19. February 2015 - Trinity Lutheran Church

Trinity Tidings
Vol. 6 No. 8
Thursday 19. February 2015
Christians worshiping, learning, nurturing
and serving together for 58 years.
You Said Lutherans
Believe What?
An Adult Inquiry Class
Six Sundays at 9:30 am
22. February - 29. March
If you are interested in becoming a member of Trinity,
please join us for this class. If you have been a member
of Trinity and are interested in learning more, this class
is for you as well. Please talk with Pastor Berner
(Prberner@aol.com) about your interest or the church
office (office@TrinityELCA.org or 301.881.7275).
11200 Old Georgetown Rd.
North Bethesda, MD
Wednesdays in Lent
E-M ail
W eb
Facebook Fan Page
The Cross – The Tree of Life
25. February to 25. March
6:30 pm Soup & Bread Supper
7:15 pm Hymn Sing
7:30 pm Evening Prayer
with Trinity’s Lenten Ensemble of
piano, flutes, guitar and vocalists
Our Mission Statem ent
Trinity welcom es all
to a comm unity
in Christ;
serving others,
growing in faith,
living in hope, and
reaching out in love.
A Reconciling in Christ and
a Stephen Ministry
congregation of the
Evangelical Lutheran
Church in America
First Sunday in Lent
22. February 2015
Assisting Us in the Liturgy this Sunday
Assist. Ministers
Children’s Church
Coffee Hour
Altar Custodians
Bulletin Assembly
8:15 am
10:45 am
R family
Anjali A
Ralph L
Robert M
Margaret F
David C
Nancy J
Peggy J
Jacqueline R
Jim K
Ross A & Mike J
Angela B & Patricia S
Diana & Bill B
Carol B & Jill L
Nancy M
Peggy & Dick J
First Sunday in Lent
Generations (RFG) is
Trinity’s stewardship &
debt reduction program
refurbished education
wing and the new building for nursery,
fellowship, education, offices, and parking.
22. February 2015
Members and friends of Trinity have pledged
$429,996 to RFG and as of 15. February
$372,506 has been given.
Thanks to
everyone who has contributed to the RFG 12
three-year campaign which began on 1. July
2012. Trinity’s goal is to have 100% of our
households participate.
Of our 145
households, 109 have already responded.
Genesis 9:8-17
Psalm 25:1-10
1 Peter 3:18-22
Mark 1:9-15
Turn to the Son
The prophet Joel's message to his people is a
word of warning that still sounds urgent in our
Back then, Israel experienced a
catastrophic locust plague and a season of
drought, which left the people without sufficient
crops to survive (Joel 1:4-20). Joel interpreted
this catastrophe to be the result of the people's
unfaithfulness to God. He passes on to them
God's invitation to reverse their course of
self-destruction: "return to me with all your
heart" (Joel 2:12).
If you haven’t pledged yet, it’s not too late! If
you need a pledge card, you can download one
at www.TrinityELCA.org or ask Carol B at
csbruno@usa.net or Miriam M at
mamendenhall@verizon.net for a pledge card.
They will be happy to answer your questions.
We invite one and all to participate!
In our own day, many still suffer because of
negative human choices. A quick look at any
newspaper confirms this—wars, oppression, and
terror are well and alive across the world. In the
United States, the richest nation in the world,
the gap between rich and poor is steadily
growing, so that many children go to bed
hungry. And, many scientists have concluded
that overconsumption of natural resources is
causing a global climate crisis that threatens to
affect all of us with extreme weather, drought,
and disaster. Faced with all of this "darkness
and gloom" (Joel 2:2), it is tempting to lose heart
and give up trying to work for change altogether.
Trinity’s Facebook Fan Page
Did you know Trinity had one?
Have you checked out the latest
news there? Click on the link
below the facebook icon and it
will take you there.
But we do not face these challenges alone. Like
Joel, we have a God who says to us, "Yet even
now . . . return to me." Every moment of our
lives is pregnant with hope, bursting with
possibility. In the season of Lent, which begins
today, we are invited to remember that we have
everything we need to turn upside down the
world within and around us. Through baptism,
the very power that created the universe—God's
Holy Spirit—is coursing through our veins,
empowering us to act together according to
God's justice and love. Like a flower turns its
face toward the sun, we can daily "re-turn" and
readjust our attention toward the Son of God,
who meets us in every suffering person, every
broken nation.
The L.I.F.E. (Living In Faith Everyday)
meets during the Sunday School hour in the
Library, Room 1. Come and explore the
lessons for the following Sunday.
The Adult Forum
Room 10
During Lent: St. John Passion by Bach
along with John 18-19
Reprinted from Words for Worship, copyright 2013 Augsburg
Fortress. Used by permission of Augsburg Fortress.
Remember in Your Prayers
This Week at Trinity
First Sunday in Lent
22. February
Food Drive, Rainbow Place Dinner
8:15 am
Holy Communion
9:30 am
Sun. Sch./Adult Classes
Confirm. Class
10:45 am
Holy Communion
12:15 pm
Christian Education Com.
11:00 am
Staff Meeting
7:30 pm
Heavenly Handbells
Wed. 2nd Wednesday in Lent
6:30 pm
Soup & Bread Supper
7:15 pm
Hymn Sing
7:30 pm
Evening Prayer
8:15 pm
Trinity Singers Rehearsal
. . . the church
our synod & bishops
Bishops Elizabeth Eaton and Richard Graham
our missionaries
Stephen Deal & Marta Giron, Central America
our congregation
Trinity Church
. . . the nations
Afghanistan, Ctr African Rep., Congo, Egypt,
Haiti, Indonesia, Iraq, Iran, Israel, Liberia, Libya,
Myanmar, Namibia, Nigeria, Palestine, the
Philippines, Somalia, Sudan(Darfur), Syria,
Ukraine, the United States, and Zimbabwe
. . . the sick and suffering
Next Sunday 1. March
nursing/rehabilitation center
Audrey B, Manor Care of Potomac
Margaret B, Aarondale Assisted Living
Dottie B, Villas at Suffield, Warrenton, VA
Katherine D, National Lutheran Home
Elaine D, Potomac Valley N. & W.
Helen H, Sunrise at Montgomery Village
John M, National Lutheran Home
Shirley N, National Lutheran Home
Natasha Bloom
Jean B
Kathy B
Jeff D
Mary Ellen D
Fred K
June L
Vimala P
family and friends
Holly B, friend of Marilyn C
Georgette B, friend of Marilyn C
Lori & Joel C, friends of Kathy & Ralph L
Pamela G, niece of Len S
Howard M, friend of Trinity
Lynn M, friend of the handbell choir
Jeff P family, cousin to Julie N
R family, cousins of Sarah M & Thomas K
Terry S, niece of Len S
Carl S, father of Bethel S
Richard Z, friend of Carol B
Second Sunday in Lent
Hunger Sunday (Bethesda Help & ELCA Hunger Offering)
8:15 am
9:30 am
10:45 am
Holy Communion
Sun. Sch./Adult Classes/
Adult Inquiry
Holy Communion
Looking Ahead at Trinity
3. Mar.
4. Mar.
7. Mar.
22. Feb.
25. Feb.
26. Feb.
22. Feb.
24. Feb.
. . . serving in the Middle East
Ismael R, friend of Trinity
Stephen Min. Training, 7:00 pm (11)
Stephen Min. Super.,7:00 pm (10)
3rd Wednesday in Lent
Men's Group, 1:00 pm
Soup & Bread Supper, 6:30 pm
Hymn Sing, 7:15 pm
Evening Prayer, 7:30 pm
Wagner College Concert, 7:00 pm
Greg F, Mina
Susan S
Joan E
Sarah G & Nathan L
Nancy & Michael J
Youth Project for
Lutheran Social
2015 Lenten Benevolence Offering.
Lutheran Social Services of the National Capital
Area (LSS) is the 2015 Lenten Benevolence
Offering recipient. Please make your check
pay ab l e t o Tri nit y , w ri tin g Le n te n
Benevolence-LSS on the designation line and use
the special Lenten Benevolence envelopes in the
pews. These will be counted toward Lenten
Benevolence donations. Thank you for helping
to sustain and grow our ministry to the poor and
the needy of our area!
Project for LSS! On
Friday, 27. February,
we are working with
LSS to host a service
project during the
MCPS Early Release
day. The youth will assemble Toiletry Kits for
refugees who are moving into their first
apartment. Everyone is invited to participate by
donating the following full size items for the kits:
Toothbrushes, Toothpaste, Deodorant,
Shampoo, Soap/Body Wash, and Hand Soap.
We still need all items, especially Shampoo,
Toothpaste and Deodorant. Reminder: Items
must be new and individually sealed. Thank
you so much!
March meeting will be held,
Wed., 4 March, at Mike J's
house starting at 1:00 pm.
Please let Mike know if you
are planning to attend.
Wagner College Choir
at Trinity
Saturday 7. March
7:00 pm.
The 50-voice choir, conducted by Dr.
Roger Wesby, hails from Staten
Island, New York and will be on tour
through VA & MD. The concert is a
series of musical snapshots, that
take the listener on a journey through
175 years of music by composers
who lived in, immigrated to, visited
for a good while or just kept
returning to New York.
Thank you! to everyone who has agreed to house Wagner College Choir members overnight on 7.
March, following the 7:00 p.m. performance. Trinity Lutheran Church members will provide the
choir members with a bed, shower, and transportation to and from the church. The choir members
will return to the church for the 8:15 a.m. service on Sunday, 8. March. If you have space for two
or more from the Wagner choir, please contact Donna and Steve Shriver, 301.933.0462,
dshriver79@aol.com or hawaiishriv0@aol.com . Thanks!
If you have an hour on
Thursday afternoons or any
time on Fridays, please
consider volunteering to
assemble our worship
bulletin for Sundays. The
bulletins are duplicated
and folded by the secretary,
they need only to be collated and stapled. Also,
if you have time once a month to help with the
assembly of the Trinitarian, please let us know
so we can get you on the schedule. All help is
greatly appreciated by everyone! Please contact
the church office to volunteer.
Trinity Food Collection
Every Sunday in February
Throughout the year,
Trinity collects nonperishable food items on
the first Sunday of each
month. We do not serve
food during coffee hours
on these first Sundays in recognition of those
who deal with hunger and food insecurity every
During February, Trinity will collect nonperishable food every week. These items will be
donated to Bethesda Help, an all-volunteer,
nonprofit 501(c)3 organization, that offers
immediate short-term assistance to residents of
southern Montgomery County who are in
financial crisis.
Contribute to a meal for Rainbow
Place on February 22. Rainbow
Place, a mission of Rockville
Presbyterian Church, is an
emergency shelter for homeless
women open from November
through the end of March. They serve over 90
women each season by providing a warm, safe
place to sleep, a hot dinner, breakfast, a bag
lunch, shower, laundry facilities, access to case
management, and referrals to local social service
and treatment programs.
On 22. February,
Trinity will provide food donations for dinner at
Rainbow Place. Please deliver food donations to
the Trinity by 12:30 pm on 22. Feb. Also, during
Sunday School, our youth will assemble lunch
bags for the women. If you would like to
contribute to this meal, please see the sign-up
sheet in the social hall or contact Lynn B or
Kathy T. Please contact Kathy T with any
questions about Hunger Month activities.
Items needed include: Beans (both dried and
canned), Breakfast cereals, Canned meat
and fish, Canned fruits and vegetables, Jelly
(in plastic containers), Pasta Sauce (in
plastic containers), Macaroni & cheese,
Peanut butter (in plastic containers), Rice,
Canned Soups.
IMPORTANT: Bethesda Help cannot accept
glass containers, oversized items or food that
has passed its expiration date.
Lutheran magazine
(February issue) is on the coffee
table in the Lounge. Please take
one to read (and bring back, if
you wish). This subscription is a
gift from Trinity's Mission
Endowment Fund.
Do You Have Child-friendly
F a b r ic
Dona t e?
organization called ConKerr Cancer
could use it. The group's members
make pillowcases for children who
are hospitalized. Only 1 yard of fabric is needed
per pillowcase. Coordinating fabric – 1/3 yard.
The fabric must be 100% cotton (no flannel).
When discharged, the child takes the pillowcase
home. The ConKerr Cancer slogan is, "Giving
Sick Kids a reason to smile–one pillowcase at a
time". Please contact Marilyn C to donate fabric.
Summer Camp
Come and join us this upcoming summer for a wonderful week of
camp! The summer camp brochure with the full schedule and camp
descriptions is available online at Mar-Lu-Ridge.org, as well as at
Mar-Lu-Ridge offers:
) a fun, small group and Christ-centered week in the woods
) affordable pricing starting at $399 per week for overnight and $150
for day camp
) friendships and memories that stay with your child
) camperships to ensure that all children can attend camp
) a wide variety of unique specialty programs for all ages!
) ACA certification means MLR meets the highest safety standards
Interested families may consider joining us at one of our open houses
from 2 -4:30 PM on Sundays 15. March, 26. April and 30. May. If you
have any questions, please contact MLR by email at MLR@Mar-LuRidge.org or by phone at 301-874-5544. Registration opened 1.
January 2015!
Trinity Lutheran Church & Lutheran Social Services
Mardi Gras 2015 at Trinity
Food Fun Music Conversation Games