Innovators-Program_O.. - Citrix Startup Accelerator

Program Structure 12 Week Program 10 Par/cipa/ng Teams Mix of Corporate & Startup Teams Program Focus Desirability Feasibility Viability Ø 
Design Thinking Ø 
Lean Startup Ø 
Modern Leadership Program Curriculum 10 Customers Per Week Evidence Based Mentored By Experts Weekly Working Sessions Peer Review PresenBng IdenBfy Resources Required Designed to validate business model quickly & efficiently Final Demo Day Ø  Teams present to audience of Investors, Entrepreneurs, Media and Technologists Ø  Focus on Lessons Learned as much as Pitch Ø  Live Demonstra/ons Ø  Closed Presenta/ons for Internal Teams Ø  Investment Readiness determined Benefits of Program ParBcipaBon ① See into the Future The Innovator’s Program provides a window to the future so your business stays on top of the latest trends. ②  Branding and Marke/ng Opportuni/es ü 
Co-­‐Branded Demo Day Networking Events Digital Promo/on Media Coverage Innova/on Advisory Panel ③  ARract and Retain Top Talent Innova/on branding is a magnet for aIracBng talent. Our tailored program allows partners to nominate internal teams ensuring your best talent remain engaged and energized. ④  Early Stage Deal Flow The Innovator’s Program provides access to early stage companies looking for funding. The 12 week training enables an accurate investment readiness assessment to de-­‐risk seed investment. 5 Promote Culture of Internal Innova/on The Innovator’s Program allows key partners to gain insights into the mechanics of a corporate accelerator. The tailored program develops exper/se in nurturing early stage ideas to help corporates think like agile startups. 6 Economic Development and Community The Innovator’s Program nurtures local
entrepreneurship fostering long-­‐term economic development and job creaBon. Julian Fishman Business Development Office: 1.408.755.7413 Mobile: 1.415.623.6935 TwiRer: @JulianFishman1 4555 Great America Parkway Santa Clara, CA 95054