1 The Trinity Tidings Trinity Lutheran Church 217 Brackenridge SW, Sleepy Eye, MN Phone: 507-794-5051 Fax: 507-794-5052 E-Mail: trinity@sleepyeyetel.net Web: www.trinitysleepyeye.org Vol. 46 STAFF Pastor Keith Ainsley Home: 507-794-5641 Cell: 507-766-3383 Parish Administrative Secretary Darlene Brummund Home: 507-276-8013 Financial Secretary Pat Stevermer Home: 507-794-7112 Organist / Sr. Choir Director Mary Mulry Home: 794-3768 Educational Director Mary VanRoekel 794-3457 Custodian Marian Johnson Home: 507-794-3474 In This Issue Pastor Keith Ainsley… 2 Daily Bible Readings… 4 WELCA… 4 Stewardship…. 5 Youth and Sunday School News…. 6 This & That… 8 Parish Report… 9 Worship Assistants… 10 Calendar… 11 November 2014 No. 11 Worship Schedule Sunday Worship 8:00 am and 10:30 am Education Hour 9:15 am Trinity’s Mission Statement We are a community where Jesus is Lord: our mission is to invite, welcome, nurture, and equip all people to be disciples in His name. 2 “Thanks Be to God” Dear Partners, Allow me to begin by expressing my thanks for your celebration and show of appreciation of my 35 years of ministry in our Lutheran Church with nearly nine of those shared with you. How nice it is to be acknowledged, honored and appreciated. As you, or others you know, continue to experience such “milestones” in life, I pray you also will be afforded the kind of appreciation that is both encouraging and reassuring to your making a difference in the lives of others. Again, thank you for all your cards, gifts and the memorable wooden plague commemorating these years of service that are shared together in our partnership of proclaiming the gospel of Christ! That brings us to November…the month that we address both our understanding of stewardship and the mission our Lord has called every believer to be about. Our theme is “What Is the Mission God has Given to Us?” The first four Sundays will be devoted to addressing: 1. November 2nd: What is Stewardship? 2. November 9th: What is Generosity? 3. November 16th: What is Abundance? 4. November 23rd: What is Justice? On November 23rd you will be provided a Faith Commitment Card on which you can indicate the amount you hope to contribute to Trinity’s ministry goals that will be described in the 2015 proposed budget, which the Boards and Parish Planning Council are currently assembling for the January Annual Report. If you are unable to be present or prepared in providing your Faith Commitment on November 23rd it will be made available again on November 30th. Your participation in this exercise is very much needed as our congregation leaders try to make responsible and accurate decisions regarding our congregation’s financial health and goals to which we are all called to respond. Also, November is when our Southwestern Minnesota Synod provides the annual Jr. High Gathering in Willmar on the 21st-22nd. Sixteen Confirmation students and four chaperones are registered to attend. What a wonderful gift we have with all 34 students (7th-9th grade) in Confirmation this year! THANK YOU for your support and gifts that makes this ministry possible. I think if the students actually understood how much this congregation provides for each of them they would be utterly amazed! On Sunday November 30th we will have Ms. Linda Miller as our pulpit guest and featured at the Adult Forum in the Library between services. Linda serves as the Executive Director of Civil Society in St. Paul, MN, a non-profit organization helping human trafficking and victims of sexual assault by providing comprehensive trauma-informed legal and case management services. No doubt she will teach us much about this growing problem of human trafficking that is very real right here in Minnesota. I hope you can be present so that you may be informed about needs that are near us. And finally, I wish you a very Happy Thanksgiving as we gather in the evening on November 26th to offer our national thanksgiving publicly to God. If you would be willing to share your own personal story of thanks for that evening, please let me know. The Peace of Christ be with you always! Pastor Keith 3 In Honor of Pastor Keith Ainsley’s 35th Anniversary of Ordination So faith comes from what is heard … and what is heard comes by preaching of Christ. Scripture from Pastor Keith’s Ordination October 21, 1979 St. John’s Evangelical Lutheran Church, El Cajon, California Romans 10:17 4 Week of November 2 Su Matthew 23:1-12 M 1 Thessalonians 2:13-20 Tu Acts 13:1-12 W Matthew 15:1-9 Th Revelation 8:6-9:12 F Revelation 9:13-21 Sa Matthew 24:1-14 Week of November 9 Su Matthew 25:1-13 M 1 Corinthians 14:20-25 Tu 1 Thessalonians 3:6-13 W Matthew 24:29-35 Th Revelation 16:1-7 F Revelation 16:8-21 Sa Matthew 12:43-45 IT’S TIME TO BAKE THAT DOUBLE BAT or two of your favorite Christmas cookies to donate to the cookie walk. Our sale is from 9:00 – 10:30 on Saturday morning, December 13th. Please deliver your cookies, krum kake, rosettes, or other special treats to the church kitchen by Friday, December 12th at 5:00 pm if possible. LEFSE MAKERS ARE NEEDED Monday, December 8th between 4:00 and 8:00 pm. Please sign up in the office. Come when you can! Please spread the word to your family and friends about this great bake sale. Any remaining goodies will be available Sunday morning, December 14th. Contact Darlene Brummund with any questions at 276-8013. All proceeds go to people in need with supplemental funds by Thrivent. Thanks so much for your encouragement and participation! Week of November 16 Su Matthew 25:31-46 M Romans 2:1-11 Tu 1 Thessalonians 5:12-18 W Matthew 24:45-5 Th Revelation 14:1-11 F Revelation 22:1-9 Sa Matthew 12:46-50 Week of November 23 Su Matthew 25:31-46 M 2 Timothy 2:8-13 Tu Revelation 19:1-9 W John 5:19-40 Th Revelation 14:6-13 F 1 Thessalonians 4:1-18 Sa Matthew 24:15-31 Week of November 30 Su Mark 13:24-37 M Revelation 15:1-8 Tu Revelation 18:1-10 W Luke 21:34-38 Th 1 Thessalonians 1:2-10 F Acts 11:19-26 Sa Mark 11:27-33 Cut this out and use as a bookmark in your Bible. Remember to read your love letter from God each and every day. The Annual Meeting of St. John Lutheran Home Auxiliary will be held on Monday evening, November 10, at 6 P.M. in the Chapel. There will be a meal, followed by a short business meeting, and a program. All Auxiliary members are invited to attend. Please let Judy Weedman (723-5096) know if you plan to attend as a count is needed for the meal. Hopefully many are able to attend this enjoyable evening! 5 Receipts for the Welcome Project continue to come in weekly. A number of our members have chosen to continue their three year pledge to the end of the year and for that we are thankful. Others have chosen to give a one time gift by the end of 2014 and for that we are thankful. A number of special gifts have been received in memory of loved ones and for that we are thankful. The noisy offering in June was very special in providing extra funds. The balance is under $48,000 which is attainable by the end of the year. Any gift of any amount will decrease the balance each week. If we all pull together, we can do it! *** November is traditionally stewardship awareness month and the first four Sundays, Pastor will address these topics: November 2—What is stewardship? November 9—What is generosity? November 16—What is abundance? November 23—What is justice? Commitment Sunday will also be on November 23. A sample of the commitment card will be included in your statement available on November 2. *** Special offerings ar e gener ally for causes outside the gener al budget of the chur ch. You have been a most generous congregation when these appeals have been made. During the month of November, we will have the noisy offerings again since there are five Sundays. The Board of Social Ministries suggested the recipients of these offerings this year and originally World Hunger was chosen for November but with the need for our local food shelves recently brought forward, it will be given to them instead. When we have special offerings, members can use their regular offering envelopes as there is a line for special giving. The envelope already includes your giving number so makes recording your gifts so much easier. If you do not have envelopes or forget them, please use the pew envelopes and add your name if you include cash so you can be given credit for your gift. The Thanksgiving offering has traditionally been designated for World Hunger and will be again this year. It will be received anytime during November as well as during the Thanksgiving Eve service. *** It may be time to remind Thrivent members who have Choice Dollars available, to make sure you call in every year after March 31 and designate where you want that money to be given. If you have not made that choice, the company will disperse the funds in April. Trinity Lutheran Church is one of your options but there are thousands of other places you may choose. The local committee meets quarterly and welcomes applications for the use of the funds received by Trinity. If a board has a project they need help financially to complete it, stop by for an application in the church office. One last item—if you have picked up items for the church, please turn in the charge slip, receipt or packing slip so we know it was received and where to code it. Thank you for helping with this small matter. Thank you, good and faithful stewards! Your Board of Stewardship 6 “The Greatest Gift to Share” is the theme for the Christmas Program this year. Sunday school students in Prekindergarten through Sixth grade are already practicing the songs during music time. Students with acting and speaking parts will begin practicing soon. Full rehearsals will take place during Sunday School on November 23 and December 7. The program is scheduled for Sunday, December 14 at the 10:30 am worship service. Looking for an opportunity to give to the education ministry at Trinity? Some of our audio-visual equipment is in need of replacement. The Christian Education Board would like to purchase two flat screen televisions , 2 DVD players and smaller carts to hold them. If you would like to contribute to this project, please contact the church office. Also, please contact Mary Van Roekel (794-3457) if you would like to have one of the older TVs, VHS players, overhead projectors or large carts that we no longer need. Recommended Reading….. Holding Your Family Together by Dr. Rich Melheim is an excellent book for parents and grandparents. Dr. Melheim shares some great ideas for a simple evening ritual that will bring your family closer to each other and to God. He sites many examples of ways to keep the lines of communication open even when life gets difficult. This book is available in our church library. You may just want to purchase a copy for your home! 7 8 Brrrr… It’s getting cold! November is here and it’s time to fill our “Mitten Tree” with scarves, hats, mittens and gloves. Your donations will be given to children in the area who are in need of them. Items can purchased or homemade. Our deadline is November 30 so let’s fill our tree! Human trafficking in Minnesota? “Human trafficking is the fastest growing source of profits for organized crime worldwide. Though most of the focus is on women and girls, men and boys are also trafficked in the United States.” Possumus, Fall 2006. Human trafficking is currently one of the most publicized problems in the media today. Minnesota ranks as one of the top 10 states for human trafficking, experts say. Guest Presenter, Linda Miller of Civil Society, will join Trinity Lutheran Church to explain the impact of human trafficking in Minnesota and ways that communities can help. When: Sunday, November 30, 2014 Time: 8:00 and 10:30 Service; Linda Miller A Candlelight Evening for Women Advent Dinner, Sunday, December 7, 2014 5:30 Table Viewing $12.00 Per Person 6:00 Dinner 7:00 Program Sign Up by November 16 Please consider bringing a monetary donation for the Food Shelf. Be God’s Light in our Community. Newsletter Deadline: The next issue of Tidings will be in mailboxes December 1st. Please have items for the newsletter to Did you know that there are hundreds of options Darlene by 1 p.m. November 20th. associated with your Social Security retirement Thank you. Social Security Meeting November 17th at 6:30 benefits? Join us on Monday, November 17th at Trinity for a presentation hosted by Tim Flitter Financial Representative to explore how to sort through the choices. Help ensure the decisions you make are ones you can live with- for the rest of your life. Contact Darlene in the office or Tim.Flitter@Thrivent.com to RSVP. Our Services are broadcast on Channel 8 each Tuesday and Thursday at 9:00 a.m. or on our webpage anytime. Share the Good News with those who are unable to join us in person! NOVEMBER Sunday Services Date Attendance 10/5 185 10/12 266 10/19 174 10/26 193 Date Offering Week of… 10/5 $5793.00 10/12 $4571.00 10/19 $4281.33 10/26 $5566.00 2014 Welcome Project Needed: $47,494.47 Special Gifts were given to the Welcome Fund in honor of Pastor Keith’s 35th Anniversary from members. . A HEARTFELT WORD OF THANKS to my chur ch family and friends for the cards, calls and words of encouragement . And a special thanks to Pastor Keith for his visits and prayers. Once again, I am on the road to recovery and getting better everyday. Thanks again and may God bless you all. Linda Schueler 9 WE EXPRESS OUR DEEPEST SYMPATHIES to Shir ley Cannon and Gail & Russ Sorensen and their families in the death of their brother-inlaw, Tom Carnel. May they find comfort in God’s promise of eternal life and the prayers we send to them during this difficult time. OUR DEEPEST SYMPATHY to Al Lang and his family in the recent loss of his aunt. May they know our Lord’s promise of salvation and eternal life and be sustained by that love. WE WELCOME into the Lor d’s family, Trygve James Coulson, son of Julia and Casey Coulson. Trygve was baptized October 5th, and is sponsored by Laura and Kevin Jaunich, and Thomas Beito. May God give them the servant faith to fulfill the promises made before God and this congregation, so that Trygve may share eternally in the kingdom of God. God bless you Trygve! OUR HEARTFELT SYMPATHY to Beaty Ainsley and her family in the recent loss of her cousin. We hope that our prayers will bring comfort and encouragement. May they know our Lord’s promise of eternal life and be sustained during this difficult time. Send an email to the church office at trinity@sleepyeyetel.net and let Darlene know you want your newsletter via email !! WATCH OUR SERVICES ON TRINITY’S WEBPAGE ANYTIME www.trinitysleepyeye.org THE TRINITY TIDINGS NEWSLETTER IS NOW ALSO POSTED ON WWW.SLEEPYEYEONLINE.COM WATCH THIS SITE FOR COMMUNITY NEWS AND EVENTS. TRINITY IS NOW ON FACEBOOK ~~ CHECK IT OUT!! (Trinity Lutheran (ELCA) Sleepy Eye MN) Please remember to inform the church office of any address or phone number changes to insure you keep receiving your monthly copy of the Tidings and to help keep our records up to date. Thank you for your help! 10 Worship Assistants Sunday 8:00 a.m. Sunday 10:30 am. Acolytes 11/2 Isaac Fink 11/9 Courtney Dittbenner 11/16 Alexa Steffl 11/23 Isaac Johnson 11/30 Brittney Dittbenner Readers 11/2 Fred Dauer 11/9 Doug Domeier 11/16 Harold Pettis 11/23 Pat Stevermer 11/30 Gerry VanRoekel Sound Techs 11/2 Russ Sorensen 11/9 Russ Sorensen 11/16 Russ Sorensen 11/23 John Hirschboeck 11/30 Russ Sorensen Communion Assistants 11/2 Bonnie & Harold Pettis 11/16 Lee Johnson, Mark Beito November Ushers Harrold & Bonnie Pettis, Lorie Grunzke November Greeters Shirley Cannon Acolytes 11/2 McKenzie Cselovszki 11/9 Matthew Sellner 11/16 Colten Myers 11/23 McKenzie Cselovszki 11/30 Jaclyn Nessett Readers 11/2 Dave Vosbeck 11/9 Ron Kleven 11/16 Donna Augustin 11/23 Judy Beech 11/30 Paul Dunn Sound Techs 11/2 Sue Pedersen 11/9 Bryan Sellner 11/16 Zeke Gehrke 11/23 Russ Sorensen 11/30 Zeke Gehrke Communion Assistants 11/2 Larry Baumgardt, Neil Neidt 11/16 Rex and Judy Beech November Ushers Dennis Mangen, Jim Hutchins, Leann Zamzow November Greeters Sandy Lund Sunday 8:00 a.m. Sunday 10:30 am. Acolytes 12/7 Kelsie Domeier 12/14 Zach Haala 12/21 Isaac Finstad 12/28 Ethan Fischer (9:00 Service) Readers 12/7 Karen Voge 12/14 Rosanne Wall 12/21 Karen Dauer 12/28 Mark Beito (9:00 Service) Sound Techs 12/7 Russ Sorensen 12/14 Russ Sorensen 12/21 John Hirschboeck 12/28 Russ Sorensen (9:00 Service) Communion Assistants 12/7 Linda Schueler, Jerry VanRoekel 12/21 Fred and Karen Dauer December Ushers Brian & Mary Renberg, Shirley Cannon DecemberGreeters Larry and Diane Evers Acolytes 12/7 Lauren Klein 12/14 Sarah Dunn 12/21 Mya Ibberson 12/28 (9:00 Service) Readers 12/7 Tracee Fromm 12/14 Jim Hutchins 12/21 Zeke Gehrke 12/28 (9:00 Service Sound Techs 12/7 Sue Pedersenh 12/14 Zeke Gehrke 12/21 Bryan Sellner 12/28 (9:00 Service Communion Assistants 12/7 Tracee Fromm, Neil Neidt 12/21 Rex and Judy Beech December Ushers Frank Fromm, Jon Hanson, Lorie Grunzke December Greeters Dave and Mardy Vosbeck November: Mary & Kaylee Hillmer and Tammy Schenk December: Lori Hirschboeck and Beth Klein Group One will be the next servers. Group One Co-chairs are Sandy Beito and Diane Evers Group listings are in the narthex. Thank you all for your labors toward further fellowship and service in our Lord’s name. Thanksgiving Eve Service Nov. 26th at 7:00 pm Acolyte: Macy Schenk Reader: Neil Neidt Sound Tech: Russ Sorensen Ushers: Shirley Cannon and Gail Sorensen Greeters: Gerald & Linda Schueler Acolyte: 4:00 6:30 Sound 4:00 Tech: 6:30 Greeter: 4:00 6:30 Ushers: 4:00 6:30 Palmer Hittesdorf Brianna Polesky Russ Sorensen Russ Sorensen Doug Domeier Rex Beech Frank Fromm, Jon Hansen, Doug Miller, Brian & Mary Renberg, Shirley Cannon 11 12 TRINITY LUTHERAN CHURCH 217 Brackenridge SW Sleepy Eye, MN 56085 Return Service requested non profit U.S. Postage Paid Permit No. 22 Sleepy Eye, MN 56085
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