13. Mexico Home Building Trip ON THE PATIO TODAY Friday, January 9-Sunday January 11 Join Trinity as we go to Tijuana for a weekend to build homes for needy families. This is an impactful way for families to serve. Register early, as we will only be taking 40 people. The cost is $600 for adults, $500 for children 12 and under. Contact Janis at janis@tupcsa.org for details and application. ADULT Men’s Summit FAMILY Stop Hunger Now CONGREGATIONAL LIFE Fall Festival Week of October 12, 2014 14. Reporters Needed Busy but you want to be involved? Looking for a practical way to serve locally and be a part of Trinity’s important outreach ministries? Serve as a reporter taking meeting minutes once a month or every other month at World Mission or Community Ministry meetings. The commitment isn’t huge, but the service you give will be! Contact Janis@tupcsa.org for more information. 15. The Prayer Covenant Books We are currently out of The Prayer Covenant books. If you are still in need of a copy, they are available online at theprayercovenant.org or at Amazon.com. They are also available on Kindle. Questions? Contact Kelsi Walker, Director of Adult Ministries at kelsi@tupcsa.org. 16. MEN’S SUMMIT: “FAITH with GUTS” October 17-19 at Tahquitz Pines Rev. Steve Steele focuses on reassessing and reassigning our personal priorities by aligning them with God’s purposes for our lives. “To achieve the life we are intended by God will require every man to have FAITH with GUTS”. Register TODAY on the patio or online at trinityconnection.com. Questions? Contact the Adult Discipleship office mona@tupcsa.org 17. Small Group Leader Gathering Sunday, October 26 at Noon in room 505 If you are currently leading any type of small group or desire to in the future, please join us at this lunch. We will be introducing and discussing our next church-wide small group series. We believe it is important to gather to pray, learn and support each other as we continue to build a community of disciples. Please RSVP to mona@tupcsa.org. UPCOMING SPEAKERS Prime Time TLC (Tuesday Lunch Club), October 14 at 11am Hanan Yaqub Adult Sunday School Class Schedule for October 19 8:50am: Kings Class (Munzing Hall) Joanna Mell, Sing Praises to God with the Harp 9:00am: Good News in a Time of Trouble: The Gospel of Mark (Rm. 505 AB) with Dr. Jerry Camery-Hoggatt Listening to God (Prayer Rm.) Praying the Scriptures Fellowship, Praise and Prayer Meets on the 1st Sunday of the month 10:40am: Encouragers (Rm. 501) Prayer Covenant Anchor Group Study New Horizons Bible Study (Rm. 502) Trusting God: Even When Life Hurts, by Jerry Bridges Scan this QR code with your smart phone to visit our web site. www.trinityconnection.com Special Music for Reformation Sunday: A Hymn-Sing for Congregation, Choir & Orchestra Hymns Triumphant Sunday, October 26 Sanctuary services 9:00 a.m. & 10:40 a.m. NOTE: Live sermon in Fellowship Hall Service only. (The music is the message in the Sanctuary services on this special morning; but be sure to catch up on Pastor Doug’s sermon on the website!) Pick up a copy of the Explore brochure for more events and information. Visit Doug’s blog:: http://trinityconnection.com/category/on-my-heart/ Follow us on Facebook: https://www.facebook.com/TrinityChurchSantaAna 18. Save the Date Marriage Date Night–Saturday, November 15 “Emotionally Intimate Marriages” with guest speakers, Dr. Chris and Alisa Grace 5 6 1 1. A New Season for Associate Pastor Rachel Hamburger It is with a deep sense of sadness that we write to inform you that Rachel Hamburger, our Associate Pastor of six years, has chosen to resign. Her letter explaining her decision was mailed to the congregation this week. In it Rachel wrote, “It is surely with mixed emotions that I have resigned my position as Associate Pastor here at Trinity. With a number of changes in my life and health over the past few years, I have realized in recent months a need and call to focus more fully in my area of giftedness, of care giving for individuals and families in times of joy, transition and loss. This will most likely be in a context that is not so remarkably busy and demanding programmatically as Trinity.” We are so thankful for the fruitful ministry of care Rachel provided for Trinity and will miss her very much. She will continue with us until November 21st. Watch for details about celebrating her ministry with us. 2. Contributions Toward Settlement Expenses On Friday, September 26, Trinity was officially dismissed from the Presbyterian Church (USA) to a new denomination ECO: A Covenant Order of Evangelical Presbyterians with our property. Trinity’s total cost for dismissal is $1,711,000, plus an additional $255,000 or so in ONE TIME transitional costs for moving to ECO. We are asking our church family to prayerfully consider what their contribution to this need will be. A formal pledge campaign will kick off early in 2015, but contributions can be made at any time before the formal campaign begins. If you wish to give now, please make your check payable to Trinity United Presbyterian Church and designate “For Settlement Expenses.” Thank you! 5. TLC: PrimeTime Every Tuesday from 11am-1pm in Fellowship Hall You may have seen some of our over 50 year olds wearing bright buttons which say “I AM!” If you are over 50, come join us for what will be a very delightful part of your week―an engaging speaker, a delicious lunch, and warm fellowship with others from Trinity. For more information call Steve & Sue Maurath 714.731.1132. 6. Friday Night Live Friday, October 17 at 6:30pm in Fellowship Hall Be a blessing, come and serve those who have developmental disabilities. For more info contact Jeanne Poucher jeannepoucher@gmail.com. FREE FLU SHOTS! Tuesday, October 14 10am-2:30pm in 500 B/C Sunday, October 19 10am-12pm in SCC Saturday, October 25 from 3-6pm Carnival games, crafts, bounce house, pony rides, petting zoo, rock climbing wall, cake walk, trunk-or-treat, hay rides, food – and so much more! It’s great FREE fun for the entire family. Bring your friends and neighbors. Everyone is invited to wear a costume. The entire congregation is part of this event and we need LOTS of ministry partners to help. Make sure to sign up on the patio and be a part of it! Contact Fiona Huertas, fionahuertas@aol.com, 714.454.8026 for more information. 4. Support Groups this week— NAMI (National Alliance on Mental Illness) Tonight at 6:30pm Caregivers, Monday, October 13, 3:30pm Truth and Grace, Monday, October 13, 7pm GriefShare, Wednesday, October 15, 3:30pm For more details about support groups contact Nancy at nancy@tupcsa.org or 714.505.6254 x123. ...continued 2 For more details contact Chris Watkins— 714.505.6254 x117 or chrisw@tupcsa.org “3P” Pancakes, Prayer & Praise-Wednesday, October 15 at Jeff Wagner’s home. Call for directions. 9. Family FUSION Tuesdays, October 14, 21, & 28 3 weeks of connection and empowerment for the ENTIRE family! 5:45pm-8pm, includes dinner, for $5 per person, kids and adults. Each night is a stand-alone event. Wk#1: Critical Boundaries for Media and Technology, Wk#2: Taste Worship with Peter Eide, Wk#3 What Should I Feed My Time Starved Kids? You will eat together as a family, then break out into fully programed events for adults, and kids, baby through 6th grade, regular EPIC for Jr Hi, and serving for High School. PLEASE register in advance on Sunday’s on the patio or week days in the office, M-F, 9-5pm. 10. One Great Hour of Sharing Offering Consult your doctor Not allergic to EGGS OR THIMEROSAL (the preservative in contact solution) No history of Gullian Barre Syndrome Not currently ill nor have a fever Must be 9 years old Call Nancy Amo RN for more info. 714.505.6254 x123 3. Fall Festival 8. Jr. High— 7. Early Childhood & Elementary— For more details contact Caroline Elias– 714.505.6254 x111 or caroline@tupcsa.org Halloween Preschool Play Day Thursday, October 30 from 9:30-11:30am Join us in Munzing Hall for a morning of fun with friends, crafts, stories, pumpkins, and a campus wide trick-or-treat. For kids ages 2-5yrs. $10 per family. Register with Stephanie Curry, stephanie@tupcsa.org. Stop Hunger Now Meal Packing Saturday, November 1 from 9am-5pm Sign up today on the patio for our annual Stop Hunger Now meal packing event. This is a great chance to show our thankfulness to God by helping children in need with life-giving food. We’ll be collecting loose change all month long as well— look for the giant soup pot Sunday mornings, and your change can help us change the world! Contact Caroline for more information, caroline@tupcsa.org or 714.505.6254 x111. Those suffering in the humanitarian crisis in the Northern Iraq continue to need our prayers as well as our finances. Our OGHS offering will help the persecuted in Iraq through our trusted mission partners, World Vision and The Outreach Foundation. It’s never too late to pray (use the Compassion Prayer Guide available on Trinity’s website), and it’s not too late to give. Just write “OGHS” on the memo line of your check or give on-line on the Trinity website Giving page. 11. Documentary Viewing – “Sold: Fighting the New Global Slave Trade” Sunday, October 12 @ 4:00-6:00pm, room 505 Filmed in India, this movie intertwines the stories of three courageous people who defy death threats, carry out daring rescues and challenge powerful interests in the battle to end slavery in the 21st century. Come view and discuss the movie with us―SOLD will make you applaud, it will make you want to do something. 12. Hosts Needed! Afrizo, a singing group from Daystar University in Nairobi, will be performing at Trinity on November 9. Would you be willing to host one or two of these young adults for one night (November 8) in your home? Contact Janis at janis@tupcsa.org for more information. ...continued ...continued 3 4
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