O f f i c e o f t h e P l a n n i n gC o m m i s s i o n C i t y o f B a t o nR o u g ca n d P a r i s ho f E l s t B r l o n R o u $ c P o s tO f f i c c B o x 1 4 7 1 .B a t o nR o u g c .L o u i s i a n a? 0 1 1I2 or ll(10 1111191 Strcct^Suitc t0.1.BiltouRouec.LA ?()t{(}l Phonet 215) 3l{9-3l.l,l Flx 1ll-s;1xt)-it.ll FrankM. Duke,FAICI' PlanningL)ircctor June3, 2015 TO: PlanningCommission THROUGH: ,,r"*.fr\W Frank M.Duke, FAICP,r,r"Tr: FROM: CollinMagee,plannerilt ()4+t__ SUBJECT: Case21-153109Perkins Road Applicant ReferenceName Tyler Pizzolato 3109PerkinsRoad Location Northsideof Perkins Road,eastof Ferndale Avenue,on a portionof Lots13-B (Council 12and14,Square 27of Hundred District OaksParkSubdivision. Delgado) L32O430297 and 0.1acres Site Area PIN(s) SubmittalDate April 29,201.5 2L-L5 CaseNumber L320430302 Planning Commission MeetingDate J u n e1 5 , 2 0 1 5 MetropolitanCouncil MeetingDate Requast C-AB-1(Commercial Requested Waivers .:-ta .ii Requested Zoning July15,2015 :r:r-:, .i. None AlcoholicBeverageOne) ProposedUse(sl FutureDevelopment Potential Restaurant restaurant Approximately 15,000squarefeetof commercial spaceincluding servingalcohol SiteCl i FUTUREBR LandUseDesignation Main Street Existing Zoning C1 (LightCommercial) Existing Use Commercial ExistingDevelopmentPotential Approximately space 15,000squarefeetof commercial Surrounding Zoning Surrounding Uses C-AB-1(Commercial AlcoholicBeverage C1 (LightCommercial), (Single One),and A1 FamilyResidential) Commercial,Office,and Undeveloped Recommrndation Approval, basedon consistency withthe FutureLandUsePlan,compliance requirements, withordinance andcompatibility withsurrounding neighborhood. i',i'i.ll CaseHistory- ThisSite o None CaseHistory- SurroundingArea o The PlanningCommission recommended approvalof Case1-13on February!g,ZOL3,to rezone a property locatedon the north side of PerkinsRoad,east of FerndaleAvenue,on a portion of Lots12 and 13-A,Square27 of HundredOaksParkSubdivision, from C1 (LightCommercialltoCAB-1 (Commercial AlcoholicBeverageOne).The MetropolitanCouncilapprovedCase1-13 on February20,2013. o The PlanningCommissionrecommendedapprovalof Case34-12on SeptemberL7,20!2, to rezonea property locatedon the west side of HollydaleAvenue,south of GreenwoodDrive,on Lot 6-4, Square25 of Hundred Oaks Park Subdivision,from C1 (Light Commercial)to trtC-Rg (Neighborhood Commercial AlcoholicBeverage).The MetropolitanCouncilapprovedCase3412 on Octobert7,2Ot2. ComprehensivePlanConsistency r The subject property is designatedNeighborhoodCenter on the Comprehensive Plan,making plan. the proposedrezoningconsistentwith the Comprehensive o The proposedzoningchangeis compatiblewith many LandUse Action ltems from FUTUREBR includingAction ltem 3.1.4: "Encourageneighborhood-serving retail and service uses near existingneighborhoods, where appropriate.,, Neighborhood Compatibility r Thenorthsideof Perkins Roadin thisareacontains a mixof commercial uses,including retail andrestaurants. o Thesubjectpropertyis an existingrestaurant, andthe proposed rezoning will allowthe operator to servealcoholic beverages. Therezoning will not changeexistinglandusepatternsin the area. Regulatorylssues r Thesubjectpropertyis a nonconforming lot,but the proposed rezoning will not increase the extent ot of the non-conformitysincethe lot sizerequirementsare the samefor C1 and C-AB-I C1 (LightCommercial) and CM i n i m u mR e q u i r e d Existing AB-1 (Commercial Alcoholic BeverageOne) Lot Width 60 ft. 55 ft. Lot Area 7,500sq.ft. 6,875sq. ft. r Thesubjectpropertycurrentlymeetsthe requirements of the parkingordinance, andthe proposed rezoning will not alterthe parkingrequirements for the subjectproperty. Environmental lssues o Thereareno environmental issues anticipated to resultfromthiszoningchange. CommunityOutreach/Notification o Thesubjectpropertywaspostedon May 26,2015. Staffreportswill be availableto reviewon June5, 2015 at http ://brsov.com/dept/pla pdf nnine/pdf/aeendas/AeendaZ. PublicNotificationCardswere mailedto all propertyownerswithin a 300 foot radiusof the subjectproperty,and to the SouthsideCivicAssociationon May 29,ZOLS. o Legaladvertisement waspublished in the Advocate on June5, June9 andJuneLL,2OL5. Recommendation Approval,basedon consistency with the FutureLandUse Plan,compliance with ordinance requirements, andcompatibility withsurrounding neighborhood. hterstate 10 a p-AB-1 ;1 (x {",* /og #/ Legend I 2I-15 CurrentCases PreviousReleva nt Cases N t-l Notifiedof PublicHearing ZoningGraphic I /\ ,i N 100 200 300 400 ft SCALE LotGraphic A1 ZoningLabels qPSIltING Lesend 2L-15 dubJectproperty N Zoning Graphic LotGraphic A{ ZoningLabets 0 E 100 200 300 400 ft SCALE EEHPni'ttttN
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