SUNDAY, OCTOBER 12, 2014 – THANKSGIVING Today, we welcome our guest speaker, EMILY BOWMAN from the Salvation Army, who will speak, during Coffee Stop, about the “Food Truck Programme” and other ministries in our community. WELCOME, Emily. HYMN SING (9:50 A.M.) SUNDAY, OCTOBER 12, 2014 – THANKSGIVING VISITORS AND GUESTS Thank you for worshipping at Trinity today! Please sign your NAME & ADDRESS in the Guest Book near the Church entrance. We wish to acknowledge your presence with us. You are invited & welcomed to share in the activities & ministries of Trinity. If you would like to know more about our assembly & its various activities, please speak to one of the ushers, any member of the Church, or the Pastor. HOLY COMMUNION All baptized are welcome to share in the sacrament of Holy Communion. Individual Cups are available near the Chancel area; otherwise, the Common Cup is offered. It is your choice to stand or kneel when receiving Communion. PRAYER REQUESTS Please tell the Pastor prior to worship of any special prayer, or you may offer the prayer yourself, when you are invited to do so. Please end your request with the prayer response for the day. CHILDREN’S TIME PASTOR’S SERMON HYMN #679 HYMN OF THE DAY WELCOME & ANNOUNCEMENTS APOSTLES CREED (face the altar)…BACK INSERT IN HYMNBOOK PG. 94 CONFESSION & FORGIVENESS (face the altar) PRAYERS: R: LORD, IN YOUR MERCY…HEAR OUR PRAYER THE GATHERING HYMN #733 GATHERING SONG PG. 175…GREETING (face the altar) PG. 175-176…Kyrie ♫ PG. 176-177…Hymn of Praise ♫ “GLORIA, GLORIA, GLORIA” PG. 178 – PRAYER OF THE DAY PEACE: Please take this time to share a sign of peace with one another. THE WORD 1st Reading: Deuteronomy 8:7-18 PSALM 65 (SPOKEN RESPONSIVELY, BY WHOLE VERSES, LED BY THE 1ST ASSISTANT) 2nd Reading: 2 Corinthians 9:6-15 ANTHEM: Something Bigger Than You & I MISSION STATEMENT Trinity Lutheran Church is a living, caring, community centred in the good news of Jesus Christ. We are dedicated to care & compassion through spiritual growth, faith & love, in the experience of worship, fellowship, nurture, witness & service. Response AFTER Gospel Reading…”PRAISE TO YOU, O CHRIST” PG. 179…Gospel Acclamation…♫ ”Alleluia, alleluia…” Gospel: Luke 17:11-19 Response BEFORE Gospel Reading…”GLORY TO YOU, O LORD” OFFERING THE MEAL SERVICE MUSIC #182 OFFERTORY HYMN: ♫ Let the vineyards be fruitful Lord, and fill to the brim our cup of blessing. Gather a harvest from the seeds that were sown, that we may be fed with the bread of life. Gather the hopes and the dreams of all: unite them with the prayers we offer now. Grace our table with your presence and give us a foretaste of the feast to come. OFFERTORY PRAYER (face the altar) PG. 180…THE GREAT THANKSGIVING PG. 180…Proper Preface…(join their unending hymn…) PG. 181… ♫ “HOLY, HOLY, HOLY LORD GOD…” (EVERYONE SINGS!) PG. 182…EUCHARISTIC PRAYER RESPONSE #1: ♫ Christ has died. Christ is risen. Christ will come again. (2x) RESPONSE #2: ♫ Amen, Amen, Amen (2x) PAGE 182 – THE LORD’S PRAYER COMMUNION – PAGE 182 - 183 “LAMB OF GOD” ♫ (EVERYONE SING!) HYMN #856 POST-COMMUNION SONG: PLEASE SING TOGETHER – (face the altar) (YOU PROBABLY HAVE THIS MEMORIZED!) IF YOU NEED MUSIC, PLEASE LOOK IN SETTING 1, PAGE 113 ♫ Now, Lord, you let your servant go in peace; Your word has been fulfilled. My own eyes have seen the salvation which you have prepared in the sight of every people; A light to reveal you to the nations and the glory of your people Israel. Now, Lord, you let your servant go in peace. PRAYER AFTER COMMUNION PAGE 183…BLESSING HYMN #840 SENDING SONG DISMISSAL RESPONSE: Thanks be to God! PARTICIPANTS IN TODAY’S SERVICE: We would like to thank Pr. Julio for leading our worship service today. Next Sunday: Pr. Pamela Kormano WORSHIP ASSISTANTS: 1st Brenda Fickel 2 nd Peggy Heckman READERS: Brenda Fickel & Nancy Ross WORSHIP USHERS: Elaine & Romeo Denommee COMMUNION USHER: Sue Paliska OUR MUSIC DIRECTOR: Joe Crawford Please note that Pr. Julio is still responsible for the pastoral needs of Trinity’s congregation. If you require pastoral services, his contact information is listed below. HOW TO GET IN TOUCH: PASTOR JULIO ROMERO Home: 905-358-8706 Church: 905-871-2883 Pr’s Cell: 289-407-3993 E-mail: Church email: Go to Trinity’s website: for ongoing & upcoming events. CHURCH OFFICE HOURS: Tuesday (a.m.) & Wednesday (p.m.) PASTOR’S DAY OFF: Saturday & Monday Please contact in emergency cases only. TRINITY MEMBERS…IN OUR PRAYERS… Karen H., Jan & Fred D., Paul K., Cathy & Alexandra B., Barb S., Hailey M., Marta R., Ross K., Diane F., Dan A. & family, Dianne S., Neil & Nancy R., Karen B., Brittany T., Don D., Ida L., Marg M., Karen & Bob, Shirley C., Janice R., Peggy C., Ruth T., Jessie C., Bruce S., and all others we name in our hearts… CONGREGATIONAL MEETING Please mark your calendars…Trinity’s congregational meeting is set for Sunday, October 26, 2014, after church. There is important information to be shared – please plan to attend. ACCESSIBILITY FINANCIAL COMMITTEE A Financial Committee has been formed to look at the financial situation regarding Accessibility and, as soon as they bring the information to Council, the congregation will be advised, probably at the Congregational Meeting, on Sunday, October 26, 2014 (MARK YOUR CALENDAR) BIRTHDAYS & ANNIVERSARIES (B=BAPTISM ANNIVERSARY) DATE MEMBERS & FRIENDS October 12 October 14 October 15 October 16 October 18 Jan & Fred Doan Darren Schutt Andrea McKay Tiffany Johnston (B) Lisa & Tom Neal IS SOMEONE MISSING? PLEASE LET KARYN LIDBETTER KNOW (OR MARK IT ON THE WALL CALENDARS DOWNSTAIRS)…TO KEEP OUR RECORDS UP TO DATE. THANKS. MUTUAL MINISTRY COMMITTEE This Committee is the liason between Pastor and congregation. You are encouraged to come to members of this Committee with any issues of concern. We are working on all things that have been brought to our attention. Please feel free to speak to, or write a note to, WINSTON WOEHL, SANDY REMPEL-SMALLDON, DIETER WEINMANN or LINDA MACDONALD. CHURCH CLEANING Please speak with Property Chairperson, Bruce Ward, about volunteering for Church Cleaning…he is in the process of preparing the calendar for the coming months. OR, if you prefer, a donation of $40.00 towards the cost of church cleaning is also an option. Please place your donation in an envelope and designate it for Church Cleaning. That was easy! IMPORTANT ANNOUNCEMENTS ATTENTION! Sunday School is now underway. Come and see what it’s all about. CHILI SUPPER Thursday, October 23/14 from 5:30 – 6:45 p.m., hosted by Faith Lutheran Church, 31 Agar Street, St. Catharines. Admission: $10.00 (matched by Faith Life Financial). Proceeds to support their Out of the Cold Programme and Community Care. Contact: Leronna at 905-937-0673 or email: (by Sun., Oct. 19/14). Members of Faith have supported Trinity’s events – let’s return the favour! WATCH THESE SPECIAL DATES Sun., Oct.19, 2014 CREATION SERVICE Sun., Oct. 26, 2014 CONGREGATIONAL MEETING Sun., Nov. 2, 2014 ALL SAINTS’ SERVICE (collect your loved ones’ pictures for display) Sat., Nov. 15, 2014 EDUARD KLASSEN CONCERT Sun., Nov. 23, 2014 BACK TO CHURCH SUNDAY (bring a friend) Sat., Dec. 6, 2014 COOKIE SALE/BASKET AUCTION (Can you bake some goodies? Can you create a gift basket? Can you help on the day of the event?) Karyn Lidbetter and Joe Crawford would like some help with these projects. These dates are fast approaching. In the past, everyone has contributed in one way or another, but we’d like to have a small fundraising committee to oversee things. Please consider it. Thank you. Trinity’s church choir has begun practising again on Monday evenings, at 7 p.m. Everyone is welcome. Very soon, we will begin our music for Advent & Christmas! FINANCIAL SECRETARY POSITION Very soon, the position of Financial Secretary will be available. This person receives, records & deposits all money coming into the church through collections, fundraising, memorial and other donations. Money from the collection plate is counted after the service by the Financial Secretary and one other person chosen at random. The money is recorded and deposited into Trinity’s account at Pen Financial Credit Union. This person also issues tax receipts for donations that can be attributed to a donor. This position also manages PAR (Pre-Authorized Remittances). Please speak with Leah Schatzline (present Financial Secretary) or a councillor for more information. A SPECIAL THANK YOU to Leah Schatzline for holding the position of Financial Secretary for the past few years and doing the job well. Your service is much appreciated. Best wishes in your future! VOLUNTEER SHEETS: Continuing in the coming weeks, volunteer sheets will be inserted, to seek helpers in the many jobs which are needed at Trinity. Please consider this form carefully & prayerfully. WE NEED YOU. Thank you.
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