April 14, 2015 - City of Hudson Oaks

City of Hudson Oaks
210 North Lakeshore Drive
Hudson Oaks, Texas 76087
Planning & Zoning Commission Meeting
Tuesday, April 14, 2015
7:00 p.m.
Workshop Session 7:00 p.m.
1. Parliamentary procedure review
Regular Session to directly follow worshop
1. Call to order/announce a quorum is present
(4 of the 6 member being present constitutes a quorum)
2. Citizen comments
3. Consideration of Planning & Zoning Commission minutes for March 10, 2015
4. Presentation and discussion regarding Accessory Building Regulations
5. Furture Agenda Items
6. Adjournment
I, Shelley Major, City Secretary, do hereby certify that notice of the above meeting was posted
on the front window of the City Hall of the City of Hudson Oaks, a place readily accessible to the
public at all times, on the 8th day of April, 2015 at 5:00 p.m. and remained continuously posted
for at least 72 hours preceding said meeting, and that said notice was posted in accordance
with chapter 551 of the Texas Government Code.
This facility is wheelchair accessible and accessible parking spaces are available. Requests for
accommodations or interpretive services must be made 48 hours prior to this meeting. Please
contact the city secretary at 682-229-2411 or email shelley.major@hudsonoaks.com for more
Shelley Major
City Secretary
Planning & Zoning Commission Meeting Agenda for April 14, 2015
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City Council Meeting
Staff Agenda Report
Parliamentary procedure review
Meeting date:
April 14, 2015
Agenda Item #:
Workshop, Item 1
Action being considered:
Staff Recommendation:
No action necessary.
Prior Board or Council Action:
Background Information/Analysis:
By request of Chairman Carter, a review of parliamentary procedure will be presented by the City
Secretary. This presentation will give an overview of meeting procedure, with a focus on motion
procedure and public hearings. The Planning and Zoning Commission meetings are conducted following
the Texas Open Meetings Act and Roberts Rule of Order. New members receive a brief overview of
meeting procedure during orientation. The P&Z regular session will follow immediately after this
workshop item.
Staff Contact:
Patrick Lawler, city administrator
Shelley Major, city secretary
City Council Meeting
Staff Agenda Report
Consideration of Planning & Zoning Commission minutes for March 10, 2015
Meeting date:
April 14, 2015
Agenda Item #:
Action being considered:
Adoption of March 10, 2015 Minutes
Staff Recommendation:
Review and adopt the minutes of the March 10, 2015 Planning & Zoning Commission meeting.
Prior Board or Council Action:
Board has not previously acted on this item.
Background Information/Analysis:
Meeting was held at 7:00 p.m. on Tuesday, March 10, 2015 at Hudson Oaks City Hall.
DRAFT Minutes for March 10, 2015
Staff Contact:
Patrick Lawler, city administrator
Shelley Major, city secretary
Chairman Tim Carter
Vice-Chair Dale Wilkins
Commission Member Jo-Alice Davis
Commission Member James Gibbens
Commission Member Jim Jones arrived at 7:29 p.m.
Commission Member Matthew Judy
Commission Member Jan Parker
Patrick Lawler, City Administrator
Chad Janicek, Assistant City Administrator
Shelley Major, City Secretary
Call to order/announcement of quorum
With a quorum present, the Regular Meeting of the Planning & Zoning Commission was called to
order by Chairman Tim Carter at 7:02 p.m. on Tuesday, March 10, 2015, in the Council Chamber,
Hudson Oaks City Hall, 210 North Lakeshore Drive, Hudson Oaks, Texas, 76087.
Citizen Comments
No citizen comment.
Consideration of Planning & Zoning Commission minutes for February 10, 2015.
ACTION: Motion made by Commission Member Wilkins and seconded by Commission Member
Parker to approve the Planning & Zoning Commission minutes for February 10, 2015. The motion
passed unanimously (5-0).
Public Hearing and discussion/recommendation on approval to create a Zoning Overlay District
being 9.361 acres of land in the Oakridge Addition, Lots 6-9, Block 7, and Lot 1, Block 6, Hudson
Oaks, Parker County, Texas.
Chairman Carter opened the public hearing at 7:14 p.m.
Terry Wysoy, 3115 Oykey Trail, is for the zoning. Mr. Wysoy asked for clarification on the two-way
traffice on Midway Drive. He stated that he would probably sell his property depending on the
development. Mr. Wysoy also asked for clarification on the parking lot lighting. He said he wants
the community, that he has lived in for fifteen years to grow. He also had questions regardgin the
redevelopment of sidewalks and widening the street.
Angel Sanchez, 3115 Oykey Trail, has mixed feelings about the zoning, he is concerned about being
forced out of home.
Chairman Carter closed the public hearing at 7:33 p.m.
ACTION: Motion made by Commission Member Davis and seconded by Vice-Chair Wilkins to
recommend approval of the Planned Development Oykey Corridor, with the inclusion of language
to clarify consistency of signage in Item D, Section 12. The motion passed, (6-0).
Future agenda items
No future items.
There being no further business, Chairman Tim Carter adjourned the Regular Meeting of the
Planning & Zoning Commission at 7:36 p.m., on Tuesday, March 10, 2015.
Tim Carter, Chairman
Shelley Major, City Secretary
Planning & Zoning Commission
Regular Meeting
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Planning and Zoning Commission
Staff Agenda Report
Presentation and discussion regarding Accessory Building Regulations
Meeting date:
April 14, 2015
Agenda Item #:
Action being considered:
Staff Recommendation:
Prior Board or Council Action:
Board Member Jo-Alice Davis requested the Board review the current accessory building
Background Information/Analysis:
The accessory building regulations are generally written to allow both the construction of
accessory buildings, detached garages, and workshops. “An accessory building is a subordinate
building detached from the main building, without sleeping areas or kitchen facilities, not used
for commercial purposes, not rented, and not occupied for human habitation, except as
otherwise allowed by city ordinance. No accessory building shall be constructed until a main
building exists on the lot.”
Items for Review:
1. A clear conflict exists within the regulations concerning the difference between storage,
workshop, or detached garages. Most permits applicants apply under the storage
building provisions due to the reduced level of construction required (metal vs.
masonry). The ordinance does not provide a definition to distinguish the difference
between storage buildings and detached garages.
Staff generally interprets that a building built directly adjacent to attached garages, in
and around the existing driveway as a detached garage. Otherwise, if the building is
built deep on the lot with a roll up or garage door and the applicant specifies the
building is for storage, detached garage provisions are not required to be followed.
Thus, the applicant can build up to 640 square feet of metal/composite building without
matching the homes masonry content.
2. For residents wishing to construct a detached garage, other accessory buildings must be
removed from the lot prior to permit approval. However, if a resident builds a storage
building, two buildings may exist as long as the total square feet of both buildings is less
than 640 square feet. The wording of the ordinance encourages construction of metal
buildings over masonry structures.
Planning and Zoning Commission
Staff Agenda Report
3. The allowed size of permitted storage buildings built to a metal or composite standard is
640 square feet. The typical size of a two car garage is between 400 and 480 square
Accessory Building Regulations
Staff Contact:
Patrick Lawler, city administrator
Shelley Major, city secretary
Planning and Zoning Commission
Staff Agenda Report
Section 28
Accessory Buildings
General Purpose and Description
An accessory building is a subordinate building detached from the main building,
without sleeping areas or kitchen facilities, not used for commercial purposes, not
rented, and not occupied for human habitation, except as otherwise allowed by city
ordinance. No accessory building shall be constructed until a main building exists on
the lot.
Accessory Building Regulations
The following regulations shall govern the location, size and use of accessory
buildings, except for barns and farm buildings for agricultural uses as defined
in Section 48.2 and accessory buildings for airpark related uses as defined in Section
General Provisions: An accessory building must comply with the
following setback requirements for all zoning districts:
Accessory buildings shall not be located within any easement.
2.) Accessory buildings may not be placed so as to negatively impact
drainage on any adjacent lot by diversion or impoundment of storm
water flows.
Accessory buildings located on lots where septic systems are
utilized must submit a site plan showing the layout of the septic
system and the location of the proposed building.
Approval by the City of Hudson Oaks does not constitute
approval to violate any deed restriction. It is the responsibility of the
applicant to verify compliance with all deed restrictions for his or her
property, before starting construction.
5.) No accessory building shall be used for dwelling purposes other
than by domestic servants employed on the premises, as stipulated
in Section 11, Permitted Use Table.
Planning and Zoning Commission
Staff Agenda Report
6.) Residential greenhouses for domestic use shall not exceed 500
square feet of floor area.
7.) All single-family dwellings hereafter erected shall be provided
with enclosed garage space for at least parking two automobiles at
the time of original construction. Conversion of garage space into
living space shall conform to City building codes; and plans for the
conversion shall be submitted at the time of application for a building
permit. Conversion of garage space does not relieve the requirement
for an enclosed garage space, and said enclosed space must be
provided elsewhere on the lot and in compliance with this section.
8.) Accessory buildings six hundred forty (640) square feet or less
may be constructed of metal, if the metal building is an engineered
metal building. The exterior of the building must be a neutral, earth
tone color such as Mueller light stone or Mueller desert tan. The side
panel must be a “U” Panel or an “R’’ panel type, or an alternative
panel type authorized in writing by the City Administrator. Corrugated
panel types are not permitted. The color and materials of the roof of
the accessory building must closely resemble the color and materials
of the roof of the main building. Any exterior door or roll up door shall
be painted in a complimentary neutral earth tone color.
Building Construction and Setback Requirements: For each zoning
district, an accessory building must comply with the following construction
and setback requirements:
Exterior Wall and Roof Type Legend
Classification Exterior Wall
The color and materials of
the roof of the accessory
building must closely
resemble the color and
materials of the roof of the
main building.
Exterior grade wood siding,
metal, stone or masonry.
Planning and Zoning Commission
Staff Agenda Report
Must have exterior walls that
are at least the same masonry
content required of the main
structure. The masonry used on
the accessory building shall
closely resemble the masonry
used on the main buildings.
The color and materials of
the roof of the accessory
building must closely
resemble the color and
materials of the roof of the
main building.
Portable or Storage Buildings
Number of
Exterior Wall
Roof Type
320 sqft
2 or 1
640 sqft
2 or 1
160 sqft
640 sqft
Not Allowed
Not Allowed
160 sqft
Maximum total
size (all units)
* For the SF-15 and SF-32 zoning districts, if the lot will also have a
detached garage or workshop, then the Maximum Number of Units for a
Portable or Storage Building is reduced by half.
Detached Garage or Workshop
Number of
Exterior Wall
Roof Type
400 sqft
1,000 sqft
Not Allowed
Not Allowed
1,500 sqft
Not Allowed
Not Allowed
Maximum total
size (all units)
Planning and Zoning Commission
Staff Agenda Report
Not Allowed
Not Allowed
* For the SF-15 and SF-32 zoning districts, if the maximum number of
units allowed for Portable or Storage Buildings currently is constructed on
the lot, then a Detached Garage of Workshop is not allowed unless a
Portable or Storage Building removed from the lot.
Required Setbacks
An accessory building must comply with the following setback
1.) Rear Yard – The accessory building must be located at least three
(3') from the rear property line, easement, or right-of-way. Where
accessory buildings are designed and constructed to be entered from
an alleyway or street at the rear of the lot, such accessory building
shall be setback at least twenty (20') feet from the rear property line.
When accessory buildings are constructed less than five (5') feet from
any property line, no windows, doors or other penetrations of the
exterior wall shall be allowed in the wall abutting that property line. In
Single-Family 2-A (SF-2A) zoning districts, barns and/or stables shall
not be located within fifty (50') feet of any property line.
2.) Side Yard – Accessory buildings shall be set back a minimum of
three (3') feet from an interior side property line. Where accessory
buildings are designed and constructed to be entered from an
alleyway or street at the side of the lot, such accessory building shall
be setback at least twenty (20') feet from the rear property line.
When accessory buildings are constructed less than five (5') feet from
any property line, no windows, doors or other penetrations of the
exterior wall shall be allowed in the wall abutting that property line. In
Single-Family 2-A (SF-2A) zoning districts, barns and/or stables shall
not be located within fifty (50') feet of any property line.
3.) Front Yard – Accessory buildings shall not be located in the front
Planning and Zoning Commission
Staff Agenda Report
4.) Buildings – Accessory buildings shall be located at least ten (10')
feet from any other building or structure on the property.
C. Building Construction: All accessory buildings must comply with the
following construction requirements:
1.) Foundations – Foundation requirements for accessory buildings
are as follows:
Buildings up to and including 160 square feet may be placed on the
ground and shall provide resistance to wind load by one of the
following methods:
a. Anchored to a four (4") inch thick slab reinforced with 6 X 6
#10 wire mesh or #3 (3/8") rebar spaced at 18 inches on center
each way.
b. Anchored at all corners, each corner anchored by a system
to resist a horizontal wind load of 75 miles per hour
Buildings greater than 160 square feet, but less than 639 square
feet shall use one of the following methods:
a. Beams must be constructed at all perimeters. All beams are
required to be at least 10 inches wide and 20 inches deep with 2
#5 (5/8") bars in the top and 2 #5 (5/8") bars in the bottom of the
beam. Interior beams must also be constructed and located no
more than 12 feet apart. All beams must extend at least 12
inches into undisturbed soil. Place #3 (3/8") bars 18 inches on
center each way in the middle of the new 4-inch slab.
Accessory buildings greater than or equal to 640 square feet shall
use a foundation designed by a registered professional engineer in the
State of Texas to the current City of Hudson Oaks building code
Planning and Zoning Commission
Staff Agenda Report
2.) Eave Height and Pitch – Accessory buildings shall have an eave
height no greater than the lowest eave height of the primary building,
but not to exceed 14' feet. The roof shall be at a pitch similar to the
roof pitch of the primary building.