April 2015 Trinity News - Trinity Church Network

Trinity News
April 2015
Worship at 10.30am in the
Exchange— Coffee Bar
Sun 5
Newcomers Lunch at
Sun 19
12.30pm in the Exchange
Mustard Seed Team
meet at 8 pm in The
NLT Meeting - 8pm in The
ReC Group: 7pm—9pm in
the Exchange
Worship Practice—8pm in
The Exchange
Thursdays at The
Exchange Class - Holy
Spirit Living : 8pm
Junior Alpha 6pm - 8pm
in The Exchange
Axcess Youth Night—
6.00pm—8pm : Exchange
Axcess Youth Event—
1.30pm—8.30pm : Urban
Surf in Howth—see Eoin
Finnegan or Shelly Sisson
for further information
Holy Spirit Living
Conference— 10am—5pm
at the Exchange
No Lunch provided—you
can bring your own or visit
local restaurants.
Mon 6
Tues 7
Tues 4
Thurs 2
Thurs 16
Sat 11
Sat 11
Sat 18
Sat 25
With God nothing is impossible
The end of March was certainly an exciting month for us as a Church
Family. We had a wonderful baptism morning on Sunday 22nd where
we heard the testimonies of Emma Bowie, Mary G Fallon, Emma Kilroy,
Gavin Rothwell and Rachel Kilroy – all sharing of their coming to know
Paul Rothwell
and love Jesus. It was hugely encouraging to see each of them declare
allegiance to Jesus and be baptised in loving obedience to his command.
The following weekend had two highlights
—A gang of our older primary school children went away for their Junior Alpha Course
Holy Spirit Weekend. Jen Duffy and her team, assisted on the weekend by Joe Kerrigan,
facilitated a time where lots of good spiritual things happened. Pray for the new life
experienced on the weekend.
—Worship on Sunday 29th was facilitated by Axcess Youth.
It is great that as a Church we are blessed by teenagers confident in the Lord to use
their gifting as musicians and vocalists to bring us into new places in worship and
intimacy with our God and Saviour.
As we continue teaching from the Book of James can I remind you of your true
identity as a carrier of the divine image and as a person indwelt by the Holy Spirit of
God – you are a saint - nothing less! Because of the reality of this identity the practical
and challenging commands of James need not be burdensome to us to fulfil. I am also
reminded of Margaret Dunne’s word to us on the 22nd – that we are good soil created
by our Heavenly Father to receive the implanted word of God (which can bear much
fruit to honour Him, advance the Kingdom of God & bless others). Hang in there with
the Book James, there are lots of challenges on the way in the coming weeks, but also
lots of opportunities for spiritual breakthrough and the destruction of the works and
lies of the enemy. With God, nothing is impossible.
International Food Festival : Sunday 3rd May
We are blessed to have a wonderful international church community in Trinity—and want to
celebrate fellowship together by tasting some foods of our home countries. So on Sunday 3rd
May—at our coffee time (12.30pm) after our meeting—we are inviting everyone to bring along
something to share with everyone. It can be something savoury, something hot (we will heat it
for you), a dip and bread perhaps, a salad, desserts. We will have tables laid out around the
room from each country represented and we can feast together.
Holy Spirit Living Conference
Saturday 25 April : 10am—5pm
Newcomers Lunch : Sunday
19 April at 12.30pm
Trinity Church are delighted to be able to host
a one day conference on Living a Life in the
Holy Spirit. This event is free—lunch is not
provided. The day will be facilitated by a team
of 6 people from Colorado, USA with Declan
Doran and Nicholas and Aoife Schofield. All
welcome so feel free to invite friends from
other churches.
Have you been attending Trinity Church
some time now? Would you like to meet
some of the Leaders?—if so please join us
on Sunday 19th April in the Boardroom,
Ground Floor after our worship meeting.
Contact Margaret Dunne to confirm your
attendance by email; office@trinity.ie
Trinity Church Network
Office and Postal Address: The Exchange, 50 Gardiner Street Lower, Dublin 1, IRELAND
T: 01 874 0000
F: 01 874 0001
E: office@trinity.ie W: www.trinity.ie Charity No: CHY 6582
twitter: @tcn_dublin Facebook: trinity church network
Visiting The Exchange
in April are . . .
Age Action— running their Computer
Course from 10.30 pm —12.30pm on
Alpha We
are delighted to host them in the Exchange.
Every Thursday evening in
a Workshop
in the Library on
at 6.30pm
a group
of about
: 5pm—9pm
70 adults2nd
sit April
a table, have a
meal together and explore the meaning of
life. Questions
like what happens
leaders lunch on Tuesday 14
April in the Boardroom.
and who is Jesus? are asked and answered. Its called the Alpha Course.
EAI Steering Group : Thursday 16 April—4pm and
EAI Council of Reference Group : Tuesday 21 April 2pm
Ovoca Weekend : 29 May—1 June
This weekend is almost full-up and we are looking forward to
having Simon and Paula Thomas join us. But most importantly
we are looking forward to spending time with each other—and
Ovoca is a great time to catch up and share friendship, fun and
lots of chats. It is also a great time for us to discover great gifts
that you have to share with the body, not just your gift of ‘helps’
which are always so obvious around the Dishwasher—but your
other talents and gifts. Please consider something you, with
your friend, or your family, could bring to Ovoca to greatly
enrich our knowledge of you, our experience together and
the many facets of who God is—by You reflecting Him.
So—can you organise a table tennis tournament? Or a Quiz?
Do you like crafts and could share an activity with others? How
about a walk in the Wicklow Hills? Are you a photographer?
Has God been speaking to you and you would like to share it?
Do you play an instrument and would like to use it? Or do you
have an idea for something new for our Ovoca Weekend—
please email Margaret at office@trinity.ie with your
thoughts and ideas. Thank You.
I nside St ory Headl ine
Trinity News
April 2015
ACET—Prayer Pointers
Our care work with families affected by HIV is going
well with a number of new referrals received. We have
been focussing on the church calendar recently, trying to avoid
getting stuck in the routine of the ‘world’s’ calendar. So please pray
for our staff and volunteers as we come to Easter. That we would
move in the power of the resurrection for the coming season.
Richard had a great time at the HIV Prevention Conference in
London, particularly linking with those working with Migrant-led
churches in England. Please pray for our upcoming training
events with church leaders that many would attend and that they
would benefit all church members as they address HIV and other
health issues.
Our fledgling LGBT project has got off the ground. We gather
together lesbian and gay Christians and church leaders to learn how
to listen well to one another’s stories. Please pray as we plan some
more gatherings like this.
We have some administration and governance tasks to get through
in the coming weeks including an AGM at the end of May. It is
sometimes boring but very important. Please pray that we would
approach it with a Christ-like attitude in terms of the witness we
seek to bring to our funders and others.
Junior Alpha Holy Spirit Weekend
Ministry Team News—Administration : Margaret Dunne
The gift of Administration amongst us is the Holy Spirit Gift of helping our community, Trinity Church,
accomplish our God-given vision— helping people rediscover their true identity and destiny in
Jesus—by planning, organising, resourcing and helping others achieve our shared vision.
Is this something you enjoy doing? Do you have this gift? Would you like to know more? If so, please do
come and talk to me. There are many people involved in doing just that in Trinity and we are delighted to
welcome two new people to this Team at the Exchange—Martin Nolan and Eamon Kenny.
Martin Nolan is looking after our maintenance and comes into the Exchange for about 4 hours each week. Martin
gets through a lot of repair / maintenance during that time and I am sure you have noticed that lights are working
again, doors opening and the Exchange is now getting the maintenance it needs. Thank you to Rodney Cromer who
continues to help and support us in all that he does and advises in relation to the Exchange.
We are also delighted to have a new Team Member on our Security Desk Team—Eamon Kenny; You may have
noticed Eamon on a Sunday morning at Reception—and we are delighted that he has joined the Team and willing to
serve our community in this way. Eamon joins Valdas Kisunas, Kingsley Prescott, Doug Bowie, Philip Denner, Kevin
Dunne and Tennyson Thangaraj on the Volunteer Security Team. We really appreciate our ’Door Keepers’ and all
that they do on our Security Desk each time the Exchange is open. If you would like to serve in this way—please
come and have a chat with me.
Thank you also to Mary Magowan, who looks after our Security Desk during the week. Mary resources the Jobcare
Team who visit two mornings a week (Mondays and Fridays) to clean and set up The Exchange and will be working
on Tuesday and Thursday mornings also, starting this month, in our efforts to have The Exchange ‘open for
business’ during the working week. Thank you Mary, we appreciate all that you are and all that you do.
2 Cor 9:12—This service that you (all) perform is not only supplying the needs of the Lord’s people
but is also overflowing in many expressions of thanks to God.