C om i n g U p T h i s W e e k . . The Sunday, January 25: Annual Meeting 8:00 am 8:45 am 9:00 am 9:30 am 10:45 am 11:45 am 7:00 pm Worship Service JOY! Choir Rehearsal Coffee Fellowship Hour Worship Service Public Access TV Broadcast of 8:00 am Service on Channel 7 Adult Forum Special presented by Maggie Conlon, Gustafson Room Sunday School Celebration Singers Rehearsal Trinity Lutheran’s Congregational Annual Meeting in Sanctuary Potluck Meal following the Annual Meeting in Gustafson Room AA Meeting (closed) A nnouncements Page for Sunday, January 25th, 2015 Monday, January 26: 5:00 pm 5:30 pm Public Access TV Broadcast of 8:00 am service on Channel 7 “The Kitchen” meal served Tuesday, January 27: 11:00 am Public Access TV Broadcast of 8:00 am service on Channel 7 Wednesday, January 28: 7:00 am 1:00 pm 2:00 pm 6:30 pm 6:45 pm 8:00 pm Men’s Bible Study Staff & Music Meeting AA Meeting (open) Confirmation Classes PraiseBELLS Rehearsal O2 Senior High Youth Group 5:00 pm 7:00 pm Al-Anon Meeting AA Meeting (open) Thursday, January 29: Friday, January 30: Saturday, January 31: MISSION Sunday, February 1: Souper Bowl Sunday VISION 9:00 am Deep Cleaning of the Kitchen w/Lunch provided AA Meeting (closed) Nonperishable Food Items and Monetary Gifts being Collected in the Narthex 8:00 am Communion Worship Service 8:45 am JOY! Choir Rehearsal 9:00 am Coffee Fellowship Hour 9:30 am Communion Worship Service Public Access TV Broadcast of 8:00 am Service on Channel 7 Sunday School Celebration Singers Rehearsal 10:45 am Contemporary Communion Worship Service w/Ryleigh Anne Schroeder Baptism 7:00 pm AA Meeting (closed) Free Books For The Taking! In the hall outside of the library there is a cart of free books looking for new homes! Please take any that interest you. Wisdom for your way The Christian life is a process in which we learn complete dependence on God. Trinity aspires to be a community of faith where people are invited to Gather joyfully into the presence of The Father, inspired to Grow into passionate Disciples of Jesus Christ, and empowered by the Holy Spirit to Go out and serve the world. To be an inclusive, inter-generational, Spirit-filled worshipping community passionate about sharing the Gospel and inspiring faithful Disciples of Christ to serve and mend God’s creation. CORE VALUES NURTURING COMMUNITY BUILDING BIBLICAL FLUENCY ENGAGING WORSHIP SERVING OTHERS LIVING OUR FAITH BUILDING BIBLICAL FLUENCY - We commit to be a congregation intensively teaching, preaching, and centered upon the Holy Scripture as the foundational language of faith, making the Scripture the center of our life together and striving to reach and teach all generations both the larger story of God’s covenant and the specifics of God’s covenant faithfulness in Jesus Christ. We strive to use tradition and creative methods to teach the Holy Scriptures in a manner consistent with the Lutheran tradition. We recognize that many no longer understand and/or are able to speak and to hear Christian language with an understanding of its meaning in our contemporary culture. We intend to provide every possible opportunity for God’s children here to learn, to love, and to live God’s Word. Trinity Lutheran Church 511 S Fifth Street, Saint Peter, MN 56082 507-934-4786 www.trinitystpeter.org office@trinitystpeter.org Please Sign The Welcome Pad and pass it to the end of the pew and back again. Trinity Lutheran Church Will Have Its Annual Meeting TODAY. All confirmed members are encouraged to attend and vote at the meeting starting at 10:45 am in the sanctuary. There will be a video of “2015 A Year In Review.” A potluck lunch will follow the meeting. Adult Forum Special Today! Adult Forum will be gathering in the Gustafson Room, Fireside, at 9:30 am. Maggie Conlon, a Trinity member and SPHS Junior, will be presenting, along with some other members of a group planning on traveling to Haiti in June, 2015, as part of a ministry team through World Wide Village. Come hear these young people talk about their plans and the work they will be doing. They will also be sharing some music. Year End Financial Statements Are Available to be picked up in the Narthex today. Many Hands Make For Light Work, THE KITCHEN NEEDS A DEEP CLEANING… A group of 15-20 people are needed to help deep clean the kitchen on Saturday, January 31st from 9:00 am until noon. Lunch will be provided. Please sign up on the clipboard located in the hall next to the ladies restroom. Thank You! “Souper” Bowl Sunday February 1st! Bring your food or monetary donations to Trinity! We will be donating 100% of our proceeds to the St Peter Food Shelf. There will be tables located at the entrances of the church and you may drop your non-perishable food items there. Any monetary donations may be put in the offering plate in an envelope marked “Souper” Bowl! Also, be sure to have your Sunday Schooler bring a non-perishable food item instead of an offering that day. Learn more at souperbowl.org. Ready For Some Family Fun? Join us for a “Winter Thaw” sponsored by Green Lake Lutheran Ministries! The event is on Saturday, February 7th from 2:00 to 4:00 pm at the Northern Star Council Base Camp in Bloomington. Some of the Green Lake summer staff will be present for an afternoon of adventure experiences, camp activities and campfire! It’s an opportunity to get a taste of summer camp fun, it’s FREE and open to kids and their parents of ALL ages. Our plan is to caravan from Trinity up to the Base Camp, enjoy the afternoon together, and if interested, share a meal together on our way home. SIGN UP on the bulletin board in the hallway by February 1st if you are interested in going, so we can get registered as a group. For more questions or information, please see Erica Penkert or Pastor Trish. Personal Care Kits: Thank you to all who have contributed to filling of these Kits. To complete 20 Kits, the following is needed: 5- 20” x 27” bath towels, (dark color), 12- 4 to 5 oz. bath size bars of soap in original wrapping, 8- sturdy combs (No picks), and 12- finger nail clippers. No toothbrushes needed. Thank You To All Of The Volunteers that helped with the 5th and 6th Grade Faith-4-Life Sleepover at Trinity. The kids had a great time! Our theme was “Celebrating that you are special in God’s eyes.” Thank You, Thank You, Thank You. Your kind words and actions last Sunday as you helped me celebrate my graduation are so very much appreciated. Honestly, I don't think I have the words to express how much this community has come to mean to me, but the love and encouragement you have given me humbles me. Literally, I could not have graduated without all of you(!) so thank you again for last Sunday, and for this past year! Intern Pastor Trish Inside The Library is a cart that has new books to the library for you to enjoy. To check out a book, please sign the card in the back of the book and return the book to the library within two weeks. The Confirmation Kids And YOCO Are Working On A Service Project that will be completed in February. The confirmation kids are making tie blankets that will be taken to the Sharing and Caring Hands in Minneapolis. The YOCO kids are collecting new or used bedding to take up there. New or gently used blankets, sheets, comforters or bedspreads are appreciated. No pillows please. The YOCO kids will be delivering the items to the shelter and taking a tour. You can get more information about the shelter and the founder, Mary Jo Copeland by visiting their website at www.sharingandcaringhands.org. Please drop your donations in the conference room by Friday, February 13th. Any questions please contact Taylor Graft at 934-5599. Valentine’s Babysitting - The youth that are going to the National Youth Gathering are offering a babysitting service on Valentine’s Day evening. You can leave your children at church at 5:30 pm and we request that you pick them up by 9:30 pm. We will be asking for $10 per child, and all of the money earned will be used for the trip to the National Youth Gathering in Detroit, Michigan. Please fill out a waiver/registration form that can be found in the narthex and return it to the youth sitting at the Kwik Trip card table. If you are bringing younger children please have things such as diapers, special foods, certain toys, or their blanket. Activities and snacks will be provided throughout the evening, and adults will also be present throughout the evening. Thank you for your support. Registration due by February 8. Kwik Trip Gas & Gift Cards For Sale. In preparation for the ELCA’s National Youth Gathering in Detroit, MI our Youth have Kwik Trip Gas & Gift cards available for sale. The 10% earned on every card will go toward Trinity Youth’s Trip to Detroit where they will have an opportunity to engage with peers from across the United States and the world who share a common commitment and faith in Christ. Cards are available in the office during business hours AND today in the narthex. The Blood Mobile Is Coming! The Red Cross Blood Drive will again be held February 20. The hours on Friday will be 1:00 pm to 7:00 pm. People who have donated before will be on the calling list or anyone will be able to sign up on the Red Cross website. Calls will start to be made the third or fourth week of January. For questions please ask or call Ann Bruggeman at 931-1664. Our Ch risti an Sympath y . . . is extended to the family and friends of Sharon Rasche who passed away on Wednesday, January 21. Funeral service was held Saturday, January 24 at Trinity Lutheran Church. May God comfort and strengthen all that suffer during this difficult time. R emember In Prayer Marion Babcock; Donna Wick; Joel Martinson; Esther Reckward, sister to Helen Christianson; Susanne Legato, daughter of Marlys & Jack Burch; Sharon Haugen; Joyce Bruce; Greg Eklund, son of Pastor Harry Eklund; Lloyd Sanderson; Kermit Swanson; Karen Dupuis and Janet Brown. We pray for those who are having difficulties in their relationships, the lonely, neglected, hungry, and those financially strained, those fighting anxiety & depression, recuperating from illness and surgeries, those grieving the loss of a loved one; and those serving in the military along with their families still at home. Sunday Attendance: January 18th 8:00 am - 92 9:30 am - 109 10:45 am - 73 TOTAL: 274
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