Trinity Alive! The Newsletter of Trinity United Methodist Church

Trinity Alive!
The Newsletter of Trinity United Methodist Church
I pray that you, being rooted and established in love, may have power, together with all the saints,
to grasp how wide and long and high and deep is the love of Christ…
Ephesians 3: 17-18
Sunday Mornings Worship
8:30 & 10:30 a.m.
Sunday School 9:30 a.m.
Greetings from Pastor Mark
Vol. 8 Issue 11
November 2014
Trinity Family and Friends,
November is here. Are you ready? College football is at its prime. College basketball starts. Thanksgiving plays and
events are happening in school. Thanksgiving dinners later in the month lead us to traveling or hosting houseguests.
Christmas shopping gets done. This November Advent begins on the last Sunday as well, so the Christmas season is
even starting this month!
With so many fun and exciting things happening, with so many responsibilities and tasks to accomplish, it is easy to fly
through these times without reflecting on what makes this time of year so special. When I find myself running and
running, the first thing I try to do is to stop and reflect on good things. It is a sort of thankfulness inventory. It really
fits this time of year, so I thought I’d share some things for which I’m thankful.
I’m thankful for being able to coach elementary basketball. I love coaching, and I haven’t had the opportunity to coach
a team since we moved here. Sports are fun, but they are also events that refine us and help us grow as human beings.
I like teaching students about doing your best while disciplining your mind and body. Sports aren’t about winning; they
are about life.
I’m thankful for a job, a home, and food. I see so many people weekly who do not have these things. I would call
them necessities for life, but sadly they are luxuries for too many people. To reflect on this, reminds me that my
‘troubles’ are considerably less than others experience. I’m grateful for what I have.
I’m thankful for a church family who loves me and my family. I’m thankful for a church family that supports our common ministry. I’m thankful for a church family that knows how to love. We are so blessed to be a part of the Trinity
family. By the way, thank you all for the lovely Pastor Appreciation gifts. We appreciate your kindness, and please
know that your loving spirit and faithfulness to God is what makes me feel appreciated as your pastor. Nothing
pleases me more than when I see you live out your faith in Christ!
I’m thankful for my wife. She is my right hand…and my left. She is my partner, my friend, and my love. She understands ‘church’ better than I do (she grew up a PK), and she helps round my edges. She’s always there to bail me out
when I need help. Most of all she loves me unconditionally because she knows the unconditional love of God. I am
also thankful for our children. Those little smarties that giggle, run around, cause chaos, and create interesting life
moments have needled their way into my heart. The favorite part of my day is when we see each other again (after
being at school, work, etc.), and they give me great big hugs. It reminds me what love really is…
Most of all I’m thankful for God’s love in my life. I don’t deserve it. I haven’t earned it. I’m not even that good at
receiving or sharing it. Yet, God loves me. He has shown it through the Cross of Christ, and God has proved that
love over and over in my life experiences.
I have much to be thankful for in my life. Now, it’s your turn: Take some time to be thankful. It can change your outlook.
Serving Together,
Left blank for
Church Calendar
The December Newsletter
Deadline is:
November 15, 2013
The Church Office
will be closed on
Thursday, November
27th. Have a safe &
Happy Thanksgiving!
Please turn your information in to the church
office by hard copy or email to
Office hours are:
Monday - Thursday, 8:30am - 12:30pm
and 1:00pm - 4:30pm
Closed on Fridays.
Phone: (574) 936-2519
Ladies! You are invited to a
Baby Shower In honor of
Josh & Rachel Stewart
Saturday, November 8th, 11:30am
14384 Nataka Trail, Plymouth
RSVP by Nov 6th @ 574-780-0823
Trinity is part of the Indiana North District UMC and access to district information such as
Newsletters, Upcoming Events, and more can be found online at:
November Committee Meetings
COM Meeting Night, 6:30pm
11th, Finance Meeting, 7:00pm
17th, Ad Board Meeting, 7:00pm
Staff Parish Meeting, 7:00pm
25th, Trustees Meeting, 7:00pm
Telephone Prayer Chain
If you would like to start the
Telephone Prayer Chain for
a specific prayer concern,
please call:
Nancy Ferris (935-5617),
Sue Read (936-2672), or the
Church Office (936-2519).
“LIKE” our page and
get up-to-date information
about Trinity events.
Dear Trinity Family,
I'm happy to report our launch was successful and the children are enjoying the new
program! They are learning strong messages and precepts through biblical stories,
which is of utmost importance to me, and I'm sure to you as well.
Our first Sunday worship with our new program and media additions captured the
attention of the children, and they continued to be engaged by questions and discussions. Behind the scenes, it was
quite an ordeal to get there, but so worth the challenge. I appreciate the initial troubleshooting assistance by Mark
Sutter, who helped get our projector connected properly. Next, I had many obstacles to conquer with our media
program (I am not a "techie" so I need ongoing help in this area). I was blessed to
continue with expert guidance by Josh Walker (a professional audio engineer), who is making our media-rich program
a big hit with the children. One child summed it up this way: "I love, love, love this!"
Our biggest need at this time? Adult volunteers to run media. (high school students with experience also welcome!)
If you are familiar with computers and media (and many of you are), we will train you to work our user-friendly
program- downloads are prepared for you, so you only need to follow the program guide. However, there is some
knowledge base needed in case of troubleshooting unforeseen glitches. You are needed on a rotating schedule on
Sunday mornings from 9:50am (to rehearse/run through the program), and then throughout the Children's Church
worship time (until about 11:35am).
Thank you for your ongoing support and prayers. This new program is a work in progress and we covet your prayers
and your help with volunteering. To God be the glory!
In Him,
Kid’s Club
All children are welcome! Bring a friend!
Nursery – 4th grade
We have a LOT of AMAZING things going on
with Trinity Kids ministries. But we need YOU to
help make an impact on the lives of children. If
working with children one-on-one isn’t your thing,
we have many other areas you can serve – at your
convenience through the week. Teens/young
adults welcome! Contact Geri at (574) 936-2519,
or by email at
Wed. 6:00 – 7:00pm
Children’s Church
Sundays 10:30-11:45am
(except the 1st Sunday of each month)
NEW! Kid Check-in System
Parents, Your Child’s Registration is Required…
We are happy to announce a new check-in system. Safety of our children is #1. ALL children must be SIGNED IN
AND OUT by an adult (for all classes/events). Look for a notice (your child will bring home) and instructions how
you can register your child from the convenience of home – this will ensure a quicker and hassle-free check-in experience. Please check in at the Gateway area, and then bring your child to class. But, please do not drop off your
child to the Trinity Kids sanctuary until 10:20 or later. Our team is busy working through our programs and
preparing for our worship time. You may check-in your child earlier in the lobby (entrance area), but there is no
one to watch your child until 10:20, so please keep them with you until then. Thank you!
United Methodist Women Events
Nov 5
Nov 6 11:00a.m.
Nov 13
Nov 15 10:00a.m.
Nov 20
Continue to save those cancelled postage stamps.
They are valuable to stamp collectors. Funds
received goes to provide shipping cost to send
food, medicine and other supplies to Zambia,
Africa where our church supported missionaries,
Ken and Debbie Vance, minister through World
Missions. Place them in the basket by the mail
boxes or give them to Eileen Quivey. Be sure to
leave 1/4 of an inch around the stamp! Thank You!
New Donation Center!
(Basement level close to the elevator)
Bring your items for Bread of Life food
pantry to place in the grocery cart
Executive Board Meeting
Retired Teachers Luncheon
North District Officer Training
At Trinity. All 2015 elected
officers need to attend.
Leah & Rebecca Circle
Hostess: JoAnn Meckstroth
Leader: Barbara Kirby
Attention Ladies:
All ladies of the
church are invited to
attend the Circle
meetings and are
encouraged to do so.
The theme for 2014 is
“A Calling for
This Time”
Join us!
The UMW have several books in the church
library. All are welcome to share them.
Labels for Education and Box tops for
Education in separate bins in the drawer of the
in the "up-cycled" dresser. Other items can be
placed there as needed. (Heminger House,etc.)
• Continue to bring old batteries, cell phones,
electronics, cfl light bulbs, and empty cleaning
supply containers, and printer ink containers to
the recycling shelves
UMW postage stamps can still be placed in
the little basket by the mailboxes (main level).
Help take care of others & the earth
by donating
It’s time once again to make plans for
your Christmas flowers! Would you
like to order a Poinsettia in honor of
or in memory of a loved one? Deadline to order is 11/23. Order forms
will be available in the 11/9 bulletin
and in the Sanctuary Overflow area.
Upcoming Events...Mark your calendars!
Nov. 30 - Movie Night
Dec. 12 - Open Mic
Dec. 21 - Laser Tag
For more information about our youth programs or events, contact the following:
Director of Youth & Young Adults - Nate Crawford (574)807-5467 or
The Youth Facebook Page -
Plan to spend Wednesday nights at Trinity! We begin each night
with a family meal or you can come later for our many faith growing
activities! Small groups will include Disciple Bible Study, Vital Pursuits (developing your spiritual life), Kids Club, Handbells, and
Choir! We invite everyone to join us as we grow in God and faith
Family Meal: 5-6pm
Adult Small Groups: 6-7pm
Kids Club: 6-7pm
Handbells: 6:30-7:30pm
Choir: 7:30-8:30pm
Please check your
mailbox at the end of
the main floor hallway.
Last year most of the people that we served were
elderly in the community, an often overlooked
group of people in need. COM will work with Real
Services this year to identify residents in need of
fully prepared Thanksgiving meals. The families that
we provide meals for this year will also be our Elves
for Elders recipients instead of having our traditional
Christmas families. In this way, it is our prayer that
we might develop relationships with those in need
that allow us to share the love of God
in our community.
Saturday, December 13, 2014
8-11 a.m. in the Fellowship Hall
This is your chance to make a
special, favorite, or a variety of Christmas
treats to be sold at this year’s Cookie Walk.
Sign-up sheets will be in the Sanctuary
overflow so that we have an idea about what
goodies we will have to offer.
Most items will be sold for $4.50 a pound.
Proceeds will be going into the Missions Fund
Let Trinity’s Cookie Walk provide your
Christmas treats!
Bread of Life
Items needed:
Non-perishable items
Bread of Life is so pleased with your
continued generosity and support. Monetary gifts
are always accepted. If you can volunteer at the
pantry, please call Donna Schwartz at 936-3269.
Thank you so much!
16 Pastor Mark Need
1 Sandy Read
19 Larry Anglin
1 Don Ecker
20 Marcus Ruggles
7 Carolyn Bennett
20 Michael Ruggles
8 Dave Hileman
22 Donna Schwartz
8 Jill Sweet
22 Etha Bradley
10 Ilah Hebner
22 Paul Bailey
10 Cory Keyser
22 Elyse Oliver
Looking Ahead!
11 Samuel King
23 Iris Snyder
12 Marlene Jo Ousnamer 24 Greg Woods
12 Allison Garmon
26 Nancy Ferris
12 Daniel Jefferies
26 Robert Halling
13 Daniel King
27 Adam Nunemaker
13 Brett Holcomb
27 Thomas Hammel
14 Carol Faber
30 Isaak Holcomb
Dec 5
Dec 7
Dec 13
Dec 14
Dec 24
14 Charlotte Bender
Dec 25
Parent’s Night Out
Children’s Christmas Program
Trinity’s Cookie Walk
Chancel Choir Christmas Cantata
Christmas Eve, Church Office closes
at 12:30pm
Christmas Day, Church Office Closed
Jan 1
New Year’s Day, Church Office Closed
1 Bill & Carolyn Bennett
14 Tim & Patty Grace
15 James & Nancy Baldwin
FINANCE REPORT as of October 15, 2014
20 William & Evy Wenino
22 Bob & Carol Beeker
26 David & Karen Oberly
Income Year to date: $256,230.56
Budget Year to date: $246,201.48
General Fund Balance: $(1058.84)
11/23 - Help carry decorations down from storage after the second service
11/24 - Decorating 4:00pm-8:00pm
11/25 - Decorating 3:30pm until done
Non profit
US Postage
Plymouth IN
Permit #119
Trinity United Methodist Church
425 South Michigan
Plymouth, IN 46563
Phone: 574-936-2519
At the corner of
Michigan & William Streets
Open hearts, Open minds, Open doors
The People of The
United Methodist Church
Living as passionate followers of Jesus to change the world.
The Vision God has for Trinity United Methodist Church is to be a missional
community in love with God, serving our neighbors, and accomplishing these
tasks by 2015:
forming at least 10 new followers of Jesus each year.
ministering to at least 30 youth per month.
ministering to at least 30 children per month.
intentionally serving our community in 5 visible and inviting ways per year.
creating an inviting faith community for young families.
nurturing intentional, intergenerational faith development experiences.