ Quality Control ▪ Instrument Calibra on / Verifica ons ▪ Documenta on ▪ NELAP Compliance for Laboratories ▪ Automated Data Review (ADaPT® & ADR®) Audi ng ▪ Laboratory Audits ▪ Field Audits (EPA/FDEP Compliance) ▪ Pre-audit Readiness Assessments (Field & Laboratory) ▪ ▪ ▪ ▪ ▪ ▪ ▪ ▪ ▪ ▪ ▪ ▪ Safe Aquifer Yield Determina on Establishment of Minimum Flows and Levels Water Distribu on System Design Watershed Modeling and Flood Area Delinea on Storm Water Conveyance Nutrient & Sediment Transport Estuarine Systems Wastewater Treatment System Design and Effluent Disposal Effluent Toxicity Tes ng Mixing Zone Analysis Permi ng (Water Use, Wastewater, Environmental Resource, Stormwater, Dredge and Fill) Total Maximum Daily Loads / Basin Management Ac on Plans ▪ ▪ ▪ ▪ ▪ ▪ ▪ ▪ TRAINING FACILITY DESIGN ▪ ▪ ▪ ▪ ▪ ▪ ▪ ▪ ▪ ▪ ▪ ▪ ▪ ▪ ▪ OUR CLIENTS INCLUDE: ■ ■ ■ ■ ■ ■ ■ ■ ■ ■ ■ ■ Aerospace Companies Mining Facili es Petroleum Refiners and Retailers Environmental Agencies/Consultants A orneys / Law Firms Diversified Manufacturing Insurance Agencies Power Companies Transporta on Companies Insurance Agencies Financial Ins tu ons All levels of Government Agencies / Contractors HSW is one of the prime contractors to provide full-discipline A/E support services in the Range and Training Land Program (RTLP) for The U.S. Army Engineering and Support Center, Huntsville District. DATA QUALITY ASSURANCE Third-party Data Valida on Automated Data Review (ADaPT® and ADR®) Data Assessment / Valida on Reports USACE-compliant Quality Control Summary Reports Project Libraries (ADaPT® & ADR®) Automated Data Reduc on / Repor ng (SoTo®) Quality Manuals Standard Opera ng Procedures EPA-compliant Quality Assurance Project Plans Project Data Quality Objec ves Sampling & Analysis Plans Design & Maintenance of Project Databases Management of Electronic Data Deliverables Site Development and Design U li es Master Planning Surface/stormwater Management, Permi ng and Design Stormwater and Hydraulic Modeling Roadway Design Wetlands Delinea ons and Assessment Wildlife Surveys and Mi ga on Environmental Resource Permi ng HSW is proud to have maintained long-term and posi ve rela onships with the clients that we serve. One reason is that our clients trust that HSW will resolve their environmental issues with the highest level of efficiency, integrity and cost-effec veness. ▪ ▪ ▪ ▪ ▪ ▪ ▪ ▪ ▪ ▪ ▪ Range and Training Land Program (RTLP) Planning DD 1391/DD 3086 Data Submission Packages Civil/Site Grading, Drainage, and Range Access/Downrange Trails Range Opera ons Support Buildings Power and Fiber Op c Design Surface Danger Zone Analysis Line of Sight Evalua on Surveying and Geotechnical Inves ga ons Innova ve Technology Applica on Analysis Sustainable Design Applica ons NEPA Documenta on and Inves ga ons Cost Es mates (M-CASES and M II) Engineering Services During Construc on WHY CHOOSE HSW TO BE YOUR PARTNER? HSW has dis nguished itself as a leader in the environmental industry through its philosophy of strategic management of environmental issues. Our approach is to provide our clients with solu ons, plus long-range, proac ve approaches to effec vely manage environmental issues. HSW has successfully applied innova ve strategies to technical and regulatory issues na onwide, resul ng in substan al cost and me savings. HSW also prides itself on its organiza onal approach, assigning one of the firm's principals to oversee each project. This philosophy of strict quality assurance has proven successful in maintaining control and effec ve communica ons throughout the some mes tedious processes involved in achieving environmental solu ons.
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