1 The Trinity Tidings Trinity Lutheran Church 217 Brackenridge SW, Sleepy Eye, MN Phone: 507-794-5051 Fax: 507-794-5052 E-Mail: trinity@sleepyeyetel.net Web: www.trinitysleepyeye.org Vol. 47 STAFF Pastor Keith Ainsley Home: 507-794-5641 Cell: 507-766-3383 Parish Administrative Secretary Darlene Brummund Home: 507-276-8013 Financial Secretary Pat Stevermer Home: 507-794-7112 Organist / Sr. Choir Director Mary Mulry Home: 794-3768 Educational Director Mary VanRoekel 794-3457 Custodian Marian Johnson Home: 507-794-3474 In This Issue Pastor Keith Ainsley… 2 Daily Bible Readings… 4 WELCA… 4 Stewardship…. 5 Youth and Sunday School News…. 6 This & That… 8 Parish Report… 9 Worship Assistants… 10 Calendar… 11 February 2015 No. 2 Worship Schedule Sunday Worship 9:00 am Education Hour 10:00 am Trinity’s Mission Statement We are a community where Jesus is Lord: our mission is to invite, welcome, nurture, and equip all people to be disciples in His name. 2 “The GOD We Can Know” Dear Partners, Transfiguration Sunday is just about two weeks away marking the conclusion of the season of Epiphany. Ash Wednesday follows on February 18th ushering in the season of Lent for us. Our Wednesday Lenten services will follow the tradition of past years. You can choose to attend either the service at 12 noon—or the evening service at 6:45 pm from week-to-week. You can also choose attend the Lenten suppers served from 5:30-6:15 pm in the Fellowship Hall making your Wednesday a little mor e convenient. This year I have asked the various Church Boards to work together in serving the Wednesday suppers. You can find both the schedule and menus listed in this newsletter. Please be sure to offer your gratitude to those giving their time and talent for the benefit of us all as we gather to share in Word and meal. This brings us to what our worship menu is about. I have chosen to follow a 7-week series by Rob Fuquay, Sr. Pastor of St. Luke’s United Methodist Church, Indianapolis, titled The GOD We Can Know…Exploring the I Am sayings of Jesus. We will focus upon knowing God, and more specifically, knowing God through Jesus. In many ways the Bible is a story of humanity’s attempt to know God. Sometimes this effort is as obvious and colorful as the tower of Babel (Gen. 11:1-9). At other times the story (like Adam & Eve in the garden) describes people working hard to avoid God. Many passages in the Old Testament describe people’s fear of what would happen if they saw God’s face. It’s as if we want to know God, but then, we’re not so sure. The Bible is also a story of God’s desire to be known. The scriptures relate the unfolding drama of God’s never-ending desire to come to us. The highest expression of that desire is the gift of God’s self in the person of Jesus. John’s Gospel records a collection of self-revealing statements by Jesus known as the I Am sayings. These statements, rich in imagery and steeped in historical meaning, provide powerful insights into the heart of God and God’s desire to know and be known by us. We will explore these sayings with a threefold aim: First, to understand the images Jesus uses to identify himself as: bread, light, good shepherd, gate of the sheep, true vine, way of life, resurrection and life. Our appreciation of the historical Jewish roots behind each of these images will open many possible meanings for us. Second, to discover how these broad images & meanings connect with us today. As we take these sayings to heart, I hope it will bring each of us closer to Jesus. Let’s remember, Christianity is not a religion--it is a relationship! And a living relationship always requires nurture and attention, as well as trust and respect. The I Am sayings of J esus invite us to practice that kind of abiding relationship. And thirdly, I want you to think of this Lenten series as a journey into the world where Jesus spoke these sayings. You’ll be invited to use all of your senses in order to experience God in your life. It is in these experiences that God can be known. And here’s a BONUS—the Mid-Week services will be enhanced with the Sunday morning Adult Study in the Library following The GOD We Can Know DVD and Study Guide. We will travel with Rob Fuquay to the Holy Land and see the places where Jesus stood as he revealed his identity. Each Sunday morning class will show a video followed by group discussion questions, in addition to experiencing a spiritual practice together as a group, and concluded with a brief devotion. I invite you to join me on this journey not only to know more about God but to know God yourself. Peace be with you, Pastor Keith 3 Lenten Schedule Ash Wednesday February 18: Noon/6:45 pm Ashes & Holy Communion Knowing the Great I AM—Exodus 3:1-14 Wednesday February 25: Noon/6:45 pm Service of the Word I am the Bread of Life—Knowing God’s Satisfaction (John 6:27-59) Wednesday March 4: Noon/6:45 pm Service of the Word I am the Light of the World—Knowing God’s Guidance (John 7:2 & 14; 8:12) Wednesday March 11: Noon/6:45 pm Service of the Word I am the Good Shepherd—Knowing God’s Care (John 7:2 & 14; 8:12) Wednesday March 18: Noon/6:45 pm Service of the Word I am the True Vine—Knowing God’s Power (John 15:1-8) Wednesday March 25: Noon/6:45 pm Service of the Word I am the Way, the Truth, and the Life—Knowing God’s Way (John 14:1-7) Maundy Thursday April 2: 6:45 pm Service of First Communion I am the Resurrection and the Life—Knowing God’s Possibilities (John 11:17-26) 4 Week of February 1 Su Mark 1:21-28 M Acts 21:17-26 Tu 1 Corinthians 7:32-40 W Mark 5:1-20 Th Galatians 5:2-15 F 1 Corinthians 9:1-16 Sa Matthew 12:9-14 Week of February 8 Su Mark 1:29-39 M Acts 14:1-7 Tu Acts 15:36-41 W Mark 3:7-12 Th Hebrews 12:7-13 F Acts 19:11-20 Sa Matthew 26:6-13 Week of February 15 Su Mark 9:2-9 M Hebrews 2:1-4 Tu 1 Timothy 3:14-16 W Matthew 6:1-6, 16-21 Th 1 John 1:3-10 F 2 Timothy 4:1-5 Sa Matthew 9:2-13 Week of February 22 Su Mark 1:9-15 M Ephesians 2:1-10 Tu 1 Peter 3:8-18a W Matthew 4:1-11 Th Romans 3:21-31 F Romans 4:1-12 Sa Mark 8:27-30 Cut this out and use as a bookmark in your Bible. Remember to read your love letter from God each and every day. Saturday, February 7th 9:00 a.m. Breakfast and Blankets! General Meeting All women are invited See you there! Please join us for the Annual WELCA Meeting. Join us for Pancake Breakfast and help decide where to send the $1700.00 we earned at the Cookie Walk to help the most people. Later we’ll tie some blankets for Camp Noah. Join us for a morning of fun this winter! 5 Financially, the year 2014 was very good. One of the goals was to complete paying for the Welcome Project. We came very close to doing that by the end of December and by the end of January, only about $2,500 remains. Any future gifts designated for the building fund will be earmarked for the church roof which will need to be replace in a few years. As we tallied up the giving for the year, we noticed that many of our special giving funds did really well. In fact, the giving to the budget as well as special funds like the Welcome Project, World Hunger, Malaria Nets, Fry Fund, Quarter Folders, Milk Fairy Fund, Agape, etc. total over $380,000.00. The annual meeting also provided updates by the various boards, financial reports as well as approving a budget for 2015. There was very little change in what the boards proposed with the increases coming in salaries and benefits. The total approved is $304,000.00. During this Lenten season, the Board of Stewardship has proposed an opportunity to support some of the special funds members have made gifts to during the past year as well as some new ones. These gifts are considered over and above one’s weekly tithe or offering. The plan means that any offering coming in the Lenten envelopes (those with colored edges) will go to a different place each week. All offerings coming in the regular Sunday envelopes will go to the General Fund. There will also be an opportunity to fill the quarter folders or a film canister with coins. These will all go to the local Food Shelf. Here are the days for special offerings: February 18—St. John’s Home Foundation February 25—Watonwan Conference Partnership Fund March 4—Malaria Fund March 11—Fry Fund March 18—Agape March 25—Lutheran Seminaries If you choose to use your regular envelope, you can always indicate which special fund you wish to support by writing the name of it in the special offering blank. It was also decided to continue the noisy offerings during the four months out of the year where there are five Sundays. The children enjoy collecting our coins and during 2014, these noisy offerings totaled about $1,600.00. The first one will be in March and will go to the Food Shelf as what cash we provide allows them to purchase food at two pounds for the price of one during the month. Simply Giving is always an option for members. It allows you to have offerings transferred from your account to the church account. It can be set up weekly, monthly or bimonthly. You can still use your regular envelope if you like. Contribution amounts can be changed at any time during the year. Simply Giving is one way to provide financial stability to an organization in meeting financial goals. Stop in the church office for more details. The Board of Stewardship is so thankful for the many faithful stewards whether it be time, talents or treasures provided in the church and/or community. St. Paul reminded the Corinthians that the Macedonians “gave according to their means.” (II Cor. 8:3) God asks us to look at our income and give proportionately. Board of Stewardship 6 THINK BIBLE CAMP…. It’s hard to believe that it is already time to think about Summer Bible Camp. Trinity provides FULL SCHOLARSHIPS to Green Lake Bible Camp for ALL of our young people. This awesome experience is FREE toth young members of Trinity. st (Those who will complete 1 – 12 grade this spring.) What an amazing blessing for campers!!! Since Green Lake has a discounted camping fee for early bird registrations we need camper information turned into the church office by Sunday, March 8th. If registrations are turned in after March 8th, the camper will be expected to pay the $20 late fee. So be sure to get your forms turned in on time! Don’t miss out on this amazing opportunity! “Time spent at camp is one of the most significant faith formative experiences in a young person’s life. Outdoor Ministry experiences allows youth and adults to spend meaningful time together in worship and Bible study, experiencing faith in a new ways and going deeper with their questions. It also provides a fun atmosphere, opportunities for new or stengthened friendships and personal growth.” GLLM website -2015 Green Lake Bible Camp Superhero Theme BIBLE CAMP SUNDAY – FEBRUARY 8 Need more information about summer camp? Or just looking for an inspirational and entertaining morning? Come join in the fun as we learn about Green Lake Lutheran Ministries summer 2015 adventures. Dave Eliason from Green Lake Bible Camp will share about camp experiences during worship Feb 8. Sunday School hour will provide students and parents with an opportunity to talk to Dave personally. There will be various activities that will be based on the Jesus is a superhero theme. Registration forms and camp information will be available. 7 Bibles for Third Graders During the worship service on Sunday, February 15 third graders and their parents will be asked to come forward to receive their new Bibles and a blessing. The following two Sundays during Sunday School third graders and their parents will attend a class on how to use and learn from their Bibles. First Communion Pastor Keith will be teaching a special class for Third Graders to prepare for their First Communion. These classes will be held during the Sunday School hour four Sundays during March. Watch for further information. Good News Bearers is BACK!! All of Trinity's 3rd-6th graders (and their friends) are invited to come to Good News Bearers on Friday, Feb 27th 1:15-3:15 p.m. (early release day at school) for a snack, activities, a service project and FUN! Please contact Julia Coulson (507-227-1593) with any questions... we hope to SEE YOU THERE! 8 WE HAVE ADDED NEW ITEMS to our fair trade products which are for sale in the church office. Please let us know if there are ot hers you would like us to add. We now have green tea, an additional decaffeinated coffee – French roast and boxes of Single serve cups of coffee for those of you who use a single serve coffee machine in your home or office. As always we have several types of drip and bean coffees, flavored coffees, decaffeinated coffees and now three varieties of teas. When you purchase fair trade products you are supporting small farmers around the world. Thank you. Saturday, February 28, 2015 8:30 a.m. - 3:30 p.m. Vinje Lutheran Church and Bethel Lutheran Church ALL ARE WELCOME! Congregation Members, Council Officers, Christian Educators, Worship & Youth Leaders, Pastors… Everyone! Trinity is Registered ~ No cost to you! Includes all materials, refreshments and lunch. Presenter, Rev. Nadia Bolz-Weber Choice of Three Workshops Video message from Presiding Bishop Elizabeth A. Eaton Sign up in the Office! Trinity will continue the trial of one 9:00 service on Sundays. Sunday School will start at 10:00. This schedule will continue throughout the summer. Blessings to you all. GOT MILK? Help us make the answer “YES!” for all children in kindergarten through 4th grade at Sleepy Eye Public School. Trinity has been challenged to raise $2500.00 toward the “Milk Fairy” project begun by the Social Ministries Board and other members of our church. Please consider a donation to this effort to ensure that the approximately 40 children who are not able to participate in afternoon milk break can do so for the remainder of this school year. Got Milk? “YES!” Newsletter Deadline: The next issue of Tidings will be in mailboxes March 1st. Please have items for the newsletter to Darlene by 1 p.m. February 16th. Thank you. Our Services are broadcast on Channel 8 each Tuesday and Thursday at 9:00 a.m. or on our webpage anytime. Share the Good News with those who are unable to join us in person! JANUARY Sunday Services Date Attendance 1/4 128 1/11 202 1/18 168 1/25 167 WE CONGRATULATE Laur a and Kevin Jaunich in the birth of their daughter, Penelope Ann, born December 25th. Grandpa and Grandma Date _____Offering Mark and Sandy Beito join the entire Week of… Trinity family in thanks for her safe 1/4 $4477.05 delivery. God bless you Penelope! 1/11 $4143.35 CONGRATULATIONS TO Tr ista 1/18 $4793.00 and Ryan Smith in the birth of their 1/25 $4074.61 daughter, Emery Lynn, born January 2014 Welcome Project Needed: 12th. Grandpa and Grandma Bruce and $2628.98 Jodi Belseth join us all here at Trinity in thanks for her safe arrival. May God bless Emery Lynn! WE CONGRATULATE Andr ea and Nate Kontol in the birth of their daughter, Amelia Sue, born January 13th. Grandpa and Grandma Pat and Sue Bruggeman join the entire Trinity family in thanks for her safe delivery. God bless you Amelia! CONGRATULATIONS TO Steve and Laura Petersen in the birth of their son, Samuel, born January 14th. Monetary gifts to the Welcome Project in Grandpa and Grandma Ron and Bev memory of Elenora Thuer, sister of OraDell Petersen join the entire Trinity family in Fischer from friends. thanks for his safe arrival. May God bless Samuel! Send an email to the church office at trinity@sleepyeyetel.net and let Darlene know you want your newsletter via email !! WATCH OUR SERVICES ON TRINITY’S WEBPAGE ANYTIME www.trinitysleepyeye.org THE TRINITY TIDINGS NEWSLETTER IS NOW ALSO POSTED ON WWW.SLEEPYEYEONLINE.COM WATCH THIS SITE FOR COMMUNITY NEWS AND EVENTS. TRINITY IS NOW ON FACEBOOK ~~ CHECK IT OUT!! (Trinity Lutheran (ELCA) Sleepy Eye MN) 9 Thank you very much for the beautiful poinsettia plant I received. I appreciated it very much Melva Peterson Dear WELCA, Thank you so much for your very generous donation of $250.00 in support of the Sleepy Eye Chapter of Let’s Go Fishing. Let’s Go Fishing needs you and we appreciate your support. Lorraine Schroepfer Thank You Letters were received from the ELCA for our contributions to World Hunger, Lutheran Disaster Response, and from Lutheran Social Services. Great thanks to everyone at Trinity for stepping up to help those in need. WE EXPRESS OUR DEEPEST SYMPATHIES to Or aDell Fischer and her family in the death of her sister Elenora Thuer. May they find comfort in God’s promise of eternal life and the prayers we send to them during this difficult time. Please remember to inform the church office of any address or phone number changes to insure you keep receiving your monthly copy of the Tidings and to help keep our records up to date. Thank you for your help! 10 Worship Assistants Sunday 9:00 a.m. Acolytes 2/1 Collin Hillmer 2/8 Kathryn Schroepfer 2/15 Colten Myers 2/22 Zach Haala Readers 2/1 Gerry VanRoekel 2/8 Karen Voge 2/15 Rose Wall 2/22 Linda Schueler Sound Techs 2/1 John Hirschbock 2/8 Zeke Gehrke 2/15 John Hirschbock 2/22 Zeke Gehrke Communion Assistants 2/1 Linda Schueler, Jerry VanRoekel 2/15 Fred and Karen Dauer February Ushers Mark Beito, Doug Domeier, Ed Ecker February Greeters Larry and Diane Evers Sunday 9:00 a.m. Acolytes 3/1 McKenzie Cselovszki 3/8 Alexis Holland 3/15 Benjamin Laffen 3/25 Joshua Nelson 3/29 Savana Kirchner Readers 3/1 Phyllis Kleven 3/8 Pat Lowther 3/15 Harold Pettis 3/25 Cheryl Neidt 3/29 Larry Baumgardt Sound Techs 3/1 Bryan Sellner 3/8 Russ Sorensen 3/15 John Hirschboeck 3/25 Russ Sorensen 3/29 Russ Sorensen Communion Assistants 3/1 Rex and Judy Beech 3/15 Larry Baumgardt, Mark Beito March Ushers Lee, Katie and Ashlee Johnson March Greeters Ron and Bev Petersen The confirmation students will be assisting with the Lenten services again this year as greeters, readers and ushers. They have been divided into 3 different groups and each will receive a schedule of when they are to help. Lenten Assistants 6:45 pm Wednesday Lenten Acolytes 2/18 Sarah Dunn 2/25 Isaac Finstad 3/4 Macy Schenk 3/11 Ethan Fischer 3/18 Jaclyn Nessett 3/25 Emma Fischer 4/2 Maundy Thursday Isaac Johnson 4/3 Good Friday Matthew Sellner 2/18 2/25 3/4 3/11 3/18 3/25 4/2 4/3 Sound Tech Zeke Gehrke J. Hirschboeck Zeke Gehrke Russ Sorensen Russ Sorensen Russ Sorensen Russ Sorensen Russ Sorensen Adult Ushers Doug Domeier Ed Ecker Mark Beito Lee Johnson Shane Laffen Susie Pedersen Craig Dittbenner Frank Fromm Communion Assistants 2/18 Lee Johnson and Larry Baumgardt 4/2 Gerry Van Roekel, Lee Johnson, Neil Neidt February: Mary & Kaylee Hiller, Lori Hirschboeck March: Cindy Anderson, Judy Johnson, Mary Renberg Group Two will be the next servers. Group Two Co-chairs are Mary Renberg and Doug Domeier Group listings are in the narthex. Thank you all for your labors toward further fellowship and service in our Lord’s name. 11 12 TRINITY LUTHERAN CHURCH 217 Brackenridge SW Sleepy Eye, MN 56085 Return Service requested non profit U.S. Postage Paid Permit No. 22 Sleepy Eye, MN 56085
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