Holy Trinity Lutheran Call b 2015 JUNE b 2015 THE HTLCall is a monthly publication for the Members and Friends of HOLY TRINITY LUTHERAN CHURCH of DINGMANS FERRY, PA. bbbbbb IMPORTANT DATE: SUNDAY, JUNE 7th AT 12:00 NOON EVERYONE IS INVITED to join us in the beautiful field next to the church. There will be food and games for everyone . . . WHAT TO BRING: + $3.00 Adults & Children We will supply hamburgers and hot dogs. + Bring A Salad or Dessert to share! + Bring Your Family & Friends! + Bring Lawn Chairs! + Bring Softball Equipment for our ANNUAL SOFTBALL GAME! Last Day of Sunday School High School Senior Recognition 9:00 AM Service 9:00 AM Service Sunday School Certificates We will honor our High School Seniors HOLY TRINITY LUTHERAN CHURCH 103 DELAWARE CREST DINGMANS FERRY, PA 18328 E-MAIL: TELEPHONE: 570-828-7411 or 828-9069 HTLC@ptd.net ~ WEB PAGE: www.htlcpa.org PASTOR LAY ASSISTANT DIRECTOR OF YOUTH MINISTRIES CHURCH SECRETARY Rev. Niels H. Nielsen Barbara Hupfer Dawn McEvoy Andrea Nielsen WORSHIP SCHEDULE SUNDAY SCHOOL (Pre-K – Grade 12)…… REGULAR WORSHIP SERVICE…………........ COFFEE FELLOWSHIP…………………………. REGULAR WORSHIP SERVICE…………........ (Holy Communion: 1st & 3rd Sundays) 9:00 AM 9:00 AM 10:00 AM 10:30 AM SUNRISE ON A CLOUDY MORNING There are days when the rising of the sun illuminates the sky with brilliant colors. You can see the sun itself rise up from the horizon and there is a sudden change in everything. There are also cloudy days when the clouds obscure the sunrise and the light slowly, yet relentlessly reveals what was hidden in the darkness. Some days it is very clear what God is calling us to do. On some other occasions we need to be patient to see where we are being led. Like a cloudy sunrise, we sometimes simply need to see what the day will bring. We are invited to live by faith, having hope in things we do not see. On the days that the journey of life does not have a clear path, we need to take it one step at a time, doing the things that the Holy Spirit calls us to. In the last 10 years, I have been reciting the mantra from Paul in the book of Romans, “Let love be genuine, hate what is evil, hold on to what is good. Outdo one another in showing affection…love your enemy”. On a cloudy, indeed, foggy morning, these words take hold of my soul, bring it comfort and direction. The sun will eventually reveal all that is in the darkness and in the meantime the spirit of truth will reveal the direction to go. We are called into community where many trust in the same truth, that the Lord will be present in our whole day. He will join us together in mission, He will give us gifts to care for one another, and He will heal our brokenness and make us whole again. Church is the community where we can share our struggles and receive the love and compassion of our fellow believers. Our faith is nurtured by sharing it in community. We are better sharing a cloudy sunrise than facing it alone. Faithfully, Pastor Niel SOUP FELLOWSHIP & COMMUNION Wednesday, June 3rd ~ 6:30 PM Come and share a warm bowl of soup with us. Our Soup Supper begins at 6:30 PM with a Communion Service immediately following. Bring soup, or bread, or salad, or dessert to share. This is a great opportunity to share a meal in the fellowship of friends, sing some songs and gather together for communion. ALL ARE WELCOME! SEE YOU THERE! Pantry Ponderings Do you have a vegetable garden that you tend? Please consider planting a small area of easy to grow items for the food pantry. We know how important it is to have vegetables and fruits every day. There is nothing like a fresh ripe tomato, fresh string beans or just picked peppers. The nutritional value far exceeds that of canned vegetables. If you are interested in supporting the food pantry through your garden, please let me know. Together we can help our community. Living in Faith, Barbara Hupfer Bring Your Family to Church This Summer: Our 9:00 AM Service will be Family Style worship all summer long with music by the Holy Trinity Band. We are looking for families to sign up to do some of the following: Usher together as a family Serve as the Communion Assistants together as a family Serve as a family of Greeters in a Sunday before the 9:00 AM Service Thinking “Outside the box”… does your family have a shared talent to share at the service (Talk with Pastor Niel) Look for sign up sheets in the Narthex or you can contact Barbara Hupfer at 570-828-7411. Altar Guild Meeting An Altar Guild Meeting is scheduled for Saturday, July 11th at 10 am in the Sanctuary. All Altar Guild members and prospective members are invited to attend. Meet Guild members you may not know, review of services that we provide for our church and bring any ideas that you feel will improve our services. Call Connie at 845-856-3943 to RSVP or for more information. Women of Holy Trinity ~ We are part of the Women of the Evangelical Lutheran Church in America. SCHEDULE for June: Mon., Mon., Mon., Mon., Mon., June 1 – Business Meeting ~ Devotions & Offering June 8 – Crafts & Fellowship June 15 – Crafts & Fellowship June 22 – Crafts & Fellowship June 29 – Crafts & Fellowship We are continuing our projects such as the colorful pictures for the trays used for patients at Wayne Memorial Hospital. Also, our quilters are busy putting together and sewing for Lutheran World Relief. They will be sent to such places as Nepal and other areas in need. Of course, our knitters and those who crochet are working on items for the fair in the fall. ~ Join us on Mondays between 1:00 – 3:00 PM in the Fellowship Hall Cake Reminders 6/1 6/8 Helen Heck & MaryJane Herrick Barbara Zyer & Kathy Sauvie 6/15 6/22 6/29 Evelyn Kovell & Helen Umstead Pat Ottinger Sandy & Kaity Allen FATHER’S DAY On Father’s Day this year we would like to offer you the opportunity to recognize “Significant Men” in your life. We will list the names of these men “In Memory Of”, “In Honor Of”, or “In Thankfulness For”. Father’s Day is Sunday, June 21st. A donation of $1.00 per name will be received – (to cover the cost of Father’s Day mementos. For more details please see or call Andrea Nielsen at 828-7411.) Fill out the form below and hand to Andrea Nielsen after either Sunday Service. The Deadline for names for the Father’s Day bulletin is Sunday, June 14th. GIVEN BY: _____________________________________________________________________________________ PHONE #___________________________ PAID ______________________________ (PLEASE CHOOSE ONE PER DONATION) IN HONOR OF__________________________________________________________________________________ IN MEMORY OF: ________________________________________________________________________________ IN THANKFULNESS FOR: _________________________________________________________________________ Holy Trinity has four different youth groups. See which one is for YOU !… JELYO … Jr. Evangelical Lutheran Youth Organization – Grades 2 – 5 (Thursday 10-12 Noon) MLYF …. Middle Lutheran Youth Fellowship – Grades 6 – 8 (Confirmation Class Youth) LYF ……Lutheran Youth Fellowship – Grades 8 – 12 LYF/Life…….Life after LYF – Post high school (God Squad) June 7: Senior Recognition Sunday – 9:00 AM (Sun.) * We’ll honor the High School Graduating Class of 2015 & wish them well for the future. June 7: A Sunday School Celebration – At the 9:00 AM Service (Sun.) * We’ll thank our teachers for another job well-done and watch a brief slide show of this school year. June 7: Holy Trinity’s Family Picnic – 12:00 Noon, In the church yard. (Sun.) * $3.00 adults & children for hot dogs & hamburgers. Bring a salad or dessert to share. * Don’t forget your ball gloves and lawn chairs. Sign-up on the bulletin board. June 7: Our Summer Family Worship Service Begins – At the 9:00 AM (Sun.) * You are invited to join us for a Children Friendly Family Service every Sunday, now thru September. * There is babysitting for younger children, after the Children’s Sermon. June 28th – CIT Training – Sunday 5:00 PM – Tuesday 10:00 AM June 30 * We’ll get together to prepare for VBC. Pick up a CIT packet from Dawn McEvoy. * $55.00 per person to help pay for food & the raft trip down the Delaware River. * Permission slip & money must be in by June 78h to participate in this program. July 2nd: Camelbeach – Everyone’s invited! Leaving church @ 9:00 AM (Thurs.) * $26.00 each (Cash only due at the time of trip) See the sign-up sheet for more information. July 6 – Vacation Bible Camp – Monday-- Friday, 9:00 AM-12:00 Noon July 10 * Information and registration form is enclosed in this month’s HTLC Call. Check the Bulletin Board in the Fellowship Hall for all the Summer Youth Activities. Holy Trinity’s High School Class of 2015 Kaitlyn Angradi Trevor Herman Kristi LiCausi Ricky Miller Hayley Nekich Jonathan Tjornhom Nicholas Cotter Jeffery Hupfer Alexis Lambert Ryan Miller Payton Nekich Taylor Vasconi Hallie Donlon Richard Joerger Kristen Jones Elizah Nekich Noah Pratz Angelica Gutter Danielle Krick Cassie Miller Zachery Nekich Cassie Yaugh We congratulate you on your accomplishments and wish you all Good luck in your future plans. Holy Trinity Nursery School News The teachers of Holy Trinity Nursery School will watch with pride as their students receive their diplomas at graduation. With tears in their eyes, everyone will remember the fun and hard work that brought us to this very special day. The children are not aware of it now, but the friends they have made and the lessons they have learned at Holy Trinity will stay with them throughout their school days. May was a month full of fun and celebration. We welcomed spring with a parade around the May Pole, wearing the flowered hats that we made ourselves. We woke up Mother Nature and skipped around the May Pole as all the moms and dads cheered us on. The firefighters from Delaware Township Fire & Rescue stopped in to teach us all about fire safety. It was exciting to see the fire trucks and all the equipment a firefighter must use to keep them safe while fighting a fire. The EMTs from Delaware Township Ambulance Corp. arrived to teach the children the many ways they can help us. Everyone got to sit in the ambulance and listen to their heart using a stethoscope. On Gym Show Day we got to show our families some of the exercises and dances we do throughout the year. The four year olds were happy when they invited their families to dance the YMCA at the end of the show. The children loved Field Day! Playing games and having fun with friends all morning was a day they’ll never forget. Watching the children laughing and playing together, I thought about how close these children have become and I hope that the love they have for one another is never lost. With all the activities, the teachers were not sure who would tire out first the staff or the children. Congratulations Holy Trinity Nursery School’s Class of 2015! We are very proud of you. Love, Miss Dawn (4 Year Olds Class Teacher) “Holy Trinity Nursery School proudly presents The Graduating Class of the year 2015” The following students received diplomas at this year’s graduation ceremonies; Julia Betsch Alexa Byrnes Adam Fitch Mackenzie Flanagan Noelle Fucetola Hailey Gummerson Dominick Haag Jonathan Kaufhold Justin Kizis Abbigale Maloney Ella Manheim Kaitlyn Odynsky Hunter Stead Cheyenne VanOrden Jenli Walker The staff at Holy Trinity Nursery School bid a tearful good-bye to the students in this year’s four-year-old class. We wish you well and our thoughts & prayers will be with you as you enter kindergarten. Everyone is excited about next year’s classes and the fun & adventures that are ahead. A big THANK-YOU to the parents, friends & congregation of Holy Trinity for all your support this year. We are truly blessed to have so many loving & caring people behind our work. We are still accepting registration for the 2015 – 2016 school year. For information visit “Miss Andrea” in the church office. IMPORTANT DATE! CHECK YOUR CALENDAR! Holy Trinity has 3 Exciting events in one day! Sunday, June 7th Senior Recognition Sunday! Honoring Holy Trinity’s High School Seniors Class of 2015 We will recognize our graduating seniors at the 9:00 AM Service. A Sunday School Celebration A fun-filled service celebrating an exciting school year. We’ll sing some of our favorite songs, thank our dedicated teachers and enjoy a slide presentation showing many of the amazing things we’ve done this year. Holy Trinity Family Picnic Join the fun! 12:00 noon, in the churchyard. $3.00 Adults & Children for hot dogs & hamburgers. Bring a salad or dessert to share. Don’t forget your baseball, gloves & lawn chairs. Please sign-up on the bulletin board so we know how much food to order. The Holy Trinity Family is kicking off the summer with a fun-filled trip to… Camelbeach Thursday, July 2nd $26.00 per person (cash only) Leaving the church parking lot @ 9:00 AM SHARP! Must supply own transportation. Bring money for lunch or pack a lunch & eat in the parking lot or picnic area. Don’t forget towels & sunscreen. Sign-up on the bulletin board! See Dawn McEvoy for more information! Summer will be here before you know it! JELYO youth group (“Vacation Bible Camp 2”) meets on Tuesday mornings 10:00-12:00 noon during the summer. MLYF & LYF (CIT’s & older) meet together on Tuesday evenings. The sign-up sheets for all summer events will be posted on the bulletin board in the Fellowship Hall. “Camp Discovery ~ Jesus at Work Through Us” Vacation Bible Camp Open to Everyone Mon., July 6th - Fri., July 10th 9:00 AM – 12:00 Noon Holy Trinity Lutheran Church 828-7411 4 Years of Age to Grade 6 $ 15.00 per child 2 in Family $ 25.00 3 in Family $ 35.00 ($6 each additional child) BRING: Offering & cookies or juice to share. Invite a friend. DATE: TIME: WHERE: AGES: COST: Bible Stories + Arts & Crafts + Projects + Drama + Recreation * An Offering will be taken EACH day * Please Pre-Register Now So that we can have enough materials for everyone. ONE APPLICATION per child, please: CHILD’S NAME: _________________________________________________ Next Age:_______ Birthdate: _________________ Grade: _________________ Phone:___________________________________________________________ Emergency Name & #: ___________________________________________ Address:_________________________________________________________ Emergency Name & #: ___________________________________________ Brothers & Sisters:_______________________________________________ Parents Names: _________________________________________________ Church you attend: ______________________________________________ Thank You’s + To everyone who set up, donated items, helped sell items, and cleaned up after our Giant Yard Sale. All the funds raised went to our summer youth programs. + To Scheilds Container Service for donating the dumpster for the Giant Yard Sale. A great company…570-296-2351 or dumpsters@scheildscontainer.com + To Ruth Barish and Jean Tjornhom for sewing and embroidering the Confirmation stoles. + To Vance Sunderland for removing the overgrown bushes at the entrance of the church. + To Everyone who helped with the MOST AWESOME Spring Church Clean-up Day EVER. So many projects were accomplished. A thorough Spring cleaning was done inside the church, renovation on the church sign was started, and the church gardens were cleaned out, new flowers planted, and mulch was laid. Thanks everyone. + To our Sr. Choir, Jr. Choir, choir directors, musicians and Holy Trinity Band for all their hard work, dedication and faithful service through the year. We are truly blessed here at Holy Trinity to have so many talented people who are willing to share their gifts. + To our wonderful, dedicated Sunday School Teachers who bring God’s message of love to our children throughout the year. And to Dawn McEvoy, our amazing Sunday School Superintendent. + To our Nursery School Staff ~ Dawn McEvoy, Margo Tlusty, Lori Williams, Julie Krick, Caroline Heiselman and Jean Tjornhom. Thanks for another great year. I love you girls! From Andrea. + To Connie Carlsen for heading up the Altar Guild. The sanctuary and altar area look so polished. Thank you to ALL the ladies on the Altar Guild who take care of our worship area each Sunday. + To Jim Lovelady and his helpers for rebuilding the frame for the church sign and once again to Sharon Subjin for painting the sign. + To Eileen McGowan & Joe Simmons for volunteering to clean for the Nursery School. + To Joe Simmons for refurbishing the playground for his Eagle Scout Project. + To Good Health Pharmacy for donating Gift Cards on Mother’s Day. Memorial Fund IN MEMORY OF RUTH CHRISTENSEN From Bob & Joyce Urban Food Pantry Memorial Fund IN MEMORY OF VICKIE P. SCHATZLE From Philip & Tara Waugh LOOKING AHEAD JUNE 7: Sr.High School Recognition Sunday ~ 9:00 AM 7: Church Picnic: 12:00 Noon 14: “The Spirit of Music” Concert ~ 3:00 PM 21: FATHER’S DAY 22-26: High Adventure Trip (youth) 28-30: CIT (Counselors In Training. Sunday-Tuesday) (Pick up kids at 10 AM.Tuesday) JULY 7/2: Camel Beach Trip ~ Leave HT at 9:00 am. $26.00 cash 7/4: INDEPENDENCE DAY 7/6-10: VBC: 9AM-12 Noon (Monday 7/6 to Friday 7/10.) AVERAGE ATTENDANCE COMPARISON: JAN. FEB. MAR. APR. MAY JUNE JULY AUG. SEPT. OCT. NOV. DEC. 215 172 109 184 182 198 215 240 JUNE JULY AUG. SEPT. OCT. NOV. DEC. 2014 2015 151 178 237 213 JAN. FEB. MAR. APR. MAY 105 104 232 PASTORAL ACTS BAPTISMS: 5/ 3/15 Jonathan Rivera (born 3/16/2006) 5/ 3/15 Jovanni Rivera (born 11/24/2008) CONFIRMATION: 5/24/15 Matthew Chabak Cassidy Kaufmann Catalina Arrabito Kayla Bicskei Gianna Carlsen 5/16/15 Ashlynn Noreen Sheeran (born 11/2/14) Jared Krick Daniel Maslin Alexys Serrano Ryan Mrozinski Isaac Thollot Jacquelynne Urmston Holy Trinity Lutheran Church Phone Number: FAX Number: (570) 828-7411 & 828-9069 (570) 828-2346 E-Mail: HTLC@ptd.net Web Page: www.htlcpa.org Habitat for Humanity: (570) 828-1623 Holy Trinity Lutheran Church - Financial Statistics Operating Account: Month Fiscal YTD 0.34 684.58 Total Income 17,323.92 137,978.72 Total Expenses (17,305.29) (138,644.33) Starting Balance Memorial Account: Starting Balance Income Interest 71,233.33 - 5,874.00 2.90 Expenses (3,364.00) Ending Balance 73,746.13 April 2015 Mortgage Balance 17,264.23 Pavilion Loan 22,760.46 Mortgage Fund: Starting Balance 3,771.54 Income 1,845.00 Expenses Ending Balance (1,895.87) 3,720.67 June ~ PLEASE READ ~ 2015 NOTE TO WORSHIP ASSISTANTS: Please post this schedule and make a note of the dates you are assigned to serve. If you cannot serve, please call the church office as soon as possible. 828-7411. COMMUNION SUNDAYS are noted with a “c” Continuous Communion 6/7 thru 8/30 FAMILY SERVICE EVERY SUNDAY thru the summer at 9:00 AM WITH GUITAR MUSIC (begins 6/7) DATE COFFEE FELLOWSHIP 6/7 c M.Tlusty-K.Karch-B.Rice-J.Rich 6/14 S.McCaw-C.Martin-A.Scaturro-K.Nilsen 6/21c A.DeMuth-M.Lambert-L.Perez-J.Lovelady 6/28 J.Tjornhom-C.Carlsen-D.Chuck-K.Nilsen NOTE: Carol Martin is our Coffee Fellowship Contact Person. If you cannot serve, please call Carol at 828-2868 a.s.a.p. Assistants In Worship DATE 6/7 c 6/14 6/21c 6/28 9:00 AM USHERS: B.Donlon-S.Donlon J.Krick-B.Krick R.Hubbard-T.Slack P.Hoover-T.Hoover DATE 6/7 c 6/14 6/21c 6/28 9:00AM LITURGISTS: Family Service Family Service Family Service Family Service 10:30 AM USHERS: H.Neumann-J.McKenna B.Rice-R.Rice L.Barish-S.Cavalone E.Chamberlin-G.Kanfer 10:30AM LITURGISTS: E.Ibold G.Giblin E.Chamberlin K.Brancy DATE 6/7 c 6/14 6/21c 6/28 SCRIPTURE READERS 9:00 AM: 10:30 AM: Family Service B.Foos Family Service G.Radloff Family Service H.Neumann Family Service R.Rice DATE 6/7 c 6/14 6/21c 6/28 SUNDAY GREETERS 9:00 AM: 10:30 AM: A.& L.Williams C.Martin-B.Murphy E.Mcgowan C.Ritter-H.Radloff J.Carey C.& J.Maillet J.Lovelady H.Neumann-C.Heiselman 9:00 AM ACOLYTES: M.Donlon-P.Langbein R.Krick S.Stead-K.Stead T.Yadanza 10:30 AM ACOLYTES: * Acolytes needed for 10:30 AM Service COMMUNION ASSISTANTS 9:00 AM: C.Carlsen-B.Hupfer-E.McGowan C.Maillet-J.Maillet-C.Carlsen ALTAR GUILD 6/7 c 6/14 6/21c 6/28 Helen Neumann No Communion B.Teehan-E.Wood No Communion CHURCH COUNCIL OFFICERS: President . . . . . . . . Vice President . . . . V.P. Emeritis . . . . . Secretary . . . . . . . . Treasurer . . . . . . . . ORGANISTS: COMMITTEE CHAIRMEN: Youth . . . . . . . . . . . . Adam Williams & Kevin Bicskei Finance Committee. . Art McEvoy Finance Secretary . . . Ruth Barish Music & Worship . . . Margot Tlusty Property. . . . . . . . . . . Kevin Bicskei Outreach . . . . . . . . . . Caroline Heiselman & Jim Carey Special Events. . . . . . Connie Maillet Education . . . . . . . . . Dawn McEvoy Stewardship . . . . . . . George Hupfer Jean Tjornhom Adam Williams Marty Bisher Janet McKenna Brian Krick George Radloff Raycharlyn Krasulski PIANIST: Margo Tlusty AnnaJane Miller BAND: Art McEvoy, Ryan Cuchoe, Wes Lambert, George Hupfer, Dylan Arrabito b Sun Mon June 2015 Tue Wed 1 9:00 am Nursery School 1:00 pm WELCA 3:00 pm Jr. Girl Scouts 7:00 pm Book Club 7:00 pm Pastor’s Bible Study Thu 2 9:00 am Nursery School 9:30 am Friendship Bible Study b Fri 3 Sat 4 5 6 9:00 am Nursery School 7:00 pm Nursery School Graduation & Promotion 6:30 pm Soup Fellowship 7:45 pm - Al-Anon 7 Sr. High Recognition Day 8 1:00 pm WELCA 9:00 am Sunday School (last day) 9:00 am Summer Communion Serv 10:30 am Communion Service– 12:00 pm Church Picnic 9 10 9:30 am Friendship Bible Study 7:00 pm Council Meeting 11 12 13 7:00 pm Sr. Choir 7:00 pm Boy Scouts (Last Meeting) 7:45 pm - Al-Anon 14 9:00 am Summer Worship Service 10:30 am Worship Service 12:00 pm Baptism: Ivy Colville 3:00 pm End of Year Music Concert 15 1:00 pm WELCA 16 17 9:30 am Friendship Bible Study 12:00 pm Outreach Com. HTL Call Articles Due (For July & August ) 18 19 20 2:00 pm Twin Cedars 7:45 pm - Al-Anon FATHER’S DAY 21 9:00 am Summer Communion Serv. 10:30 am Communion Service ~ 22 ~ LYF High Adventure Trip ~ (Lv. Church @ 7:00 AM) 1:00 pm WELCA 9:30 am Friendship Bible Study 7:00 pm Habitat for Humanity 7:00 pm Thrivent Mtg- @ HT 28 9:00 am Summer Worship Service 10:30 am Worship Service 5:00 pm Counselors In Training (Sun.-Tues.) 23 ~ LYF High Adventure Trip ~ 29 24 ~LYF High Adventure Trip 25 ~LYF High Adventure Trip 26 27 ~LYF High Adventure Trip 7:45 pm - Al-Anon 30 Counselors In Training (on the River) Counselors In Training (Pick up at 10:00 AM) 1:00 pm WELCA (No Friendship Bible Study) 9:00 am Camelbeach ($26.00 pp) Summer Worship Service . . . A Great Way to Start Your Week Together!
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