What's On In... WELCOME. May 2015 What a great term launch week we’ve had! Our times of gathering to update, pray and worship God together at the start of each term always seem to be significant, and it was certainly true of this term too. On Tuesday we used the evening to share how we believe that God is leading us at Gateway to get ready for the days ahead. If you were unable to make it you can listen to the recording at this link: www.gatewaychurchswindon.org.uk/ updateapril2015 Please take time to listen to what was shared. tear me off and put me somewhere useful GATEWAY CHURCH SWINDON Wednesday evening was so encouraging as we prayed and sought God specifically for the challenging situations currently facing Burundi, the Gate and Gateway Furniture. There was an exciting rise of faith as we called out to God for each of these areas and also to give us faith for the adventure ahead of us at Gateway. Finally, on Thursday we gathered to worship God and pray for one another. Throughout the evening the presence of God was powerful, and I believe God renewed in us as a church a hunger for his presence both personally and corporately, which I am so excited about. Over the course of the three evenings I felt that God was putting in us a new appetite for adventure and courage to take risks for him, and a deeper understanding that this is fuelled by seeking him. It is too easy for our eyes to drop from the bigger picture of what God is doing with us, but again I want to remind us of a prophetic word we received as a church last year: ‘... There is a bigger thing happening here, this is all about a bigger picture, my kingdom is expanding and growing, this is much bigger, you are about a bigger work than you think.’ So as we gather on Sundays and in groups throughout this term let me encourage you to be intentional in faith by: i. Continually lifting your eyes to see the bigger picture of what God is doing amongst us at Gateway ii. Invite God regularly to fill you with his Spirit, asking him to increase your hunger for his presence in your life iii. Be bold and courageous in seeking to be a blessing to others as we gather on Sundays and in groups God is doing something exciting with us, but we need to make sure we are excited with him first! If this is your first time at Gateway we would love to meet you. Please head over to the Connect Point before or after the meetings. VISIT US ONLINE: www.gatewaychurchswindon.org.uk UPDATES. PRAYER MEETINGS @ GCS If you want to be envisioned and get on-board with what we are about at Gateway, then there is no better place to do that than by joining us to seek God together at one of our times of prayer throughout the month: - Every Sunday morning, 8:30 - 9am - Third Monday of the month, 7:30pm - First Tuesday of the month, 7:30pm (Please check the website for specific dates) gatewaychurchswindon.org.uk/whats-on FOLLOW US: @gcswindon /gcswindon SUNDAY MEETINGS - 930 & 1130 Christ Our Life - Part 6 // Colin Thornton 9:30-11:00 / 11:30-13:00 Trinity Centre GATEWAY SUMMER EVENTS 10 SUNDAY MEETINGS - 930 & 1130 SUN We are planning a diary packed summer of fun as a church and we need your help! We are looking for people who are willing to arrange an activity or two during the months of July and August. Some plans are already afoot for a car treasure hunt, BBQ’s, Movie Mornings, board game & football tournament’s as well as various day trips. The event does not need to cater for everyone, it could be for 4 people, 40 people or 400 people. Right now Simon is collecting ideas. So whether big or small please drop an email to him: simon.turner@gcswindon.org.uk or speak to him during the coffee break on a Sunday morning. 17 SUN SUNDAY MEETINGS - 930 & 1130 GET CONNECTED THIS TERM If you did not get around to signing up to be part of a Community Group this term it’s not too late to join one... Speak to Simon Turner or email him: groups@gcswindon.org.uk CONTACT US: 01793 526130 info@gcswindon.org.uk - TEAR ALONG THE PERFORATION - 60+ LUNCH Tue 19th Apr, 12 – 2pm Join us on the 3rd Tuesday of each month for a simple lunch and good company! Everyone’s welcome. Please leave a message on 01793 526130 to let us know you’re coming. If you can’t get there, let us know and we’ll see what we can do. Any questions, please speak to Helen Howarth or Emma Thornton (or email: info@gcswindon.org.uk) 03 SUN 18 MON Christ Our Life - Part 7 // Colin Thornton 9:30-11:00 / 11:30-13:00 Trinity Centre Christ Our Life - Part 8 // Colin Thornton 9:30-11:00 / 11:30-13:00 Trinity Centre PRAYER MEETING Join us to pray for all that’s going on at Gateway 19:30 Trinity Centre 19 TUE 60+ LUNCH 24 SUN SUNDAY MEETINGS - 930 & 1130 31 SUN SUNDAY MEETINGS - 930 & 1130 Simple lunch & good company - All welcome 12:00-14:00 Trinity Centre Christ Our Life - Part 9 // Nigel Howarth 9:30-11:00 / 11:30-13:00 Trinity Centre Christ Our Life - Part 10 // Colin Thornton 9:30-11:00 / 11:30-13:00 Trinity Centre ADVANCED JUNE DATE: 02 TUE SWINDON CHURCH PRAYER EVENT PLEASE PUT THIS DATE IN YOUR DIARY Come along as we gather with other churches from accross Swindon to pray for our Swindon and the churches. 19:00 TBC GATEWAY CHURCH SWINDON
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