Weekly Diary 14th December 2014 Church Events Youth & Students 7.14 Prayer - Mon 7.14-8.14am, Trinity Fusion Trinity Maintenance Team - Tue 8.30am, Trinity House Christmas Carol Services - 4.00pm and 7.00pm, Trinity Church Revive (for Students) - Thur 7.30- 9.30pm, Trinity Fusion Community Family Tree - Mon, Tue, Wed & Fri 9.45-11.45am, Trinity Fusion Monday Church - Mon 10.30-11.30am, Trinity House Breakfast at The Garage - Mon & Fri , 9.30-10.30am, The Garage Kings Table - Mon & Fri 11.30am-1.00pm, Trinity House Garage Drop-In - Mon & Fri 1.15-4.00pm, The Garage Women Together - Tue & Thur 12.00-3.00pm, The Garage Garage Street Teams - Tue & Thur 7.30-8.30pm Family Tree Kids Club - Thur 3.30-5.00pm, Trinity House Friday Discipleship - Fri 10.30-11.30am, Trinity House Yr 10/11 Girls Small Group - Mon, 7.00-8.30pm Yr 10/11 Boys Small Group - Wed, 7.00-8.30pm Yr 9 Girls Small Group - Fri, 6.30-8.00pm Kids Lego Club - Thur, 6.00-7.00pm, Trinity House Kids Christmas Party - Fri, 6.00-7.30pm, Trinity Church Celebrating Life Welcome to Trinity Today Welcome to Trinity Cheltenham. If this is your first time with us, or if you are visiting us today, then a very special welcome to you: we hope you have a great time with us. We have a welcome point at the back of church where you will be able to meet one of the team here and find out more about life at Trinity, and pick up one of our welcome packs. Coffee is served in Trinity House after the morning celebrations and at the back of church in the evening. 9.15am, 11.15am and 6.00pm Today, we’re continuing in our sermon series entitled “Your Song”. Mike Fuller will be speaking this morning and Neil Bennetts this evening on Simeon’s Song. A Message from Tim Next Sunday Dear Trinity Friends & Family After Black Friday and Cyber Monday, and a few days before Super Saturday, I greet you on the Third Sunday in Advent! It may not be quite as catchy a title – perhaps Spectacular Sabbath would be better? Awesome Advent-tide? – but it’s seasonal themes of anticipation, hope, light, joy and peace, all wrapped up in the coming of Jesus, are rather more attractive than rampant shopping! Take the Christ out of Christmas and all you’re left with really is M & S, which some may feel is a pretty accurate commentary on the overcommercial, self-indulgent consumerism all around us. Keep the Christ in Christmas, up front and central, and you have something altogether different: a precious time to reflect, a time to celebrate, a time to give, a time to refocus on the glory and grace of God made flesh for our sakes. Phone Directory General Enquiries 01242 808780 Operations - (Bookings, Buildings, IT) 01242 808925 Family Outreach - (Family Tree, Tandem, Silver Service, Footprints) 01242 808936 Community Outreach - (Garage, Street Teams, Kings Table) 01242 808789 ALPHA 01242 808937 Trinity Life - (Life Groups, Welcome, Element, Worship & Creative Media - (Worship, Design, Website, 01242 808931 01242 808932 Trinity House 01242 808779 Global Mission 01242 808934 Money Matters - (Free confidential advice on dealing with Freedom in Christ, Pastoral, & Family life courses) Trinity Kids 01242 808935 Trinity Youth 01242 808933 Students and Young Adults 01242 808938 News Sheet, Press Releases) money & debt) 01242 808946 Finance 01242 808920 I love how St Thomas Church, Norwich beautifully captured the difference, in their creative take on the John Lewis ‘penguin’ Christmas advert. If you haven’t seen it, it’s a must watch on YouTube! Please note there is no morning service on Sunday 21st December due to the Carol Services at 4.00pm and 7.00pm. One of the reasons so many of us find it hard to do the ‘time alone with God’ thing is precisely because of time. We don’t feel we have enough of it, or there are too many competing demands on it. ‘I don’t have time. I’m too busy’. Jesus never said that. Even at Christmas! In essence, to say ‘I don’t have enough time, I’m too busy’ is to say ‘God, you got it wrong! You should have made 25 hours in a day, 8 days in a week...’. Good luck with that one! I suspect he probably gives us just the right amount of time he wants us to have for the things he wants us to do with it! Do you struggle with this like I do?! In other words, our ‘use of time’ so often determines our ‘prayer life’. We fit it in when we can (and are then surprised when life and relationship with Jesus doesn’t flourish as it might!). Here’s the thing: for Jesus, it was the total opposite. For Jesus, his ‘prayer life’ determined his ‘use of time’. Time, priority, focus, engaging others in God’s story.......each year at this stage, we who follow Jesus encourage one another to make time amidst all the busyness for things that really matter, to prioritise our daily lives, to focus on Jesus and take advantage of simple ways to engage others in the Best Story the world can ever hear. From the early morning, solitary prayerful place with the Father, the rest of his day flowed, his priorities were shaped, his focus was clear, and off he went to engage others in the Good News story of love, grace and salvation. Time, priority, focus, engaging others........these are the messages that struck me again as I read Mark 1:35-39 last week. Time, priority, focus, engaging others.....it’s all about connection with the Lord. Relationship with him. Abiding in him. Pressing into the presence of God, which is to say welcoming the life of his Spirit to fill us and flow in us and through us. Jesus has been healing, drawing huge crowds, ministering to all kinds of need. Verse 35 begins with some of my least favourite words in the New Testament - “Very early in the morning, while it was still dark....” Mmm, see what I mean? He goes to a solitary place, as is his habit, and there spends time with the Father alone. He is met later by further pressing demands to come and heal and bless the gathering crowds. ‘No’, he says, ‘we need to go to some other places to bring Good News there too, for that is why I’ve come’. Time, priority, focus, engaging others....... I’m guessing that most people reading this want to have a deep and close relationship with Jesus, and would see that as the main key to the fulfilling, purposeful, fruitful life that God created us all for. Most of us would see regular time alone with Him as the main ingredient of that relationship, listening to his voice through Word and Spirit, conversing with him, worshipping him, just as Jesus did. Keep in Touch For more information on the life of this church and the various activities to get involved with, follow us online or if you have any questions please talk to someone with a pink lanyard or contact us: In the Life Group that I’m a part of, we almost always start our time with the same question to each other: how is your heart relationship with Jesus? Why? Because it’s at the heart of everything else, and we want to encourage each other in what matters most and what enables us most to grow. How to keep the Christ in Christmas this year and every year? This day and every day? Pay attention to the basics, pay attention to him. Time, priority, focus, engaging others in the Good News........ Have a Spectacular Sabbath, an Awesome Advent-tide, and a truly wonder-filled Christmas with Jesus at the heart of it all. With my love and prayers Tim trinitycheltenham.com /trinitychelt /trinitycheltenham info@trinitycheltenham.com @trinitychelt +44 (0)1242 808780 Church Vision: To make committed followers of Jesus who change communities and nations for Him. Events and Courses Last Weekend Last Sunday saw the first of our Carol Services here at Trinity! We had a wonderful evening of songs, carols and readings. Nearly 500 people came to join us, 300 mince pies were eaten, 50 litres of mulled wine and spiced apple were drunk and 7 people gave their lives to Jesus! Much to be celebrated! We’re greatly looking forward to our next Carol Services next weekend - we hope to see you there! Coming Up... kids christmas party! School of Theology Spring term christmas carol service: good news! Sunday 21st December, Trinity Church, 4.00 & 7.00pm (please note there is no morning service) Come and join us for an evening of Christmas Carols, songs and readings followed by mulled wine and mince pies. The service will be held at 4.00pm and 7.00pm. Please pick up a flyer from the back of church to invite your friends or visit the website for more information. The full Christmas calendar of events can be found on the right. trinitycheltenham.com/christmas TRINITY christmas celebrations - CAN YOU HELP? Kids Christmas Party Friday 19th December, 6.00pm, Trinity Church Carols Sunday 21st December, 4.00pm & 7.00pm, Trinity Church (no morning celebrations) Family Christmas Eve Celebration (please wear nativity fancy dress) Wednesday 24th December, 4.00pm, Trinity Church Midnight Communion Wednesday 24th December, 11.30pm, Trinity Church Christmas Day Celebration Thursday 25th December, 10.30am, Trinity Church We have various events coming up in the calendar for which we need volunteers to help in various capacities, including set-up and set-down, welcome and stewarding, hospitality, and technical. Events include the following: - 19th Dec (event 6.00pm): Kids Christmas Party - 21st Dec (events 4.00pm and 7.00pm): Carols - 25th Dec (event 10.30am): Christmas Day Celebration If you can help for all or part of the day for one or more events, please let us know ... we’d love to hear from you! events@trinitycheltenham.com Monday evenings, starting on 26th January 2015 for 8 weeks (not including half term), 7.30-9.45pm, Trinity House Bookings are now open for the School of Theology starting in January! The School of Theology is a series of short, 8 week theological courses for those who want to study the Bible in an accessible and applicable way. The Spring Term sees 3 Bible Tracks available, including our NEW Bible Track 3: The Word and The Spirit, featuring speakers including Dr Graham Tomlin (St Mellitus College, London), Dr Sean Doherty (St Mellitus College, London) and John Inge (Bishop of Worcester). The full details and course options are available on the website. The cost of the course is £120 but book before 31st December and make the most of the Early Bird rate of only £100! Discounted rates also available for students and retirees - please get in touch for more details. trinitycheltenham.com/schooloftheology theology@trinitycheltenham.com 7:14 Prayer Mondays, 7.14am, Trinity Fusion Prayer Room Come and join us in prayer on a Monday morning at 7.14am in the Prayer Room, located next to the Fusion building, where we can lift our God together in worship and praise. Sunday Celebration Notices CHRISTMAS WITH THE CHOIR! THIRD PERSON CONFERENCE - save the date! Saturday 18th April, 10.00am-9.30pm, Trinity Church Third Person is a one-day conference aiming to equip the wider church to effectively minister in the power of the Holy Spirit. Hosted by Mark Bailey and the Trinity team, with guest speaker Robbie Dawkins. For more details and to book your place, visit the website. trinitycheltenham.com/3rdperson SILVER SERVICE We are looking for someone who would be willing to lead the kitchen team for Silver Service meals on the second Thursday in the month. This would involve preparing and serving a two course meal to approximately fifty guests. Time commitment required is from 9.30am to 1.15pm; the meal is served at 12.00 noon. There would be liaison with Tina Blankson (catering manager) concerning the menus to be cooked. If you enjoy cooking and would like to serve in this way, please get in touch. silverservice@trinitycheltenham.com 01242 808780 TRINITY MAINTENANCE TEAM NEEDS YOUR HELP A bunch of (predominantly retired) chaps gather each Tuesday morning to bless Trinity with their time, energy, enthusiasm and tools, undertaking various projects around the campus to keep buildings and facilities in good working order and decor. If you have time and skills to spare, we’d love to hear from you! richard.byatt@trinitycheltneham.com Garage Resources trinitycheltenham.com/christmas Coming Up in Spring 2015... Friday 19th December, 6.00pm, Trinity Church After another successful Light Party we’ve decided to hold a Kids Christmas Party at Trinity in the main church building for Reception to Year 6 children. The party will start at 6pm. Included will be Christmas craft stalls, photo booth, some carol singing and more messy games. We’re in need of volunteers to help run the small craft stalls and generally be there at hand to help where needed, so if you’re interested in helping us out we’d love for you to get in contact with Corrie. Thank you in advance! corrie.agnolutto@trinitycheltenham.com save the date: trinity party! Saturday 7th February 2015, 7.00-10.30pm, Trinity Church Make sure you put this date in your diaries - it’s the Trinity Party! And this year the theme is HOE DOWN! So get your best country and western attire ready for an evening of music, dancing, food, entertainment- something for everyone! All ages welcome - we’d love to see you all there! Ticket prices TBC and more information to be released after Christmas. Sunday 28th December, 10.30am, Trinity Church (no evening celebration) - please note this is the only celebration on this Sunday Saturday 20th December, 7.30pm, Parabola Arts Centre Britain’s contemporary ACM Gospel Choir and much more is raising funds for charity! everymantheatre.org.uk/m-shows/christmas-with- the-choir/ Opportunities to Serve Thank you so much to everyone who has dontated to the Garage in recent months. We’ve really been delighted by people’s generosity. We have another request... We need some more wintery clothing, particularly Tshirts, jeans, sturdy boots and shoes, socks and boxers. If you have any to donate please drop them by the Foodbank baskets on Sunday or into the Garage or Trinity House during the week. Thank you! AUDIO, VISUAL & CAMERA OPERATORS CHRISTMAS PLANNING!! Christmas is nearly here and Money Matters would like to wish everyone a very Happy Christmas and New Year. Over the last few weeks a number of tips have been in the news sheet that may help you avoid a debt hangover after Christmas. Christmas is a time of giving, this needs planning and budgeting to avoid money problems at this time and in the future. So, if you do get into difficulties or are you finding it tough to manage your money, get advice as soon as you can from Money Matters, as Debt can be for life and not just for Christmas. Money Matters provides FREE, practical and confidential advice on all aspects of money and debt management. For further information, please contact Money Matters on: 01242 808946 moneymatters@trinitycheltenham.com River run album - available NOW Our new album ‘River Run’ is officially released on iTunes, but we are making hard copies available to all at Trinity while stocks last! These are all songs that have been written by our worship team here and we pray that it will be a blessing and resource both at home and beyond. Available from the bookstore for only £5, and on iTunes, Amazon MP3, Spotify and other online distributors. #RiverRunEP. trinitycheltenham.com/river-run fit for life: group sign up today! Fit For Life is the 6 week series we are kicking off the New Year with, starting on Sunday 4th January 2015. As a whole church family (including Kids, Youth, Students, King’s Table etc) we are going to be looking at how we can ‘get fitter’ in different areas of our lives; spiritually, physically, mentally, emotionally, relationally, and financially. Each week, we will be taking one of these areas; we will be thinking about it together in church on Sunday and then unpacking it together in groups during the week. If you are not currently in a group, we would love you to connect you to one for this short period of time, so that you can make the most of what is on offer and grow together with others. Please visit the website below. If you would be willing to host a group for this 6 week series, all you’ll need is a venue and a kettle to make the coffee! We’ll supply the materials and guidelines you need. If you’d be interested in hosting, please email Lucie. trinitycheltenham.com/fit-for-life lucie.hill@trinitycheltenham.com Harry tait funeral Wednesday 17th December, 12.00pm, Trinity Church Harry Tait’s funeral will be held this coming Wednesday at Trinity. All are welcome to come and celebrate his life. Have an interest in Sound, Visuals or Camera work? We would love to hear from you. We are looking to expand our current team of fantastic volunteers, so feel free to apply even if you have no previous experience. These teams are an integral part of our celebrations, and we are looking for new members for Sundays, Hungry for God and other ministries throughout the week. If you are interested and would like to find out more, then please contact Jimmy Flanders. jimmy.flanders@trinitycheltenham.com Join the Trinity Worship Team If you are a musician or singer, we’d love to meet with you as we’re always on the look out for new musicians to join the team here at Trinity. We’re increasingly finding that we’re in need of more individuals to lead worship, play, sing and operate sound and visuals equipment at our many celebrations and events throughout the week. If you are a committed follower of Jesus, recognise Trinity as your home church and are a skilled musician (or keen to learn for the audio/visual team) please contact Becky Bull. worship@trinitycheltenham.com
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